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单词 Lie down
1. If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas. 
2. I'd like to lie down for a while.
3. I'm going to lie down.
4. Lie down on the couch if you're feeling ill.
5. He went to lie down after a long journey.
6. They ordered us to strip and lie down on the grass.
7. Just lie down on the bed.
8. She said she was going for a lie down.
9. The man will not lie down under such treatment.
10. Lie down on your bed and make yourself comfortable.
11. Go and lie down for a while.
12. They expected me to lie down like a coward.
13. I'm going upstairs to have a lie down .
14. No one will lie down under the deep humiliation.
15. Why don't you lie down on the sofa for a while?
16. She suddenly came over dizzy and had to lie down.
17. I'm feeling rather peculiar I think I'll lie down for a while.
18. The doctor asked him to lie down on his stomach.
19. Why don't you go upstairs and lie down for a bit?
20. Richard developed a raging headache and had to lie down./lie down.html
21. I have to lie down for an hour after lunch to rest my brain.
22. I think I'll go and lie down for a while.
23. I usually have a bit of a lie down after lunch.
24. He had to go and lie down for a while.
25. All I need to do is lie down,and I can pop right off.
26. My greetings come with affection for the nicest kind of birthday that could be wished for you.When this day comes to an end and you lie down to rest,may the peace of a golden dream be filled with happiness.
27. An old worker spread his padded coat on the floor and insisted that I lie down for a while.
28. When the overseer was not in, most of the workers would lie down on the job.
29. A fit of dizziness came over her so she had to lie down.
30. An old man spread his coat on the floor and insisted that I lie down for a while.
1. I'd like to lie down for a while.
2. I'm going to lie down.
3. Lie down on the couch if you're feeling ill.
4. They ordered us to strip and lie down on the grass.
31. I suddenly came over funny/queer and had to lie down.
32. Lie down with your hands clasped behind your head.
33. She could not turn round or lie down.
34. I wasn't going to just lie down and die.
35. Lie down and elevate your feet.
36. I think I'll lie down for a bit.
37. I used to lie down and have a sleep because I got very tired towards the end with the baby.
38. If I get too tired I might just have a lie down and have a little kip.
39. For this exercise, it is best to lie down,() or sit with both feet on the floor.
40. His own father would lie down after dinner, light a cigar, and listen to classical music.
41. The warriors hurled themselves at the heads or horns of their animals to make them lie down.
42. During the day, I get so tired I have to lie down on the bed for a couple of hours.
43. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
44. They were told to lie down, face first in the damp grass.
45. Towards evening she grew tired, and went to her room for a lie down.
46. A bout of feeding early in the morning is followed by a lie down during which they chew the cud.
47. Lie down or sit comfortably in a chair that supports your head.
48. If it was my turn to do the dishes, I would usually lie down.
49. Some one like you is likely to lie down in the street and starve to death.
50. Lie down or sit in a comfortable chair that supports your head.
51. Rest: Stop the activity that caused the pain and lie down.
52. Make the bed - then you can lie down and take the weight off your feet while we talk.
53. Newcastle, however,[http:///lie down.html] refused to lie down and put Ipswich under heavy pressure in the last 10 minutes.
54. Upstairs, Jack could lie down and think about puke and poison.
55. Still shivering, we were made to lie down, men and women in adjoining beds.
56. Never mind that old sergeant major of yours won't lie down, you're not doin' any ironing.
57. You look really tired. Why don't you go and lie down for a while?
58. It will help if you lie down and have some very soft music playing.
59. But the home side refused to lie down and Agathe had to head clear after Jason Dair had crossed to Ferguson.
60. And lie down in her friend's, too, if need be!
61. She felt cold and sick and wished she could crawl away and lie down.
62. Soon she would lie down in the arms of a stronger lover than Tom would ever be and fall asleep.
63. Undress and lie down here.
64. Lie down, please. Let me take off the splint.
65. We can't lie down on the job.
66. Or just lie down under the sun.
67. A man needs must lie down when he sleeps.
68. The men will not lie down under such treatment.
69. A : Would you please disrobe behind the screen and lie down on the sofa with the sheet?
70. No self - respecting fighter will lie down under such a defeat.
71. Flocks and herds will lie down there , creatures of every kind.
72. Bernd - Schneider : I will drive home afterwards and lie down in bed.
73. The hibernating animal has no choice but lie down and sleep.
74. I like to lie down , and daydream on a cloudy summer afternoon.
75. She can lie down in the baby bed, looked own finger and the toe, talked to herself.
76. A cowlick is that often annoying little sprig of hair that seems to grow in a different direction from everything else and just won't lie down.
77. Lie down and finish out the night, since you ARE here; but, for heaven's sake! don't repeat that horrid noise: nothing could excuse it, unless you were having your throat cut!'
78. I have dreamed a thousand times that I could lie down on Miami beach to relax.
79. I saw an old man the other day, to my astonishment, making the holes with a hoe for the seventieth time at least, and not for himself to lie down in!
80. For a whole hour I did not move a muscle, and in the meantime I did not hear him lie down.
80. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
81. The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.
82. During each session, participants were encouraged to lie down on a couch, use an eye mask to block external visual distraction, listen to music and focus their attention on their inner experiences.
83. There he would force him to lie down, and in order to fit him to the bed he would lop off the lower parts of his limbs.
84. Mark put the cold pack on the ankle, then told Rob to lie down.
85. Let me examine your abdomen. Lie down on your bak and bend your knees up please.
86. The former circus employees further report that during transit, elephants are packed inside boxcars so tightly that they are unable to turn around or lie down.
87. Now, fellows , let's not lie down on the job. The painting must be finished by Friday.
88. Always to lie down and look up to the inviting sky.
89. If is crawls on the table rests, I rather lie down on home's bedrest...
90. The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them.
91. The hibernating animal have no choice but lie down and sleep.
92. On the battlefield such a coward like him would surely lie down and curl up.
93. A cool and bright windless night, alone on his back to lie down and quietly watch the stars, the sky.
94. He invited her to lie down unclothed set a timer and while stroking her proceeded to narrate in tender detail the beauty he saw the colors that went from coral to deep rose to pearlescent pink.
95. Like a lion they crouch and lie down, like a lioness - who dares to rouse them?
96. When I lie down calmly pondered when the bed[/lie down.html], I only then soberly realize myself to sleepwalk.
97. They have no choice but to lie down and sleep.
98. I come over a bit queasy, so I had to lie down.
99. I do. And you see me. as something of an interloper, I suppose. Do you want me to lie down for this?
100. Now we lie down on $22, 000 hand-groomed horsehair mattressesand worry that underwear bombers will blow up our planes.
101. A feeling of faintness came over me , so I had to lie down.
102. Objective: To discuss how to find a method of subclavian vein paracentesis , when patients was under definited therapy or could not lie down.




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