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单词 Or else
1. You must become either a god or else a coupes. 
2. He must be teasing,or else he's mad.
3. We should save oil, or else there won't be any left in the world.
4. The book must be here, or else you've lost it.
5. We must be there by six, or else we'll miss the beginning.
6. Just shut up, or else!
7. They can't be coming or else they'd have called.
8. You'd better give me the ball—or else!
9. Run or else you'll be late.
10. He told us to put it right, or else.
11. Hurry up or else you'll be late.
11. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
12. He'd better keep his mouth shut, or else...!
13. You'd better hand over the money, or else .
14. You'd better straighten up or else!
15. You'd better give me that book or else!
16. Either say you're sorry or else get out!
17. Give me the money or else!
18. Hand over the money, or else!
19. Hurry up or else we'll miss the train.
20. He must be joking or else he's mad.
21. You are either a total genius or else you must be absolutely raving mad.
22. He must be a good plumber, or else he wouldn't be so busy.
23. I had to defend myself or else he'd have killed me.
24. The salesman will reduce the price or else include free insurance.
25. He must pay $ 100 or else go to prison.
26. It's obviously not urgent or else they would have called us straight away.
27. He must pay the debt or else go to prison.
28. You must do the job yourself or else employ someone else to do it.
29. Make sure you are strapped in very well, or else you will fall out.
30. She's either really talkative and you can't shut her up or else she's silent.
1. We should save oil, or else there won't be any left in the world.
2. We must be there by six, or else we'll miss the beginning.
31. Pay up or else!
32. He'd better pay me back that money he owes me soon, or else.
33. You have to maintain a balance in your life or else you'll go crazy.
34. Evidently no lessons have been learnt or else the government would not have handled the problem so sloppily.
35. Or else she's head over heels in debt.
36. Or else he started to shout.
37. Get me my money by next week or else.
38. Or else the very following things will happen: This kid came up to me and gave me a hug good night.
39. The odious pair are simultaneously cajoling and menacing: Ferdinand must remake himself in their image, or else.
40. He thought you had to be a model or a dancer, or else something in showbiz.
41. Therefore, I recommend either giving the instrument a thorough test,(http:///or else.html) or else asking for an opinion by an optical expert.
42. Some of them continued to pursue him, or else Orestes thought that they did.
43. He was bright and alive, and made those around him live more vividly or else move on.
44. Should any fellow be passing by, he must refuse their invitation or else they will dance him to a watery grave.
45. All the characters would find decisions much easier if evil were unquestionably either just Boethian or else just Manichaean.
46. They will be constantly trying to get back into licensed dealers, or else will settle for a different sort of trickery.
47. It is perfectly possible to communicate with little or no such similarity or else children would never learn their native tongue.
48. The old masters merely dammed streams and created lakes to break up the landscape or else reflect its beauty.
49. Or else fed through huge pipes to other pumps that spewed it back in lazy streams and jetting parabolic arcs.
50. They must have thought everything was safe, or else they would have warned us.
51. It could be argued that to a large extent such fears are unfounded or else that the difficulties have been overcome.
52. Sometimes she managed a rare steak or else ate salad and ice-cream.
53. Or else because business was booming, the money was there, and the experiments might just possibly pay off some day.
54. The rum was making me happy, or else just dizzy.
55. Do not set your goals too high or else you will always be failing and there is nothing more demoralising.
56. Or else she screamed first and then dropped the bag.
57. I drink a lot of water or else I would snack a lot.
58. Or else it becomes an increasingly embattled stance, out of touch with the world.
59. Or else he was pretending some hesitancy if the question proved delicate.
60. Ireland was told to pull its equal pay socks up or else.
61. You had to have a reason for going from A to B, or else you were in trouble.
62. The three members contributed regular essays, or else original compositions, and criticized one another's work at group meetings.
63. In ancient mythology it is guarded by a variety of monsters, or else it is difficult or dangerous to get to.
64. There have of course been many other visits which were either not documented or else which were presented in an ephemeral form.
65. To his bemusement there was no chill, or else the chill was lost on him.
66. Or else she could spin out the repair until it was too late and they had to get somebody else.
67. You have to be fast on your feet and adaptive or else a strategy is useless. Charles De Gaulle 
68. Or else, which is more probable, the infection is particularly deadly to rabbits.
69. Parents may then check to see if the task is completed and check it off or else have the child do so.
70. Or else, taking the bull by the horns: Anywhere out of the world.
71. Or else, possibly,() the thallium was starting to affect his brain.
72. Everybody else in the village was presumably either still eating lunch or else dozing.
73. He would make that clear, or else he would have no part in the raid.
74. We were the most unholy trinity on the face of the earth, or else the most holy.
75. They're worthless, of course they are, or else why do you think the state government let you have them.
76. You have to maintain a balance or else you go crazy.
77. Or else she had become a heavy sleeper over the years.
78. During these periods I was either to observe or else to go out and do remedial work with other classes.
79. The eleventh commandment: Thou shalt not lean on thy left elbow, or else.
80. I think they look like tramps or else like footballers.
81. It got to the stage where she would lock herself away and not talk to me, or else have endless arguments.
82. Approximate synonyms, or else circumlocutions, are chosen to fill the gap.
83. I have to find another flat, a quiet one, or else a country cottage where Marcus can be a hermit.
84. It must be important, or else he wouldn't have called at 3 a.m.
85. To be successful you have to be selfish, or else you never achieve. And once you get to your highest level, then you have to be unselfish. Stay reachable. Stay in touch. Don't isolate. Michael Jordan 
86. He seemed to want to help them or else his plan was much deeper than they knew.
87. The bolder innovation comes direct by rescript from the emperor or else is a result of his influence.
88. Or else - more generously - I am buying one shirt for myself and two for my son.
89. Leaflets are available in the alcove or else speak to either Helen or myself.
90. Or else it might be that Hilbert had left Adam some small memento or keepsake ... Adam was lying late in bed.
91. Western gunfights were alcohol-related, or else involved battles over gambling, prostitution, or political preferment.
92. Either they are so dehumanized that they don't care or else they have learned to live comfortably with their guilt.
93. Children are slotted at national norms, above those norms, or else beneath them.
94. Cooperation: Sole or joint investment or else is acceptable.
95. Put that down or else I'll smack you.
96. Seeking Cooperation: Joint investment or else is acceptable.
97. Either you should walk around, or else begin massage.
98. You may crack up, or else die.
99. Hands up! Or else I'll fire.
100. Nameless corporations or else a victimless crime.
101. Put the gun down, or else!
102. Or else he would forego his mortal nature.
103. Better be serious, or else you'll be thrown into the funny farm...
104. A question may be either a linguistic expression used to make a request for information, or else the request itself made by such an expression.
105. Either all is lost, or else Castile will be head of the world.
106. By night they roost in the gently flowing shallows of the Platte, shin-deep in cool water, or else on sandbars, giving them warning against any predator that might come splashing out.
107. One must not make oneself cheap here - that is a cardinal point - or else one is done.
108. Don't talk stupidly, or else others will laugh at you.
109. This is the fundamental solution, or else the Jews will be annihilated in the future, because the Palestinians have [strategic] depth.
110. Two conditions must be met before a budget program is first put into operation, or else the budgeting is always doomed to failure from the start.
111. When he hands in his nomination form, he must have withdrawn his candidature in respect of all other constituencies , if any, or else his new nomination will be held to be invalid.
112. Milk must be kept in a cool place, or else it will go sour easily.
113. She'll say she wants $ 50 , 000 or else she will sue for child support.
114. Attributes from any levels below the slice should not be included or else the data will not be aggregated to the correct level of detail.
115. Sean: And sit under the Severn bridge or else where?
116. That's enough socializing; let's get the show on the road. Or else, we'll be here all night.
117. But it couldn't be used to optimize the non-block pattern noise, or else, it will bring a large error.
118. Chock the barrel up or else it will roll over.
119. He has his Winter too of pale disfeature , or else he would forego his mortal nature.
120. Christnas decorations have to be taken down on January 5th, the twelfth day of Christmas, or else it will bring bad luck.
121. Legend says it was founded by the mythical king Mermpllrio or else by Alfred the Great, but the first record of it dates from the late 1100s.
122. "Climate impact assessments of suborbital and orbital rockets must consider black carbon emissions, or else they ignore the most significant part of the total climate impact from rockets," Ross said.
123. "Substantial foreign aid is needed or else there will be a large-scale famine, " said Matthew Kahane, the UN's humanitarian aid coordinator, speaking from the capital, Dushanbe.
124. And so live ever -- or else swoon to death.
125. Our disputes were often brought before our father, and I fancy I was either generally in the right, or else a better pleader, because the judgment was generally in my favor.
126. Right now I think bilingually no matter what, or else I'll be haunted by inexplicable guilt.
127. We also assume that the letter keys have consecutive key symbol values, or else the range checking tricks and the key symbol to ASCII code translations wouldn't have worked.
128. Loose, slightly clingy or drapey things are best, or else things that just fit you and your shape well but not tight.
129. Want to accomplish get sth done once and for ever, build, or else do poorly done work over again is newer, must hold to quality first principle, cannot seek rate blindly, drive a measure.
130. George Orwell, the pen name by which Eric Blair is known, had the gift of prophecy, or else blind luck.
131. Planting must be done in accordance with the lunar month ,(http:///or else.html) or else you won't harvest anything.
132. It says that you have to keep deposits with us here at the central bank; either that or else keep vault cash and show that you have it as reserves for your deposits.
133. Retirements in women's tennis are usually heavily flagged, or else come long after a player has given up the game, as in the case of Monica Seles.
134. Milk must be kept in a cool place, or else it will go sour.
135. Lions wake up every day, he knows that he must run to catch up with the slowest gazelle , or else will be starved to death.
136. Many foods must be refrigerated or else they will spoil.
137. I typically have to bring the nose up, or else the jet will accelerate too much.
138. One must apply oneself to his work or else he will not enjoy it.
139. Of course law should control it, or else it would no longer existe if it exceeds law's circumscription.
140. We'd go to her place, if she was amenable, or else go no place at all. I couldn't take her home. Because of the harpy.
141. The relative rules should be included in the state regulation and school employment agreement so that the relative persons could act accordingly, or else be punished according to the rules.
142. It shows my current active interest earned is 66, if I need to get close the interest , i need to click on, or else my interest will be keep on increase.
143. You should breast-feed , or else your milk will be less and less.
144. Or else, the abstraction may throw away so much information that the theorem prover may yield results that are correct for the abstraction, but incorrect for the program being analysed.
145. Dogmatism should be criticized, or else many mistakes cannot be rectified.
146. You'd better be riding home, or else she will be sick only to grieve us.
147. Europe has five days to find a solution to the sovereign debt crisis or else the EU itself will collapse, political leaders warned on Sunday at the start of a week of high-stakes summitry.
148. Or else we would be in a crisis that would submerge the issue.
149. The occupants of the rooms are yawning too , or else scratching themselves.
150. However, the website and it is not too fast reaction speed, or else users will increase the frequency of interaction with the server, which may increase the probability of error.
151. So the piezoelectric accelerometer has been matched with its related measurement circuit, or else the wide application has been greatly restricted.
152. This means the program statements executed in the loop body must change the value of the expression -- or else the loop will never end.
153. As a cyclist, you either andout of the way or else accept your fate as roadkill.
154. If you own the class, you can remove the constraint or else do something to enable an implicit reference or identity conversion.
155. Scarlett was thinking bitterly, sorrowfully: He must be dead or else we would have heard.
156. Glass can control shift, in random locally open, make clean become very safe and simple, or else needs a body the window is brushed outside smell.
157. She thinks she can arrest a single man , but she doesn't know a single man is the most hard-bitten(), or else he would have been arrested by other women early.
158. Play it you must or else your brain , your mind can wander to a state of opaqueness .
159. Beaven is correct, we are adjusting our rules to meet the Laodicean lifestyle of an indulgent generation, or else our educational leaders do not know what is going on right under their noses.
160. He wrote: " I think travellers are essentially optimists, or else they never go anywhere. "
161. Or else of thee this I prognosticate, Thy end is truth's and Beauty's doom and date.




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