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单词 Business school
(1) Yours faithfully, Michael Moore, London Business School.
(2) The Business School has a reputation for excellence in research.
(3) She's at business school, studying to be an accountant.
(4) Business school graduates are also enjoying lucrative offers.
(5) Mrs Rowley is a lecturer at Newcastle Polytechnic business school.
(6) Establish which is the best business school in the country and hire its best professor at double his or her current salary.
(7) Most graduates of Harvard Business School sat in the front row.
(8) Many business school graduates are signing up furiously with management consulting firms.
(9) If he had suggested business school, I probably would have hit him.
(10) Maria went to the University of Krakow Business School and ended up making an even bigger pile of money.
(11) Inside the business school chimed the melody that meant the change of lessons.
(12) That would be akin to the business school model of giving away the razor while charging for the blades.
(13) Klepner's big moment had arrived and the ex-Harvard Business School man strode confidently to the podium.
(14) Ranieri was impulsive in a way that business school case studies seldom account for when they analyze managerial decision making.
(15) They've found that training with the Open Business School offers managers courses that fit their needs and their work experience.
(16) Two years of business school really paid off.
(17) Why study for the DBA at Nottingham Business School?
(18) CEIBS ( China - Europe International Business School ) held milk round for the graduates.
(19) Back at business school, Michaelmas term culminated in a consulting project for a Cambridge-based new venture, providing an opportunity to put our new-found business skills into practice.
(20) But once you've finished at Harvard Business School or any other top academic institution, the vast majority of people you'll interact with on a day-to-day basis may not be smarter than you.
(21) The programme is a joint enterprise with the National Business School.
(22) The programme is a joint enterprise with the London Business School.
(23) It is a big fault to think that you can learn how to manage people in business school.
(24) My six closest friends in the world all became close friends at Harvard Business School.
(25) He may have been an outstanding goalkeeper but he was hardly a product of the Harvard Business School.
(26) Little wonder more organisations who want to retain and develop key staff are moving to the Open Business School.
(27) You should have graduated from college. It helped to have gone to business school.
(28) Robin Smith has been appointed head of postgraduate programmes at Newcastle Polytechnic's business school.
(29) As usual, Mr. Ferguson, who teaches in Harvard's history department and business school, uses his powerful narrative talents in these pages to give the reader a highly tactile sense of history.
(30) Davenport, T . Process Innovation : Re - engineering Work through IT . Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1993.
(1) The programme is a joint enterprise with the National Business School.
(2) The programme is a joint enterprise with the London Business School.
(31) The Confucius Business School set up at various countries shall recruit students locally, and the recruited local business students will be given face-to-face couching by teachers sent over.
(32) Dominic Houlder , Dean of a prestigious programme at London Business School, fixes you a penetrating gaze.
(33) In software spending relative to GDP Japan ranks 35th, around the level of Saudi Arabia, according to INSEAD, a business school.
(33) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(34) 'A growing middle class is what's fueling China, ' said Kurt Piemonte, associate director of career and professional development at Harvard Business School.
(35) Late last year, Steven Kaplan of University of Chicago professor and Josh Lerner of Harvard Business School published a study claiming "It Ain't Broke."
(36) But he reserves his strongest criticism for business school curricula.
(37) But some things will always stand out above the rest, and many of the factors that really make a difference will never be taught at an ordinary business school.
(38) We recently encountered a very personal version of business school complaint.
(39) "I don't think there is a peaceful solution to their problem," said Andrew Clare, professor of asset management at Cass Business School in London. "The real problem is the potential runs on banks."
(40) Abruptly, Claire broke off with Salinger and married a young blue - suit from the Harvard Business School.
(41) Sun Xuanzhong Vice Dean of Business School of China University of Political Science and Law.
(42) The runup in business school applications during the recession has created a windfall for essay writers.
(43) For corporations(), there is just one message to come out of the recession about business school executive development programmes: it is a buyers' market where the customer is king.
(44) The average number for Harvard Business School grads is fifty-eight, so you could skip the MBA, work at Google, and probably get most of the connections you need.
(45) Leonard - Barton , D . Wellsprings of knowledge . Boston, MA : Harvard Business School Press, 1995.
(46) “Democracy and demography are India’s big assets,” says Anil Gupta at INSEAD, a business school in France.
(47) AGSM is the only Australian business school featured in the rankings.
(48) Max Bazerman, an expert on decision-making at Harvard Business School, suggests that investors start with the assumption that the ideal portfolio is a diversified basket of low-cost index funds.
(49) Mr. Williamson majored in marketing at La Salle University's business school in Philadelphia.
(50) Tilia Wong worked in construction management before going to business school and got used to thinking of herself as a businesswoman who knew how to keep assertive behavior under wraps.
(51) A scion of one of America's most powerful families, he is a devotee of sunbelt populism; a product of Yale and Harvard Business School, he is a scourge of eggheads.
(52) Hamel, G . Leading the Revolution. Harvard Business School Press, 2000.
(53) This impression was reinforced further in March when the dean of Durham University's business school in the UK, Tony Antoniou, was fired for having plagiarised academic work 20 years earlier.
(54) But students likely to be at Harvard Business school could use the self-reflection a True North group requires, perhaps more than anybody, says Bisanz.
(55) This Spanish school is not the only business school pursuing expansionist dreams.
(56) More women than ever before are going to business school.
(57) The course will be taught by staff from HKBU's Department of Mathematics and the University of Kent's Business School.
(58) This year, the business school admitted 316 students for its junior class, up from 306 last year.
(59) Sanford Grossman, at the Wharton Business School , also left research for more lucrative pursuits.
(60) Within two years after returning home, Mr. Pan Xulun candidates served as dean of National University of Shanghai Business Department of Accounting, Jinan University Business School.
(61) Major business school sports equipment, office supplies, paper and other various office.
(62) Eleven storey building will provide teaching, learning, research and office accommodation for the UTS Business School in Sydney, Australia.
(63) Churchman Business School , we rate our success by rating the success of our graduates.
(64) With a few exceptions, such as Israel's, governments usually fail in attempts to boost entrepreneurship, according to "Boulevard of Broken Dreams", a book by Josh Lerner of Harvard Business School.
(65) Travel-stained the Xiaosun that hurries to Dongguan to sign up from Guangzhou is very bemused , he is Guangdong business school a student.
(66) Dr. Miles has been on faculty at the Telfer School since 1999 and has been an adjunct professor at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) for the last three years.
(67) "If 50 people [each] want 2% of a device's value, we have a problem, " says Josh Lerner, a professor at Harvard Business School.
(68) The Wharton business school at UPenn is the nation's oldest.
(69) Social influence is much more important than rankings to a business school.
(70) Academics, students and alumni of the Business School congratulate the winning team.
(71) The GCD Graduate Business School offers degrees to MBA level.
(72) Career development Churchman Business School is composed of multiple stages.
(73) The China Europe International Business School is ranked eighth in the FT’s list but only 95th in The Economist’s.
(74) How many Yunnan normal university business school are 08 in Hainan's admission line?
(75) Be good at leading and transform, 1980 won the lifetime professor in Harvard business school, is the minimus person who won the laurel review history.
(76) The two months recently spent on an advanced management programme at Harvard Business School, consorting with chief executives, has obviously rubbed off on Lewis,[] who is fizzing with energy.
(77) Wage level of graduates, career development, the number of doctoral and research rank is the "Financial Times" to measure the quality standards of a business school.
(78) He said he wouldn't give him a single penny after Tom dropped out of business school.
(79) Snyder, adding that a deanship at a business school with fewer challenges wouldn't have suited him; there wouldn't have been room to make changes.
(80) But he found the legal profession too slow for his tastes and opted for business school.
(81) Hager is a business school student and former White House aide.
(81) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(82) It is my great pleasure and privilege to visit Cambridge at the invitation of the Vice Chancellor and to speak at the Judge Business School.
(83) Clayton Christensen of Harvard Business School applauds the firm's culture of innovation.
(84) And an apology does not necessarily signal remorse, adds co-author Madan Pillutla of the London Business School.




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