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单词 Stand for
1. What does EU stand for?
2. What does USA stand for?
3. I wouldn't stand for that sort of behaviour from him, if I were you.
4. I would like to see him stand for re-election.
5. I won't stand for this rudeness, do you hear?
6. She announced her intention to stand for Parliament.
7. I cannot stand for talking in my class.
8. The new teacher won't stand for any nonsense.
9. He cajoled Mr Dobson to stand for mayor.
10. What does ATM stand for?
11. What does'T. G.' stand for in 'T. G. Smith'?
12. He will stand for Parliament in this autumn.
13. Pardon my ignorance, but what does OPEC stand for?
14. They had to stand for hours without changing position.
15. I won't stand for this insolence.
15. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. I'll be on the stand for two hours.
17. What does the 'M.J.' stand for? Maria Jose?
18. He declared his intention to stand for president.
19. It's outrageous, and we won't stand for it any more.
20. Mix the batter and let it stand for twenty minutes.
21. The soldiers had to stand for hours without changing position.
22. He certainly wouldn't stand for being publicly humiliated like that.
23. I will not stand for behavior of that kind in my house.
24. You have to know where to stand for a good viewpoint.
25. She was one of the first women to stand for election to parliament.
26. Don't believe that winning is really everything. It's more important to stand for something. If you don't stand for something, what do you win? 
27. A stone over the door bears the initials "R.P.", which stand for "Ralph Piggot".
28. The president has announced she does not intend to stand for re-election.
29. In pursuance of his aims, he has decided to stand for parliament.
30. There was so much muckraking about his family life that he decided not to stand for election.
1. What does EU stand for?
2. What does USA stand for?
3. I wouldn't stand for that sort of behaviour from him, if I were you.
31. His initials are DPH: they stand for David Perry Hallworth.
32. I won't stand for the friend of yours who highhats.
33. She's been lying about me, and I won't stand for it.
34. Both stand for precisely the same inconsequential things.
35. Let batter stand for 1 hour before using.
36. We stand for fair play.
37. Maggie won't stand for any alcohol in her house.
38. Let stand for 5 minutes to soak up liquid.
39. I will not stand for it.
40. However, she did not stand for re-election in 1979.
41. What do the initials stand for?
42. I have taken a stand for freedom against tyranny.
43. 'What does "NAC" stand for?' 'National Aerobics Championships'.
44. Add walnuts, remove from heat, and let stand for 5 minutes.
45. She decided then and there that she was not going to stand for it.
46. Which raises the question: what exactly does the Democratic Party want to stand for these days?
47. Some one else defines who they are and what they stand for as public figures.
48. That left him with one explanation for the rarity of polygamy in sparrows: The senior wives do not stand for it.
49. Each member receives an Annual Report and the opportunity to propose people to stand for the Executive Committee.
50. On May 8 Martin Shikuku, interim secretary-general of the party,(http:///stand for.html) declared his intention to stand for the presidency.
51. He sat on the witness stand for four full days.
52. She is so secretive she won't even say what the initials stand for.
53. Of the 20 Cabinet ministers and ministers of state in the outgoing government to stand for election only four were returned.
54. And again: stand for election to the governing body of a Compact school.
55. In a large mixing bowl, combine bread cubes and milk; let stand for 5 minutes.
56. Stir 218 in raisins and harissa, cover, and let stand for 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
57. Defense attorneys have indicated that they will not put Lyle on the witness stand for the retrial.
58. Sound-particularly music-comes to stand for a regional refusal to acquiesce to imperial or metropolitan power.
59. The right to stand for election still remained restricted to Matai.
60. This naturally prompts the question what it is for one purely particular object to stand for another.
61. What scars deformed him, so that even you, who stand for him in the courtroom, are repulsed by him?
62. Compare the supply of aspirants willing to stand for Parliament with the demands of pa when adopting candidates for local constituencies.
63. What does the F in John F. Kennedy stand for?
64. Hence began the campaign to enable the President to stand for a second term of office.
65. Thatcherism was widely viewed at the time as a mad right-wing aberration which the people would not stand for long.
66. We stand for animal welfare, for animal protection, for compassion, for human responsibility to the other animals.
67. Others may adopt because it is a dramatic way of rejecting what their family and society stand for.
68. Even the Tories saw that the country would not stand for the Mad Woman's poll tax and ditched it.
69. This was not the moment to make a stand for independence.
70. Never, say the sceptics: the man does not stand for anything.
71. He replaces Berndt Schultz, the Fair's founder, who did not stand for re-election.
72. Kate would not stand for anything like that, she was too straight.
73. Although Lukashenko is tipped to win by the pollsters, already 25 other candidates have said they will stand for the presidency.
74. Both said that doctors need to stand for healing and the preservation of life.
75. In Michael's mind it was tantamount to mutiny and he would not stand for anyone disagreeing with him.
76. In such a system, visual and auditory linguistic signifiers are in changing, unstable correspondence with the concepts they stand for.
77. We allow it to color our view of who people are and what they stand for.
78. He flatly rejected the pleas of Aung San to stand for election.
79. Stir 218 in raisins and harissa, cover, and let stand for 10 minutes.
80. Here, it could almost stand for the psychological distance between servant and mistress.
81. There is always something of the arbitrary, because all that can truly stand for a thing is the thing itself.
82. Though a fictional character, Cu Chulainn came to stand for a very real sense of patriotic courage and self-sacrifice.
83. Let batter stand for 1 hour before using. Slice onions / 4-inch thick and separate into rings.
84. The initial BBC stand for British Broadcasting Corporation.
85. He will stand for reelection in his own district.
86. Batswana's another good example can stand for.
87. The letters NBC stand for National Broadcasting Company Inc.
88. Lisa: They stand for Scholastic Aptitude Test.
89. What does ITTF stand for?
90. They had to stand for hours at a stretch.
91. Its initials, in Russian, stand for "water-water-power-reactor."
92. The Alaskan Malamute should stand for examination with confidence.
93. The letters BBC stand for British Broadcasting Company.
94. What does CSE stand for?
95. The president is going to stand for reelection.
96. This is what I know for sure: In order to be truly happy, you must live along with and you have to stand for something larger than yourself. Because life is a reciprocal exchange.
97. We stand for a peaceful settlement of the international dispute.
98. We have to let this ingenious theory stand for what it is worth.
99. If one naughty boy played games on his class, the teacher would call-over him and leave him to stand for the whole class.
100. We have been persistently opposed to the arms race and in favor of real disbarment and arms control. We stand for the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons.
101. Since computers do not know what images mean, or stand for, the system will not be able to comb through its memory pictorially until its search tools make a great leap forward.
102. Creating arts and crafts that stand for life on the farm can be a amusing part of this homeschoo unit study. Build a barn with red construction paper and a cardboard box.
103. It includes mint, which signifies suspicion, hydrangea which means heartlessness, and cornflowers, which stand for celibacy.
104. This paper introduces a design process of a testing stand for aerostatic journal bearings.
105. In China, every citizen who has reached the age of eighteen has the right to vote and stand for election.
106. At present, Chinese peasants still stand for an identification, which hampers the process of agricultural modernization.
107. Between the fireplace and the phonograph table is a stand for newspapers.
108. The intermarriage scope and consanguinity natural diffuseness can stand for the situations in shanghai and in large parts of south China.
109. The initials stand for L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, whose extensive writings and lectures form the church's scripture.
110. Hey Felix, "2000t" can stand for anything from cell phones models to your future robot sex pardner .
111. There are three layers of feathers in the wings, and these three layers stand for the Threefold Path of Zoroastrianism : good thoughts, good words, and good deeds.
112. Reserve a stand for your company at a trade fair in Dallas.
113. Widow Douglas is trying to civilize me? and I won't stand for that.
114. It's time for the witness to take the stand for cross - examination .
115. However, the present EU should not only stand for a community of interests and goals, but for one of cultures and ideals, thus creating a "spiritual home" for all European citizens.
116. Purple: Stand for valiancy , hardihood, honesty, strong and brave.
117. Lay down the law and tell her you will not stand for this kind of behavior.
118. The fact that China legislatively punishes drug- connected crimes with severity is required by the reality of the anti-drug struggle, and shows China's stand for strict drug control.
119. This usage makes the extrovert and the introvert seem to stand for opposed personality types.
120. There a great many things we stand for that others take for granted.
121. When citizens feel the actions of gov't are unjust, unethical, undemocratic, or does not support what the gov't is supposed to stand for, civil disobedience occurs.
122. This paper uses the dispersancy index K stand for the dispersancy of sliding surface of block.
123. The new project has come to a stand for lack of funds.
124. And I will work to earn your respect. I will be guided by President Jefferson's sense of purpose to stand for principle.
125. The paper expounds the development and the application of the unit control stand for the stations running dispatch command system, as well as its properties, specialities, applying scope, etc.
126. They could stand for his name Leonardo Da Vinci, " Vinceti told the Italian news agency ANSA.
127. We need to act up and stand for what we believe in.
128. It's bad enough I have to wet-nurse Montgomery , I don't have to stand for that.
129. These crosses stand for the names of ships or towns that they sank or plundered.
130. The medicine bags are usually filled with mugwort and calamus, and the bright colors of the thread stand for the family's good wishes for the younger generation.
131. The other was, under some iteration form, to judge and figure out the limit by using fixed point to stand for general term of iterative sequence.
132. People usually eat mooncakes which stand for a happy reunion.
133. Well, I know F. P. A. stand for free of particular average.
134. Jeff: The throwing iron hammers is that the athletes hold iron hammers of 56 pounds with rings. Behind them is a pole stand similar to the stand for pole jump.
135. Barbie as an icon of postmodernism stand for lightness of being.
136. The project has come to a stand for lack of funds.
137. We stand for establishing a new international political economic order that is fair rational.
138. METHODS: The appearance, major structure and application of the revolving distribution stand for external remedy was introduced.
139. You do not like fussiness around you or in your perfumes, you want a perfume that shows what you stand for - independence, simplicity and gentility.
140. The letters PRC stand for the People's Republic of China.
141. But we want people to know we stand for freedom, so we do not accept being mislabeled as open source supporters.
142. Fortunately the three other spirits will not stand for this and keep a tight rein on winter.
143. The letter a can stand for several sounds in English.
144. In the same province of Jiangsu, Suzhou dialect, Yangzhou dialect and Xuzhou dialect stand for Wu dialect, eastern Mandarin and Central Plain Mandarin dialect respectively.
145. Does this green olive branch stand for the "Green Olympic"?
146. Surely the invincibility shown last season will not stand for long.
147. Second, we stand for universal values, including the rights of the Egyptian people to freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, and the freedom to access information.
148. DJ STAND for coffins with built - in shelf. Folds down for easy transport.
149. To thrive in a world of self-service, agents have to hyperspecialize, have to stand for something, have to have the guts to say no far more than they say yes.
150. If the figures in the green room stand for the great directors of the past, perhaps there is a shrine there now to Truffaut.
151. Black: Stand for fair and square; the exhibition is angry , impertinence and honest.
152. The bottom base is fixed on a tubular or platy fixture and then the hospital stand for infusion can be used.
153. The mineral deposits in this region stand for an important type and typical example of polygenetic compound ore deposits.
154. She simply can't stand for those who put on airs.
155. Scientism and environmentalism stand for two different ideas of nature.
156. AK 10.1 - EW and AK 15.7 - WBM ( in Chinese White ) stand for decrease effect.
157. Why do you suffer the presence of this despicable Lady Liadrin? She and her followers distort the Light and make a mockery of all we stand for!
158. The letters SW 1 stand for a postal district of London.
159. Let us as individuals be clear about what we stand for and take every opportunity we can to influence our society in a positive direction.
160. Now we stand on the moral high ground. We can defend ethically and morally everything we stand for.
161. Once you figure out what you stand for[http:///stand for.html], then stand firm – your self-image depends on it.
162. The experimental rolling simulation stand for anti-rolling tank performance is a testing facility of simulating ship rolling movement in the action of waves based on similarity rules.
163. Many people hold the opinion of the freedom of the seas and stand for the freedom of navigation and fishing on the Seas based on the above understanding.
164. Yet they are also meant to be allegorical, to stand for something.
165. This paper describes the design of a test stand for electronic fuel injection system.
166. We stand for getting more out of play. More aggressive and spontaneous.
167. What does TGA mean or stand for: Therapeutical Goods Administration.
168. For example, if you choose GROUP MEMBERS, the variable will stand for the group name value, and it can't be changed to USERS BY USER ID at runtime.
169. If there is one thing I won't stand for, it's being treated like an office boy.
170. Treasured Vase: In Tibetan temples, vases hold pure water, gems, peacock plume and pleasant trees which stand for good luck, lustration and fortune.
171. What does such an apparent reversal of the norm of male primacy stand for?




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