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单词 dressy
释义 Word family  noun dress dresser dressing adjective dressed ≠ undressed dressy verb dress ≠ undress  Related topics: Clothes & fashiondress·y /ˈdresi/ adjective  1  DCdressy clothes are suitable for formal occasions 〔服装〕正式的,讲究的 Her outfit was smart but not too dressy. 她的衣服漂亮但又不过于正式。2. DCsomeone who is dressy likes to wear very fashionable or formal clothes 爱穿时髦[正式]服装的Examples from the Corpusdressy• All the doll clothes that my Sister makes are dressy.• But they can keep the dressy culottes and pantsuits as long as they are part of a coordinated outfit.• All this is far superior to the dressy emptiness of the last star-studded Haymarket revival.• He's a dressy fellow himself.• a dressy silk suit• All were so shabby they might have been worn by a dressy tramp.• She describes her style as sportif for work, more dressy when she's with family and friends.dress·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  occasions are Corpus suitable clothes for formal dressy




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