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单词 Undergo
(1) The planes have to undergo rigorous safety checks.
(2) You may have to undergo disappointment and failure before experiencing success.
(3) It took me some time to undergo the metamorphosis from teacher to lecturer.
(4) Most patients undergo some sort of drug therapy for leukaemia.
(5) Pilots undergo regular medicals.
(6) New recruits undergo six weeks' basic training at this naval base.
(7) All candidates have to undergo a personality test.
(8) The castle will undergo extensive and costly renovations.
(9) Fans may undergo body searches by security guards.
(10) Beetles undergo a complete metamorphosis in their life cycle.
(11) The explorers had to undergo much suffering.
(12) Police drivers have to undergo intensive training .
(13) He had to undergo surgery to cure the problem with his knee.
(14) He has been released from prison to undergo medical treatment in the United States.
(15) Some children undergo a complete transformation when they become teenagers.
(16) The men will undergo voluntary DNA testing of their saliva.
(17) I had to have/undergo a medical examination when I started my pension scheme.
(18) Athletes must undergo a mandatory drugs test before competing in the championship.
(19) The astronauts will undergo a series of trials to test their physical and mental endurance in space.
(20) Teachers should be expected to undergo mid-career training and development.
(21) The King's Arms pub is to undergo extensive alterations .
(22) Unions will disappear entirely or undergo drastic change.
(23) Donors undergo a very personal interview before giving blood.
(24) Women who undergo cosmetic surgery still far outnumber their male counterparts.
(25) Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it. 
(26) Uber-babe Jenny McCarthy has hinted at the trials young actresses must undergo in Hollywood's seedier realms.
(27) They have introduced a new system whereby all employees must undergo regular training.
(28) Oh(/undergo.html), and Mashburn and team officials argued for weeks about whether he should undergo knee surgery or try healing through rest.
(29) More and more healthy women who have prepared carefully for childbirth will be told that they have to undergo a Caesarean.
(30) Madame de Sevigne telling the story of the poisoner, Madame de Brinvilliers, about to undergo the water torture.
(1) The planes have to undergo rigorous safety checks.
(2) You may have to undergo disappointment and failure before experiencing success.
(3) It took me some time to undergo the metamorphosis from teacher to lecturer.
(4) Most patients undergo some sort of drug therapy for leukaemia.
(5) Uber-babe Jenny McCarthy has hinted at the trials young actresses must undergo in Hollywood's seedier realms.
(6) Pilots undergo regular medicals.
(7) New recruits undergo six weeks' basic training at this naval base.
(8) The explorers had to undergo much suffering.
(31) If you visit a place frequently you undergo a strange transition in feelings towards it.
(32) The patients also are examined, and undergo laboratory tests, based on their complaints.
(33) Of course, Horcher, a freshman with less than six months of service, would undergo a change of his own.
(34) The majority of patients in a surgical ward will undergo some sort of operative procedure during their stay in hospital.
(35) When proteins are denatured, they undergo a change in their tertiary structure.
(36) Nevertheless, the parties did undergo some transformation as they adapted to a changing political climate.
(37) Thus cells without mtDNA can undergo apoptosis when either deprived of survival factors or exposed to high concentrations of staurosporine.
(38) Mr Readman said Pringle had to undergo major surgery to his jaw in the middle of June before police could interview him.
(39) Here we show that the iron-free protein does not undergo any major structural changes compared with the iron-containing R2.
(40) Twice a year, flight attendants were required to undergo a review of emergency and first-aid procedures.
(41) He is due to see a chiropractor tomorrow and is likely to undergo surgery.
(42) True friendship is a plant of slow growth(http://), and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to appellation. George Washington 
(43) It is rare for a person to undergo a dramatic transformation in his political thinking, but it does happen.
(44) Later, however, these germ cells undergo meiosis, to produce gametes.
(45) The Air Force was right to suspend training and require pilots to undergo several hours of review on joint air space regulations.
(46) Pain-Free Progesterone: Women undergoing infertility treatment are sometimes required to undergo daily injections to deliver the hormone progesterone.
(47) Computer models are used to create three-dimensional models of prions, helping scientists understand the structural transformation they undergo to turn deadly.
(48) Morrison had to undergo surgery on an injury to his left knee.
(49) The municipal government structure described earlier continues to undergo formal and informal change.
(50) About to undergo his third knee operation in six years, he wondered if he would ever bowl fast again.
(51) All civilians possessing army-distributed guns must return them and undergo physical and psychological tests to determine their fitness to bear arms.
(52) The extracted triglycerides may then undergo hydrolysis to yield fatty acids and glycerol.
(53) When they become possessed by their spirits, these demure, purdah-confined ladies undergo a remarkable change.
(54) Organised at state level, the Guard is composed of part-timers who undergo a statutory period of training with the regular Army.
(55) Philip was forced to undergo hundreds of private medical tests which cost over six hundred pounds.
(56) Their cars can undergo a potentially expensive conversion to the R-134a coolant that is being used in new cars.
(57) The spacious dining room with its trademark greenhouse ceiling will undergo only modest remodeling.
(58) She was ordered by a judge to undergo psychiatric evaluation, the source said.
(59) In certain cases its cells undergo changes, which in time can lead to cancer.
(60) The box was confiscated by the governing body's technical department to undergo investigation this week.
(61) About 300, 000 patients undergo bypass surgery annually, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.
(62) In this process, the contents, forms and operations of national sovereignty should undergo necessary modifications.
(63) All its managers undergo an extensive training programme, and their career development is greatly encouraged.
(64) The conventional approach to nature was about to undergo a change, and that change was already making itself felt.
(65) The Bob Dole who approaches the convention may now undergo a bruising few weeks as conservatives rage around him.
(66) Between 1988 and 2000, the workforce will undergo a marked shift.
(67) The adherents to the Peace Alliance had to undergo a serious reorientation in their political attitudes.
(68) Some can undergo terrible problems and not get depressed, while others are depressed for no apparent reason.
(69) The swop did not come to light until Arlena, who suffered from a congenital heart defect, had to undergo surgery.
(70) For these reasons, patients with corrosive strictures often undergo surgery, which carries significant morbidity and mortality.
(71) We recruit junior pursers who undergo a three month training programme aboard one of our cruise ships.
(71) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(72) Before very long the view of Rhee's helpful conduct was to undergo radical revision.
(73) Second, the doctor has aided and abetted the patient only in his refusal to undergo further treatment.
(74) The draft statement had to undergo some further minor amendment, but was substantially accepted by the executive.
(75) Yesterday a Durham Police spokesman said the consultant in charge of Pringle had told detectives he is to undergo further surgery next month.
(76) From next week, all bouncers will undergo a compulsory two-week training course and examination run by Northumbria police.
(77) What if some one could undergo that absorption with a cool ... dare I say it? ... scientific rationale.
(78) Mrs. Leung had to decide whether to undergo treatment or wait and hope for the best.
(79) Unlike Big Ideas that beget standardized commodities, these products undergo a continuous process of incremental change and adaptation.
(80) Applicants may take a written exam, undergo a preliminary interview, or submit records of their education and experience for evaluation.
(81) He and I exchanged sharp words when he informed me that the hamster would have to undergo the rabies test.
(82) Valence-shell electrons may also undergo transitions of three types, depending on their destination; in this case all are observable in practice.
(83) Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. Thomas Paine 
(84) Having to adapt to changes in the school and to undergo a second deskilling.
(85) Voice over Police motorcyclists have to undergo an intensive training course.
(86) Now the pervasive influence of irrational forces, incongruous in a profession which prizes objective judgment, is to undergo scientific scrutiny.
(87) Medical Examination All prospective employees are required to undergo a medical examination at a medical establishment nominated by the Company.
(88) Ants and their fellow travellers Many arthropod guests also undergo physiological changes that smooth their integration into ant society.
(89) The only change that a situation of pure flux can undergo is to stop being in flux.
(90) Both Muzorewa and the white minority had to undergo severe pressure.
(91) Brief details of the operative procedures they undergo are provided.
(92) Each process had to undergo careful scrutiny by the Environmental Health Department, and the cooks had to pass medical tests.
(93) Indeed, in order to develop properly, brine shrimp eggs have to undergo a period of desiccation.
(94) A human being can undergo only so many changes and take in only so many experiences.
(95) His first response to the enormous success of Tubular Bells was to undergo a minor nervous breakdown.
(96) Now he was scheduled to undergo a second surgery the next day to repair nerve and disc damage in his spine.
(97) In standard reported speech, the words of the speaker typically undergo certain rule-governed transformations affecting pronouns and verb tenses.
(98) But as long as he continued to undergo treatment, David believed he could fend off Pamela and the need to return to work.
(99) The teenagers, all of whom are incarcerated at Alameda County juvenile hall, will undergo closed juvenile court proceedings.
(100) It had come out of the blue: a brief note from her, saying that she had to undergo a surgical operation.
(101) Club range officers would also undergo additional training, and the club would put together a long-range plan.
(102) And the current television-and catalog-based shopping processes are expected to undergo major changes to take advantage of the technology.
(103) Rather than increasing the sentence, three appeal court judges substituted a three-year probation order requiring him to undergo treatment or counselling.
(104) Only two of the patients with residual cystic duct stones were advised to undergo cholecystectomy and the remainder are asymptomatic.
(105) The precise number changes yearly as some systems undergo significant changes.
(106) All the freshmen will undergo a medical examination.
(107) Viruses do not undergo binary fission.
(108) Undergo a heart transplant; surgical transplant of a cornea.
(109) Some of the excited atoms undergo radiative deexcitation.
(110) In adults, fibroblasts in connective tissue rarely undergo division.
(111) Sparkling wine undergo a second alcoholic fermentation.
(112) Charles: I undergo shes melodic is every right.
(113) New employees undergo a one - month probationary period.
(114) The Luminol and hydrogen peroxide undergo a chemical reaction.
(115) Both the free hydroxyl groups readily undergo esterification.
(116) Does the housefly undergo complete metamorphosis or incomplete metamorphosis?
(117) She was soon to undergo a mastectomy and chemotherapy.
(118) Does the cockroach undergo complete metamorphosis or incomplete metamorphosis?
(119) Endothelial cells proximal to the injury undergo rapid mitosis.
(120) To undergo or cause recombination; form new combinations.
(121) Mayfly larvae live in water, becoming an adult prior to undergo a'sub - adult stage. "
(122) We expected the tumor cells to undergo programmed cell death, or apoptosis.
(123) Students of Indian classical dances have to undergo some of Yogic training.
(124) My feeling for him undergo a revulsion when I discover his cruelty.
(125) Unlike his other duplicates, this clone would not undergo growth acceleration or docility tampering.
(126) These defects and vacancies could be what , in effect , undergo Bose - Einstein condensation.
(127) Chicken, duck egg to undergo a rigorous disinfection, painted on it.
(128) Background - Myocardial infarction, stroke, and sudden death undergo diurnal variation.
(129) The new President was about to undergo his first experience of the bureaucratic steamroller.
(130) The parasite population opposing vertical resistance may undergo stepwise development controlled by many genes.
(131) Hence, in the coming fives,() State - owned and shareholding banks must undergo reforms.
(132) For example, some accretion disks in binary star systems occasionally undergo large, temporary increases in luminosity.
(133) It is only barbarous peoples who undergo rapid growth after a victory.
(134) In hybrids the two chimpanzee chromosomes can be expected to undergo independent segregation.
(135) Each driver must undergo a three - month probationary period before being allowed to operate independently.
(136) Eliot Deacon: I requirement to undergo your height. For your coffin.
(137) The nuclei of larger sunspots sometimes undergo disintegration or splitting into several parts.
(138) The main engine must undergo both mooring and sea trials.
(139) They then undergo further morphological changes into swollen and irregularly shaped organisms.
(140) Conclusions: The patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome can undergo surgery safely.
(141) To cause to choke, retch, or undergo a regurgitative spasm.
(142) To undergo a period especially of depression as an aftereffect of drug - taking.
(143) Workers undergo training at one of the Gammon Workers Registration Centres.
(144) He will also undergo a year of domestic violence counseling.
(145) The channel closed , but prepared to undergo a next activity phase in case of its depolarization.
(146) All proposed corporate mergers must undergo the FTC test for unfair competition.
(147) Keratin does not dissolve in cold or hot water and does not easily undergo proteolysis.
(148) Dogs and cats can undergo dialysis, pacemaker insertions and joint replacements.
(149) The surface lipids undergo oxidation, generating many compounds containing hydroxyl and carbonyl groups.
(150) Before undergo a surgical operation arrange your temporal affairs - you may live.
(151) In both silicosis and CWP, these masses can undergo necrosis and cavitation.
(152) Transsexuals alter their physical appearance cosmetically and hormonally, and may eventually undergo a sex - change operation.
(153) Jack Bruno : You do undergo how to control this thing, right?
(154) Most ovarian follicles undergo an involutional process called follicular atresia.
(155) Many patients to also not but undergo the thyroid gland excision surgery finally.
(156) Ductile materials undergo considerable plastic tensile or shearing deformation before rupture.
(157) You beliefs will undergo a slow but sizable change in 2009.
(158) In polymer flooding, polymer molecules undergo sifting by pore throats when passing through porous media.
(159) Each element has at least one isotope with unstable nuclei that can undergo radioactive decay.
(160) Unmodified salmon undergo a period of restricted growth when they are young.
(161) All participants had to undergo endothelial function tests during the six - week period.
(162) Joe: The artefact to indorse yourself is to undergo when somethings feat to happen.
(163) Result 71 cases undergo lifetime anticoagulation therapy, gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage 2 case.
(164) So they went away from the Sanhedrin, happy to undergo shame for the Name.
(164) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(165) When heated to high temperature , they undergo calcination, releasing carbon dioxide.
(166) Women Who Should Undergo Evaluation for Endometrial Hyperplasia or Endometrial Cancer.
(167) Overweight women who undergo axillary lymph node dissection are more likely to develop lymphedema.
(168) Many such places in Qinghai are not consistent - they undergo constant decay, revision, restructuring or erasure.
(169) You should arrange to undergo your medical examination at the undermentioned hospital.
(170) Pregnant women should undergo prenatal evaluation for evidence of varicella immunity.
(171) T 10 steel with a starting structure of ferrite and spheroidal cementite wasimployed to undergo laser processing.
(172) Sperm donors undergo extensive medical and genetic screening, as well as testing for infectious diseases.
(173) Bohr and Wheeler envisioned that a nucleus may undergo oscillations like a liquid drop.
(174) I undergo I was thickened because I had been bloodied in battle.
(175) All safety valves will undergo popping tests by the Licensee.
(176) Chapter 71 - Should a Child with a Respiratory Tract Infection Undergo Elective Surgery?
(177) In adsorption chromatography, solute molecules of the mobile phase undergo many successive adsorptions and desorptions.
(178) Lula : That Johnnie is digit adroit detective. You undergo how clever?
(179) They convince Cooper to undergo the surgery while Cuddy demands answers.




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