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单词 Jet
(1) This aircraft works by jet propulsion.
(2) A jet planed in from the south.
(3) The laser jet printer is out of order.
(4) The winter sports bring the jet set from England.
(5) Morris has a private jet.
(6) This new jet engine is superbly engineered.
(7) The jet soared into the air.
(8) The aircraft is powered by three jet engines.
(9) The jet zoomed low over our heads.
(10) The jet crashed after take-off.
(11) The jet had crossed into Russian airspace.
(12) He owns a private jet .
(13) The jet crash-landed and burst into flames.
(14) A jet plane sheared the blue sky.
(15) Since the advent of jet aircraft(), travel has been speeded up.
(16) She turned on the hose and a jet of water sprayed across the garden.
(17) The accident happened as the jet was about to take off.
(18) He chartered a jet to fly her home from California to Switzerland.
(19) Two men hijacked a jet travelling to Paris and demanded $125 000.
(20) We saw a whale blowing a jet of spray high in the air.
(21) The jet began to turn off the main runway.
(22) The cylinder is cooled by a jet of water.
(23) The jet entered Chinese airspace without permission.
(24) I see she's joining the jet set!
(25) We flew to New York by jet.
(26) The flier flew a new - type jet plane.
(27) The jet made a smooth landing.
(28) The jet zoomed low over the houses, frightening everyone.
(29) Australia was a mere couple of hours away by jet.
(30) It's a good idea to spend the first night of your holiday sleeping off the jet lag.
(1) This aircraft works by jet propulsion.
(2) The laser jet printer is out of order.
(3) The winter sports bring the jet set from England.
(4) Morris has a private jet.
(5) This new jet engine is superbly engineered.
(6) The jet crashed after take-off.
(7) The jet had crossed into Russian airspace.
(8) He owns a private jet .
(9) The jet crash-landed and burst into flames.
(10) Since the advent of jet aircraft, travel has been speeded up.
(11) She turned on the hose and a jet of water sprayed across the garden.
(12) The accident happened as the jet was about to take off.
(13) He chartered a jet to fly her home from California to Switzerland.
(14) Two men hijacked a jet travelling to Paris and demanded $125 000.
(15) It's a good idea to spend the first night of your holiday sleeping off the jet lag.
(16) We saw a whale blowing a jet of spray high in the air.
(17) He hated the deafening noise of a jet plane.
(18) Jet fighters scout the skies.
(19) Jet travel is now a commonplace.
(20) I staved off jet lag with a bath and an early night.
(21) The Tornado jet fighter - bomber has two air intakes.
(22) Put a match to the jet to light the gas.
(31) Fuel was introduced into the jet pipe.
(32) The jet plummeted into a row of houses.
(33) We will jet to Las Vegas for the weekend.
(34) He hated the deafening noise of a jet plane.
(35) The private jet is a symbol of wealth.
(36) The jet levelled off at 10, 000 feet.
(37) We heard the sonic boom of a jet overhead.
(38) He flew to Majorca in his private jet.
(39) Priscilla's hair was dyed jet black.
(40) Jet fighters scout the skies.
(41) Jet travel is now a commonplace.
(42) Do we still have a fix on that jet?
(43) I felt completely disorientated with the jet lag.
(44) The jumbo jet was blasted out of the sky.
(45) A jet of water poured through the windows.
(46) A jet plane flashed by.
(47) He had arrived from Jersey by jet.
(48) The aircraft is powered by a jet engine.
(49) Every time I fly to the States(/jet.html), I get really bad jet lag.
(50) On each plane there are twice many engines as the jet needs.
(51) I'm still suffering from jet lag after my trip to Australia.
(52) As he talked, an airforce jet screamed over the town.
(53) There was a huge bang; it sounded like a supersonic jet.
(54) Rigorous safety tests are being carried out on the new jet.
(55) Jet lag occurs because jet travel ignores the circadian timekeeper.
(56) Try to imagine a jet which is more than seventy meters long and more than five stories high at the tail.
(57) One American pilot was forced to ditch his jet in the Gulf.
(58) I staved off jet lag with a bath and an early night.
(59) The jet landed after a flight of just under three hours.
(60) Military historians may never know what brought down the jet.
(61) Her private jet landed in the republic on the way to Japan.
(62) The jet was descending steeply, but its pilot was able to pull it out just in time.
(63) The Tornado jet fighter-bomber has two air intakes, one at the base of each wing.
(64) Jet lag is caused because the body clock does not readjust immediately to the time change.
(65) I'm suffering from jet lag but I'll feel better after a good night's sleep.
(66) Interest in jet propulsion was now growing at the Air Ministry.
(67) The flier is flying a new - type jet plane on trial.
(68) I think the gas jet must be blocked, because the oven won't light.
(69) Moments before crashing, the jet was seen veering sharply to the right.
(70) The jet burst into flames and plummeted to the ground.
(71) She was flown by private jet to the capital Lusaka.
(72) The Tornado jet fighter - bomber has two air intakes.
(73) Put a match to the jet to light the gas.
(74) Jet aircraft now can fly the Atlantic in a few hours.
(75) The jet exploded in midair and turned into a fireball.
(76) The jet arrived in Johannesburg two minutes ahead of schedule.
(77) The jumbo jet is due to fly the hostages directly back to London.
(78) Put a match to the gas jet to light the gas.
(79) Two jet fighters were downed.
(80) Inset A transatlantic corporate business jet.
(81) Of course(), George may have had jet lag.
(82) Then one jet broke away from the rest.
(83) Witnesses say the jet crashed shortly after takeoff.
(84) The MiG-29 fighter jet can take nine G's.
(85) He cited higher jet fuel costs.
(86) Her long dark hair brushed like burnished jet.
(87) Resorts: Cortina is international jet set, glamour and glitz.
(88) British Airways was Boeing's largest customer for jet airplanes.
(89) The P-50 is a forerunner of today's supersonic jet.
(90) Jet travel is undeniably fatiguing.
(91) Why did it have the ride qualities of a jet ski?
(92) Now, any kitten with tufts or streaks of white hair on an otherwise jet black coat will be ignored.
(93) The jumbo jet is after all one of the most potent symbols of this century.
(94) They can offer little advantage over pressure jet cleaners, are sometimes dangerous and are generally more expensive to run.
(95) And happiness is ... a romantic tycoon with his own private jet.
(96) Somewhere inside itself, the thing had a sort of jet propulsion.
(97) He flew to Nice in his private jet, despite having received his performance fee of $ 360,000 in full.
(98) It was beginning to dawn on him that getting on a jet plane wasn't like stealing a truck.
(99) He is also pledging his private jet and everything else his family owns.
(100) The shuttle was then loaded atop a converted 747 jumbo jet and flown back to Kennedy.
(101) Scraper attachment on jet nozzle quickly shifted dried-on grass under mower.
(101) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(102) A huge part of the real Mr Kinnock remains hidden behind the curtains that segregate his private jet.
(103) Beyond a quieter plane ride, NoiseBuster is said to lessen the effects of jet lag.
(104) She slumped down, near to heat exhaustion, and raked her jet hair from her temples.
(105) He had also accepted the gift of a jet ski from a construction company seeking public works contracts.
(106) Then the prime minister's Tristar jet was buffeted by freak 200-mile-an-hour winds before being diverted from Ottawa to Montreal due to fog.
(107) The plant produced the world's first jet airliner, the Comet.
(108) Even the simulated F-16 fighter jet you were piloting into a hostile zone near the Strait of Hormuz.
(109) One hundred sixty people died today in the explosion of a jet on takeoff from Djakarta.
(110) The Lada pulled away from the parked jet and towards a gate at the side.
(111) But now there is a cheaper way for business travellers to fly on a private jet.
(112) You almost feel guilty paying attention to the jet stream of consciousness.
(113) The Jet Ranger arced upwards, a big prehistoric pterodactyl lurching blindly in its death throes.
(114) Travolta is a licensed jet pilot and owns a Learjet.
(115) This was also a record for the world regional jet industry.
(116) A safety thermostat controls the water temperature, so ensuring constant pressure to give a consistent jet of cleansing steam.
(117) The outer lobbies of these enterprises often feature murals depicting satellite launches, jet travel, or electronic laser shows.
(118) The forecast issued at Keflavik did not mention this jet stream.
(119) He has a private jet and a team of flunkies ready to grant every wish.
(120) Teams competed on Jet skis, go-karts, quad bikes, aqua sausages and an assault course.
(121) As he turned out the gas jet he whistled to himself.
(122) The small jet wallowed in the sky, on the edge of the envelope of control.
(123) Aromatherapy treatments can also help with problems such as jet lag.
(124) Daniela soave examines the growth of the good-cause jet set.
(125) But when Tonia is due to jet in he hits the panic button and blitzes the housework.
(126) Jet fighters practicing interception maneuvers no longer can approach nonmilitary aircraft without consulting ground control first, Sen.
(127) He flies in a private jet from concert to concert.
(128) Read in studio Britain's first jet fighter, the Gloucester Meteor celebrated it's fiftieth birthday today.
(129) El Nino also diverts the paths of the jet stream and storms.
(130) Notable among these are ivory, shells, rhinoceros horn, coral, amber and jet.
(131) An emaciated fellow with jet black hair(), thin lips and large brooding eyes caught the friar's eye.
(132) The executive jet settled on its main wheels and braked sharply as the thrust-reverse and spoilers were deployed.
(133) It is more akin to the toilet found on a modern jet airliner, with the addition of spring-loaded thigh restraints!
(134) I thought jet planes were just trucks with more wings and less wheels.
(135) He left immediately for the airport, and chartered a jet.
(136) After a terrifying two minutes the crew overpowered Mukonyi, handcuffed him, and regained control of the jet.
(137) The best material is jet black, pure glass, free from bubbles or other imperfections.
(138) Witnesses saw the jet belch smoke before it exploded into pieces.
(139) No one, as far as I know, has ever before cut away the wing of a submerged big jet.
(140) I went into my dark little room and turned on the gas jet.
(141) The truck passes, and like jet fighters at an air show, we somehow manage to avoid contact.
(142) It has been used successfully, for example in the design of jet engines.
(143) At their small workshop, they fabricate parts for jet engines.
(144) Police also found a quantity of jet fuel, sources said.
(145) Making arrangements for the engineering investigators to cope with the jet age posed much less difficulty.
(146) A woman was exercising a troupe of jet black greyhounds.
(147) Getting there: Several airlines offer connecting jet service to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
(148) A failure to relight suggests a blocked jet, which needs cleaning and adjusting, or a failed thermocouple which needs replacing.
(149) Whitby jet was widely used in Roman Britain, and jet beads occur commonly in Anglian cemeteries of the Anglo-Saxon period.
(150) In its tallies, Boeing counts only jet aircraft with 70 or more seats.
(151) It was a cold morning, and a thin jet of steam rose from the pinhole vent on the coffee cup lid.
(152) Newcomen had done this by arranging for a jet of water to be squirted into the cylinder at the appropriate moment.
(153) How can a private jet be cheaper than a train?
(154) The plan is also expected to call for cuts in fighter jet programs and two rounds of base closings.
(155) If it is a major accident to a wide bodied jet he could send them all.
(156) Flight attendant Lauren Holly takes the controls on a jumbo jet after a prisoner escapes and eliminates the crew.
(157) Both creatures can, like the nautilus, use jet propulsion on occasion.
(158) The era of high-speed jet travel began after the end of World War II.
(159) It also flies three routes in the Midwest, under contract to Delta and Northwest, using 70-seat jet aircraft.
(160) Meanwhile, those who observed the jumbo jet exploding say they still have vivid memories.
(161) He had been incompletely briefed by Jet Coach Bill Parcells and his staff.
(162) She could even see it in this thing, the pallor of it, the fine dust of jet black fur.
(163) I was led down the dark hallway to a room in which a gas jet was burning.
(164) Shining beads of silver and jet looped in the sunlight of space - but now they were blue diamonds on cobalt.
(165) His snoring approximated the sound of a jet taking off.
(166) Actress Lindsay Wagner revealed her recipe to combat jet lag: Epsom salts and baking soda poured into a hot bath.
(167) Provost McDonald said last year BAe had moved the headquarters of its regional jet operation to Prestwick.
(168) The intense heat of being held over a gas jet will cause immediate and permanent discolouring.
(169) S.-made Stinger anti-aircraft missile could have downed the jumbo jet.
(170) That soon changed once the jet had started to descend into its approach and landing into Pulkovo Airport.
(171) Another solution has been to designate specific areas for jet ski use while banning them elsewhere.
(172) A second jet disaster was narrowly averted in Bogota on Thursday.
(173) The aircraft would have crossed this jet stream at a shallow angle which would have resulted in considerably reduced ground speed.
(174) When a resultant is radial, the body can take off, like a rocket or a jet engine.
(175) In fact the improvement statistics in our jet engine shops were even more remarkable.
(176) An imperial eagle lectern carved in jet supported upon its open black wings a huge, chained copy of the Codex Astartes.
(177) Cobalt is important in the jet engines of aeroplanes because it makes turbine blades resist high temperatures.
(178) The real innovation is the bubble jet printer in the notebook's casing.
(179) Recently the jet stream has retreated northward, meteorologists say, leaving the field undefended against those intrusive southern storms.
(180) Post-war development of parachutes acting as brakes on jet aircraft are also covered in this rarely written about subject.
(181) Manufacturers of the world's quietest jet airliner the BAe 146.
(182) A jet pilot will happily take off in weather that would ground micro-light pilots.
(183) The pilot tried to turn back but the jet exploded and a large fireball ripped into a crowded residential area.
(184) Rising hot water pulls with it a surrounding sheath of cold water, effectively insulating the base of the jet.
(185) When operated in wide expanses of water, away from other people, jet skis pose no hazard.
(186) Besides the black boxes, this category includes the jet engines, the pilot escape system, and so on.
(187) Here's what we came up with: Gravier chartered the Jet from the Hansa Jet operation.
(188) It may sound like an intermittent road drill combined with a jet plane.
(189) After flying into a military airport in a private jet, he went to ground.
(190) A jet engine can take up to six seconds to spool up.
(191) The F-16s apparently were not warned about the passenger jet before they closed to investigate its presence.
(191) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(192) You can buy a jet plane and lease it to the airlines.
(193) On Thursday evening a Continental Airlines jet from Newark, went into a snowbank after turning on to a hard-packed taxiway.
(194) Some residents fear the crops would attract birds that might be sucked into jet engines.
(195) She stared calmly back, her jet black hair escaping from underneath the wimple.
(196) I had turned out the gas jet and did not have a match with which to relight it.
(197) At a drop zone there she met Steve, a tall, outgoing mechanical engineer who built jet engines.
(198) The symptoms of jet lag result from a temporary disruption of these rhythms.
(199) That's the same as a full jumbo jet crashing at Heathrow every day of the week and two on Sunday.
(200) For fast jet pilots, a stint with the Red Arrows is the highlight of their careers.
(201) Simply flying jet fighters in those early days involved high risk.
(202) Walls, ceilings, floors were clad in smooth obsidian and jet carved with runes, sacred hexes and texts.
(203) The first week is hell; jet lag and a sluggish nausea I can't explain.
(204) Researchers are investigating its ability to induce sleep and combat jet lag.
(205) Immediately after the gig Jon Bon Jovi flew back to London on the private jet he arrived in just seven hours earlier.
(206) The jet packs would enable a free-floating astronaut to return to the station.
(207) The horse stood sixteen hands high(), its jet black coat gleaming in the sunlight.
(208) Adam saw the machine-gunner hanging out of the open door of the Jet Ranger.
(209) McCain has made four campaign trips in Paxson's private jet in the past few months.
(210) It's jet lag and it affects nearly everyone on long-haul flights.
(211) She was wearing a short lilac dress and a pale cashmere jacket, beneath which the jet pendant glimmered in inky symbolism.
(212) Officials can be spared their jet lag, and the taxpayer can be spared the expense of shuttling them around the world.
(213) Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. Steven Wright 
(214) Lowest interior and exterior noise level of any high speed business jet.
(215) An air force jet buzzed the compound to encourage him to step down.
(216) He's sold his private jet; he's focussing on one job; winning the world crown.
(217) Immediately, bans on jet skis started being announced in most parts of the state.
(218) She had never flown in a jet or stayed in a hotel or ridden in a chauffeured limousine.
(219) At different times during the war, reports came in of the need for jet fuel.
(220) Describe the principle of jet nozzle in sprayer.
(221) This jet has a very high propulsive efficiency.
(222) We move about, even in jet travel,(http:///jet.html) at speeds far less than the speed of light.
(223) The two - phase model ( TPM ) is proved to be available in calculation of jet singlet oxygen generator ( JSOG ).
(224) At present, the ramjet engine jet for military purposes to be optimistic.
(225) Finally, resuspension rate of contaminated bottom sediment on the action of jet flow was calculated quantitatively.
(226) Sold a unique, eye - catching jet - black 250 mL recyclable aluminum can.
(227) A small gas - jet furnished sufficient light for so rueful a corner.
(228) The supreme problem of disk air - jet mill in ultrafine pulverization operation is lower utilization of energy.
(229) They also have a specialized siphon jet under its mantle and propels them as well.
(230) An Air France jet carrying 228 people from Rio de Janeiro to Paris is missing.
(231) A stirrer with jet function advantages of higher efficiency and lower energy consumption in mixing.
(232) After arriving in New York, Mr. Yang had bad jet lag and needed to sleep late.
(233) Use: rapier, projectile(), air - jet and water jet looms.
(234) The two - phase model ( TPM ) is proved available in calculation of jet singlet oxygen generator ( JSOG ).
(235) The jet was on a night flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris.
(236) A fourth generation stealth fighter jet would help , too.
(237) The plane's cabin failed to pressurize and the jet had to land in Seattle.
(238) Having out a jet of steam , the steam locomotive started off roaring.
(239) Having sent out a jet of steam , the steam locomotive started off roaring.
(240) A sonic boom is the loud crashshaking that happens a jet plane faster thanspeed of sound.
(241) The screech of jet planes violated the peace of the afternoon.
(242) Then I guess you jet - sitting fancy free bustards need that kind of constancy splashy reassurance.
(243) Grinding with pressure saturated saltwater jet is a kind of comminution technique developed in recent years.
(244) I dream of screaming and splintering wood, of rushing sound and a jet of green light.




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