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单词 Grow on
(1) Money doesn't grow on trees.
(2) Money does not grow on tree. 
(3) Money doesn't grow on tree!
(4) Coconut grow on palm trees.
(5) Melons grow on vines.
(6) The neighbourhood was beginning to grow on me.
(7) The crops will not grow on exposed hillsides.
(8) In spring leaves begin to grow on the trees.
(9) Money doesn't grow on trees, you know.
(10) Don't spend so much money doesn't grow on trees, you know.
(11) I need some climbing plants that will grow on a north-facing wall.
(12) Be careful,a bad habit like that can grow on a person.
(13) These flowers generally grow on sloping river banks and near streams.
(14) Slowly and strangely, the place began to grow on me.
(15) In many places, buds grow on trees.
(16) Seapinks and samphire grow on the rocky cliffs.
(17) Why would nothing grow on the ramparts?
(18) Pound sags as fears grow on October trade figures.
(19) They graze on the algae that grow on the coral.
(20) Many flowers of the heath grow on the central plateau.
(21) Using natural ingredients, which tend to grow on trees round here, they are both water resistant.
(22) But trees have managed to grow on the banks, and the sandy beds are ideal for horseback riding.
(23) Several rare ferns grow on the steep banks of the burn where it runs into the lake.
(24) Calluses grow on the ball of the foot and do not have a nucleus.
(25) As populations grow, pressure will grow on water resources both from rivers and from artesian wells.
(26) Then it will be possible for crops to grow on soil where, earlier, no plant life could have been supported.
(27) Corals also grow on the lagoon slope and in patches, known as reef knolls, on the lagoon floor.
(28) Once well formed, remove the polythene bag and allow to grow on for a few weeks before potting on each plant singly.
(29) Cultivation: It does not make specific demands of the growing medium, and will even grow on just fine gravel.
(30) Although what is selected for is an ability to grow on poisoned ground, sterility emerges as an incidental.
(1) Coconut grow on palm trees.
(31) Nettles: These plants grow on wasteland, beside tracks and roads in woods and hedges.
(32) Everything that is past is either a learning experience to grow on, a beautiful memory to reflect on, or a motivating factor to act upon. Denis Waitley 
(33) Truffles are parasites that grow on the roots of trees.
(34) Mildew and mold grow on the peeling paint like gray fur.
(35) Nearly all of the species are marsh plants which also grow on the banks of still as well as moving waters.
(36) The points where the leaves grow on the stems are known as nodes.
(37) These four varieties are ideal small garden plants, as they grow on a single stem and don't need pruning.
(38) This can then encourage rot to grow on timber, and may also result in frost damage to masonry in cold weather.
(39) Some movies have a Zen of shelf life -- they grow on you after repeated viewings.
(40) The whiskers grow on the cheeks.
(41) The vines grow on a clay and schistous soil.
(42) Tumors grow on an exponential curve.
(43) L is for the leaves that they are green and grow on trees. Sometimes they turn colors and fall to the ground with ease.
(44) In the past nothing could grow on this tract of land.
(45) Attract talented people widely and help them grow on a well-grounded platform with lifelong training foresight.
(46) Babassu palm trees grow on 185,000 square km of land in four Brazilian states, an area equivalent to half of the territory of Japan.
(47) "Japan's economy still is quite sensitive to global demand ... and for consumer demand to grow on a self-sustained basis still seems unlikely, " Shirakawa said.
(48) The transketolase affected Bacillus mutant couldn't grow on the media, which used gluconic acid as sole carbon source, while it showed a potential to convert gluconic acid into D ribose.
(49) Kaposi's sarcoma can cause lesions to grow on your skin, and can also affect your internal organs.
(50) However[Sentencedict], the recombinant yeast could not grow on the traditional tributyrin plate because this kind of medium is lack of essential nutrients for yeast growth.
(51) Calcifuge Describing plants that grow on soils containing very little calcium carbonate, such as sandy or peaty soils and cannot grow on basic substrates such as most chalk and limestone soils.
(52) Good Design Award activities continue to grow on an international scale, and we look forward to even more overseas submissions .
(53) Eperythrozoon suis does not grow on solid and liquid training base or breed in training system of method two in vitro.
(54) A bodhi tree which grow on stiff wall, advising me to be persevering in finding the meaning of life.
(55) Does urine blister grow on infantile back of hand, instep?
(56) Indoors Cladosporium species may grow on surfaces when moisture is present.
(57) Be not it odd that flower is the reproductive organ of the plant they grow on?
(58) Grow on lateral root have a lot of fibrous root.
(59) Guizhou isolate of newcastle disease virus could grow on chicken embryo fibroblast and resulted in cytopathogenic effect.
(60) Ideally located in the south facing stope of the foothills of the Montagne noire, these vineyards grow on both chalky (80%) and schistous soil (20 %).
(61) This is an experiential film which will grow on the viewer.
(62) We can see the faintest hint of green beneath last year's dead meadow grass and buds are just beginning to grow on the branches.
(63) But that makes thorns grow on us. Hoping that in this will protect us from the temptations of this world, and release the unpeaceful self.
(64) You would be surprised to learn that chocolates actually grow on trees known as the, "Cacao Tree".
(65) An arborescent generating method is used to create a new system from the existing system, that is, 'growing' the new building from the old as new branches grow on a tree.
(66) Patterns in Nature: Mysterious Earth Lichens grow on a granite gravestone in Lake Champlain, New York.
(67) Camelina is a dedicated energy crop that does not compete in the food chain. It grows in rotation with wheat acreage and can also grow on marginal land not suitable for food crops.
(68) Mutant B1916 could not grow on such carbohydrates as D-gluconic acid, L-arabinose as exclusive carbon sources, and the ability of utilizing glucose was decrease.




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