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单词 Military junta
1. A military junta took control of the country.
2. The military junta is determined to put down all political opposition.
3. The military junta has/have today broadcast an appeal for calm.
4. A military junta had just overthrown the constitutional government and annulled a recently held presidential election.
5. Guei's announcement also has reportedly split the military junta that rules the country of 16 million.
6. Apparently when the military junta was overthrown Garcia managed to get sent over here through a contact in the embassy.
7. The country was ruled by a military junta from 1974 until 1982.
8. The head of Burma's military junta, General Than Shwe, says he intends to give up control of the government to whoever wins elections in 2010.
9. The military junta would then quietly extend Suu Kyi's detention well beyond next year's planned elections, they feared.
10. But now all were only required by the military junta to transform themselves into the junta run forces known as Border Guard Forces (BGF) before its general elections.
11. America reiterates our call on Burma's military junta to release Aung San Suu Kyi and all other political prisoners.
12. North Korean workers, meanwhile, have aided Myanmar's military junta in building underground tunnels near the new capital city of Naypyitaw that could have military applications, say U.S. officials.
13. In Thailand, the new military junta issued broad censorship orders for broadcast outlets.
14. General Eulogio Cantillo, who headed the military Junta during brief hours of control before Senor Piedra took over,[/military junta.html] is a career soldier.
15. But Myanmar's military junta disqualified Suu Kyi from serving because of her house arrest and annulled the election results.
16. Burma's ruling military junta had sent for reinforcements in Wawlay, near with the area controlled by KNU Brigade 6, according to KNU's Major Kyi Aung.
17. However, its status was degraded by the military junta when it packed its governmental and administrative bags and moved 200 miles north to an undeveloped site just two miles from Pyinmana.
18. Prior to July 1963, political power was held by a military junta.
19. Obama recently launched a new policy of engagement with the country's military junta, while insisting sanctions would stay in place until there were signs of real progress.
20. Dr. Sun Yat - sen in 1917 was appointed chief financial law of the military junta.
21. And if realpolitik dictates, India is perfectly capable of cosying up to a dictatorship, such as the Burmese military junta.
22. In 2000, the International Labor Organization (ILO) accused the military junta of using forced labor, a kind of slavery, for the construction of roads and other infrastructure.
23. When I learned about her story, then I learned about Burma and how repressed they are by this military junta that leads Burma - that is the government.
24. Arguably, the Italians managed it in the 1930s; and Argentina's World Cup winners in 1978 received plenty of backing from the ruling military junta.
25. If the country is to be governed by a military junta, then fundamental restructuring would seem to be on the table.
26. The middle classes are favourably disposed to wards the new military junta.
1. A military junta took control of the country.
2. The military junta is determined to put down all political opposition.




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更新时间:2024/7/9 7:14:41