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单词 Opportunistic
1) Many of the party's members joined only for opportunistic reasons.
2) At half-time, United were leading with two opportunistic goals by Black.
3) These opportunistic diseases may eventually cause death.
4) An opportunistic dealer can make four capsules from one,[http:///opportunistic.html] although it clearly won't make people four times as happy.
5) Problems which could be inherent in a more opportunistic approach to health education should be avoided.
6) Prevention of opportunistic infections could provide both individual and public-health benefits.
7) She was horrified to see how quickly the opportunistic infection took hold.
8) Diabetes predisposes the patient to fungus or other opportunistic infections involving the intracranial contents.
9) They are as repelled by money-grabbing, opportunistic plaintiffs as by reckless, gluttonous corporations.
10) Develop and implement guidelines for the prevention of opportunistic infections in immunosuppressed persons.
11) These opportunistic diseases would not otherwise gain a foothold in the body.
12) Planning may also deter purchasers from undertaking opportunistic acquisitions for short term motives without regard to long term strategic aims.
13) This was in 1990, and I had opportunistic infections, OIs as they are called.
14) The Yugoslavs sought a close, opportunistic alliance with the national bourgeoisie of the colonial and semicolonial countries.
15) Mortality is 3-4%,() mainly owing to opportunistic infections and pulmonary emboli.
16) Of those who remained, a fortunate and opportunistic few were elevated into the realm of senior management.
17) Or perhaps you prefer the same type of opportunistic scenario on the East Coast?
18) These vacillating elements are opportunistic.
19) His move was characteristically opportunistic and had fatal consequences.
20) Much of good science is opportunistic and revisionist.
21) Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic bacteria that causes a variety of infections.
22) The modes of propaganda are opportunistic and the polemics can be vicious.
23) This is the how-to, practical guide that will help you avoid opportunistic detours and stay on track.
24) There are, consequently, those who view her conversion to the cause as belated, possibly opportunistic.
25) Those on triple combination also had half as many incidents of cancers or opportunistic infections and were generally healthier.
26) A year ago John Holman was near death, an opportunistic infection ravaging his intestines.
27) A person who writes concise e-mail messages may seem impulsive, opportunistic, pushy, overbearing, foolish, or simply rude.
28) But its newly minted dual-containment policy may reckon without the Middle East's rare talent for opportunistic alliances.
29) Four out of five recent trials reported that incidence of life-threatening opportunistic infections did not rise despite the potential immunosuppressive actions of corticosteroids.
30) Objective To establish a feasible medical insurance system in the areas of AIDS care project so that AIDS patients with opportunistic infection can be covered by the insurance.
1) Many of the party's members joined only for opportunistic reasons.
31) Opportunistic, opportunistic in this respect bIt'space is done not have.
32) Results of numerical analysis indicate that the opportunistic network coding cooperation is with better performance than traditional user cooperation and noncooperation approach.
33) How do Chinese entrepreneurs distinguish between ethically sound value creation and opportunistic exploitation? 8.
34) What does, ironically, veer more towards sensationalism, are the attempts by opponents of climate action to lambast such discussions as opportunistic[/opportunistic.html], to try to shut down the dialogue.
35) This virus also causes immunocompromised states, so secondary opportunistic infections will arise more frequently once someone has this chronic sore throat virus.
36) It can be the case that they are not suffering from swine flu or flu but instead the symptoms could be an opportunistic infection, mistaken for flu.
37) A variety of fatal opportunistic infections, especially Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP).
38) Or the fungus may simply be an opportunistic infection following a more profound sickness sweeping the animals.
39) Imperfection of financial markets that includes imperfect information, uncertainty, opportunistic behavior and other factors gives birth to the financial intermediaries.
40) Conclusion Morbidity of HIV/AIDS was increasing in recent years and the most common complication of AIDS patients was opportunistic infection in respiratory system.
41) Vibrio vulnificus, a an opportunistic pathogen causing septicemia and wound infection in humans.
42) In particular, some opportunistic infections may be unmasked shortly after the beginning of HAART as the immune system starts to recover, and these may require specific treatment.
43) Objective To understand the clinical manifestation of opportunistic infection of AIDS cases and to summarize the treatment experience.
44) Opportunistic infections disappeared after malariotherapy in one patient with full blown AIDS.
45) Objective This clinical analysis is made to achieve a better understanding of the opportunistic infection of patients with AIDS, especially pulmonary infection.
46) Using these, opportunistic infections such as extra-pulmonary tuberculosis, cryptosporidiosis, isopsoriasis, PCP and Kaposi's sarcoma can be diagnosed and treated.
47) Vibrio vulnificus, a gram - negative halophilic marine bacterium, is an opportunistic human pathogen.
48) However, since the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and prophylaxis against opportunistic pathogens, death rates from AIDS have begun to decline significantly.
49) Toxoplasmosis is an important opportunistic infectious disease caused by parasite protozoan toxoplasma gondii.
50) Candidiasis is a common mycosis, most of which is caused by the opportunistic fungal pathogen , albicans.
51) Sometimes it is advisable for people with acute opportunistic infections to begin HAART right away, especially if the infection is difficult to treat.
52) The disgorgement damage for breach of contract does deter the opportunistic behaviors, and serves as a useful supplement of damages for interest in expectancy.
53) For people who have already contracted an opportunistic infection and undergone successful treatment, secondary prophylaxis may be advisable to prevent recurrence.
54) Conclusion Disseminated Penicilliosis marneffei is one of the most important opportunistic infections in patients with AIDS in Southeast Asia and the southern part of China.
55) This corrupted loyalty is better described as complicity or opportunistic behavior.
56) A pseudomonad of the large genus Pseudomonas , some species of which are opportunistic pathogens in human beings.
57) Staphylococcus aureus and mixed opportunistic pathogens were the main bacteria on the air and objects.
58) To probe the manifestations of opportunistic infections in AIDS patients to improve knowledge of AIDS.
59) Being too slow is not good, nor is being overhasty, both are opportunistic.
60) Conclusions Acanthamoeba is an opportunistic pathogenic free living amoeba which can produce fatal GAE.
61) A few opportunistic infections and symptoms such as candidiasis of the mouth, throat or vagina (thrush), herpes zoster (shingles) and herpes simplex can be managed effectively through home-based care.
62) Pulmonary mucormycosis is a rare, but serious, opportunistic fungal infection in immunocompromised persons.
63) In many African countries, people living with AIDS frequently succumb to TB as a final, deadly opportunistic infection, making AIDS and TB a particularly dangerous co-epidemic.
64) Conclusin All kinds of opportunistic infections were coinstantaneous or happened alternant in AIDS patients. Single infection always had atypical clinical manifestations.
64) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
65) What is the most common life-threatening opportunistic infection affecting people living with HIV/AIDS?
66) Especially under the existing market environment, any kind of opportunistic behavior would bring the suicide - like destruction.
67) My garage is tucked round the back, well out of sight of the road but, equally, far enough from the flats to potentially interest an opportunistic thief.
68) AIDS, the last stage of HIV infection, is defined the appearance of potentially lethal opportunistic infections.
69) A novel retransmission approach based on Opportunistic Network Coding (ONC) is proposed to improve the transmission efficiency in wireless broadcast scenario.
70) Oropharyngeal candidiasis due albicans is a frequent opportunistic infection of human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) - positive patients.
71) Toxo is an opportunistic infection of immunocompromised adults. It may also be a congenital infection.
72) Nocardiosis is characteristically thought as an opportunistic infection in immuno-compromised patients.
73) Procurement section only lists opportunistic infection drugs without specifying which drugs.
74) Maslinic acid is also aery active compound in opportunistic parasitic infections seriously affecting HI patients.
75) Opportunistic trades do not have to derail long - time strategies.
76) Opportunistic infections, especially the pneumocystis carinii pneumonia(PCP), cytomegalovirus (CMV)and Mycobacterium infections and candidiasis, were very common in the group.
77) HIV invades immune system(), so AIDS patients almost died of opportunistic infection.
78) PCP is a frequent HIV associated opportunistic infection in industrialised countries but appears to be less common in Africa.
79) Market participants warn that the activity represents "bottom-feeding" by opportunistic investors whose strategies could be derailed by rising interest rates.
80) There were statistical significant differences in terms of case fatality and incidence of opportunistic infection between the two groups.
81) These infections would usually be fought off by a healthy immune system, but a low CD4 cell count means opportunistic infections such as PCP (a type of pneumonia) can be life-threatening.
82) Worse, they can seem tacky, opportunistic and filled with psychobabble.
83) Vibrio vulnificus is a gram - negative opportunistic pathogen inhabiting the marine environments.
84) When the immune system is very weak due to advanced HIV disease or AIDS, opportunistic infections such as PCP, toxoplasmosis and cryptococcosis develop.
85) Where that experience used to be a dedicated, focused period of the day, it is now opportunistic, serendipitous, and targeted.
86) Opportunistic infection is one of the important cause of graft dysfunction after organ transplantation.
87) Potent antiretroviral therapy lowers HIV viral load, allowing the CD4 cell count to increase, thereby reducing the risk of HIV-related opportunistic infections and cancers.
88) Military leaders, key allies and opportunistic enemies were all keen to know just how dovish the anti-Iraq-war President intended to be.
89) This is a Toxoplasma gondii pseudocyst in the myocardium of a patient with AIDS. Toxo is an opportunistic infection of immunocompromised adults. It may also be a congenital infection.
90) CMV infection often coexists with other opportunistic pathogens and Kaposi's sarcoma.
91) Recent reports have even suggested that he struck a secret deal with the opportunistic Mr Rajapakse.
92) TB occurs earlier in the course of HIV infection than many other opportunistic infections.
93) Subsequently, an emphasis on wing began secretly recruiting, opportunistic rebellion , was Du Shigetake Tsam escapement.
94) The opposition , led by the mercurial and opportunistic Viktor Orban, is little better.
95) One particular drug called cotrimoxazole (also known as septra, bactrim and TMP-SMX) is effective at preventing a number of opportunistic infections.
96) Protozoal infection is one of the most important opportunistic infections among patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS).
97) Oropharyngeal candidiasis due to Candida albicans is a frequent opportunistic infection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patients.




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