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单词 foundation
释义  Related topics: Construction, Organizations, Hair & beautyfoun·da·tion /faʊnˈdeɪʃən/ ●●○ AWL noun  1  building 建筑物 [countable]TBC the solid layer of cement, bricks, stones etc that is put under a building to support it 地基,基础 It took the builders three weeks to lay the foundations. 建筑工人花了三星期的时间打地基。 The earthquake shook the foundations of the house. 地震动摇了那幢房子的地基。2  basic idea 基本的思想 [countable]BASIC a basic idea, principle, situation etc that something develops from 基础;根据;基本原理foundation of All theories should be built on a foundation of factual knowledge. 所有理论都应当有事实根据。solid/firm foundation The course gives students a solid foundation in the basics of computing. 这门课程可为学生掌握计算机基本知识打下坚实的基础。► see thesaurus at basis3  organization 组织 [countable]SSO an organization that gives or collects money to be used for special purposes, especially for charity or for medical research 基金会 the British Heart Foundation 英国心脏病基金会4  establishment 建立 [uncountable]START something/MAKE something START the establishment of an organization, business, school etc 建立,创办 SYN founding The school has served the community since its foundation in 1835. 该校自1835年建立以来一直为该社区服务。5  be without foundation  (also have no foundation) formalPROVE if a statement, idea etc is without foundation, there is no proof that it is true 没有根据 SYN be groundless Davis dismissed the allegations as being without foundation. 戴维斯认为这些指控毫无根据。6  lay/provide the foundation(s) for something PREPAREto provide the conditions that will make it possible for something to be successful 为某事打下基础 Careful planning laid the foundations for the nation’s economic miracle. 精心的规划为国家的经济奇迹奠定了基础。7. skin 皮肤 [uncountable]DCB a cream in the same colour as your skin that you put on before the rest of your make-up 粉底霜 →5 see picture at 见图 make-up8  shake/rock the foundations of something  (also shake/rock something to its foundations)CHANGE/BECOME DIFFERENT to completely change the way something is done or the way people think by having a completely new idea 从根本上动摇某事物;动摇某事物的基础 Darwin’s theory rocked the scientific establishment to its foundations. 达尔文的理论动摇了科学界的根基。Examples from the Corpusfoundation• Teaching experience is a good foundation for a career in just about anything.• The Heritage Foundation is a conservative political research organization.• They clearly adore the multi-layered foundations of instrumental funk, and profoundly project this soulful hipster-cool attitude on All Night Burner.• the National Foundation for the Arts• According to Wegener, the sial masses of the continents shifted on the earth's actual mantle, the sima foundation.• Usually two main types are used - strip foundations and raft foundations.• We cut it to four and those four are still our major selling products and the foundation of our business.• Good eating habits and regular exercise are the foundation for a healthy life.• After the earthquake, I noticed several cracks in the foundation of the house.• Copernicus's findings laid the foundations for the later work of Galileo.• The foundation in Madrid is going to manage that one too.• The foundation funded a dozen new career centers in high schools, where students could come for career guidance and counseling.• More than 600 people were evacuated from their homes in Norfolk and eight bungalows collapsed after the sea washed away their foundations.• The fears of earlier critics were not without foundation.lay ... foundations• He said he hoped they had laid the foundations for peace - but admitted obstacles could lie ahead.• But in Britain we have laid the foundations for recovery.• We could say that she is laying the foundations for dressing herself later on.• John Evans, and Oscar Montelius, laying the foundations for the study of the typology of artifacts.• The drama school training will only lay the foundations and prepare you for the profession you are joining.• For Buckle, this laid the foundations for a thoroughgoing science of history, and others shared his belief.• The two sides met in an attempt to lay the foundations of a future peace settlement.• Because Save the Children want to lay the foundations for a better future.• Long-term planning after the war laid the foundations for the nation's steady economic growth.• If human beings took up the challenge, their response would lay the foundations of civilization.solid/firm foundation• There is still a creative role in developing campaigns but it comes after a firm foundation of fact has been established.• Instead of building bridges to nowhere, we will build a solid foundation for our nation and its future generations.• They had a solid foundation in reading, writing, math, and other core skills.• At the end of the first week you will have a solid foundation on which to build in future weeks.• Particularist feeling in the duchy of Aosta was hallowed by centuries of tradition and grounded in a firm foundation of local institutions.• Much like any brick or block wall, an interlocking block wall needs a solid foundation.• They dug solid foundations, spending a lot of time pouring concrete into four pits.• No building can stand without firm foundations, and neither can a marriage.foun·da·tion nounChineseSyllable   bricks, layer solid the cement, Corpus of




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