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单词 Keep in mind
1. A joyful date to keep in mind and make a note of, is when a birthday comes around to you.Thank you for your love which makes our home warm and beautiful.It is only with you that I find true contentment. Nothing will ever come between us.Happy birthday to you!
2. It is important to keep in mind the historical dimension to these issues.
3. But keep in mind that this is fiction.
4. Keep in mind the interactive nature of workplace stress.
5. But we need to keep in mind that the figures for those in the older age brackets are obviously for survivors only.
6. But we must keep in mind that millions of species arose and disappeared long before mankind came on the scene.
7. To pull this off, the government should keep in mind some first principles.
8. Keep in mind that the federal Fair Credit Act applies to online purchases as well.
9. Keep in mind that there are many different types of neural network architectures.
10. Keep in mind that these are all sandwiches, not composed plates with the pastrami here and the chopped liver there.
11. None the less, it is good to keep in mind that very few geochemists expect water to be found in lunar rocks.
12. Yet keep in mind: your children are in the safest place and the most complete isolation on our hilltop.
13. But do check the guarantee period and keep in mind that seals can fail after about 10 years.
14. Keep in mind that private views about mannerly conduct are not to be considered.
15. But keep in mind that this is usually a slow and gradual change.
16. There are other factors that companies need to keep in mind.
16. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
17. But it would be smart to keep in mind that nouveau wines are very fresh and fruity, best served slightly chilled.
18. It is important to keep in mind that local infrastructure is a national issue for each of the countries involved.
19. Hopes, plans and pleasant memories are hard to keep in mind, and realistic worries take prominence.
20. However, there is one important point to keep in mind.
21. And I always keep in mind the global nature of the organization.
22. You have to keep in mind the trains here are descending from the Continental Divide and move quickly and quietly.
23. But my strategy was to keep in mind the long-term situation ....
24. Throughout the drafting process the drafter should keep in mind the objectives the terms are intended to achieve.
25. Keep in mind for ever: repetitiveness is power.
26. Please keep in mind, Practice makes perfect!
27. Keep in mind that a tax credit, a rebate.
28. Keep in mind posture, body language and active listening.
29. It helps you understand other people's tasks, avoid problems and keep in mind that crucial overview I spoke of earlier.
30. The size of the audience is also an important factor to keep in mind.
31. A few other things to keep in mind: Cumulus clouds usually form over land, and wind generally blows toward land during the day and out to sea at night.
32. Something to keep in mind with steganalysis techniques is that another layer of complexity may be added to the detection of hidden data.
33. Keep in mind that we are talking about the drawbacks of negative feedback from a computer.
34. Keep in mind that if you don't put any Boolean operator between two search words, the OR operator will be added between them automatically.
35. Leu when the drama critic in his book "Music Products" in "the volume of river keep in mind the whole rhythm in words, all workers, carry on for a win 100.
36. Keep in mind that when you use a typed DataSet, if the corresponding schema changes in the underlying database table, you will need to synchronize the schema in the typed DataSet.
37. Remember what i've taught you. Keep in mind variable humidity and wind speed along the bullet's fight path. At this distance you'll also have to take the coriolis effect into account.
38. The previous bank could pay the balance according to pro forma invoice only, so while completing the final loadings please keep in mind to adjust the real total amount to total amount on P/I.
39. There are certain facts to keep in mind before you go in at the deep end on your first run.
40. Keep in mind as well that different accounting assumptions or outright manipulation can skew financial ratio comparisons both within and between companies.
41. Keep in mind that, as already mentioned, VNC is an open standard which supports an abundance of implementations.
42. Keep in mind as you read through this section that sexualitya continuum.
43. When I want to nitpick nowadays, I just keep in mind that if I want to go to the trouble of offering unrequested advice, I might as well suggest I do it myself.
44. Also keep in mind that on AIX, there is approximately a max of 250MB of private virtual memory for index key sorting in LOAD (this is a memory bottleneck).
45. Also keep in mind you can hold the Space Bar or the Scroll Wheel button if you have one on your mouse to enable the Hand Tool as well.
46. "My father was a funeral director,[http:///keep in mind.html] " he says. "I'm very conscious of not being cavalier – projects can be torpedoed if you don't keep in mind exactly what you are dealing with."
47. Keep in mind, if he wanted to hear the gentle rustle of armpit hair he'd have married a Wesleyan woman studies major.
48. Keep in mind that recompiling to gain performance enhancements may compromise binary compatibility on some environments.
49. However, though many designers may keep in mind specific working and thinking principles of our originalism , they often forget its leading principle and policy.
50. Article describes X62W common universal milling machine of asynchronous motors into easy CNC milling machine stepper motor selection methods, and to keep in mind.
51. Keep in mind, though, that the amounts of vitamin K in healthy oils are still tiny — one tablespoon of canola oil has 20 micrograms.
52. Please keep in mind that leverage magnifies both gains and losses.
53. But when you define RI constraints, keep in mind that there are rules in place to safeguard data integrity when DML operations are performed against related tables.
54. Following are tips to keep in mind when you're figuring out how to wear a double-breasted suit and bring back a classic look that should never have disappeared to begin with.
55. However, keep in mind that the crisis after the bigger problem is rampant inflation.
56. A few things to keep in mind when dealing with unsolicited emails and spa vm.
57. Spare no pains while the nation or country is in difficulty. Keep in mind to benefit society after gaining success and remember corporation social responsibility in all times.
58. Keep in mind, however, that an oral irrigator doesn't replace daily brushing and flossing, since it doesn't remove plaque.
59. When discontinuing a certain product, it's important to keep in mind that just as melasma tends to arise gradually, it also tends to clear very gradually.
60. Watermelon: watermelon abluent, be sure to keep in mind to cannot be cut with the knife.
61. Keep in mind that it is quicker to allow the Lotus Domino server to resolve its name in the local host table than to query DNS.
62. Smooth movement in a squash court in essential for winning squash. Keep in mind that not only is the correct foot needed, but how you take that crucial step.
63. You know, keep in mind - 14, 15 years old - they're pajama parties.
64. In the long-term step-down process, please always keep in mind : to lower blood pressure is about personality!
65. Please keep in mind that outgassing of specimens and connection lines might cause corrosion of components.
66. Nevertheless, keep in mind that your body needs proper fuel to function at its peak level.
67. Keep in mind that the legal work may include more than just term sheet issues but also corporate cleanup (such as correcting poorly drafted contracts, board minutes, and so on).
68. Keep in mind that in any given vintage year, the Bin 707 will be far more expensive than the 407.
69. Keep in mind the claymores have an arming time of 3 seconds, so if you press the clacker 'immediately' after deploying, the claymore will not go off.
70. It is tempting to want to do everything every Lord's Day, but we must also keep in mind that physical rest is a significant part of spiritual rest.
71. InfoQ: What are the best practices and "gotchas" that software architects should keep in mind when working on creating reusable component libraries?
72. If iPads and tablets do cannibalize PC market, keep in mind we have low share of PC market, the other guys lose a lot more.
73. Keep in mind that AO is an extra-cost licensable component, and only available on 3.8 firmware for XS40 and XI50 appliances built on the 9235 (9004) hardware architecture.
74. Keep in mind that although the request is sent on each keystroke, the argument sent is the entire content of the input text component.
75. Keep in mind that expensive schools may have superior financial aid available. This can bring their net cost much closer to the lower-priced schools.
76. It is important to keep in mind that a molder who is making money, is a molder who'll be in business when you need him.
76. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
77. To understand this cryptic-looking sequence, again keep in mind that the SPU only does loads and stores a quadword at a time, on quadword-aligned addresses.
78. So, keep in mind that one milliwatt is just the same as saying 1 times 10 to the -3 joules per second.
79. If and when you have insecurities, don't defer to your subordinates or overcompensate by micromanaging every little task; keep in mind that you also have to show confidence in your team.
80. Note: keep in mind, Shawn was so far ahead of Walt, he was able to fall, get up and get in the car before Walt had even cleared the gate area.
81. And keep in mind, painting at all was totally out of character for him, given that he had been a cook in Italy and a woodworker when he came to San Francisco.
82. Before you start scouring for deals, keep in mind that owning rental properties is time-consuming, expensive and fraught with challenges, and many investors lose money.
83. Keep in mind that every file owned by bin will have an ownership of 2, because AIX doesn't automatically change the file ownership to the user's new UID.
84. The thing to keep in mind is this guy had huge psychiatric problems. He was profoundly depressed and self-stimulation did not appear to help.
85. Keep in mind, this is not a nuclear reaction, but a simple chemical explosion that often (as in this case) results in little or no radioactive material being leaked into the outside world.
86. Keep in mind that the damage shield will reflect pet specials, so you might be better off just turning autocast bite and claw off for the duration of the fight.
87. The thing to keep in mind in understanding OOP sui generis is that OOP is not really a matter of inheritance specifically, but of dispatch decisions more generally.
88. Keep in mind that this is just version 1.0 of the spec, so do not expect it to be rich in functionality.
89. Also keep in mind that these icons only appear when they are contextually relevant, usually there won’t be this many at the same time.
90. When you evaluate potential intra-organizational career changes, keep in mind the total value of the role and the skill set that you can transfer.
91. Keep in mind the value of our hands and fingers are immeasurable.
92. Keep in mind that an idealized monochromatic plane wave must be depicted as an infinite wave train.
93. Subsequently, we describe a few concepts that you should keep in mind for spatial queries and spatial DML statements.
94. Keep in mind that changing focal length will require refocusing in most zoom lenses.
95. It is also important to keep in mind, when discussing the probability of financial crisis, the country's external surplus/deficit position.
96. It is important to keep in mind that recompiling to gain performance enhancements may compromise binary compatibility on some environments.
97. When consulting your Groundsman over pitch dimensions, it is important to keep in mind how your team plays.
98. Keep in mind that it's the small dimension of the slit which does the spreading out.
99. Keep in mind that you probably get more aerobic benefit from one 8 miler than two 4 milers, but the two 4 milers are a lot easier on your body.
100. Another thing to keep in mind is that not all students pay a school published price.
101. Keep in mind that chronologic age and developmental stage are not always related.
102. Keep in mind that an idealized monochromatic wave must be depicted as an infinite wave train.
103. Designers need to keep in mind the quantization errors that result from the fixed-point representation of numbers on a fixed-point processor.
104. Keep in mind that it is possible for the SAR level to vary between different transmission bands and that different testing bodies can obtain different results.
105. Keep in mind, however, that natural family planning methods aren't as effective as prescription birth control and don't offer protection from sexually transmitted infections.
106. Handy as it is, keep in mind that the voice synthesizer will not be able to express the subtle differences that convey emotions and other important aspects of spoken language.
107. But we need to keep in mind that the healthy separateness we are discussing here is not intended to mean indifference or even contentiousness with others.
108. In the dimensioning and die cutting process what to keep in mind?
109. Keep in mind this is an adaptation of the caveman/paleo/primal diet.
110. Keep in mind the two versions of William Pitt's dying words.
111. One of the most important things to keep in mind is that a hurricane is a fairly short natural event.
112. Job. Keep in mind that the damage shield will reflect pet specials, so you might be better off just turning autocast bite and claw off for the duration of the fight.
113. Although many of the samecold weather running safety tips (like "don't overdress") apply to winter racing, here are a few other things to keep in mind if you're running in a chilly race.
114. The next time you go stargazing and wonder what secrets the universe holds, keep in mind someone else might already know the answer -- they're just not telling anyone else about it.




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