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单词 Abstracted
1. Iron is abstracted from ore.
2. She abstracted the main points from the argument.
3. He is abstracted by a bird outside the classroom.
4. The man abstracted a pen from my pocket.
5. The article was abstracted from a longer new book.
6. The same abstracted look was still on his face.
7. The thieves abstracted the jewellery from my drawer.
8. He gave her an abstracted glance, then returned to his book.
9. The idea of redness is abstracted from the colour of all red objects.
10. He was listening to music and had an abstracted expression.
11. The same would apply to the abstracted car driver.
12. He has abstracted the speech.
13. She was thinner, abstracted and often seemed unaware of her surroundings.
14. His movements were slow, his gaze abstracted, as if he were composing a poem in his head.
15. Whatever musings had abstracted me from the charms of the city fled before the lucidity of that long-drawn-out instant of disaster.
16. With an abstracted look, she removed her sweater and brassiere.
17. He had a boyish, slightly abstracted look, that was his most endearing expression.
18. Contemporary architecture, for example, is increasingly abstracted from the social and spatial contexts in which it is constructed.
19. He was frowning, had an abstracted look, as if he had a headache.
20. In recent decades the elegant, abstracted paintings of the Aboriginal people have become famous around the world.
21. Through figurative abstracted works on paper, Tempe artist Ron Bimrose taps into light themes like transition, fate and personal choice.
22. The author has abstracted poems from earlier books.
23. He was moody and abstracted.
23. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. Two other points, given their importance in later developments, must be abstracted from the argument.
25. Your base of operations, so to speak, has been abstracted from the underlying computer.
26. He was a cipher to me, a silent man of abstracted benevolence, and I never got to know him well.
27. I looked up to see how she was taking this and found her expression largely abstracted.
28. The words people use to describe this event are not the event itself and are only abstracted re-presentations of the event.
29. Data used to produce the I9X binding profile was abstracted from reference 21.
30. Lady De Marr, Camilla, lifts her glass and holds it, abstracted for a moment.
1. Iron is abstracted from ore.
31. The author abstracted his book.
32. The thief abstracted & 5 from my wallet.
33. Is the seawater abstracted from non - prohibited area?
34. With abstracted gaze Davidson looked out into the night.
35. They were abstracted and conventionalized.
36. The proliferation behavior for worms is formalized by determined finite automata theory and the general process of the proliferation is abstracted.
37. About 10 parameters were abstracted for influencing analysis , which include APAR?
38. Hackmatack essence oil is abstracted from Juniperus oxycedrus in a steaming and distillating way.
39. From rejected ion exchange membrane the perfluorinated acid resin is abstracted as solid super acidic catalyst.
40. The circuit characteristics are abstracted at microarchitecture level and a microarchitectural peak power estimation model is implemented.
41. Analysis was done for the mixture of water soluble soybean polysaccharides abstracted from soybean dreg.
42. Having at last taken her course Tess was less restless and abstracted.
43. Since the view volume is abstracted to an approximated pyramid, the judging speed gets massive boosted.
44. By the analytical method, he abstracted firstly the pure moral phenomena and principle from the common tangly moral understanding in order to lay a foundation to the real moral philosophy.
45. A common framework of compiler is abstracted during the research of the interpreter of procedure language. After that(), the implementation schemes of the front end and back end are presented.
46. This article introduces a new process of synthesizing vanillin from 2-methoxy-4-methyl benzenol, which is abstracted from pine creosote oil, via one-step oxygen method.
47. All the time Wilson had been talking, his voice had been a little abstracted.
48. In addition, it has distinct legal nature, and is provided with economic and jurisprudential foundation to be abstracted as an independent type of personal right.
49. Lemonile was manufactured by the dehydration of citral oxime obtained by the reaction of hydroxylamine sulfuride and citral abstracted from litsea cubeba oil.
50. Protein hydrolysate was abstracted from anchovy Engraulis japonicus using an enzymatic method, and its amino acid composition and in vivo anti-hyperlipidemia action were investigated.
51. You absolutely are a abstracted with a top faculty of puraffectation and an avantgarde way of cerebration.
52. One medical assistant abstracted information on birth outcomes from medical records after the delivery of newborns.
53. For one thing, the inner emotion in real life can be abstracted and sublimed into a dynamic form of music emotion.
54. Quickly came assembly language, which abstracted away the ones and zeros to provide rudimentary machine instructions such as load register X with value Y.
55. The purple pigment which is abstracted from the Althaea roseal is a harmless natural dyestuff.
56. Berth allocation problem is abstracted as Package Problem, and an integer model is presented which considered simultaneously berth and quay cranes and whose objective is minimize the generalized time.
57. A class of multilevel star network is abstracted from objective existent network system, and the location-allocation optimization design problem is studied.
58. Roger Ballen depict an abstracted imaginary space that is inhabited by both animals and people.
59. They are fellow prospectors pressing deeper into an abstracted world, content most of the time to pick up an occasional nugget but dreaming of the mother lode.
60. Methods The total flavone of Juglans regia folium was abstracted bydissolvent and column chromatography.
61. Contents of polyamines, DNA, RNA and soluble protein abstracted from leaves at different position of crabapple ( Malus hupenhensis ) seedling were investigated in the present study.
62. The centerline of elastic rod or elastic filament can be abstracted as space curves to deal with them by the knowledge of the theory of space curve and differential geometry.
63. Thus jacked in, he cerebrally navigates the invisible world of abstracted information, as if he were racing through an infinite library.
64. Curiously quiet she was , almost abstracted , answering these questions.
65. To realize the function of workflow management, the business process must be abstracted from the real world and described by a kind of formal method.
66. The association rules in tourism service quality information are abstracted by applying ROSETTA, such as the tourism traffic and the service of ciceroni both are the important factors.
67. He stammered confusedly and took himself away, for the moment abstracted, serious , lost in thought.
68. The poems come to you abstracted from the contexts in which they were originally produced and read, from their place in a body of work, in a book, in a magazine, in a life that produced it.
69. The signal in system is transmitted by the undirected graph which is abstracted from experiment circuit diagram.
70. Each article was then reviewed, abstracted, and classified using an established evidence scoring system.
71. His countenance , as he came on, wore an abstracted and somewhat doleful air.
72. At the same time. based on the idiomatic expression, the"abstracted"word is appropriately amplified and extended in the translation to reproduce the original information faith...
73. Fault sensitive feature is abstracted from high and low frequency of fault residual signal, by which sensor fault time, fault reason, fault degree can be diagnosed.
74. Meg was so abstracted she scarcely noticed that the train had stopped.
75. The paper built some reasonable assumptions of the Intranet using in company[], and abstracted a linear optimization model.
76. The bulla were pierced and the inner liquid was abstracted under surface anesthesia before the injections.
77. If someone considered that Quine's and Giere's thoughts about naturalized philosophy of science were still abstracted theory, Thagard's thoughts tried to demonstrate the epistemology practically.
78. Then, noise energy can be abstracted from the nonzero frequency information of the spectrum, and signal energy from zero frequency information.
79. In addition, the formation and evolution models of planation surface under various climate and tectonics still need to be generalized and abstracted.
80. Objective To study method of GTF abstracted from chromium-rich brewer's yeast, determine content of amino acid in abstract.
81. Research for the condition of extraction on black rice showed that the optimum conditions of the black pigment Abstracted from black rice, and the quality of the black rice was as well.
82. The volatile oil from the fruits of Pyrus betulaefolia Bunge was abstracted by steam-stilling and analyzed by GC-MS method.
83. The volatile chemical components extracted from the almond of Prunus amygdalus Stokes was abstracted by steam-stilling and analyzed by GC-MS method.
83. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
84. One is abstracted from BUCK converter named single-loop model, which has only one high frequency current loop.
85. Sometimes he would sIt'silent and abstracted, taking no notice of anyone.
86. The abstracted tissue contained normal endometriu m , remaining decidua and a small amount of chorion villi.
87. Under certain assumptions, the incoming of aircrafts can be abstracted as mathematics model, and the scheduling process can be defined as an optimal value function.
88. The stress characteristics of joint cushion was abstracted to some spring, and the theoretical model of joint rigidity was built by mechanics equilibrium condition and reasonable simplification.
89. At present, phytosterol mainly abstracted from deodorizer distillates of soy bean oil in our country, There have few report on phytosterol abstraction from deodorizer distillates of rapeseed oil.
90. The energy of the scattered light is abstracted from the original beam.
91. Be about to communicate complete spirit the target that should become a gender, target itself can make a person abstracted, importune spirit desire syncretic , achieve not easily instead.
92. The shortest path problem of network is abstracted to a minimum spanning tree problem and the limitations of the minimum spanning tree are analyzed.
93. The essential oil from the flowers of Pyrus betulaefolia Bunge was abstracted by steam-stilling and analyzed by capillary GC-MS method.
94. Swarm Intelligence is an untraditional computational intelligence technology which is abstracted from individual cognitive behavior and law of group cognitive.
95. "He walked on, sucking his cigar, and apparently in as abstracted a mood as Mr. Cargill himself" (Sir Walter Scott).
96. In order to analyze the rationality of hierarchical topology in Industrial Ethernet, the parameters of complicated fieldbus networks are abstracted so as to develop a network model at levels.
97. Miss Lin sorted through the pile of clothes , then stood, abstracted, beside the bed.
98. Using WCF, they abstracted order processing logic into a central shared set of services, that multiple channels can use.
99. In the thesis, syntax knowledge and grammar rules are abstracted from the modern Chinese grammar library, and the knowledge express method by product rule is anal sized systematically.




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