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单词 Restriction
1) Their success is conditional, I suggest, on this restriction.
2) The park is open to the public without restriction.
3) Some restriction on funding was necessary.
4) The 30 mph speed restriction applies in all built - up areas.
5) A diet to lose weight relies on calorie restriction in order to obtain results.
6) The regulations were seen as a restriction on personal freedom.
7) Citizens of the EU can travel without restriction within the EU.
8) This restriction creates a barrier for global electronic commerce.
9) Some states have enacted such a restriction.
10) Water restriction would lead to more obvious hypertonicity.
11) Abbreviations for restriction enzyme sites: H, Hin dIII.
12) The defence asked for reporting restriction to be lifted.
13) The potential restriction of physician income is a major sore point.
14) This restriction is often imposed to avoid prolonged arguments between seller and buyer.
15) The only restriction is how often the person receiving the email checks his or her mailbox.
16) Reactive techniques like reorganization, retrenchment,[http:///restriction.html] and restriction are the natural enemies of organizational innovation.
17) Weight reduction, purine restriction, and cessation of ethanol use should be accomplished.
18) Charles, by contrast, had known nothing but restriction and discipline.
19) A more subtle form of restriction is to proceed by a philosophy akin to that of apartheid.
20) The teens, agitated by their restriction, were randomly leaving their living quarters and vehemently hurling obscenities and spitting at staff.
21) There is, however, one classical restriction which we must take into account, namely the resolving power of optical instruments.
22) A further restriction on the clinical use of alumina is the response of tissues to its implantation.
23) Restriction strikes hard at the sense of individual freedom that is essential to an innovative environment.
24) Restriction fragments used as probes are described in the corresponding figure legends.
25) Our first restriction, used in the previous sections, is the assumption of constant expenditure shares.
26) We now introduce another restriction: the production technology for differentiated products is homothetic.
27) At the turn of the century, Congress imposed/placed a height restriction of 13 storeys on all buildings in Washington.
28) Lobbyists for the tobacco industry have expressed concerns about the restriction of smoking in public places.
29) It should also be noted that there is a mileage restriction over the three year period of 12,000 miles a year.
30) Appropriate management of the volume excess should include sodium chloride restriction.
1) The park is open to the public without restriction.
2) The 30 mph speed restriction applies in all built - up areas.
3) Citizens of the EU can travel without restriction within the EU.
31) And there is no restriction on candidates, although telemarketing companies say they try to avoid using people convicted for fraud.
32) If the car costs more than £12,000 there would be a tax restriction on the relief available for the payments.
33) The emergency import restriction on cultural artifacts from El Salvador has been extended for another three years.
34) For example, there is a case for a further restriction on the sale of knives and for licensing shops.
35) Predominantly affecting young women, the central feature of this disorder is an abnormally low weight achieved by extreme caloric restriction.
36) Exactly how sodium restriction exerts its hypotensive action and why in only certain people remains unknown.
37) This ability removes the restriction on context-free grammars that only a finite set of grammatical categories are allowed.
38) Instead, the matter of attendance is left to the discretion of the governors with no restriction on their discretion.
39) Congress has determined that the danger created by advocacy of overthrow justifies the ensuing restriction on freedom of speech.
40) Unless Anderson has come up with a new math, the restriction means a $ 250, 000 reduction in gate receipts.
41) Renin and atrial natriuretic peptide restriction fragment length polymorphisms: association with ethnicity and blood pressure.
42) The Social Democrats once said that a new citizenship law should accompany any restriction of the right to asylum.
42) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
43) The restriction is as repugnant to the nature of the tenancy in the one case as in the other.
44) The only restriction being that a condition must directly relate to the site and must be reasonable.
45) The restriction applies within a 100-foot radius around any clinic entrance.
46) We did not want to impose this restriction here but wanted to let the data reveal individual preferences.
47) A general right of recovery of overpaid tax could not incorporate any such restriction.
48) A single band was found for each restriction enzymes and combinations mentioned above.
49) The Act is a mass of technical paperwork and restriction.
50) He lay in a sort of mental haze until a feeling of restriction just below his buttocks penetrated his still slumbering state.
51) No housing policy can be sound which does not deal courageously with rent restriction as a whole.
52) Mr Fordy said all local hauliers were sent letters before the restriction came into being.
53) Such a restriction on land coming on to the market is irrelevant, but nostalgic.
54) If the mutation creates or destroys a restriction site then this can be simply examined in the products of the reaction.
55) That restriction prevented voters who value experience from expressing their preferences when voting(), she said.
56) But emigration to the United States had made this restriction anachronistic and so the Liberal government altered the law.
57) We can do what we like and say what we like to whomever we like, without restriction.
58) Each region offers different opportunities and imposes different kinds of restriction on its inhabitants.
59) The dietary control of plasma phenylalanine concentrations requires rigorous restriction of natural protein intake, often to less than 6 g per day.
60) An apparently dangerous criminal may be hospitalised with a restriction stipulating that only the Home secretary can authorise his release.
61) Riggs said Clinton administration representatives agreed to the further funding restriction in return for congressional leaders' blessing of the spending bill.
62) Control amplifications on samples to show that a constant restriction enzyme site can be cut strengthen confidence in the analysis.
63) This method provides a means of obtaining DNA markers distributed along the length of a specific restriction fragment.
64) A more rigorous refereeing system or the restriction of scholarship to limited types may be introduced.
65) Sight deposits are, in the main, cheque account funds while time deposits incorporate an element of withdrawal restriction, i.e. notice.
66) They are susceptible of restriction only to prevent grave and immediate danger to interests which the state may lawfully protect.
67) The restriction had excluded millions of freelance and contract employees from any paid leave.
68) Several deletion mutants were prepared by exploiting singular restriction sites in the cDNA to enable progressive sequencing.
69) The fiction, however, reads like an attempt to break out of this self-imposed restriction.
70) To a large extent this is due to the severe restriction on building.
71) It should not be seen as a restriction on parliamentary sovereignty.
72) Remaining with our inflation-unemployment example where, we need to impose an additional restriction on the behaviour of the prediction error.
72) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
73) These courses may be chosen virtually without restriction and are intended to maintain the breadth of the student's education.
74) By now a new restriction had been placed on their friendship by both parents.
75) Only relevant restriction sites are indicated in the expanded regions.
76) Almost all the examples he gives for a restriction of client participation are atypical of a community work situation.
77) There are also negative measures in the sense of restriction of land-uses, and exclusion of people and/or livestock from certain areas.
78) All but one of those released have been placed under heavy restriction orders.
79) He can work comfortably and easily despite the weight and restriction of the line fastened to his collar.
80) Incomplete restriction sites produced on the junctions with linkers and adapters are indicated by enzymes with asterisks.
81) Finally, the voluntary mountain bike restriction for Snowdon mentioned a couple of issues ago has been agreed between the interested parties.
82) Samples were digested with the appropriate restriction endonuclease and were size fractionated by electrophoresis through 0.9% agarose gels.
83) The analogy is drawn between research assessment and the restriction of use of medical expert systems to physicians.
84) No evidence was seen of restriction of digestion to the tips of the incisors.
85) The 1908 Act is an obsolete restriction that is not appropriate for modern mining methods.
86) They are worried that the workers might interpret the new law as a restriction of their rights.
87) A further level of pre-censorship, imposed by a bureaucracy headed by government appointees, is an unnecessary institutional restriction on programme-makers.
88) Restriction of livestock with similar variations is also a frequent negative element in combinations of conservation techniques.
89) The smaller diameters should then be sawn off, to minimise flow restriction.
90) The existing policy is one of seeking abortion on demand, up to the point of birth and without legal or medical restriction.
91) Although I favour examination rigour, further restriction on available content will be an inevitable outcome.
92) Various Local Acts vary this so that all warehouses without restriction are covered by section 60.
93) The SHTRAYml, like other articles of clothing, is an instance where the restriction was turned into an ornament.
94) It is modern technology all wrapped up without the cable to trip over, and the restriction of power point locations.
95) BglII, XhoI and BamHI restriction sites are at equivalent positions in each of the repeats as shown.
96) This is a severe restriction which the travelling matte overcomes.
97) Conflicting treaties A different claim is where an earlier treaty contains a restriction upon entry into subsequent treaties.
98) This includes dietary phosphate and calcium restriction as well as aluminum hydroxide antacids.
99) A major restriction in the cementation brass-making process was the limited amount of zinc which could be introduced into the alloy.
100) Within a year there should be no such restriction upon me.
101) There is no restriction on the amount you can withdraw as long as you maintain the minimum balance of £10,000 in your account.
102) If found guilty, they face penalties ranging from restriction to base, fines or reduction in rank.
102) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
103) Nine of the world's top wheelchair racers due to take part have best times up to 18 minutes inside the restriction.
104) In 1921, the Emergency Quota Act was the first to impose a numerical restriction on immigrants.
105) A restriction that he refrain from counseling women will expire at the end of this month.
106) This restriction on copying applies equally to single, group and site licences.
107) It's like a height restriction at an amusement park.
108) And starts propagate and import restriction for this.
109) No experience, no sex and age restriction, no test.
110) The Restriction Enzyme Database from NEB.
111) Caloric restriction has consistently produced health benefits for animals.
112) Freehold ownership of land with no restriction to it.
113) The gasoline detection system consists of a capillary restriction.
114) The Supreme Court struck down this restriction.
115) Rumor circulated state import restriction shortly however ourselves unbelieving.
116) They exported commodities there without restriction.
117) The only restriction: no messages of hate or anti-Semitism.
118) Enticing research also comes from studies of caloric restriction.
119) Figure 2 . Restriction pattern of the recombinant plasmid.
120) Crouch implement change sit implement, accept osculum restriction.
121) The restriction of annual export quota is deleted.
122) But how might caloric restriction slow aging?
123) For comparison purposes, the model for CAC with restriction but no degradation ( cac-R ) is also shown.
124) However, after an unlisted enterprise it invests in gets listed, its unassigned shares as well as the allocated shares are not subject to this restriction.
125) Restriction enzyme map simulated by pDraw32 software is consistent basically with the previous report.
126) It's the key to affection and restriction cooling water treatment technique and equipment's development that monitoring and evaluation scale and corrosion inhibition performance accurately.
127) After a restriction endonuclease cleavage, two expected smaller fragments were observed.
128) If the cross terms of the spatial frequencies for the unit cell of periodical object are much smaller than the main frequency terms, the restriction of the angle is not necessary.
129) To overcome this restriction and to maximize the flexibility of a relational database system, DB2 V9.5 introduces the concept of global variables.
130) We should refer to foreign legislation and social harmfulness of crime and cancel the restriction of larcenous amount to judge the larceny.
131) There is no restriction on the color of organic JAS logos.
132) Consolidated List of Commodities Subject to Import Restriction and Commodities Assisted by Customs for Import Examination ...
132) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
133) For each metadata type compatible with a composite state, every transition in the sub-state machine has a policy for restriction.
134) CONCLUSION Right ventricular restriction exists in a significant subset of patients with tetralogy of Fallot following surgical repair and exerts unfavorable effects on post-operative course.
135) Worse still was the restriction of responsibility to one's own field.
136) Based on the matrix analysis, the influential factors on the model solving are discussed and the restriction conditions to the distribution of the known points on the probe are proposed.
137) Shall not change, change rooms or beds, room restriction is only for your own accommodation, residential accommodation of others, we shall have to apply for registration.
138) The objective function of the mathematical price model is cost minimization of customers and profits of the supply company is the essential restriction.
139) There were restriction enzyme sites of Smaand Sdu in UCP 3 gene of pigs.
140) While US imposed special safeguard sanctions on China last week, Chinese government declared immediately in the weekend to apply import restriction on American chicken and automotive production.
141) If the law of parity conservation were suspended, this restriction would be removed.
142) Restriction fragment length polymorphism ( RFLP ) technique used in cancer research.
143) Secondly, the preamplified DNA fragments were digested by a restriction endonuclease to form sticky ends, which were then ligated to a designed DNA adapter by ligase.
144) It added: "In practice, that will be mainly household or household-like contacts or, in a school context, those at surrounding desks; and the restriction of contact follow-up to those most at risk."
145) Resufts: All of buccinator myomucosal flaps survived without infection, hematoma, parotid duct injury, facial nerve injure or restriction of opening motion.
146) A lot of environmental protection laws including some trade restriction measures have been set down esp. by the developed countries.
147) When the longitudinal strain is much less than the coronary, the restriction to the emissary veins becomes stronger.
148) Limited distribution activities in Chaoyang City, Salt spoon started, salt restriction spoon into the large peasant family.
149) Due to the restriction of aperture effect and the aperture delay, it is difficult for a conventional phased array radar to get wide instantaneous band width under wide scan scope.
150) In order to make application development get rid of bottom hardware restriction, and to invoke hardware device through a general interface, device interface is defined in SCA system.
151) However, because of the labor cost increase, and the restriction of RMB appreciation pressure, the competitiveness of logistics enterprise in our country has gradually weakened.
152) Why cancer cell is OK and infinite proliferous , and what restriction does the hyperplasia of normal cell accept?
153) This paper has put forward to use a kind of non-automatic broadcasting property in TTCAN protocol to improve CAN protocol in reliability and real time between the contradictory and mutual restriction.
154) It may mean a forced restriction acreage, in the American AAA plan, or its revival.
155) For the case of electrons an important restriction comes into play.
156) When this restriction is removed , the body assumes the liquid states.
157) CP4-EPSPS gene was amplified from 13 samples, but all of them were proved to be false positives in restriction endonuclease digestion analysis of PCR products.
158) At a deeper level, you may want to have constraints such as uniqueness of an element value, multiplicity of an element, or restriction of the values of an element.
159) Methods: The restriction endonuclease and T 4 DNA ligase were used to construct the vector plasmid.
160) Remove the restriction that the domestic partner in a JV securities firm has to be an existing domestic securities firm.
161) This article proposes several suggestions about the audit law enforcement power according to analysis of the restriction factors which affect it.
162) Particles filter (PF) has no restriction to the noise type and it is an effective approximate method for the state estimate of nonlinear systems.
162) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
163) Sodium restriction may minimize bloating, fluid retention and breast swelling and tenderness.
164) A relation between an increase in the ohmic resistance and the ohmic restriction resistance of a conducting plate with a sharply changing width is shown.
165) In the stimulating planning of 4 trillion of China, banks loosen the loan restriction, at the same time Central Bank of China lowers the loan rate.
166) With the gradual advance of the market-led interest rate process in China and the loosening of the interest rate restriction, interest rate fluctuates more greatly.
167) And the provident fund by developers for project loans as a developer of security, there is no restriction in this regard, but many of the procedures are reimbursable by the developers.
168) Large DNA molecules are first dissected with restriction enzymes to produce specific fragments.
169) Also, this chapter simply introduces the necessity and the restriction of importing assumption of risk.
170) "On paths optimization in a network with restriction of finite transported material" is very special cost flow problem.
171) Subcloning and comparative restriction enzyme analysis were carried out with the replication origin from tne integrated F' plasmid and that from the autonomous F plasmid.
172) Modern treatment of ascites is based on this recognition and includes modest salt restriction and stepwise diuretic therapy with spironolactone and loop-diuretics.
173) The multi-arch tunnel is often adopted in the construction of short tunnel in mountain area, due to the restriction of landform and road line.
174) Secret ballot enables the voters to express their free will on the candidates without any restriction.
175) Methods LOH at APC and MCC genetic loci in 46 specimens resected from esophageal neoplasm was studied with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP).
176) METHODS:Polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism(PCR RFLP) was used to analyze NQO1 gene polymorphism in Parkinson disease group and healthy adult control group.
177) The ban on beef led to threats in Congress of trade restriction against Japan.
178) When there is a certain restriction to the total length of impedance transformer, the characteristic impedance of conventional commensurate broadband matching networks would exceed feasible range.
179) In most countries, income tax deductions and maternity leaves are available without restriction.
180) Whether the classical predicate logic systems with the primitive rule of universal generalization have the strong semantic soundness depends on the restriction of the rule.
181) The effects of restriction upon performance were more prevalent and severe with right-arm immobilisation.
182) Methods Allele-specific restriction enzyme was used to analyze patient, her mother and brother and 40 healthy volunteers.
183) For comparison purposes, the model for CAC with restriction but no degradation ( CAC- R) is also shown.
184) Food restriction therapy, anti-oxidant treatment and hormone therapy have already become modern anti - ageing effective methods.
185) It can be concluded that the macro-effects of SPS measures on Chinese pork trade are trade ban, trade restriction and trade twist.
186) The restriction digestion system consisted of 10μ L PCR products, 2.0μ L 10× Buffer, 83.350 nkat restriction enzyme and 7.5μ L ddH 2 O.
187) Tariff barriers are by far the oldest type of trade restriction, having been in use for five hundred years or more.
188) We propose a call admission control with restriction and degradation ( CAC- RD) for wireless networks which uses adaptive bandwidth allocation to provide users multi - level QoS.
189) But because of the restriction of historical condition Condorcet's thought had fantasticality inevitably. "
190) Around 40 food-exporting countries have imposed some sorts of trade restriction of food: taxes, quotas or across-the-board bans.
191) Although canonical examples use the vector representation as a key and value, there's no restriction on how you can define the value (such as an aggregate of a number of values).
192) In order to overcome the restriction, the serial dyadic expansion method for multivariable control systems is proposed. An example is given to demonstrate its application.
192) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
193) A future maintenance release for Version 6 will add the back-level configuration templates that will lift this restriction.
194) There is no restriction on payment of amortization of loans or depreciation of direct investments.
195) Describe the problems or restriction ( if any ) you foresee in exploiting local resources in the future.
196) Such legislation is virtually immune from restriction under the commerce clause.
197) In order to connect with PUC19 vector, the gene fragments of heat shock protein HSP70 were linked with the double-stranded artificial joints With EcoR I restriction site.
198) It enables a specific gene to be located on a particular restriction enzyme fragment.
199) Restriction and protection is a contradiction which should be settled in Negotiable Instruments Law of the Rights of Recourse of the Bill.
200) We may seek countermeasures against electronic business practice from two points, legal restriction and legislation.
201) It is not very effective to monitor friction between rotor and stationary of a steam turbine by vibration signal indirectly in power station because of the restriction of vibrometer and heavy rotor.
202) Results The constructed vectors of EBO-WT and EBO-G87 were identified by restriction enzyme digestion and nucleotide sequencing.
203) These findings suggest that caloric restriction might have similar effects in humans.
204) We believe, from the point of information integrity, this restriction can be relaxed to reversible matrix.
205) This paper is concerned with the problem of real symmetric positive semidefinite matrix pencil under spectral restriction.
206) A legal community needs not only internal moral adjustment but also external restriction of legal good faith.
207) Import restriction is effected through such measures as imposition of tariffs, fixing of quota, allowing imports only against licenses.
208) You can overcome this restriction by using parallel access volumes (PAVs).
209) Baldwin ? ? truth value restriction multiconditional fuzzy reasoning algorithms is presented in discrete membership function.
210) Result The recombinant was correctly constructed and restriction endonuclease analysis and PCR amplification.
211) But you were free without any restriction before you got to know him. Marriage and love are far more than struggling for freeness.
212) With the continuous improvement of experimental accuracy, the importance of lepton flavor violation process as an important experimental restriction for new physics model is constantly increasing.
213) The first type is an array derived from soapenc:Array by restriction using the wsdl:ArrayType attribute as specified by WSDL 1.1.
214) The second restriction upon the president's power is the limited time at his disposal.
215) The recombinant plasmid PET- 11D-ospC was identified with restriction endonuclease analysis and sequencing.
216) The State shall apply the import license administration to the goods under import restriction.
217) This System model is directly constructed by the primary data. Consequently it may avoid the restriction of mathematical formula and keep integrity of the primary data structure.
218) A similar restriction by a maker or drawer would destroy the negotiality of the instrument.
219) Three model joints with different restriction were tested by unvarying load on the vertical direction and to-and-fro load on the level direction, and they may be rectified by practical course.
220) Carburetors for automobile engines usually contained a storage chamber for liquid fuel, a choke, an idling jet, a main jet, an airflow restriction, and an accelerator pump.
221) AIM:The aim of this study was to isolate and clone the liver tumor-associated genes by restriction fragment differential display PCR (RFDD-PCR) methods that developed recently.
222) However, this restriction does not apply to trades undertaken to liquidate pre - existing open interests.
222) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
223) The aim of advanced batch control strategies is to track the pre-set trajectory in a fast and exact way under the limit of operation condition and restriction.
224) Methods Single round Touchdown PCR (TD PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method were used for genotyping in 110 people from the Han population in Chongqing.
225) Restriction map A map of a segment of DNA showing the cleavage sites of restriction endonucleases and their physical distance apart, usually measured in base pairs.
226) Objective:To assess the effects of particle repositioning maneuver(PRM) and postural restriction therapy on posterior semicircular canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo(BPPV).
227) SAR with Displaced Phase Centers multibeam in Azimuth (DPCA) can solve the confliction between swath width and resolution, but this mode is one Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) restriction.
228) The restriction map of the recombinant was analysed and compared with that of human SRY gene.
229) Student 3: Do you consider the restriction of the emission of carbon dioxide a core method, and what's your opinion on radical solution of global warming?
230) The MHC restriction of T cell is determined in positive selection.
231) Although there exists many kinds of switching - fabric technologies, their switching capacity cannot reach terabit level under the restriction of available devices and technologies.
232) The applications of karyotyping and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses, specific DNA probes and PCR method to the diagnosis of Candida albicans infections are reviewed.
233) We have the necessity transform to the validity of invariableness and the validity of restriction in order to avoid the confusion and the content in theoretically overlaps.
234) While it's illegal for adults to proselytize anyone under 18, young people do not have this same restriction.
235) The ceramic porous material is chosen to make restrictor and the restriction parameters related to the bearing is deduced aimed at the special form and qualification of the water-lubricated bearing.
236) Methods Isolates were identified as acinetobacter calcoaceticus by using antibiotic susceptibility test, plasmid profiles, restriction enzyme fingerprinting assay and plasmid elimination method.
237) The swimming club is open to families in the neighborhood without restriction.
238) Basketball skill teaching ecology environment of gym department of university is a organic structure system composed by multi-factormutual restriction and rely.
239) One restriction on agency action takes the form of judicial review.
240) The emphasis of this paper is but on the finance restriction which is demonstrated clearly by the great gap between the capital demand and capital supply.
241) The establish of the effective expense control mechanism, the restriction mechanism of the medical service and the risk share mechanism, are the core contents of The Medical Insurance System Reform.
242) Since pointer arithmetic and thus array indexing depend on the size of objects, this restriction made arrays (particularly multidimensional arrays) less flexible in C than other languages.
243) So the two countries may take restriction measures and correspondingly counteractions.
244) Compared with what people do in real life, they can play completely different roles in the network. People put off their masks for there isn't any restriction or artificialness in the net.
245) We can remove the restriction if we develop a stack with a linked list.
246) If a loan contract between natural persons stipulates the payment of interest, the interest rate may not violate the regulations of the State regarding the restriction on the loan interest rates.
247) The traveling crane maintains rigidity restriction with the lifting appliance in rapid horizontal shift, thus avoiding free swing of the lifting appliance.
248) Positive clones of F gene were identified by PCR and restriction enzyme digestion and then sequenced.
249) Next, we will investigate and compare the restriction mechanism of non-prosecution of two legal systems.
250) Restriction enzymes and reverse transcriptase are keys to gene engineering.
251) Resin: there are pyroligneous DIN cellulose, especially medium restriction of polyacrylic ester class shrinkproof resin.
252) Results:After being identified by PCR, restriction enzyme digestion and sequencing, the adeno-integrase hybrid system was successfully constructed.
253) Apparently the NRA hasn't yet succeeded in lifting the firearms restriction.
254) Judge Lord Woolman jailed MacLennan in March and also imposed a lifelong restriction order.
255) For others, "normal" means regular failed efforts at calorie restriction in an endless cycle of yo-yo dieting.
256) Results PCR, restriction endonuclease method and direct sequence analysis demonstrated that plasmids of YMDD, YVDD and YIDD were constructed successfully.
257) In this part, the main contribution is the analysis of the Bimodal restriction, we find essentially it's a special auto-adaptive histogram modification.
258) Restriction versus opposition to restriction is the main form of class struggle in the new - democratic state.
259) Restriction enzyme digestion and AT clone were employed to rapidly screen out the recons of PA segments for the preparation of the gene chip probes.
260) This paper discussed some qualities of a kind of the Fuzzy linear programming, and then gave the definition of the shadow price of the Fuzzy restriction.
261) The rules of mediacy credit had some restriction effect on people engaged in mediacy.
262) Method 32 cases of hydatidiform mole were analyzed by DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP, hybridized with the probe 33.15).
263) From the agency theoretic perspectives, nonfinancial measures can provide more information about the agent's action choices, and make the motivation and restriction more scientific and affective.
264) Calorie restriction also appeared to slow the loss of gray matter in the brain.
265) With digital peak value holding function, sample split stop function, and the function of up and down location restriction, overload, smash-up and various protecting functions.
266) Colour does not take up bedroom space, do not accept the restriction of dimensional structure, apply convenient and agile, can reflect the individual character style of habitant most.
267) Remove the restriction that the domestic partner in a JV securities firm has to be an existing securities firm.
268) Its restrict conditions include system work cycle, communication protocol restriction, communication format assumption, multi-byte data and bit sign.
269) DISA removed a restriction late last month that limited the contract to six awards to large businesses and five awards to small firms.
270) The system of acquisition in good faith is a very important legal system of civil law and law of jus ad res in the world, whose aim is to enforce a restriction on the protection of absolute ownership.
271) Method Polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism were used to examine 40 oral malignant tumors for loss of heterozygosity at chromosome 3p.
272) In an open letter, the Foreign Press Association said this week that the closure of the Erez crossing to journalists marked "an unprecedented restriction of press freedom.
273) The Transportation Problem exists"more-for-less"paradox, which because the loose-constrained model has broadened the restriction, enlarged the feasible area, and bring new optimal solution.
274) Experiment results show that the algorithm can solve the problems of watermarking collision and relieve the restriction of user number in multiple watermarking algorithms.
275) Quarantine restriction have been lifted on import animal from that country.
276) METHODS:Polymerase chain reaction(PCR) combined with restriction enzyme digest ion were used to detect gene specific junction fragments of the 23 CMT1 patients and 30 normal controls.
277) Preterm neonates with lower birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction, and breech presentation were more likely to be hypothermic .
278) The above emergency import restriction measures have been reviewed on the basis of health status and information on disease control measures provided by the relevant authorities of India.
279) The portfolio selection with superior assets on restriction of the borrowing rate is discussed.
280) There is no restriction [ limit ] on the number of people.
281) An application is made to the problem of the tilting mode instability for spheromak without restriction in ellipticity .
282) By restriction enzyme identification, PCR and sequence analysis, the recombinant plasmid of the HA1 was successfully constructed.
283) Objective : To study the maternal serum thyroidstimulating - hormone ( TSH ) with fetal growth restriction ( FGR ) .
284) The U.S. is moving down - market because of the economic recession and restriction on consumer credit.
285) The infinite regulation of cosmos has the characteristics of source, ego restriction, criticized inherit and infinite equilibrium of objective self-contradiction.
286) Furthermore[/restriction.html], it got the maximum volume of hip roof of three planes in restriction of setback-line.
287) AIX 5L Version 5.1 overcame the restriction of supported disk types by introducing the so-called enhanced concurrent mode VG, which extended the concurrent mode support to all other disk types.
288) DB2 V9.5 removes this restriction and allows a user to create the database with an XML column in any code set.
289) There are a lot of competition restriction stipulations in the labor agreement of NBA, but the application of the antitrust law can be dodged by means of labor exemption.
290) Caloric restriction also has favourable effects on our health and delays the development of age-related diseases.
291) Consolidated List of Commodities Subject to Import Restriction and Commodities Assisted by Customs for Import ...
292) Lack of specialist-culture-conduct, restriction of city and countryside dual-system-culture, absence of background culture that supports the new curriculum-reform, etc. May be the important reasons.
293) Mr. Yu denied that the move constitutes a trade restriction.
294) The displacement restrictor parameter optimization of the shock isolation system is a kind of nonlinear optimization problem with the restriction.
295) The bill is a kind of negotiable security, the negotiability is the basic way in which the bill circulates, it is restriction or prohibition on bill circulation to forbid endorsing.
296) Based on the characteristic of multi variety and batch and turn manufacturing, the production overlap factor is presented and is used to modify the traditional resource restriction conditions.
297) Quantifier in numeral abbreviation breaks the restriction of grammar rules, and modifies noun, verb, adjective, adverb, numeral, empty word and affix.
298) Common complications were snap of temporomandibular joint hemimandibular , restriction of mouth opening and facial nerve injury.




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