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单词 Ronald reagan
1. The Republican candidate Ronald Reagan continued to oppose it.
2. Ronald Reagan fixed that, but here we go again.
3. Ronald Reagan turned it into an art form.
4. Ronald Reagan, campaigning for the presidency, denounced the treaty.
5. Weinburger was an advisor to former president Ronald Reagan.
6. Tacha, like Davies, was appointed by Ronald Reagan.
7. President Ronald Reagan says goodbye to the astronauts during services to honor the crew.
8. Readers may recall that President Ronald Reagan once suggested himself that trees were polluters.
9. A visiting senator made the predictable comparison with Ronald Reagan.
10. The arrangements for selecting presidential candidates that produced Ronald Reagan in 1980 have been the subject of much criticism.
11. Ronald Reagan, born 35 years before Clinton, had different obstacles to hurdle.
12. Ronald Reagan is the only modern presidential candidate to experiment with that idea, selecting Pennsylvania Sen.
13. Ronald Reagan often argued that by cutting public sector spending, we could liberate voluntary efforts from the oppressive arm of government.
14. Bush was elected on the coat-tails of Ronald Reagan, who in turn worshipped Margaret Thatcher's brand of politics and economics.
15. With a presidential election nearing, Republican challenger Ronald Reagan campaigned against the sale.
16. Ronald Reagan surrounded himself with swashbuckling Californian businessmen with ill-concealed contempt for the east-coast establishment.
17. John Kennedy broke the barrier against Catholics, Ronald Reagan against the divorced.
18. Fashion critics chuckled when Ronald Reagan wore his brown suits while president.
19. Federal appeals judge Alex Kozinski, a Ronald Reagan appointee, recently attacked the legal machinery of capital punishment.
20. Ronald Reagan reluctantly canceled his inaugural parade in 1985 when the chill factor dropped well below zero, endangering the marchers.
21. I began to appreciate the benefits enjoyed by Ronald Reagan as a result of his kindly nature and his high position.
22. Ronald Reagan joined the Republican Party in 1962 and later became Governor of California.
23. Volcker may have had exalted credentials as a central banker,(http://) but he was not deemed politically safe enough by Ronald Reagan.
24. Now it is to be sold, along with snaps of the late Mirror newspaper tycoon with Ronald Reagan valued at up to £300.
25. Whatever their differences in generational outlook and political philosophy, Ronald Reagan shared the same youthful encounter with hell.
26. Indeed average wages for non-supervisory workers are lower than they were under Ronald Reagan.
27. Such abuses produced a deregulatory movement that took root in the Carter administration and flourished under Ronald Reagan.
28. A recent poll gives President Clinton the same 60 percent public approval rating that Ronald Reagan brought to his second term.
29. The new building is going to be named for Ronald Reagan.
30. The president who signed the 1986 bill into law: Ronald Reagan.
31. So how did Ronald Reagan manage to sell the country on the so far unreachable dream of a defense against ICBMs?
32. Ronald Reagan received an even larger margin in 1984; but he had margins almost as big among whites elsewhere.
33. Mrs Thatcher herself emerged with greater international stature now, in large measure because of her relationship with President Ronald Reagan.
34. The others were blown up in 1982, following strategic-arms limitation talks conducted by Ronald Reagan and a succession of Soviet leaders.
35. Ronald Reagan appointee, was on the panel that unanimously upheld the gas chamber ban Wednesday.
36. Dole noted that former President Ronald Reagan was popular with younger voters.
37. Understandably, presidents have looked for alternatives; including Ronald Reagan through the then fantastic means of Star Wars.
38. Official recognition of the change came thick and fast during the presidency of Ronald Reagan.
39. I doubt there has been a more devoted acolyte of the economic gospel of Ronald Reagan than Mr Symington.
40. Ronald Reagan was deplored as a firebrand who might bring on a nuclear war.
41. Ronald Reagan was not without handicaps and dissatisfaction with both of the party's standard bearers in this election was unusually widespread.
42. His estrangement from many of his former colleagues became complete in 1980 when he endorsed the presidential candidacy of Ronald Reagan.
43. Ronald Reagan is hearing the same argument today.
44. Ronald Reagan is Governor of California before becoming President.
45. The system was so successful that people came to believe in what former US president Ronald Reagan called the magic of the marketplace and I call market fundamentalism.
46. Bush never wanted a new plane. Ronald Reagan never asked for one either.
47. It was called "Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine, " and the American Medical Association distributed it to its members.
48. Former American President Ronald Reagan has returned borne to California after a brain operation.
49. Wen was well ahead of Hugo Ch á vez, Princess Diana and Ronald Reagan.
50. Somewhere above , Ronald Reagan may be nodding, and brightening the heavens with his genial smile.
51. That man is the spitting image of Ronald Reagan. He must be very proud.
52. Ronald Reagan ( 1911 -- ), 40 th president of the United States.
53. In 1981, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Carter and Ronald Reagan gathered to discuss policy for the region, prior to leaving for the funeral of the assassinated Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat.
53. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
54. Laissez - faire has clearly lost some lustre since Ronald Reagan was president.
55. He lost his campaign for re - election to conservative Republican Ronald Reagan.
56. The 1980s was dominated by a new set of leaders: Britain's Margaret Thatcher, Germany's Helmut Kohl, France's Fran?ois Mitterand, and America's Ronald Reagan.
57. Scot Faulkner worked for former President Ronald Reagan and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
58. Some historians compare the Ronald Reagan era of deregulation to a similar period of "rugged individualism" touted by Herbert Hoover's White House from 1929-33.
59. We hope that after assuming the presidency, Mr. Ronald Reagan will make new contributions to the development of Sino-U. S. relations.
60. Mrs Reagan compassionately pleaded that stem-cell research could help to find a cure for Alzheimer's disease, which afflicted Ronald Reagan in his later years.
61. If we want to win -- and win big -- the exigencies of the election force us to solemnly swear that Mondale is the tax increase candidate and Ronald Reagan is the no-tax-increase candidate.
62. That wasn't proven when Ronald Reagan said we would do SDI, which is missile defense.
63. A month before the Republican Party convention, Ronald Reagan made a costly political mistake.
64. For Richard Nixon , Ronald Reagan and Carter it was the cold war.
65. Before his presidency, Bush held a multitude of political positions, including Vice President of the United States in the administration of Ronald Reagan (1981–1989) and director of the CIA .
66. Mr McCain's age will ensure that one of the central debates in the election will be whether the Arizonan is the new Bob Dole or the new Ronald Reagan.
67. The last such use of the Capitol rotunda was for former President Ronald Reagan in 2004.
68. Lifeguard, sportscaster, movie star, governor,() president — there wasn't much Ronald Reagan didn't do in life.
69. Ronald Reagan, well on his way to slashing his predecessor's largesse toward clean energy, killed the investment tax credit.
70. President Ronald Reagan dies at age 93, the six - day state funeral follows.
71. Nonetheless, Carter's successor, President Ronald Reagan, continued to abide by the unratified SALT II pledges.
72. He was a tireless advocate of supply-side economics: the man who persuaded Ronald Reagan to abandon deficit-hawk Republicanism in favour of aggressive tax cuts.
73. Mr Webb , a Democratic senator for Virginia(), was secretary of the navy under Ronald Reagan.
74. He wears stars - and - stripes shirts and has clips of John Wayne and Ronald Reagan on his website.
75. Nothing was more typical of Ronald Reagan than that large-hearted magnanimity - and nothing was more American.
76. The former US president Ronald Reagan was sometimes known by his soubriquet the Great Communicator.
77. That man on the other side of the road is a dead ringer for Ronald Reagan.
78. Ronald Reagan and George Bush senior tried to eliminate industrial policy wherever they found it, says Michael Boskin, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under Mr Bush.
79. At Trinity College at the University of Toronto, he was even more socially maladroit. He assumed the pose of young Republican and put a poster of Ronald Reagan on his wall.
80. It was the vote that launched a thousand editorials: the charismatic young black senator was compared to Jack Kennedy, Martin Luther King and even Ronald Reagan.
81. The magazine emphasised homespun and leaned to the right - Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan were fans.
82. START was signed July 31, 1991, by Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and President George H.W. Bush; President Ronald Reagan originally proposed the treaty in 1982.
83. He first photographed the Reagans in 1965, when he covered a breakfast event where Ronald Reagan announced he was entering California's 1966 gubernatorial race.
84. He is an abrasive New Yorker in a country that tends to elect hail-fellow-well-met types like Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.




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