单词 | Somatic |
例句 | 1. The somatic strip is handled in a late incident just as it is sent to an earlier one. 2. Somatic cells are produced from preexisting cells. 3. The hurt is just somatic. 4. Silver staining of somatic chromosomes of Silphium perfoliatum. 5. Somatic coding mutations in human induced pluripotent stem cells. 6. Somatic cell hybridization is technique. 7. Apparatus for the treatment of neuropsychic and somatic diseases with heat, light,[] sound and vhf electromagnetic radiation. 8. The somatic embryogenesis and plantlets regeneration of Ziziphus jujube cv. 9. This paper reprots on the somatic embryogenesis and callus formation from protoplasts isolated from embryogenic cell suspension with high regenerability of wheat(Triticum aestivum L. cv. 35816). 10. Mammalian somatic nuclear transplantation is a complicated and orderful process. 11. Any of our somatic cells and reproductive cells is actually one cell. 12. Morphological and physiological maturities of somatic cells directly affect plantlet germination and plantlet regeneration frequency. 13. It need not add pancreatin to separate the somatic cells of Trichinella spiralis. 14. The concept of somatic fingerprint spectrum is suggested for first time in this paper and the experimental recording method is described. 15. Guo WW, Deng XX, 1998. Somatic hybrid plantlets regeneration between Citrus and its wild relative, Murraya paniculata via protoplast electrofusion . 16. The clinical presentation of complex partial seizures is diverse and includes psychiatric, motor, and somatic signs and symptoms. 17. Because the disorder is specific to B cells, it may be a candidate for somatic gene therapy. 18. To the extent that a multicellular soma is not maintained by selection between cells, accumulation of somatic mutations is inevitable. 19. Most protocols currently use replication defective retroviruses, which can very efficiently achieve stable integration into human somatic cells. 20. The complete genome replicates in twenty minutes-whereas it takes hours in somatic cells. 21. The dynamic changes of some biomacromolecules were measured in the process of somatic embryogenesis from embryogenic callus in longan(Dimocarpus longan Lour. ). 22. The growth characters of the above 2 cell lines were stable. The methods could provide rich material and resources of the donor cells for somatic cell nuclear transfer in vitro. 23. Methods By using the disuse nerves under the paraplegic plane, somatic nerve splanchnic nerve reflex arc bladder function remodelling was performed in 34 cases. 24. Conclusions Of the uveal melanomas we analyzed, 83% had somatic mutations in GNAQ or GNA11. 25. With the birth of Dolly sheep, the technology of somatic cell nuclear transfer is developing fast and many cloned animals are achieved recently. 26. However, making the appropriate cells via induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) requires reprogramming of somatic cells and subsequent redifferentiation. 27. One of the goals of the research is to produce cells tailored to individual patients through a process known as somatic cell nuclear transfer. 28. Contrady, it is good for increasing quantity and quality of somatic embryogensis with activated charcoal. 29. Objective: To study retrospectively the completion rate of different pharmacotherapies in the management of heroin dependent patients with somatic mal in compulsory detoxification settings. 30. Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein enzyme, which is positively expressed in most malignant tumor cells, while negatively expressed in normal somatic ones. 31. For the application of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), low cloning efficiency is a great barrier. 32. They don't need the complicated process of somatic cell nuclear transfer technique. 33. Somatic embryogenesis was successfully done in Liriodendron hybrids with the immature zygotic embryos as explants. 34. Therapeutic cloning is one of our major research objectives, and therapeutic cloning is based on human somatic cell nuclear transfer. 35. The major cytological mechanisms of polyploid formation are union of unreduced gametes, somatic doubling and polyspermy. And union of unreduced gametes is the most important mechanism. 36. It was speculated that the somatic primary myelinated fibers and the visceral primary unmyelinated fibers possibly converged onto SDCN neurons to produce new neuronal effect by functional integration. 37. In view of the phenomenon of cotyledon rootage in the wounded part, presumptions could be made that cotyledon would be the explant for Hevea somatic tissue cultivation. 38. Somatic cell nuclear transfer is the key procedure of therapeutic cloning, which is believed to be most potential therapeutic strategy to diseases such as Parkinson sand diabetes. 39. However, as players' somatic anxiety increased, they perceived lower flow experience in feedback and the autotelic experience. 40. IBM is also trying to perfect an "emotion mouse" that will determine users'emotional states by measuring pulse, temperature, general somatic activity and galvanic skin response. 41. The somatic cell chromosomes in F1 hybrid plants indicated that good genes of oats can be introduced into the bread wheat to enrich the germ plasm resources of the wheat. 42. Objective: To explore the best conditions of electrical fusion and activation influencing the development of porcine somatic cell nuclear transfer embryo. 43. Effects of seedling stage, genotype and explant type on in vitro somatic organogenesis of cucumber were investigated. 44. A preliminary study on the somatic chromosomes of Agropyron Gaertner and Elytrigia Desvaux. 45. Histological Observation of Somatic Embryogenesis from Cultured Embryos of Quercus variabilis BI. 46. Autosomes Paired somatic chromosomes that play no part in sex determination. 47. In nurturing the process of Dolly, scientists used somatic cell cloning technology. 48. The somatic embryo of P. notoginsengoriginated from single embryonic cell insidecallus or near the surface layer. 49. The research on the mammalian somatic cell nuclear transfer is one of the life science research hotspots at present. 50. Histopathological alterations in the kidney of fish and the renal somatic indices could be used as sensitive bio-indicators for assessing the toxicity effects of estrogenic substances. 51. Theoretically speaking, Victoria has inherited only the provision of somatic cell genetic characteristics of sheep. 52. Somatic cell nuclear transfer - the transfer of a cell nucleus from a somatic cell into an egg from which the nucleus has been removed. 53. The 23% success rate is much higher than the typical 3% seen with somatic cell nuclear transfer, Poeschla says. 54. Endomitosis, karyomixis, multipolar mitosis and chromosome break of the somatic cells were easily induced by culturing in vitro and by pollen haploidy. 55. In recent years, the study of development of plant somatic embryo and technique of polyploid induction have become two important subjects in cytobiology and molecular biology. 56. Result TB affected all predicted domains of QOL, including general health perceptions, somatic sensation, psychological health, physical function, social function , and social stigmatization. 57. The results showed that the mode of reproduction conforms somatic apospory. 58. ObjectiveTo investigate the effects of Tai Chi exercise on somatic function of middle - aged females. 59. The paper mainly reviewed several factors on influencing somatic cloning of pigs , which involve in cytoplast recipients, donor cells, micromanipulation, activation and reconstituted embryo transfer . 60. These indicated that there existed rich energy metabolisms in the genesis and development of somatic embryos of Liriodendron hybrid. 61. The projection from the ventral posterior nucleus (VP) of the thalamus to the somatic sensory cortical area (SmI) in the rat was studied with the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method. 62. At the same time, the information of flax biotechnology of anther culture, haploid breeding, utilization of somatic mutation, protoplasmic culture, gene transformation were introduced in detail. 63. Cellular reprogramming could dedifferentiate somatic cells into pluripotent state, which has tremendous potential in regenerative medicine. 64. The frenulum is innervated both by somatic and autonomic nerves, the somatic nerve is derived from the penile dorsal nerve and the perineal nerve, the autonomic nerve comes from pelvic plexus. 65. The present study is the first to report on the usefulness of puromycin for production of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) transgenic piglets after somatic cell cloning and embryo transfer. 66. Cancer genetics, somatic mutagenesis, DNA repair, genomics and molecular medicine. 67. We did not detect any somatic mutation in PTCH gene. 68. Objective:To study the effect of reconstructed embryos by cytoplasm injection and electrical fusion in rat-mouse inter-species somatic cell nuclear transplantation. 69. The procedure of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is likely to affect the expression level of growth-related genes especially imprinting genes. 70. Four possible genotypes that were prototrophs, auxotroph of one parental type, auxotroph of the other parental type, and auxotrophic recombinants can be generated from progenies of somatic hybrids. 71. Telomeres are a special structure of chromosomal ends of somatic cells. 72. What somatic - cell nuclear transfer technology produces are cloned human embryos. 73. There were 24 pairs of chromosomes in somatic cell, including one pair of heteromorphic chromosomes which lengths were different from corresponding chromosomes in other karyotypes reported. 74. The results of cytological observations indicated that somatic chromosome number was 38 in different nuclear male sterile lines. 75. The somatic portion of the peripheral nervous system regulate muscles that move at will. 76. Somatic epileptiform activity could be effectively inhibited by the integration of visceral afferent information in cortical and hippocampal parts. 77. Polyploids can arise by somatic doubling, by the fusion of unreduced gametes, and by means of a triploid bridge. 78. Somatic cell - cell of the body other than egg or sperm. 79. The computerists make no real distinction between behavioral learning and somatic learning. 80. The somatic narcissist and psychopath have no sexual playmates - only sexual playthings. 81. Conclusion The electrofusion efficiency may he improved by inserting more somatic cells into PVS when the somatic cells have a low electrofusion efficiency with oocytes. 82. Weuse clinical health goat seras or somatic inhibited agglutination test negative goat cesareansection fetus seras as negative seras. 83. But the only proven way of getting a new gene into a cat, somatic cell nuclear transfer, is tricky. 84. An Australian ban on the research, known as therapeutic cloning or somatic cell nuclear transfer, was lifted in December 2006 after a rare conscience vote in the national parliament. 85. Objective To explore the methods for separating somatic cells of Trichinella spiralis and the determination of their activity. 86. How Does a Single Somatic Cell Become a Whole Plant? 87. In conclusion, the bovine somatic nuclear transfer technique with zona-free 2-half cytoplast manipulation can result in a satisfactory batch cloned embryo production. 88. The effect of ABA on embryogenesis of Physalis pubescens L. and the possible relationship between somatic embryogenesis and environment stress were also discussed. 89. Methods Mutant frequencies of somatic HPRT locus in peripheral blood lymphocytes of 30 healthy adults and 30 radiation workers were detected by using 6 thioguanine resistant(TG r)assay. 90. Future application and research directions on somatic embryogenesis in Picea species are also recommended. 91. Aneuploidy The condition, resulting from nondisjunction of homologous chromosomes at meiosis, in which one or more chromosomes are missing from or added to the normal somatic chromosome number. 92. The third step was to use a process known as Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer to generate an embryo. 93. Somatic hybrid plants between alfalfa and sainfoin were regenerated by protoplast fusion and culture. 94. Haplobiontic Describing life cycles in which only one type of somatic body is formed, which may be either haploid or diploid, i. e. either the sporophyte or the gametophyte generation is missing. 95. Donor cells play a very important role in nuclear transplantation of Somatic Cell. 96. The changes of the endogenous phytohormone content of synchronic materials at different developmental stages in somatic embryogenesis were measured by HPLC in Dimocarpus longan Lour. cv. Honghezi. 96. 97. Study on Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Theobroma Cacao L. 98. These somatic hybrids and their offsprings were studied by the methods of morphology, cytology and enzymology. 99. There is a different spherochromatism after the two systems secondary spectrum , spherical aberration and somatic aberration. 100. These results indicate that somatic and visceral input may converge on single type A spinal ganglion neurons via dichotomizing primary afferents. 101. Cloning by a method known as "somatic cell nuclear transfer" (SCNF) has become a fundamental research tool with numerous applications, including in human medicine. 102. The research advance on organogenesis, somatic embryogenesis and protoplast regeneration system of soybean are introduced in this paper. 103. The study was carried out in 1984-1987. The somatic cells of thallus were isolated by enzymolysis from Porphyra haitanensis, then cultivated in MES medium. 104. I call this, cat-like, brain-and-body kind of tacit knowledge "somatic tacit knowledge": it is knowledge stored in the muscles, nerve pathways, and synaptic connections. 105. Both somatic and autonomic effectors may be reflexly excited by nerve impulses arising from the same sensory end organs. 106. Somatic cells of angiosperms enter a regenerative phase and behave like embryos. 107. In SCNT, the somatic nuclei must be remodeled from highly differentiated patterns to a totipotent embryonic pattern. 108. A protocol for the induction of somatic embryogenesis via pseudobulbils from mature seeds of Rosa multiflora Inermis 3 was established. 109. Results:The rates of anxiety, agitation, hypochondriac symptom, hypomnesia, gastroenteric symptom and somatic disease were significantly higher in elderly people group than in younger adult group. 110. Materials and Methods The preoperative MRI were performed in 73 patients with neurogenic bladder planned for the operation of artificial somatic central nervous system autonomic reflex pathway. 111. Diplobiontic Describing life cycles showing a typical alternation of generations with haploid and diploid somatic bodies. 112. The bud-stage of breast development appears early (10 . 7 years) in the sequence of somatic changes accompanying pubescence. 113. The HAMD17 anxiety subscale and items 13 (somatic symptoms-general) and 15 (hypochondriasis) showed significant improvement only in moderately and severely ill patients. 114. A plantlet had been obtained. Histological sections proved that the embryos had a typical histological structure of monocot somatic embryos. 115. Abscisic acid is one kind of phytohormone with overall physiologic function. It plays an important rule on plants somatic embryogenesis and development. 116. A. Vitamin E supplementation is a treatment for mastalgia. The administration of 400 IU per day of vitamin E during the luteal phase improves affective and somatic symptoms. 117. Objective: To display the location of somatic neurons of the musculocutaneous nerve in the rabbit with retrograde axonal tracing method of horseradish peroxides (HRP). 118. In this paper, we studied the screening me hod, procedure and results of rice somatic mutants with resistance to Pyricularia oryzae Cay. using phytotoxin . 119. TDZ(thidiazuron), the most active cytokinin-like substance is one of phenylurea and has been shown important effect on shoot proliferation and shoot organogenesis or somatic embryogenesis, and so on. 120. The animal interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer has provided a new method for maintaining the limited populations of endangered species and getting embryo stem cells. 121. This callus can differentiate somatic embryo and regenerate plant on the culture medium somatic embryo differentiation. 122. Since the "Dolly" birth, the application of somatic cell nuclear transfer technology in livestock is ascending in the field of animal husbandry. 123. But while the histrionic is overly-emotional, invested in intimacy, and self-dramatizing ("drama queen"), the somatic narcissist and the psychopath are cold and calculating. 124. Various celeriac explants were in vitro cultured on MSO media added different ingredients in order to induce high quality somatic embryos suitable for making artificial seeds. 125. Somatic effects are those which cause damage to the individual. 126. At 19.5 days, the somatic cloned mice were delivered by Caesarean secession. 127. The somatic embryos developed directly into plantlets with roots and buds through multicellular proembryo, globular, heart -shaped, torpedo - shaped and cotyledon stages. 128. These results indicate that both somatic and visceral input may converge on single type A DRG neurons via their dichotomizing peripheral processes. 129. Objective:To make initial identification on Isatis Indigotica Somatic Clones' resistant mutant. 130. The capacity of somatic cells to evolve is an atavism, as this property is lost in the transition of uni- to multicellularity. 131. Although there were few reports on plant regeneration from callus and somatic embryogenesis, organogenesis is still the principle method for plantlet regeneration of carnation. 132. Interspecies cloning is a new technology with the development of Somatic cell clone technology. 133. To display the location of somatic neurons of the musculocutaneous nerve in the rabbit with retrograde axonal tracing method of horseradish peroxides (HRP). 134. With organisms of sufficient complexity, behavioral and somatic evolution emerged. 135. Conclusion Unipolar depression patients' clinical cognition impediment, especially their unexplained various somatic symptoms may relate with function change in certain brain areas. 136. Simultaneous reinnervation of MPG and EUS by one group of somatic motor neurons may be the major neural anatomy infrastructure for controllable voiding via the somatic-autonomic reflex arc. 137. He said the dog was created using the somatic cell nuclear transfer technology that the university team used to make the world's first cloned dog, Snuppy, in 2005. 138. This is the first time anyone in the world has made pluripotent stem cells from somatic cells (as opposed to germline cells such as sperm and eggs) from an ungulate (an animal that has hooves). |
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