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单词 Liking
1. Every man has his liking.
2. He had a liking for fast cars.
3. I've always had a liking for the sea.
4. She had a liking for good clothes.
5. They have little liking for each other.
6. The town was too crowded for my liking.
7. Life lies not in living but in liking.
8. She has a liking for fine wines.
9. I've developed a great liking for Japanese food.
10. Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness.
11. There's a world of difference between liking someone and loving them.
12. She had taken a liking to him on their first meeting.
13. Jim and Keith had a liking and respect for each other.
14. Mrs Jermyn took a great liking to him.
15. The agreement we have is to my liking.
16. The weather's too hot for my liking.
17. He immediately took a liking to Steve.
18. I'm developing quite a liking for jazz.
19. He seemed rather too cocksure for my liking.
20. I trust the meal was to your liking.
21. We share a liking for Italian cooking.
22. The food wasn't really to my liking.
22. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
23. He's a bit cocky for my liking.
24. London was more to his liking than Rome.
25. The island is too slow for her liking.
26. Is the room to your liking, madam?
27. He speaks too preciously for my liking.
28. She's developed a liking for theatre.
29. The coffee was just to his liking.
30. He was just a trifle too friendly for my liking.
1. He had a liking for fast cars.
2. She had a liking for good clothes.
3. They have little liking for each other.
4. The town was too crowded for my liking.
5. She has a liking for fine wines.
6. I've developed a great liking for Japanese food.
7. There's a world of difference between liking someone and loving them.
8. She had taken a liking to him on their first meeting.
9. He was just a trifle too friendly for my liking.
10. Jim and Keith had a liking and respect for each other.
31. I hope everything was to your liking, Sir.
32. There was a bit too much blood and guts in the film for my liking.
33. The weather has turned a touch too cold for my liking.
34. Her guess came a little too close to the truth for my liking.
35. She's asking far too many personal questions for my liking.
36. He made no attempt to disguise his liking for her.
37. After a few drinks her boss started getting too familiar for her liking.
38. The music was a touch too loud for my liking.
39. She's a funny girl, yet you can't help liking her.
40. He immediately took a liking to Malden.
41. Too many Sunday drivers for my liking.
42. She'd tried to hide her liking for him.
43. The second half is more to her liking.
44. She was too healthy for my liking.
45. The West had shown little liking for this.
46. Newman looked at him with no particular liking.
47. He found the train far more to his liking.
48. She took a liking to me.
49. There were too many variables for his liking, but he had committed himself now.
50. The next test is more to Beau's liking - dealing with a mob that gets out of control.
51. The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does. James Matthew Barrie 
52. Now, unsure about liking him, convinced that they were incompatible, she knew she loved him.
52. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
53. Need I add that impairment is more to my liking than good health?
54. Shall we have a look at the catalogue to see if there is a pattern to your liking?
55. He was a small man with a shock of white hair, and a ruddy complexion from his liking for port.
56. A: He called to ask how people were liking the book about his execution.
57. I get the impression that the warden was impressed without actually liking the man.
58. He warned of the dangers of liking to walk around in flowing robes.
59. I hope everything in the suite was to your liking, sir.
60. The battle started when Sindy began to grow up rather too quickly for the liking of Mattel, Barbie's maker.
61. Connors had actually taken a liking to me after the incident with the gun.
62. The whole Southampton setup was a bit too primitive for my liking.
63. His liking for the man made him uncomfortably aware of the similarity in their jobs.
64. She passed on up the street liking and not being detained by the people there and reached her house.
65. He had a fresh, open face, and stars in his eyes, and she took a liking to him at once.
66. She had always felt that liking should come first then gradually deepen into love.
67. On Eighth Street the wind was liking discarded newspapers like wounded pigeons.
68. Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it. Maya Angelou 
69. He can't complain about people not liking him when he's so horrible to them.
70. Still liking it, still doing it, Gerry Marsden keeps rocking and rolling at the Apollo tonight.
71. Fortunately, he had taken a liking to Claudel last year.
72. She's a good-looking woman, but too full of herself for my liking.
73. Meanwhile I was developing a liking for the motion picture business with Miss Hellen Semmens as a central point of interest.
74. It was the other detective, White, who had come into the living-room far too quietly for my liking.
75. Conclusion Most of the children who read this book find themselves quite liking Gowie Corby.
76. My first visit to Vancouver had resulted in a great liking for the west coast, and I was determined to return.
77. She found herself praying that this batch would be more to his liking than the last.
78. Or had he had a predilection for liking young ladies?
79. For some reason she had taken a liking to him.
80. Can you imagine knowing, and liking, a man who engages in fist fights?
81. The kindest thing one can say of this is that, one day, we may come round to liking it.
82. Congressional Republicans have made an increase in the debt ceiling contingent on a balanced budget agreement to their liking.
83. However, with the two medium-sized potatoes and a spoonful of carrots, she found this also quite to her liking.
84. Instinct told her that he was planning something for her and it might not be to her liking.
85. I wanted the Colonel to hear that; he couldn't hear it too many times for my liking.
86. Of course he acquired some better habits, such as that great liking for poetry and music.
87. Dustin and Peckinpah had a liking and respect for one another.
88. It was on the rebound from Higginbotham that she took up with the first boy that she came near to liking.
89. The friendship had blossomed, and mutual respect had turned to a deep liking.
90. I liked his liking, the exuberance of banjos duelling through the hollow bedroom walls when he was home.
91. After deciding that a paper looks, feels and smells to your liking, a few other factors should be considered.
92. Certainly, younger children show affection and have feelings of liking and disliking.
93. The question of his liking or disliking Tolstoy simply does not arise.
94. He pretends a great liking for Chevalier de La Luzerne, but one should be on guard against his fine claims.
95. She was confused, of course, by liking Alison, not hating her, even in a weird sense sympathising with her.
96. Hamilton, it turns out, despite his observances of the Wellport era, has no great liking for churches.
97. On the other hand, supper sounded too close to bedtime for his liking.
98. He felt a warm liking for the pretty, brave girl.
99. Or perhaps a good pumpernickel rye is more to your liking?
100. The idea of anybody, Marge especially, liking that wall-eyed ox in preference to Dickie made Tom smile.
101. He banged down the rucksack and the basket he had been carrying and looked without liking at the unencumbered Beuno.
102. He showed a particular liking for Richard who took full advantage of the situation, though it caused Edward some uneasiness.
103. Liking your negative qualities Learn to accept your positive and negative sides.
104. She had soon realized Mrs Parsons had a liking for gin and tonics.
105. The captain too found the seas rougher than his liking.
106. Charlie had a liking for the girls: high-class Sloane Rangers.
107. Joining the group for 12 laps of grassy field surrounding the track, I found their easy pace to my liking.
108. It was on the tip of her tongue to pour scorn and disbelief on the idea of Guy liking ballet.
109. It is then that it occurs to me that I might end up not liking Victorine.
110. They kept going to this restaurant, and the proprietor took a liking to them.
111. But, as she began telling about the earrings, she found herself wanting to, liking it.
112. The after-effects of a severe bout of glandular fever were beginning to linger on far too long for Virginia's liking.
112. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
113. Where was Grandmother liking when she had that sentimental whim? In a dugout in Boise Canyon.
114. Yordas Cave is the legendary home of a legendary giant, Yordas, who had a liking for consuming little boys.
115. Daniel had been offering to lend her his favourite book of poetry as she had developed a liking for it.
116. But now, as shock waves surged through him, he realized that his liking had at least become fondness.
117. He even found himself liking the gunman in an abstract way, despite Gomez's future role as his executioner.
118. All pointed snails should be regarded with suspicion as they have a liking for the foliage of aquatic plants.
119. Mixed in with most of the words in Englishand very likely every other language-is some taint of liking or disliking.
120. This may be to your liking so it is worth experimenting with three, four and five rises.
121. His father takes a liking to coin collecting.
122. I have a special liking for orchestral music.
123. Nora: I have a special liking orchestral music.
124. Most children have a liking for animals.
125. Those novels pander to people's liking for about crime.
126. Kindly, peaceable, liking reading and touching the new things!
127. Liking, and a business decision, were separate things.
128. He seems have a liking for sleeveless jumpers.
129. I have a liking for Beethoven's symphonies.
130. I like electronic organ, also liking English equally.
131. Anyway, Sandy has her own reason for liking rock music.
132. Everyone has the man of liking, no more than has genre of liking unlikeliness.
133. In love should cooperate each other, find the equalization point liking to compromise each other.
134. If he gets too focused on not liking the way he looks, a guy's self-esteem can take a hit and his confidence can slide.
135. I took a liking to stamp collecting three years ago.
136. Is it exclusively due to the above-mentioned that I've developed a liking for predawn Beijing?
137. Those novels pander to people's liking for stories about crime.
138. My liking always wants some little kindness to kindle it.
139. The younger brother likes game, liking sunlight, so the small face is always insolate very black, however, just because of this he just begs for a person to like.
140. The strawberry is red, has a liking for the unusual unattractiveness.
141. Most of us have known this for a while –especially those who have a liking for this wonderful concoction.
142. After why liking her, what dare often do, but afterthething goes[], do not feel how recreant again however. ?
143. This all the way of the shops all hang mop in the treetop of wayside side pavement, having a liking for the deliming is getting notter refined to look at too much.
144. I must say frankly that, although I found him most approachable, good-natured, and full of wit and humor, I could not take a real personal liking to the man.
145. NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) - A taste for Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay or a liking for Bordeaux or Zinfandel can indicate more than just a preference in wines. It could also reveal personality traits.
146. Still I remember your telling me liking this cantus , I was reluctant to change a phone ring.
147. Henry IV is not the only English monarch with a liking for them.
148. My Bratwurst Is not to your liking American? It Is the finest In all Germany!
149. Is small strong, you are to have a liking for that miss.
150. There was one issue , however, that Constitutional Convention did not resolve to Mason's liking.
151. You want to truly have a liking for that wench, use these three recruit, not in about a annual, inevitable successful!
152. This week the strategy backfired when Mr Bersani tried to impose a candidate of his liking on Puglia, Italy's heel, a region run since 2005 by a charismatic gay far leftist, Nichi Vendola.
153. Jack and Ralph smiled at each other with shy liking.
154. They are despoilers of purity, liking nothing more than to take the noble ideals of others and twist them to selfish ambition and self-satisfaction.
155. I can't bear classing people together nationally, and liking or disliking them.
156. Let me discovers incaution letting it to kidnap you, you don't get lost, liking?
157. So have a liking for to the vogue and the function.
158. It is said that those who have a liking for candies will sicken to see them when later they happen to work in a candy shop.
159. To some characteristic shops or Yan Sha, Friendship Store silk counter purchase, although the price has been expensive little, cannot let you actually have a liking for likes the countryside bride.
160. In one study, hearing a rumor that "Sophie" had a mental illness tended to reduce participants' liking for her, desire to know her, and likelihood of voting for her in the student-government election.
161. But, people are a kind of involuted animals with feelings. Treacly love and real life are different. Human nature is liking new and hating old. Now, society has too many temptations.
162. His honest liking for humble people was shown by the fact that he greeted all the old White House servants by name, even the scullery maids.
163. Evermore, chan Bei this B 2 C area that goes up to treasure only a special liking.
164. The design includes: the study of particular liking, intention, expectation and other concepts in job selecting, as well as the operational analysis of the factors affecting employment.
165. When the steaks are perfectly cooked to your liking, move them to a plate, and rub the steak with the cut side of the garlic clove for some extra flavor, then let them rest for a few minutes.
166. Luckily for us, there was a luthier nearby and Segovia took an instant liking to the guitar.
167. He told me that he was really liking the coloring book drawings that I was doing for him.
168. So, the Toyota have a liking for go to not cool, but at function with enduring up pull out the head raise, as time passes also abroad of share in the market competition up breeze.
169. Most of the morning "music" comes from the little sparrows, their songs liveliness and some noisiness, liking the noise of the people hurried merrily in the morning market.
170. It is said that those who have a great liking for candies will sicken to see them when later they happen to work in a candy store.
171. Some times are liking in the afternoon drinking cup of coffee, is listening to the music leisure or chats with the friend.
172. She is a very strange woman, but somehow I can't help liking her.
172. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
173. The onboard Tone control allows you to tailor the overall sound to your liking.
174. Instinctive liking is the feeling which makes us take pleasure in another person's company.
175. Six principles are Reciprocation, Commitment and Consistency, Social Proof, Liking, Ahthority, and Scarcity.
176. I've never been a bird-watcher in the hobby sense of the word but last summer I took a special liking to a little blue jay that came by our place every morning.
177. In a series of experiments, he and other researchers have been able to tease apart that the mammalian brain has separate systems for what Berridge calls wanting and liking.
178. Have a liking for the right is very big, but every counties all have a superior, he in fact has no solid power and just inspects function, truely can not have a too big function.
179. Incredibly will drive hooligan, have a liking for, this bringing back was a 18th erection.
180. Like here, there is no liking of reason, always work exhausted of I once more awaken and see the sky see far mountain and I infatuate with the space that belongs to me here.
181. Friendship may indeed come to exist without sensuous liking or comradeship to pave the way.
182. It is simply following its own interests and the well-trod path of many countries before it that also tried to bend the system to its own liking.
183. Owning to its notable image, high quality standard and to the adequate price it is designed for the most discriminating consumers who took liking to the brand Golden Pheasant .
184. May I ask if you have a liking for modern painting?
185. Low price Christianity Lu the cloth give is gorgeous, Ugg Classic Short, sexy, and exert everything to attire to have a liking for to is hard to believe.
186. Move the steaks to a cooler part of grill and continue to cook until done to your liking. Serve with steak sauce and lots of beer.
187. A new type of acrylic emulsion pressure - sensitive adhesive was prepared by using hydroxypropyl aery -late and N - methylol acrylamide as cross - liking monomers.
188. Knowing that there are no victorious causes, I have a liking for lost causes: they require an uncontaminated soul, equal to its defeat as to its temporary victories.
189. The homing time wants to take the very long-playing automobile, liking to to walk the countryside path in the quite a few, regarded as the exercise anyway, have advantage to me.
190. In liking the water system such as life afield, ditch, brook, it can swim into water, give water to be able to fly, have very strong phototaxis.
191. As you have tasted varied dishes, from which country the food do you have a liking for?
192. Endanger mainly: Carcinogen, it can cause and have a liking for sleeping , have a headache , dizzy , the nausea , insomnia , nerve are dispirited , such symptoms as memory fails to poison slightly.
193. But the neuroscientists believe they have an answer to this scientific riddle, uncovering a distaff preference for red, hidden atop the universal liking for blue.
194. His new step-mother treated him cruelly and finally forced him to marry a girl with a pock-marked face for whom he had no liking.
195. The detection was two strange persons to get in to hide to have the of Yin cave according to reach of house, however an among those have a liking for to go to very peculiar.
196. He often understands his friends, and is crazy about painting art. He has a special liking for water-color painting.
197. You can't miss him, sir. He seems to have a liking for sleeveless jumpers.
198. These two kinds of materials have a liking for to imagine very much, but essentially the discrepancy hang extremely.
199. Does 5 months darling sleep how is liking to rise crural arch to return a responsibility?
200. What aroused her to something more than liking was his boyishness when they went tramping.
201. Colin: I see. We have a liking for retro-movies in common.
202. And this is called the Pratfall Effect, that our liking for the competent person grows when they make a mistake, when they do something embarrassing, when they have a failure experience. Okay?




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