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单词 Pyramid
(1) If the scheme appears to be a pyramid selling scam, have nothing to do with it.
(2) At the bottom of the pyramid are the poor.
(3) The Great Pyramid dates from around 2600 BC.
(4) A cube and a pyramid are both solids.
(5) The acrobats formed a pyramid by standing on each other's shoulders.
(6) The pyramid is 50 metres high and 100 metres round .
(7) A twenty-foot steel pyramid is to be hoisted into position on top of the tower.
(8) It was a very moralistic, religious-based, money-making pyramid.
(9) Sections 118-123 deal with pyramid selling.
(10) The pyramid recommends six to 11 servings daily.
(11) Pyramid will offer its high-end Unix-based servers, which will be leased via Comdisco.
(12) Pyramid said its cash flow remained positive in the fourth quarter.
(13) A pyramid venture was started recently at one licensed dealer, every participant contributing £100, and bringing in more people.
(14) And when pyramid schemes began to appear in the last few years, nearly everyone caught the bug.
(15) A pyramid scheme creates the illusion of financial success by paying off early investors with funds provided by later investors.
(16) Mr Pei's pyramid in the Louvre is fine architecture, but it is nothing other than a new front door.
(17) Quickly they built it into a pyramid over the torch.
(18) It sits on top of a pyramid of related images of deviant women as especially evil, depraved and monstrous.
(19) On a plate in front of him was piled a pyramid of flat white biscuits.
(20) Hundreds of men toiled for years at building the pyramid.
(21) Traditionally, the Brahmins, or the priestly class, are set at the top of the social pyramid.
(22) By 1901, the population had grown considerably but increased use of birth control was narrowing the lower part of the pyramid.
(23) It is simple, decorated only with flat, low pilasters in brick, and has a belfry and pyramid above.
(24) They have all had much the same aim of moving away from the sharp-pointed pyramid with its traditional hierarchical approach.
(25) Dennis cut his veal assiduously into tiny squares and piled them into a pyramid that he then inhaled in a single gulp.
(26) Squatting in front of the fire door, Jess battled with a little pyramid of dried hay and sticks she had built under the copper.
(27) Six people registered in business offices at the Transamerica Pyramid, which has no residential units.
(28) He taught her a position for sleeping that placed the forepart of her brain at the apex of a pyramid.
(29) Elite theory can be visually represented by a power pyramid, as shown in Figure 10. 1.
(30) Meg has lost so much weight her bosoms look like a pair of pyramid teabags, but really this is his movie.
(1) If the scheme appears to be a pyramid selling scam, have nothing to do with it.
(31) The golf tee system is the exact opposite of the pyramid system with its massive support operation.
(32) Alimucaj, who has denied that his company is a pyramid scheme, declined to be interviewed.
(33) There had been much talk of curses like those said to afflict pyramid robbers, which Holmes had angrily pooh-poohed.
(34) Pyramid and Sequent score well, along with Siemens Nixdorf, in the top end performance ratings for mainframe Unix.
(35) Professionals' self-esteem had been founded upon being at the top of the manual wages pyramid.
(36) At the core of the pyramid there would be a maximal division of labour.
(37) He said the profession of surfing photography was like a pyramid.
(38) Some dog I got too. We call him Egypt. Because in every room he leaves a pyramid. Rodney Dangerfield 
(39) Armies so non-national and drawn so largely from the lowest strata of the social pyramid were prone to lose men by desertion.
(40) The sight of Gustave Eiffel's soaring pyramid makes the visitor's heart quicken.
(41) He lies there in the peeling pyramid of the attic bedroom(), on his cot shaped like a gutter.
(42) The balance was split between others up and down the pyramid.
(43) Groups resulting from a parent manufacturer establishing a pyramid of subcontractors and component suppliers.
(44) Together, they confirm the Food Guide Pyramid recommendation to base your eating habits on grain foods.
(45) Let the Pyramid Pooper take a hike just this once, eh? 0196.
(46) Even the album cover is an Earth, Wind and Fire knockoff of a pyramid with Prince-like lettering.
(47) The bottom of the pyramid is chaotic and almost totally lacking in infrastructure.
(48) He was standing on this big silver pyramid where the stage was.
(49) Aztec settlers built their pyramid city on an island and created dikes to hold back floods.
(50) At the base of the revolutionary pyramid lay the popularly elected town Juntas,[http:///pyramid.html] sometimes two in the same town.
(51) On the east side of the Avenue was the large Pyramid of the Sun.
(52) Built-in metal stands overflowed with giant oranges and grapefruits meticulously arranged into a pyramid.
(53) Luxor, built in the shape of a pyramid, complete with a sphinx out front.
(54) If we hire pyramid builders, mechanics, or road builders to create an organizational fishnet, the results will be disappointing.
(55) This pyramid scheme was so successful that some counselors were earning more than $ 150, 000 a month.
(56) The management plan being implemented by the pyramid authorities would relocate the camels from this ridge.
(57) I tossed the map into the backseat, where it was a shape like a paper pyramid.
(58) In 1988, he banned tourists from the interior of the Great Pyramid for six months.
(59) But never mind all those skulls lined up at the intersection of the Aztec pyramid and the Catholic cathedral on stage.
(60) The island's administration was unified under a government structure shaped like a pyramid.
(61) The thatched pyramid roofs reached almost to the ground and rose to points twenty feet overhead.
(62) The next restoration project will be of the melodramatic pyramid memorial to Canova, which is in a dangerously precarious state.
(63) Whatever its shortcomings, the food pyramid has been retired.
(64) Pyramid selling schemes are prohibited by S . 61.
(65) The Great Pyramid is the biggest of all.
(66) The pyramid had five terraces.
(67) At the apex of the pyramid comes Big Brother.
(68) There rose before us the great pyramid of Gaza.
(69) The last level of the pyramid is specific skill.
(70) Pyramid of Cheops yet to yield up secrets.
(71) The single pyramid projects well into the renal pelvis.
(72) It'same size as the Great Pyramid in Egypt.
(73) a pyramid of cans in a shop window.
(74) There are some glaring exceptions to the Eltonian pyramid.
(75) Equilateral pyramid, concise power, an impulsive force of view.
(76) A Multilevel Marketing Organization is not a pyramid scheme.
(77) Do you see the pyramid?
(78) People always associate the Great Pyramid with Egypt.
(79) A new efficient index structure is presented for high - dimensional data space - Clustering Pyramid - tree.
(80) The matching algorithm chosen for calculating the degree of match is a normalized correlation algorithm accelerated by pyramid algorithm.
(81) I think it would be too hard for my them to prepare a separate meal for me every single day in a country that pretty much bases its food pyramid on rice, fish and beef.
(82) On top of each pyramid sat a special square structure called temple.
(83) Plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all living things even for other plants.
(84) But it wasn't until the USDA released the iconic 1992 food pyramid that the government finally found a shorthand that stuck.
(85) Ancient Egyptians used to build the mud-brick pyramid density than the sand around them is much greater, so from satellite images can be easily seen on temples, tombs and other architectural forms.
(86) It is composed of nonsubsampled Laplacian pyramid and nonsubsampled directional filter banks.
(87) As an English famous Egyptologist, for several decades Hansen had being sought after the piece of wood found in sap of the Egyptian Great Pyramid, a very important culture relic in the Great Pyramid.
(88) There was a sequence of Pharaohs culminating3 around 2615 B.C., with the Pharaoh Cheops who built the biggest thing ever built, the Great Pyramid, also known as Khufu.
(89) Saqqara is a vast, ancient burial ground in Egypt, featuring the world's oldest standing step pyramid. It has 4700 year long histroy.
(90) As a monument of stone, the Great Pyramid of Khufu is a stunning achievement.
(91) Tetrahedron sandstone statues tower, the existing four, descending, were folded pyramid.
(92) Bottom-up strategy is like building a pyramid: it constructs upper-level concepts from basic components step by step until the whole concept of selected program is achieved.
(93) As a result, a general formula has been obtained to determine the optimum truncated pyramid bottom dimensions of various ingots.
(94) It is believed the pyramid was built as a tomb for fourth dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops in Greek) and constructed over a 20 year period concluding around 2551 BC.
(95) Chances are itwouldn't look like the food pyramid, the official government guidelinesreleased by the usda in 1992.
(96) We are not a get - rich - quick matrix or pyramid scheme.
(97) P?rshkrimi: The Pyramid in Egypt - One of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
(98) The pyramid and the bald eagle are both parts of the Great Seal.
(99) Pyramid generally refers to the pyramids of Egypt. But there are other pyramids, such as the Mayan pyramids, Aztec pyramid (pyramid of the sun, the moon pyramid), etc...
(100) Who says there are no pyramids in Bosnia? Radiocarbon dating method confirmed that the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon was built about ten thousand years ago!
(101) As a bright pearl at the very top of Science Pyramid, academician was born in France.
(102) Do you like the updated, radically different shape of the food pyramid?
(103) The guidelines, meant to be akin to the "Food Pyramid" nutritional advice, are based on studies that show clear health benefits from regular, moderate exercise.
(104) Thermal cycle of heating oil, hot plate temperature control of high accuracy, pyramid good effect.
(105) What is the shape of that glass building a quadrilateral pyramid.
(106) Thirdly, because of the exclusive consuming demand, consumers" requirements of conspicuousness and self-fulfillment for the luxury goods are upward to the top of the pyramid."
(107) The tradition of pyramid building started in Ancient Egypt as a sophistication of the idea of a mastaba or "platform" covering the royal tomb.
(108) BlueMoon Arena is built on spread foundation,[http:///pyramid.html] and its roof is an incomplete right four angle pyramid double layer reticulated shell.
(109) After years of criticism from nutritionists, the USDA may update its five-year-old food pyramid.
(110) This is why another term for a Ponzi or pyramid scheme is a confidence trick.
(111) What is needed is business innovation that finds creative ways of serving consumers at the bottom of the pyramid using an unskilled and semi-skilled workforce from lower tiers of the talent market.
(112) Generally speaking, the social stratification structure in rural China is like a pyramid. And the polarization of social classes in rural area is still going on.
(113) The pyramid is the oldest structure on the original list of the seven wonders of the ancient world, which was compiled by Greek scholars about 2, 200 years ago.
(114) Since the view volume is abstracted to an approximated pyramid, the judging speed gets massive boosted.
(115) But now let's read the grand climax of this pyramid of promises in Ephesians 3.
(116) Cheops built a pyramid 770 feet on one side and 481 feet tall.
(117) Through a variety of such devices , Carlson succeeded in flattening UAL's organizational pyramid.
(118) This article introduces the Hexagonal pyramid beryl, which crystallized perpendicular to the granite-pegmatite vein wall which has a close relation with Na replacement in the post melt period.
(119) Combined with pyramid structure of dual - tree complex wavelet, the dissertation adopts relaxation algorithm.
(120) Drogon hunted far afield, but when he was sated he liked to bask in the sun at the apex of the Great Pyramid, where once the harpy of Meereen had stood.
(121) Samples of blended coal ash were taken from the boiler of a power plant 700MW unit. Their softening temperature was measured by a pyramid method on an intelligent ash-melting point measuring device.
(122) The food pyramid can help you in the quest to understand and improve your eating habits.
(123) METHODS: After evisceration, the abducens oculi muscle and the optic nerve were cut, and the hydroxyapatite sphere was implanted primarily in the muscular pyramid.
(124) Horus avenges his father Osiris by launching the First Pyramid War.
(125) But, it is also interesting that Imhotep was known as a "Master Builder" and Architect, and in some accounts is credited with the design and building of the Great Pyramid.
(126) Downside: Long-term adherence. It's hard to stick to a diet that restricts such a big chunk of the food pyramid.
(127) If the Passion of Jesus is recorded in the Great Pyramid, please give the date according to our present system of recording time?
(128) Indeed, the food pyramid is due for anoverhaul in 2003--although no one is yet willing to give any details.
(129) Doctors all will go to clamber up in pyramid from enter to cure porch.
(130) Baoding Li county condition? Now's if, public security, the pyramid selling form, wait a minute.
(131) But the Agriculture Department has no budget to promote the Dietary Guidelines or the pyramid.
(132) A covered sarcophagus is seen on June 5, 2008, inside the Saqqara Serapeum, a long tunnel of underground tombs for sacred bulls near a recently rediscovered pyramid in Egypt.
(133) Which means, you are going to call Mr. Langdon and tell him to turn himself in, along with the pyramid and capstone .
(134) The roof of the natatorium of Chongqing adopts quadrangular pyramid with welding hollow sphere joints.
(135) For consumers at the bottom of the pyramid, microfinance has become a form of liberation theology.
(136) In 1789 Napoleon's invasion of Egypt, in the year July 21 in the Pyramid in Egypt and Turkey and the armed forces in a battle, after the war he observed the Cheops pyramid.
(137) HIGH INTAKE OF FRUITS and vegetables is perhaps the least controversial aspect of the food pyramid.
(138) Also new is the stick figure walking up the left side of the pyramid to match the guide's slogan: "Steps to a healthier you."
(139) The pyramid technique is a good indexing method for high dimensional data,[http:///pyramid.html] but it is only efficient for uniform data sets.
(140) That is Klaette, head covered subtilize fled with the body of water vapor, dull eyes staring at the front of the pyramid, cracked lips, his face dusty sand.
(141) Does Guangxi province Gui Lin City Lin Gui County take sports car as pyramid selling?
(142) The great pyramid is believed to have been built over a 20 year period.
(143) World-renowned architect I. M. Pei designed the glass and steel pyramid that tops the main entrance to the Louvre museum in Paris, controversial when it debuted in 1989.
(144) The Great Pyramid of Giza (also called the Pyramid of Khufu and the Pyramid of Cheops ) is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis bordering what is now El Giza, Egypt .
(145) Egypt's Great Pyramid of Khufu has a known high - rise buildings .
(146) It's hard to stick to a diet that restricts such a big chunk of the food pyramid.
(147) According to Maslow's theory the baser needs at the bottom of the pyramid must be met first before the other higher needs can be met.
(148) Such architecture as the Great Pyramid can only be found in Egypt.
(149) The main part of his design is a four-sided pyramid.
(150) To solve this problem we have implemented the texture progressive transmission with the classic Laplacian pyramid algorithm and the Haar transform algorithm.
(151) The bottom line at the bottom of the pyramid is that financial servicesremain shockingly scarce.
(152) The dynamical analysis of quadrangular pyramid grid structure modality and seismic response is made by ANSYS.
(153) The best way to get the daily requirement of essential vitamins is to eat a balanced diet that contains a variety of foods from the food guide pyramid.
(154) MyPlate replacesthe U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Pyramid, which was unveiled in 1992but had become too complicated in ensuing years, many nutritionists contended.
(155) An amazing display of pyramid ice crystal halos was captured on June 5 above Tampere, Finland.
(156) Galloway removed his hands from the bag and zipped it up around the pyramid.
(157) The food pyramid directs you to eat 4-6 servings of fruit each day.
(158) It is very hard to realize just how big the Great Pyramid is.
(159) You find 683 Neopoints , a Snow Pyramid, also a Desert Candy Cane!
(160) In the next level of the pyramid (32 and 34), David faces internal woes: unconfessed sin and secret fear.
(161) Photo: Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns unveils the MyPyramid symbol, a new interactive food guidance system that replaced the old food pyramid.
(162) A man walks his camel past the Step Pyramid of Sakkara, Egypt. The ancient structure stands close to modern-day Cairo.
(163) The internal structure of silica has a pyramid ( tetrahedron ) unit .
(164) Thymus: Pyramid - shaped lymphoid organ ( see lymphoid tissue ) Between the Breastbone and the heart.
(165) All 4 populations have opposite pyramid age structure, and few coning individuals, which is still decreasing.
(166) An efficient segmentation method based upon fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering principles is proposed. The approach utilizes a pyramid data structure for the hierarchical ana- lysis of color images.
(167) The zodiacal light is a pyramid - shaped glow in the east before dawn.
(168) A bakery at the Giza Pyramid area,[http:///pyramid.html] from the year 2575 B C . has been excavated.
(169) They were not the ordinary pyramid - shaped teeth of most sharks.
(170) As companies work their way down the income pyramid, the problems proliferate.
(171) Objective : To provide anatomical basis for petrous pyramid through petrous presigmoid approach.
(172) How could it take its place among other unique structures such as the Pyramid, the Hanging Gardens , and the Colossus of Rhodes?
(173) Every Friday five crates of oranges and lemons arrived from a fruiterer in New York—every Monday these same oranges and lemons left his back door in a pyramid of pulpless halves.
(174) He is the capstone of the pyramid - the Stone the builders rejected.
(175) The Pyramid in Egypt - One of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
(176) Secondly, domino model, pyramid model, reverse pyramid model, and cellular automaton model have been presented in order to explain the concepts of brittleness clearly.
(177) The Buddha sits in the meditative Lotus position, imitating the shape of a pyramid.
(178) For now, new investors hoping to strike it rich are propping up stocks like some huge, multi-million-person pyramid scheme.
(179) June 5, 2008—The foundations of a pyramid long lost under the sands of Egypt lie exposed on June 2, 2008. Archaeologists today announced the rediscovery of the ruins in Saqqara, south of Cairo.
(180) One of the earliest great names in history is that of Imhotep, designer of the stepped pyramid at Sapparah in Egypt, built in the twenty-seventh century B.
(181) A new unsupervised multiresolution edge detection technique was presented, which combines the morphological filtering, pyramid data structure and fuzzy technique.
(182) Finally, insist on the use of inverted pyramid approach, low - cost sharing.
(183) The pyramid sensor ( PS ) has the advantage of higher sensibility than other classical wavefront sensors.
(184) Scientists are trying to crack the odd signs the great pyramid.
(185) The robot, the Pyramid Rover, took two hours to crawl along a narrow shaft, drill through a door, then push through its camera.
(186) "Don't play tricks on me! " The killer knows nothing about pyramid and Sangreal, while it looks as if these things are just what his hirer wants.
(187) The Department of Agriculture will soon release a new food pyramid, condensing its dietary guidelines.
(188) Based on the screw theory, the first-order effect coefficient matrixes of a 3-UPU parallel pyramid mechanism under initial position and movement along X-coordinate axis are established.
(189) That Valentino shoe, called the Rockstud pump a classic, pointy-toed design toughened up with gold pyramid studs was a huge hit.
(190) In October there will be seen the first variation in the position of the polar star in relation to the lines from the Great Pyramid.
(191) In 1842, German archaeologist Karl Richard Lepsius mentioned it among his finds at Saqqara, referring to it as number 29 and calling it the "Headless Pyramid" because only its base remains.
(192) Consciousness spirals as if from the top of a pyramid - down to third dimension.
(193) In the contourlet transform, the image obtained by Laplacian Pyramid(LP) decomposition may produce artifacts on singularity of signal, which is harmful to image denoising.
(194) The sprawling archaeological site at Saqqara is most famous for the Step Pyramid of King Djoser — the oldest of Egypt's over 100 pyramids, built in the 27th century B. C.
(195) There was a sequence of pharaohs culminating around 2615 BC, with the Pharaoh Cheops who built the biggest thing, the Great Pyramid, also known as Khufu.
(196) We were interested to read over the weekend in the Washington Postthat the demise of the Department of Agriculture's food pyramid – the government's visual guide to healthful eating — might be nigh.
(197) The great Pyramid of Cheops has been described as the most spectacular wonder of the world.
(198) We are not a get - rich - quick, MLM, matrix or pyramid scheme.
(198) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(199) The base of the Great Pyramid forms a nearly perfect square.
(200) There are two main functions of the pyramid in relation to the initiatory procedures.
(201) The model is a graph including a set of feature nodes which forms a generalized semantic net with a pyramid-like structure. The feature resolution increases as the pyramid levels propagating down.
(202) BBO crystal has three types ofinclusions, which are disorderly floccose inclusion, the negative-crystal structure ditrigonal pyramid and prismatic inclusions.
(203) An exquisitely preserved and elaborately tattooed mummy of a young woman has been discovered deep inside a mud-brick pyramid in northern Peru, archaeologists from Peru and the U.S. announced today.
(204) So the vampires wanted to remain the hidden, unrevealed minority, on the top of the food pyramid and all that.
(205) This paper proposes the method of decision-tree SVM on two levels pyramid image, it could solve the segmentation problem of multi-classes objects on aerial image.
(206) The garden is dominated by a sharp-tipped pyramid: the fanciful tomb of a Roman general with a penchant for Egyptology.
(207) The history and future are interlinked on this: Bureaucratism, essence is division layer makes pyramid structure.
(208) The central reserve city banks could pyramid notes and deposits on top of gold, and thereby generate multiple inverse pyramids of monetary expansion on top of their own expansion of credit.
(209) Q How was this particular Great Pyramid of Gizeh built?
(210) Result IPS courses in the sulcus for inferior petrosal sinus, that was, on the intracranial surface of the petroclival fissure which was made up of the clivus and the petrous pyramid.
(211) This provides the sugar in batches admission, the inverted pyramid Jiancang hedging opportunities.
(212) Do not flood or spam, or post chain letters, pyramid schemes, junk mail, etc.
(213) The Great Pyramid was built nearly five thousand years ago for a king Called Khufu.
(214) Among all the multiscale geometric analyzing tools available,[/pyramid.html] both Contourlet transform and Surfacelet transform are constructed based on directional filter banks (DFB) and Laplacian Pyramid (LP).
(215) A pyramid provides a useful conceptual model for organizing scientific knowledge.
(216) The largest was a tall towering ancient world's seven wonders of the first great Cheops pyramid.
(217) Pyramid is located in the Egyptian capital Cairo, the desert southwest of golden yellow.
(218) For example, the food pyramid developed by the USDA assumes that all Americans are the same and have the same dietary needs.
(219) This paper describes the shape of truncated pyramid bottom ingot and its effect on slab yield.
(220) The Great Pyramid was built thousands of years ago for a king called Khufu.
(221) The experimental results demonstrate that the MSE (mean square error) reduced by this proposed approach decreases 30%- 60% than that by Laplacian pyramid and discrete wavelet transform approaches.
(222) A controversial see - through glass pyramid - shaped structure was added by the architect I. M. Pei in the 1980 s.
(223) He's a muscled, tattooed eunuch who's looking for a hidden Masonic pyramid.
(224) The victorious Ninurta empties the Great Pyramid of its equipment.
(225) Filled with Janneau Armagnac 42% Extra in a Pyramid Decanter with a removable bronze "collectors" medallion.
(226) Since 1992 more and more research has shown that the USDA pyramid is grossly flawed.
(227) Everything about the Shanghai jamboree is super-size, most prominently the China Pavilion, a red upside-down pyramid with floor space equivalent to 35 football fields.
(228) Thousands troop up to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun to celebrate the summer solstice.
(229) Above the pyramid on the great seal of the United States it says in Latin: God has favored our undertaking.
(230) Let us enter the Halls of the Pyramid of Mythological Rendering.
(231) "It's not just the automotive industry, " adds Gui, gesturing to a jet plane and a pyramid of beer bottles at a recent local trade show. "Every industry in Nanchang is prospering.
(232) Be caught in pyramid selling disappearing being able to report a case or not?
(233) We see that it has pictures of the pyramid and the eagle on the great seal of the United States.
(234) Traditionally, thirteen moon cakes were piled in a pyramid to symbolize the thirteen moons of a "complete year, " that is, twelve moons plus one intercalary moon.
(235) Another pharaoh I've learned about was Khufu, builder of the Great Pyramid.
(236) Radiocarbon dating confirmed: Bosnia's Moon Pyramid was built about ten thousand years ago!




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