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单词 Roman
1. What caused the Roman Empire to decay?
2. What made the Roman Empire decay?
3. Mars was the Roman god of war.
4. This is a typical example of Roman pottery.
5. The Roman Empire was overrun by Nordic barbarians.
6. A number of Roman garrisons are still standing today.
7. When in Rome, do as Roman do.
8. He studies Greek and Roman mythology.
9. The Roman Empire existed for several centuries.
10. He was baptized a Roman Catholic.
11. Like her, Maria was a Roman Catholic.
12. Britain was a Roman dependency for a long period.
13. They have found several fragments of a Roman vase in the area.
14. The Pope is the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
15. The remains of some Roman earthenware vessels were found during the dig.
16. The Roman Empire came under severe pressure from the barbarians across the Rhine.
17. The words in the definition are roman / are set in roman type.
18. Protestantism and Roman Catholicism are both denominations of the Christian faith.
19. A Roman soldier's pay, found by a metal detector enthusiast in Norfolk, has been declared treasure trove at an inquest in Diss.
20. The 5th century saw the end of the Roman Empire in the West.
21. Joan of Arc was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1920.
22. The class are doing a project on the Roman occupation of Britain.
23. The remains of the Roman fort are well preserved.
24. He's giving a talk on early Roman pottery.
25. The three statues above are probably Roman divinities.
26. The town's history goes hack to Roman times.
27. Are you a Roman Catholic or an Episcopalian?
28. The town dates back to Roman times.
28. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
29. Gibbon's monumental work 'The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire'
30. The children enjoyed the stories about the gods and goddesses of Greek and Roman myth.
1. What caused the Roman Empire to decay?
2. This is a typical example of Roman pottery.
3. The Roman Empire was overrun by Nordic barbarians.
4. A number of Roman garrisons are still standing today.
5. He studies Greek and Roman mythology.
6. The Roman Empire existed for several centuries.
7. He was baptized a Roman Catholic.
8. Like her, Maria was a Roman Catholic.
9. Britain was a Roman dependency for a long period.
10. They have found several fragments of a Roman vase in the area.
11. The Pope is the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
12. The remains of some Roman earthenware vessels were found during the dig.
13. The Roman Empire came under severe pressure from the barbarians across the Rhine.
14. Protestantism and Roman Catholicism are both denominations of the Christian faith.
15. Gibbon's monumental work 'The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire'
16. A Roman soldier's pay, found by a metal detector enthusiast in Norfolk, has been declared treasure trove at an inquest in Diss.
17. The children enjoyed the stories about the gods and goddesses of Greek and Roman myth.
18. She is a devout Roman Catholic.
19. Large parts of Britain were under Roman occupation.
20. They absorbed a great deal of the Roman culture.
21. When did the Roman Empire come into being?
22. He was wearing a Roman kilt and laurel wreath.
23. Many aqueducts from ancient Roman times still stand today near the Mediterranean Sea.
24. They were thrilled to discover a perfectly preserved specimen of Roman pottery.
25. There are many stories about the nymphs in Roman fairy tales.
31. The building goes back to Roman times.
32. Early Christians smashed the gods of many Roman temples.
33. This dictionary is set in Press Roman.
34. The Roman Catholic Church regards marriage as indissoluble.
35. She is a devout Roman Catholic.
36. Large parts of Britain were under Roman occupation.
37. They absorbed a great deal of the Roman culture.
38. He collects Egyptian and Roman antiquities.
39. Archaeologists have uncovered an entire Roman city.
40. The dig revealed the site of a Roman villa.
41. Some of the town's Roman monuments still survive.
42. In this book, definitions are printed in roman.
43. Definitions in this dictionary are printed in roman type.
44. She, too, was a convert to Roman Catholicism.
45. Beneath the present church were remnants of Roman flooring.
46. There are Roman remains all around us.
47. We visited a Roman ruin.
48. They defeated a greatly superior Roman army.
49. When did the Roman Empire come into being?
50. They dug up a hoard of Roman coins.
51. He was wearing a Roman kilt and laurel wreath.
52. Archaeologists have traced many Roman roads in Britain.
53. She made a collection of Roman coins and medals.
54. He was made the Roman Catholic Primate of All Ireland last year.
55. 1 and 2 are Arabic numerals, I and II are Roman numerals.
56. Many ruins of Roman date are to be seen in the south of France.
57. Many aqueducts from ancient Roman times still stand today near the Mediterranean Sea.
58. The author examines each aspect of Roman society[/Roman.html], then attempts to summarize the complex whole.
59. The Roman Empire reached its zenith around the year 100.
60. The Roman Empire subjected most of Europe to its rule.
61. Many Roman Catholics regret the replacing of the Latin mass by the vernacular.
62. The book is extremely informative about life in Roman times.
63. The division between the two great branches of the Christian Church, Protestantism and Roman Catholicism, no longer seems unbridgeable.
64. Roman soldiers received a salt allowance, called salarium, the origin of the word salary.
65. The Gothic people who overwhelmed the Roman Empire migrated from the East.
66. A lucky find in the Cotswolds is helping archaeologists discover what life was like in Roman Britain.
67. The ancient Britons inhabited these parts of England before the Roman invasion.
68. The Roman Catholic Church has issued a compendium of its teachings.
69. In Roman times November was a month of hard work in ploughing and sowing.
70. The Synod's declarations prevailed de jure but not de facto in the Roman Catholic Church down to the Reformation era.
71. After looking at the jug, Faulkner concurred that it was late Roman, third or fourth century.
72. Roman vessels used to sail with the tide from Boulogne to Richborough.
73. The foundations are Roman, but the rest of the building is of more recent date.
74. He made a drawing of how the Roman villa must have looked.
75. She has taken part in several excavations of Roman settlements across Europe.
76. Brutus declaimed from the steps of the Roman senate building.
77. The city of Tours can trace its roots back to Roman times.
78. The old Roman walls may still be seen but not in their integrity.
79. The Roman Empire was divided in the fourth century AD.
80. They were thrilled to discover a perfectly preserved specimen of Roman pottery.
81. The above definition is set in roman ; this example is in italics.
82. It requires a strong effort of historical imagination to understand the Roman attitude to death.
83. The house was built in imitation of a Roman villa.
84. Last weekend the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland held a conference,() attended by 450 delegates.
85. Roman Catholics go to confession to be cleansed of their sins.
86. The Roman remains are now covered over by office buildings.
87. By the 5th century, the power of the Roman Empire was on the wane.
88. This was once a Roman road in days of yore.
88. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
89. The cult of the Roman emperor was sacrilege to Jews and Christians.
90. Tom followed the track that leads to the old Roman road.
91. He believes that he was a Roman warrior in a previous incarnation.
92. The ancient Roman army was centesimated on account of mutiny tendencies.
93. There are many stories about the nymphs in Roman fairy tales.
94. Although he was raised as a Roman Catholic, he has cut his ties with the Church.
95. Some Roman remains were found under a car park which was being dug up.
96. At its zenith the Roman empire covered almost the whole of Europe.
97. Some churches are no doubt of Roman ancestry.
98. The property takes its name from a small Roman bell which is there to be seen.
99. This aerial view of Pevensey Castle shows the Roman fort together with the medieval keep and bailey in the southeast corner.
100. This dated back to Roman times when bachelors led the bride to the ceremony and married men escorted her back.
101. In addition the Roman masonry below is suffering from sulphate attack aggravated by the recent use of cement mortar and render.
102. The Sanctus has been in Eastern liturgies since the fourth century and in the Roman since the beginning of the fifth.
103. The pope has ordered the Roman Catholic archbishop of Cardiff to be replaced until he recovers from deep vein thrombosis.
104. Roman art continued to adorn the walls of churches and the sides of sarcophagi.
105. Dana had still been in the bathroom getting ready for her evening with Roman.
106. Among the causes of the fall of the Roman empire were successive attacks by barbarians.
107. D., there began to appear on the Roman horizon disturbing signs of cultural decline and moral decay.
108. It also inherited the Roman virtue of sound organization, based on a powerful central authority, and preserved by strict legalism.
109. The majority Roman Catholic Church fills half of the airtime and over 30 Protestant denominations share the rest.
110. A massive Roman army besieged Jerusalem, utterly destroying the Temple and razing the city to the ground.
111. Beer followed pizza and we looked round the Roman amphitheatre which had been built by Roman legionnaires 1,800 years before.
112. A good museum in the castle is stuffed with antiquities, while a Roman amphitheatre overlooks all.
113. It was a significant archaeological enterprise advancing into unknown territory in the small towns of Roman Britain.
114. Much as she resented her all-out pursuit of Roman, Dana was the sister she had loved all her life.
115. Both the Anglican and the Roman Catholic archbishops of Armagh were included.
116. For the Falcons, C Roman Fortin is out with an ankle injury.
117. In Roman law, a marriage was simply an agreement between two free parties.
118. A frequent accusation levelled against the nouveau roman and, indeed, both modernism and postmodernism is their apolitical nature.
118. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
119. A Roman Catholic chapel adjoins the house, and the village has a Methodist chapel.
120. Roman law still forms the basis of our own legal system.
121. The Roman catholic church is financed out of voluntary contributions.
122. He allowed that others had proposed the Roman synod and the revision of the Code of Canon Law.
123. Polybius travelled in Celtic lands under Roman auspices and with Roman help and protection.
124. Her lips curved in amusement and Roman asked if he could share the joke.
125. Some theological and historical background is necessary before examining the present acclamations of the Roman mass.
126. A mild example of this from antiquity was the Roman Saturnalia at the time of the winter solstice.
127. What is significant, as Kee points out, is that the Roman Church assented to the role Constantine arrogated to himself.
128. An early investigation of Roman lead-rich glazes using this analytical technique was carried out by the late E.M.
129. Roman funerary customs; art and mythology; women in classical antiquity.
130. Other Roman remains include the public baths and triumphal arch of Augustus.
131. "Roman Holiday" is a delightfully airy romance starring Audrey Hepburn.
132. There is a basic truth in his assertion, for before his time the use of marble was rare in Roman architecture.
133. The admissions policy adopted by the school was designed to preserve the character of the school as a Roman Catholic school.
134. Roman candles, squibs and rockets were already in the shops and the protesters had armed themselves.
135. The truffles are sorted, brushed clean, weighed on Roman scales and placed in small chestnut baskets.
136. B.C.95 The Roman army under Julius Caesar invaded Britain.
137. Try doing long division with roman numerals.
138. Lucullus invades Armenia, starting centuries of warfare between the Roman and Persian empires.
139. A matrix printer with a programmable character generator ( to permit non - Roman alphabets ).
140. Herma's mausoleum was one of the most remarkable discoveries of Roman antiquity.
141. The magistracy was usually considered a necessary precondition for entry into the Roman Senate.
142. Juno was the Queen of the Roman Gods and Goddesses.
143. The marquee was lit like a Roman candle, even in daylight.
144. Religion: Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox are the predominant religions in Latvia.
145. There was once a castle of the Roman army here, whence the name of Lancaster.
146. Julius Caesar has been called the most unmatched military general in Roman history.
147. The Roman and Mayan empires , they noted, also fell during cold periods.
148. July, is named after Julius Caesar,[http:///Roman.html] a famous Roman general.
149. Karol Wojtyla almost immediately changed the traditional image of the leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
150. Julius Caesar, the great roman general, invaded Britain for the first time in 55 BC.
151. Lead ore : British lead ores have been worked since pre - Roman times. It contains silver.
152. Two priests administered last rites to Mr. Kennedy, a Roman Catholic.
153. There was once a castle of the Roman army here, whence ( came ) the name of Lancaster.
154. Both St. Peter and St. Paul suffered martyrdom under the Roman Emperor Nero about 65 A . D .
155. Roman Philosopher Lucretius wrote: What is food to one man is bitter poison to others.




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