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单词 Wink
1. An nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse. 
2. A nod's as good as a wink to a blind horse. 
3. The strong wind made me wink.
4. "Know what I mean?" he said with a wink.
5. If he winks at you,you may wink back as well.
6. A nod's as good as a wink, their political rights must be safeguarded.
7. He had hardly slept a wink all night.
8. He didn't sleep a wink all night.
9. I didn't sleep a wink last night.
10. I saw him wink at her.
11. I hardly slept a wink.
12. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night.
13. I gave her a wink.
14. Don't wink the lights of your car here.
15. He gave her a wink .
16. He gave me a friendly wink.
17. He gave her a knowing wink.
18. He directed a conspiratorial wink at his son.
19. I didn't sleep a wink last night with all that noise.
20. I didn't get a wink of sleep on the aeroplane.
21. He gave me a conspiratorial wink as they left the room.
22. Thanks for tipping me the wink about those cheap tickets, Bill.
23. A nod's as good as a wink , she was sacked for incompetence.
24. We could not sleep a wink last night because of noise.
25. 'You look tired,' he said with a knowing wink .
26. The old duck quacked and quacked so I hardly slept a wink last night.
27. The Mouse looked at her rather inquisitively, and seemed to her to wink with one of its little eyes, but it said nothing.
28. Everything could be done by a nod and a wink.
29. He could see that his girlfriend had been crying even though she tried to wink her tears away.
30. The neighbours were having a party and we didn't get a wink of sleep all night.
1. The strong wind made me wink.
2. "Know what I mean?" he said with a wink.
3. If he winks at you,you may wink back as well.
4. A nod's as good as a wink, their political rights must be safeguarded.
5. The old duck quacked and quacked so I hardly slept a wink last night.
6. A nod's as good as a wink , she was sacked for incompetence.
31. 'I know you understand,' he said and gave a conspiratorial wink.
32. He tipped me the wink not to buy at that price.
33. There's no way he would have bought those shares if someone in the company hadn't tipped him the wink.
34. I won't get a wink of sleep with that noise downstairs.
35. They've been spending a lot of time together, nudge nudge , wink wink.
36. I didn't sleep a wink.
37. He wouldn't sleep a wink.
38. A mountain of melons evaporates in a wink.
39. And they'd know if Keith was tipping the wink.
40. The waiter gives us a conspiratorial wink.
41. He didn't sleep a wink during the journey.
42. Tipping a wink at the typing pool.
43. Tip me the wink if I lapse, won't you?
44. Just tip us the wink when I come in.
44. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
45. Desmond Fairchild gave him a sympathetic wink.
46. "How are you girls?" Tom asked with a wink.
47. And I can't tip the wink to Stephen.
48. But then Ken gave me the wink.
49. John gave her a wink and a thumbs-up sign.
50. The dimensions of time have shriveled to a wink.
51. Had she seen Richard wink at me?
52. In short, although a wink is a movement of the eyelids, the movement is no help in understanding its meaning.
53. On occasion, she would meet Ted's eyes, and he would wink, and nod his head encouragingly.
54. An almost imperceptible wink as she passed him, a small flutter of the eyelid, showed she was learning.
55. She gave me a little wink, because, of course, they were pointing their telescopic lenses mostly at me.
56. As I looked I was sure that I saw Boris, my bear, wink at me.
57. The murderer has to wink at other children in the room.
58. She leant across the car and grasped Maura's hand, forcing herself to give her daughter a little wink.
59. I could see he hadn't slept a wink all night.
60. He caught Billy's eye with a wink and jerked his head towards the door.
61. Well like a lot of Leeds fans, I got wrecked last night and then hardly got a wink of sleep.
62. With a wicked wink he ducked into the nearest cubicle, safely out of reach.
63. As I watched in amazement, the partner gazed over her shoulder and gave me a big, mocking, self-satisfied wink.
64. More than that - Jess saw the nod and wink exchanged.
65. Now and then the gleam of a flashlight would wink out through the shrubbery.
66. I did not sleep a wink last night for worrying about you and if you are alright.
67. Magrat took her seat and, to Agnes's amazement, gave her a sly wink.
68. The recruiting officer signed him up with a conspirator's wink.
69. ""Say no more!'' he grinned, giving her a lewd wink.
70. The casual wink from you, the cheery salute from your buddy, the you-rascal-you smiles of recognition from your workmates.
71. Their smiles were like a knowing wink: sussed and street-wise without being in the least dour or po-faced.
72. Mike shook his head in mock regret; catching my eye, he gave me his wink.
73. So d'you think you could tip her the wink an' tell her I've got back early?
74. So too is ego, the life span of which, as seen[sentence dictionary], is but a wink....
75. A need to nod and wink to the audience; to fill in the gaps often elsewhere concealed by a proscenium arch.
76. Down below, two points of red light appear, one at a time like a wink in reverse.
77. Benstede left with a wink and a perfunctory nod, telling Corbett he hoped to see him again.
78. I can handle this, the wink implied, so relax and eat your tuna sandwich.
79. He gave her a wink and chased the children upstairs to their rooms.
80. Back to hospital and you must restrain yourself, old boy, nudge wink.
81. Good-natured critics in the dressing-room wink and ask him why he saves all his best cricket for New Zealand.
82. I could never stand and watch so would walk away to wink and flirt with the young novices.
83. We must not wink at his error.
84. To wink at rudeness in children is not sensible.
85. She gave him a conspiratorial wink.
86. The satellite disappeared in a wink.
87. It was a humorless wink; a wink of warning.
88. You can't wink at what he did.
89. We saw the wink at the ships bow.
90. How can you wink at what they are doing?
91. He gave her a lewd wink.
92. When people give you that patronizing look, wink at'em.
93. Then I would wink at my little sister.
94. We must not wink at the error.
95. Wink at small faults; remember thou has great ones.
96. Conversely slowing down a blink can be sexually attractive as it mimics a wink.
97. It's rather late, I'll try and get a wink or two of the balmy.
98. The children finished the food on their plates in a wink.
99. The demo will consist 4 emoticon buttons namely Kiss, Hold Hands, Hug and Wink.
100. He'd written that his six-pack wasn't as good as it used to be, but I just knew I liked the look of him and sent him a "wink", a way of saying a quick hello via the website.
101. In the deployment descriptor file web.xml, shown in Listing 10, you map the URIs with relative root path /* to the Wink servlet org.apache.wink.server.internal.servlet.RestServlet.
102. "I didn't read about any fire there, " said the jocose Hainer, pointing his sally with a wink at Lambert, the art-student.
103. In Australia it is very rude to wink at women.
104. Wink at small fault.
104. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
105. Teddy-bear-fur coat is an homage to the Campana Brothers and a wink at the 80s eco-friendly fur campaign that seems to be poignant today considering the comeback of furs in fashion runways.
106. After the call signaling information is received, the side that sent wink goes off-hook again and stays that way for the duration of the call.
107. He remembered the general's pale baleful eyes staring at him blankly, and then the inexplicable wink.
108. A judge should never wink at any law - breaking.
109. Many of the teachers wink at the boy's secret smoking.
110. The Di is green to very naughtily wink to that, the heart contains comprehension a while and also quit to perch a dispute past the smudge.
111. Jimmie gave me a big horse wink and nodded his head approvingly.
112. It was so dark that we could n't see a wink.
113. With a sly, knowing wink, the City of Light steals your heart with one clear, small, joyous moment after another.
114. Wink at and imaginary friend straight in front of you. Which eye does the winking?
115. Without exaggeration I can say that I hardly slept a wink.
116. Wink at small faults.
117. He gave me a cheery wink as I passed by.
118. Plays for: Real Madrid. Best bits: Firm, tanned torso when he strips off his shirt (every five minutes), that cheeky wink (OK, it got him into trouble/hate mail, but we still like it).
119. A wink and a one-liner instantly changed the dinner from a red-faced embarrassment to a conspiracy of fun.
120. B : Yeah, but two days will fly past in a wink.
121. And Evremonde will be despatched in a wink, and she not here!
122. I didn't sleep a wink from Kalmath Falls, Oregon (where a Japanese balloon bomb killed six people in 1945), to Sacramento, California. Essentially all night.
123. They are like magicians who transform things in a wink of an eye.
124. Within the city limits, a man may not wink at any woman he does not know.
125. But please do not pretend to be friendly to my husband and wink at me like an Ovidian lover, because I will never have an affair with you.
126. Now finish out with your favorite pink lipstick, here I am using the afterglows lipstick in the colour – wink.
127. I want to catch a wink before the guest arrive.
128. Quick as a wink , the lamemouse snatched up the precious talisman.
129. I didn't know that to humour her, I should wink at Mr. Heathcliff.
130. With that he gave Hung - chien and Hsin - mei a mischievous wink.
131. A wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse.
132. Mother wink at Laura as a sign for her to keep silent.
133. I've tipped you a wink or signalled to you on the sly many times,[] but before you took the hint others had already noticed.
134. "Oh dear, Brussels lace—Maud is so terribly extravagant. " My mother looked at this dress in a sad way; and, over the top of her head, Jenna gave me a wink.
135. However I konw a pattern of jeans which wink at people as you walk.
136. Del Toro climbed in and headed toward the freeway; a seat-belted maquette of Mr. Wink rode shotgun.




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