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单词 Intercourse
1 She never had sexual intercourse before she was married.
2 Rape is committed where sexual intercourse takes place without consent.
3 She denied having had sexual intercourse with him.
4 He accused her of intercourse with another man.
5 He admitted that intercourse had taken place.
6 The judge asked if she had consented to intercourse.
7 Our survey reveals that most couples have intercourse once a week.
8 Mature women are more likely to climax during intercourse than young girls.
9 A friendly intercourse is opened between the most remote parts of the world.
10 We didn't have intercourse.
11 The prosecution stated that intercourse had occurred on several occasions.
12 There was social intercourse between the old and the young.
13 In human intercourse the tragedy begins, not when there is misunderstanding about words,[] but when silence is not understood. Henry David Thoreau 
14 Our commercial intercourse with Europe has considerably developed.
15 This industry requires wide social intercourse.
16 HIV can be transmitted through sexual intercourse.
17 There was close intercourse between them.
18 There was a reviving pleasure in this intercourse.
19 Our intercourse is at an end.
20 What, then(), does promiscuous sexual intercourse really mean?
21 I have no"theory of interspecies intercourse".
22 He was unskilled in social intercourse.
23 Administrators have their own methods of social intercourse.
24 The active partner in anal intercourse.
25 There was little intercourse with the Parsonage.
26 Tangles like this still interrupted their intercourse.
27 Life is a pleasant blend of work and social intercourse.
28 The HIV virus is transmitted though body fluids, during sexual intercourse.
29 Love between man and woman is impossible because there must not be sexual intercourse, and friendship between man and woman is impossible because there must be sexual intercourse. James Joyce 
30 She seemed tired and unable to keep up with ordinary social intercourse.
1 She never had sexual intercourse before she was married.
2 Rape is committed where sexual intercourse takes place without consent.
3 A friendly intercourse is opened between the most remote parts of the world.
4 We didn't have intercourse.
31 The whole intercourse was wordless, intense and close.
32 These two factors may be reason enough to wait until you are in a stable or permanent relationship before deciding to have intercourse.
33 Autoeroticism in female mammals, as well as heterosexual and homosexual intercourse (especially in primates), often involves direct or indirect stimulation of the clitoris [...].
34 Abstinence from sexual intercourse, especially by reason of religious vows.
35 Learn to judge what sort of language form to be acceptable or not in social intercourse.
36 Major in Administrative, Examination Intercourse, Studying Experience, Past Exams Style,[http:///intercourse.html] and Correlated Exam Questions which can be load down.
37 Unprotected sexual intercourse is the most important transmission route of HIV infection worldwide.
38 As Buddhism and Taoism so different , ho , don't have intercourse to make things bad.
39 For example, many people use condoms when they are engaging in vaginal or anal intercourse but not when they are participating in oral sex or fellatio.
40 Note position of sexual intercourse to avoid riding position and flexion to prevent too deep into the male genitalia.
41 Intercourse happens when these two openings are brought together in what ornithologists refer to as a cloacal .
42 The speech is the result of which make use of language rule, the speech social intercourse method the same to can be ...
43 HPV infection through sexual intercourse is normally associated with cervical cancer.
44 The speech is the result of which make use of language rule, the speech social intercourse method the same to can be restricted by the thought method.
45 The other day, two person of having sexual intercourse period, some people absorb using the camera record the entire process, middle imitates the Japanese xanthic film many obscene movement.
46 Thirdly, The thesis analysis correlation problems of inner communally intercourse space and environmental design of educational building of high stories from different arrangement and point of view.
47 The Variants of Incoterms 2000 frequently occur in the international commercial intercourse.
48 Knowledge makes one elegant, while social intercourse make one perfect.
49 In the externally economic intercourse of ancient china, carrying trade held a sizeable proportion.
50 People who do not want to go all the way to sexual intercourse can still be more sexual, more intimate, and even more orgasmic with their lover, thanks to what sex experts call an "outercourse".
51 In place of the old local and national seclusion and self-sufficiency, we have intercourse in every direction, universal inter-dependence of people.
52 During intercourse, female short-nosed fruit bats lick the genitals of their partner, a possible ploy to increase copulation time.
53 The occupant has the right to regulate commercial intercourse in the occupied territory.
54 During forcible oral or anal intercourse, they curse their victims and call them names.
55 But also should prevent pair of sexual intercourse ability commutation idolatrous.
56 First of all, the main route of the transfer of the virus is through sexual intercourse.
57 Intercourse happens when these two openings are brought together in what ornithologists refer to a cloacal.
58 Their condition of social intercourse, family life and employment were affected too.
59 In 2006, China banned tourists from taking part in all-night rave parties outside Beijing, which saw revellers dancing, urinating, taking drugs and having sexual intercourse on the wall.
60 For what is usually called social intercourse she had very little relish.
61 On the other hand, it is truly remarkable how the sexual response often regains its full strength as soon as a couple turns to non- coital forms of sexual intercourse .
62 Don't intercourse with that kind of man, this is beneath you.
63 Aroused and more confident, I said I wanted to try to have intercourse with her, so she quickly scrambled into place over me, her knees by my side.
64 If you're not going to have intercourse with your partner, why not bring in some fun sex toys to play with instead?
65 Foreplay Sexual stimulation that occurs prior to intercourse. Includes kissing, caressing, and sometimes oral sex.
66 Social intercourse is a very important means of communication in today's society.
66 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
67 In addition to primary amenorrhea, the patient suffers infertility, dyspareunia and even difficulty in intercourse.
68 But ritual remains that we must do a series of platonic actions before we can have intercourse.
69 The kings of the earth who had intercourse with her in their wantonness will weep and mourn over her when they see the smoke of her pyre.
70 Half of pupils whose classes focused on safe sex went on to have intercourse within two years - compared with only a third of those whose lessons encouraged them to say no until ready.
71 Artificial insemination : Introduction of semen a female's vagina or cervix by means other than sexual intercourse.
72 The disease is spread by sexual contact, i . e . vaginal, oral, and anal intercourse.
73 The hotline provides free consultation about sex, safe intercourse, pregnancy and self-protection skills.
74 As a feedback system, it creates communication and intercourse opportunities to the staff.
75 The PCT provides information regarding cervical mucus quality and survivability of sperm after intercourse.
76 Sexual intercourse and sodomy with a person under 16 is criminal in Massachusetts.
77 Judith had imparted some of her own skill in the toilet, during their short intercourse.
78 This paper is based on the kinship term and the address in social intercourse.
79 Results Decrease in sexual fantasy and sexual desire, letdown of sexual climax and decrease in the rate of sexual intercourse were observed in 91 male addicts.
80 His drinking wine is for diversion, for flexibility, for creation, for curing and for social intercourse.
81 Create opportunities for them to get interested in eroticism, and further more, encourage them sexual intercourse.
82 Sexual practices producing mucosal trauma before or during intercourse increase the risk.
83 Import of mechanical and electronic products in manners of non- reimbursable assistance, donation or presentation in economic intercourse and etc.
84 Language translation is a bilingual intercourse not only, is also two kinds culture delivery.
85 The friendly intercourse between our two countries can be traced back to last century.
86 An early intercourse, into the vagina bacteria is easy to uplink cause endometritis, etc of gynecological diseases.
87 Haier is the Bo out before the enumeration of a large number of sexologist in the Masters, they are carried out on human sexual intercourse direct observation.
88 This enhanced reproductive efficiency is multiplied by the ability of men-with-very-small-penises to fertilise multiple ladies every time they indulge in sexual intercourse.
89 Playing with the Ouija Board is a conscious intercourse with demons. It is practicing two things that are forbidden and condemned: divination and necromancy.
90 In the past, many societies had strong against sexual intercourse during menstruation.
91 The subject discourse in the law interpretation possesses characteristics of intercourse, of time limit, of rule, of procedure, of unenlightening and of the decision by the law text.
92 is a sexual technique involving either an active partner taking control over a passive partner's orgasm, or one person controlling their own orgasm in sexual intercourse or through masturbation.
93 The sun apparently again a day in pause, then return to overdo friendly intercourse north ambulation.
94 Unbinding social intercourse brought about a more natural and free life.
95 There are women who find great pleasure in anal intercourse.
96 When sexual intercourse, sympathetic releases a large number of going to armour adrenalin, quicken epididymis rear to be carried to the spermatozoon of seminiferous duct.
96 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
97 Of course, these game are not being allowed in reality, do not have so ' theorematic ' had better not addiction, should be intercourse method only.
98 The hemal nerve of scrotal ministry is very rich, subtle to the outside stimulation is very sensitive, woman labium is contacted when sexual intercourse, can enhance sexual impulse.
99 " Bring them out, " they shouted,'so that we can have intercourse with them. "
100 Menstrual period swimming or sexual intercourse, also will cause the bacterium to take an opportunity has the adnexitis.
101 On Dec. 13 the New Jersey Supreme Court, in a 5-2 vote, overturned a state law that forbid sexual intercourse between any man and an unmarried woman.
102 The speech is the result of which make use of language rule, the speech social intercourse method the same toc...
103 Language as a medium of communication plays a very important part in social intercourse, especially in the comity of nations today.
104 Intercourse in this sex position should get her excited in a hurry through G - spot stimulation.
105 Worry too much before sexual intercourse, if fear to be pregnant, fear the gender is pestiferous etc, all but because the mood is depressed and happen impotent.
106 There was much commercial intercourse between the two countries before Wold War II.
107 What men may not realize is that regular intercourse increases levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody known to boost the immune system.
108 Fete is one of the commonnest intercourse activities in international association.
109 Intercourse between heart and kidney and harmonization of fire and water are important concepts in TCM.
110 Three write an article to turn intravenousdrop, introduction and cross - cultural social intercourse related culture to order.
111 A rain cloud, tells the story of a heartbroken should be said of having sexual intercourse be disappointed!
112 We have intercourse with a lot of experts, professors and worthies in the field of ceramic equipment.
113 Such communication is no more than social intercourse, far from friendship.
114 We both have pain during intercourse and I have become sore on several occasions . The gynaecologist here will not acknowledge this either.
115 Airplanes, good roads, and telephones make intercourse with different parts of the country far easier than it was 50 years ago.
116 Abstinence programs encourage children to refrain from sexual intercourse before marriage.
117 Low sperm count may be overcome by limiting intercourse to the time of ovulation, the most fertile period.
118 Obviously, anal intercourse can be performed in many different positions.
119 One last thing: not enjoying your first penetrative experience does not necessarily mean you will not enjoy your next, including first sexual intercourse when you are ready.
120 In the middle 1800s, the Treaty of Five Ports Commercial Intercourse opened foreign markets and stimulated further development of the silk industry.
121 DD862 single phase watt-hour meter is an induction meter which is applicable to measure the rated frequency of 50 Hz , and power loss of single-phase intercourse grid.
122 Unlawful, forced sexual intercourse with a female without factual or legal consent.
123 And the Catholic church says it's okay to have intercourse during your safe period.
124 Webster had underrated the amount of social intercourse between England and her former colony.
125 The last is social environment including ill health and bad living behavior such as smoking, freak-out, and excessive sex intercourse, adiposity induced by unscientific living style.
126 In place of the old local and national seclusion and self-sufficiency, we have intercourse in every direction, universal inter-dependence of nations.
126 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
127 In Peru 1,700 years ago, hetero-anal intercourse was by no means rare.
128 Refuse all sexual intercourse , even those as relatively trivial as oral sex.
129 Their results show that sperm transfer from the broken palp continued after sexual intercourse had been terminated.
130 Credit is an important behavior rule, established with the social intercourse and commodity exchange.
131 Pregnancy can also be avoided from coitus while engaging in all other forms of sexual intercourse.
132 Pope Paul VI's 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae (Of Human Life) condemned "any action which either before, at the moment of, or after sexual intercourse, is specifically intended to prevent procreation."
133 Life time balanus and vaginal discharge caused friction with a touch, sexual intercourse pain.
134 About 80% of healthy, fertile women are able to conceive within one year if they have intercourse regularly without contraception.
135 This marked the fall of man, and henceforth male and female would strive to reunite as one body through sexual intercourse .
136 The magazine becomes a cultural medium of intercourse between the two peoples.
137 There might be discomfort or even pain during intercourse (called dyspareunia ) felt deep within the pelvis.
138 Result The influencing factors mainly are self-body, self-constrained, being tender to community intercourse, depression, crankiness etc.
139 Sometimes the normal fund intercourse misregistration is the money laundering, lacks the discovery true money laundering behavior the fierce look.
140 In my book, I discuss a study which found that people who have recently had penetrative sexual intercourse have less social phobia when asked to give a speech in front of strangers.
141 CT has been greatly transmitted by sexual intercourse, and has been transmitted by uterogenic or obstetric infection between mother and fetus.
142 Forget postcoital cuddling : Soranus recommended that women squat down and sneeze immediately after intercourse.
143 Therefore, in the social intercourse study language one of the best paths then.
144 Am I a second liver patient can you infect when sexual intercourse?
145 Based on the search of main SCI specialty Journals, the special references and the class intercourse should be finished with the reference supply by teacher or themselves.
146 To increase your chances of conceiving a girl, you should have intercourse 3-4 days before ovulation.
147 Watching her please herself will be a huge turn-on for you as well (I love touching myself during intercourse – it feels great for me and it drives the guy absolutely wild!).
148 "I do it daily and the best time for intercourse is between 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m., " Jat, whose first wife, 85, still lives with him and his new wife, told the newspaper.
149 Sexual intercourse wiht a girl under sixteen is an offence.
150 Anal intercourse can bring variety to a sexual relationship if the partners want and enjoy it.
151 Anal sex: Usually this term specifically refers to a penis penetrating an anus in anal intercourse.
152 Some women may hae a frothy , strong-smelling yellow green discharge, and may feel discomfort during intercourse and urination, as well as itching of the genital area.
153 The ambiguity is a special phenomenon. Its creation will affect the usual social intercourse directly.
154 Arrested for rape, he had agreed to a plea bargain in which he admitted unlawful sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old.




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