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单词 Weird
(1) He says a lot of weird things.
(2) A really weird thing happened last night.
(3) Weird shrieks were heard in the darkness.
(4) I started to feel quite weird.
(5) It was a weird old house, full of creaks and groans.
(6) The student inadvertently transposed the e and the i in "weird".
(7) He's different. He's weird.
(8) She'd cooked up some weird scheme that was going to earn her a fortune.
(9) From his weird behaviour, he seems a bit of an oddity.
(10) I met this really weird guy last night.
(11) The altered landscape looks unnatural and weird.
(12) She's a really weird girl.
(13) They sell all sorts of weird and wonderful products.
(14) It's really weird seeing yourself on television.
(15) His weird clothes really gas me.
(16) His weird behaviour had cooled her passion.
(17) Doesn't that seem weird to you?
(18) Some of the music was weird.
(19) Some of their clothes were really weird and wonderful.
(20) It all sounds a bit weird to me.
(21) I had a really weird dream last night.
(22) She began to make weird inhuman sounds.
(23) It must be really weird to be rich.
(24) He's got some weird ideas.
(25) Her boyfriend's a bit weird but she's all right.
(26) I found some of her poems a bit weird.
(27) She has some weird ideas.
(28) Drugs can make you do all kinds of weird things.
(29) That's weird - I thought I'd left my keys on the table but they're not there.
(30) He was sitting alone by a window with a weird contraption on the bench in front of him.
(1) He says a lot of weird things.
(2) A really weird thing happened last night.
(3) I started to feel quite weird.
(4) He's different. He's weird.
(5) She'd cooked up some weird scheme that was going to earn her a fortune.
(6) He was sitting alone by a window with a weird contraption on the bench in front of him.
(31) There are some weird things going on in that house.
(32) Some people think I'm weird doing meditation, but it works for me and that's all that matters.
(33) There is nothing to rival the weird and wonderful things that come out on the streets at carnival time.
(34) Who's been putting such weird ideas into your head ?
(35) It was, like, weird.
(36) He looks like nothing on earth in those weird clothes.
(37) Jimi Hendrix loved to fling his guitar around to get weird and wonderful sounds from the feedback.
(38) He's a weird bloke.
(39) I knew it was weird, sol didn't tell anyone.
(40) Mr Ridley plainly has a taste for the weird.
(41) My life started going someplace, someplace weird and good.
(42) This was weird. Like watching a pigeon attack Evil.
(43) Why did that county have that weird ballot paper?
(44) Weird Beard says, Eat your cereal with a fork.
(45) I always thought reality. was pretty weird.
(46) It felt kind of weird being back in school.
(47) It's really weird seeing yourself on telly.
(48) We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love. Dr. Seuss 
(49) Her righteous anger moved him, filled him with a weird sense of shame that jarred him.
(50) On some weird machine she started to knit, Jumpers and frocks which were quite a good fit.
(51) Vassar was just becoming co-ed and there was a lot of tension and, quite frankly, some weird men.
(52) Greg is a nice guy, but he has a few weird personality quirks.
(53) The reply, a weird breathing sound, and an unintelligible, totally alien jabbering.
(54) He knows a lot of weird people over in Nam./weird.html
(55) The triumphant plant, a combination of lichen and cactus, certainly would look weird to the eyes of man.
(56) No, it's not a sobering thought, it's a weird one.
(57) Outside the moon shone down brightly, casting a weird pale light over the cottages and the trees and fields beyond.
(58) And it promised to be the most weird - was definitely the most lethal.
(59) Honey-glazed roast ducks hang in doorways beside weird sea slugs and dried fish.
(60) In a weird symmetry, Hendrix, with his young white-teen audience, was a sixties equivalent of Chuck Berry.
(61) I was making the transition from a weird military experience to a weirder campus experience.
(62) If everybody was just gon na get off on weird sounds, there'd be no words.
(63) With what-all they're doing to this planet down at the equator, there's some weird stuff happening up here.
(64) This weird, wonderful concept still dominates Western culture and overshadows world civilization.
(65) Are you guys naturally weird, or do you have to work at it?
(66) We could do the sort of like, I was just thinking, weird pagan things.
(67) Once I heard two calling to each other across a valley, a weird sound, vaguely resembling a baboon's bark.
(68) But it does mean that weird opinions ought not to be rejected out of hand.
(69) My wife loves all that weird shit, so if I can support a friend, might as well support a friend.
(70) The enigma of the stones draws druids to perform their weird rituals.
(71) I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult. Rita Rudner 
(72) Weird and wonderful international rules, however, decreed that Billy Bingham couldn't pick him, but Jack Charlton could.
(73) But these themes are always interspersed with more fanciful ones: grimacing masks, weird animals, exuberant abstract patterns.
(74) Spider let out a weird high-pitched cackle that scared Miguel.
(75) If this weird shit was going down all around him, it would pay to be as inconspicuous as possible.
(76) Otherwise, it would sound like some kind of weird, fawning lie.
(77) Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human. Tony Robbins 
(78) He comes on stage performing ballet steps, pirouettes off into the wings, makes some weird grunting sounds, then reappears.
(79) Yet each and every one of the weird and wacky items have one thing in common they are all absolutely 100% true.
(80) Inside I was guided down a weird stairway and told at one point to watch my step carefully.
(81) Each owned a weird splotch of colour in a white and silver frame, painted and framed by a local artist.
(82) Always joking about rats: that's what I call a weird sense of humour.
(83) He meant this in a nice way, but I felt weird.
(84) Inside the cavern fluorescent lights threw a weird glow as the vehicle descended a ramp deep into the earth.
(85) Subsidiary characters run the gamut of weird and wacky academics, familiar from a host of campus novels.
(86) The scene in Basic Instinct with Michael was a very weird and very sick sort of love.
(87) He advises young entrepreneurs not to worry if their business ideas sound weird, crazy or obscure.
(88) Which is weird because Carter seems like such a happy guy, a congenial man with a great sense of humor.
(89) A convention of about thirteen blue jays flew over, chattering and making all sorts of weird calls.
(90) She cleared the table as they were eating, following, as always now, her own weird domestic schedule.
(91) The front doors were almost bare of paint and shadows cast by the gas flame took on weird shapes.
(92) It's one of the most rewarding attributes they possess - discovering and articulating the weird mutation in the human race.
(93) God's original prototype, too weird to live, too rare to die. Hunter S. Thompson 
(94) The law-machine was clanking and clattering to its own weird rhythm.
(95) To be shut out at home in two of the last four games is very weird and totally unexpected.
(96) June lit their camping lamp which cast weird shadows around the room.
(97) Put together on a shoe-string over nearly two years, it's a collection of songs, weird and sad.
(98) Luther is, after all, true to his own weird moral code.
(99) He twisted around toward the one who had him in his grasp, and let out a guttural, weird howl.
(100) That is the quality that lends Baise-Moi a weird moral rectitude.
(101) She's a little weird isn't she? Oh no, have I put my foot in my mouth? Is she a friend of yours?
(102) As for those with a more weird taste in religious deviation, they can join an exotic religion with saffron robes.
(103) It's weird, but when she's asleep she looks real young, even though her face is all puffy.
(104) She was too preoccupied by her inner turmoil to fully appreciate the bubbling volcanic mud pools in the weird, lunar-like springs.
(105) What if you were alone in the middle of the night and something really scary or weird happened?
(106) Meditation does not demand sitting cross-legged amidst candles and burning incense, muttering weird incantations.
(107) The audience is as weird as anything on the screen.
(108) Home of the tooth relic sacred to Buddhists, it is a bustling grid of weird and wonderful shops and hotels.
(109) It is like playing chess with a Martian: eerie and weird and very interesting.
(110) Theremin invented the weird electronic instrument that provided soundtracks to 1950s science-fiction movies.
(111) Three weird sisters, three other witches and three murderers figure in the plot to provide on-stage movement.
(112) Sudden rock stardom can do weird things to your head, even if things build slowly, as they did for Weezer.
(113) Move aside the aircraft ... this weird looking craft is ready for take off.
(114) It was weird, because it sure sounded like my native tongue.
(114) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(115) Explore weird planets and fight the Klingons and other strange creatures in your search for fuel for the stranded Starship Enterprise.
(116) It was a weird situation, and I was curious to learn more.
(117) He began to sweat, a weird cold extrusion of moisture that began to trickle down his face.
(118) Nothing wrong with it, but at first I thought it was nondescript, and then I thought it felt weird.
(119) Houses have weird silhouettes in the soft rain, noises come through open windows, television voices, familiar sound tracks.
(120) You know what's weird? Day by day, nothing seems to change, but pretty soon...everything's different. Bill Watterson 
(121) Sometimes you have to listen to some really weird things to get yourself out of that rut.
(122) Three o'clock in the morning, bopping through a weird limb-jerking dance routine, and she looks like a child at playschool.
(123) I hadn't noticed what a weird old bird Ned was, either.
(124) Shocked by the weird question I hang up, but I immediately regret my automatic response.
(125) He saw the weird underworld life for himself, and heard the horrible drip of water leaking through.
(126) My focus was more on, like, guitar pop and classical music and some weird experimental industrial stuff.
(127) By some weird arithmetic, the more life stuffs itself into the valley, the more spaces it creates for further life.
(128) They wore weird slippers, they quoted the heavier bits of the Koran at you.
(129) Information Theory and Kolmogorov Complexity. Weird, eh?
(130) Why would I be jealous of some weird actor?
(131) An odd couple, the father of the weird sisters.
(132) Some guys have this weird hang-up.
(133) Someone just told me that her friend heard a crying baby on her porch the night before last, and she called the police because it was late and she thought it was weird.
(134) And then there are other, more shocking examples of McDonald's food's weird indestructibility: like this poor burger that's been around for 12 years.
(135) In Old English the word weird meant "fate" so calling the witches the weird sisters was equivalent to calling them prophetic.
(136) So the 40GB MP3 player, all else being equal(), will outsell the 20GB MP3 player. The easy-to-use phone will outsell the hard-to-use phone. All else being equal. That part is not weird.
(137) According to the Daily Mail on February 28, one retired couple of the UK found a weird image ingrained in the trunk of a poplar tree when they were chopping firewood.
(138) These weird and wonderful snails live a bizarre upside-down life staying afloat in water by forever blowing bubbles.
(139) The dude with the little head takes you into a pokey room with a bunch of weird looking gadgets and a plethora of indecipherable charts and tables on the wall.
(140) But in the flesh, when my friends and I caught them by mistake on fishing outings, they were alien and weird, unnameable things—snakes, maybe, or what?
(141) Sometimes when you're inside the girl they'll bunch up in weird ways and feel strange.
(142) It does look weird...I believe an important protocol rule was broken there.
(143) Would you brave the weird and haunted shores at world's end to fetch back'ye Jack?
(144) “Everything is a little weird and crazy,[http:///weird.html] ” Mr. Butterfield said as he showed off the game at the company’s office here.
(145) Full of weird, cat-like creatures and floating giants, rarely has an entirely CG world been so compellingly beautiful.
(146) To cook this weird meal we need: eggs, butter, species and red cabbage.
(147) The men of perfect practice are different in deeds, living customs and mindset from the common people but you can't say that they are weird.
(148) These weird tools include funnel glasses designed to guide eyedrops into the eye (see photo), a toilet tissue holder hat, and a barbed alarm clock intended to wake up its user quickly.
(149) Further, they better not be under any severe pressure to raise more operating capital in this weird credit environment.
(150) I recently ran MoMA on SubSonic and found only one issue - a weird use of Nullable types.
(151) "It's a big weird looking freaky thing," said ichthyologist Doug Long of the California Academy of Sciences.
(152) They have screens instead of stomachs and their voices are nothing if not weird.
(153) It may also confirm the existence of the "axis of evil" - a weird alignment of hot and cold spots in the emptier regions of space.
(154) But on days that I draw a cartoon that I like, a weird calmness comes over me, a strange feeling of contentedness and happiness. What the hell’s that all about?
(155) People use "jet ski" to refer to a wide variety of personal watercraft; "rollerblade" to mean any inline skates—and "chupacabra" to mean any weird animal.
(156) That was the bemused phrase people employed to explain the always weird, sometimes amusing, often maddening behavior of Manny Ramirez, the slugger who retired last week.
(157) LBJ apparently had some weird relationship with Asians in which he liked both inviting them over and going over to Asia to kill them.
(158) Girls who have gotten their periods lose some iron every month through their menstrual flow and active kids lose iron through their sweat — weird!
(159) The stilted atmosphere would strike outsiders as disconcertingly weird, but these women are oblivious to the awkwardness.
(160) But for me, exactly I did not know the weird sisters how to manage all of these.
(161) "It's important for kids not to look weird," says Peter Bishop, who leads the preteen class at the Humanist center in Palo Alto.
(162) Were we, class?) So when Tyler finally handed over the weird, translucent, egg-shaped moonstone and Mason immediately brought it to Katherine, I didn't let out a full-on gasp.
(163) But a more interesting option might be to think of doing something weird.
(164) On the both banks of the Dnieper one can find these weird constructions – former ultrasecret buildings.
(165) And what do you do with something as wild as this weird squashy little guy with a head shaped like an eggplant?
(166) The Japanese artists ISOBE Katsushiro and MIZUNO Ryo continue to follow Japanese beau ideal style, one draws the insect world with his pencils, another builds the weird atmosphere with his ball pens.
(167) The idea of going to a walled-off nudist club or colony populated with single elderly guys in sandals and socks, to me that's just too cultish and weird.
(168) Oh, yes, they make those weird, two-wheel gizmos you have to stand on that you see Kevin James riding around in in his latest movie Paul Bart : Mall Cop - it's a comedy.
(169) "I missed nonstandard English and a pride in being nonstandard, in being weird, " he writes, in a rare moment of self-revelation. It would have helped to have known this all along.
(170) Weird Fact: The scientific name for a gorilla is "Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla"
(171) The hangup: No - trade clause, and he would look real weird in a different uniform.
(172) No, it's not weird that an Army major is making froggy faces at a computer screen in Afghanistan.
(173) No - trade clause, and he would look real weird in a different uniform.
(174) As a DDM creature,[sentencedict .com] the Lamia is sort of weird.
(175) The magazine's tony mix of intellect and bohemian chic was the perfect home for Gladwell's innate quirkiness. His obsessive theorizing was no longer weird.
(176) But "don't stare unblinkingly at the camera", either, which will just make you look weird.
(177) Many attacks only work if they trick the privileged program into doing something unintended while its privileges are enabled (for example, by creating weird symbolic links and hard links).
(178) I'll admit, awk doesn't have a very pretty or particularly "hip" name, and the GNU version of awk, called gawk, sounds downright weird.
(179) But a more interesting option might be to think of doing something weird. When you choose something new you may choose something that is line with your personality.
(180) Others defended the choice: "'Defriend' makes me think of 'defoliate' and, well, I dunno, it sounds weird," one wrote.
(181) These weird creatures were found in an abandoned foundation pit in the Russian city of Chelyabinsk.
(182) The particle physics world is abuzz with the news that researchers at the United States's sole particle physics lab may have spotted a weird particle unlike any seen before.
(183) When he came back his dirty dishes were still in the sink as it were, there on the lab bench; but he noticed something weird about them.
(184) The end result is that the main unit photography of the cantina scene was left with limited slip-on creature masks and humans with weird make-up.
(185) " This is so weird,'sandra said during acceptance speech.'scarlett,[] why are you here? "
(186) You could figure out, if you had the inclination and the time, who in a given year was friends with whom and who had dated whom, and who had been popular, or athletic, or weird and fringy.
(187) The Tabby Cat character of our family is really weird.
(188) We all found Mr. Smith a bit weird, for every time at the mere mention of roses he would fly into a temper.
(189) It might sound weird in this article but having your "me" time is the essential rule of having fun with your kids especially if you are a stay-at-home parent.
(190) Or some people have even suggested maybe he's intentionally writing in kind of a weird way as sort of almost a form of protest against people in power.




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