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单词 squeaky
释义  squeak·y /ˈskwiːki/ adjective  1  HIGH POSITION OR RANKmaking very high noises that are not loud 发出短而尖的声音的;吱吱叫的,嘎吱作响的 a squeaky voice 又高又尖的嗓音 squeaky floorboards 嘎吱作响的地板► see thesaurus at high2  squeaky clean informal a) GOOD/MORALnever having done anything morally wrong 品行端正的,清清白白的 politicians who are less than squeaky clean 并非品行完美的政治家 b) CLEANcompletely clean 极其干净的 squeaky clean hair 干干净净的头发 —squeakily adverb —squeakiness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpussqueaky• He's had a throat infection for over a week and his voice has gone squeaky.• Her voice is kind of high and squeaky.• This door needs oiling - it's very squeaky.• His voice, he thought, sounded curiously squeaky.• The speaker was squeaky, but I could make out what was being said.• The beginning of the main strip in Shelbyville is a squeaky clean residential area.• a squeaky door• The toy, the squeaky duck or whatever, will be offered to him by the smiling child.• If you have a squeaky little voice, people tend not to listen to your ideas.• Around the corner, their classmates practiced pulling small-fry violin bows across squeaky strings.• Union Sundown appear to share their guitars and their squeaky vocal style but their songs are longer and have a grittier tone.• a band with a squeaky vocal style• Something about his rubbery features and squeaky voice trigger my cootie detector.squeak·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  very are not that making high noises Corpus




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