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单词 Nigel
1. Nigel is carrying out research on early Christian art.
2. Nigel has searched for work in a ten-mile radius around his home.
3. Nigel raised his glass in a toast to his son.
4. Poor Nigel, he doesn't have very much up top.
5. Nigel made a complete balls-up of the arrangements.
6. You made a public accusation of misconduct against Nigel.
7. Nigel always won hands down in any argument.
8. What a sad character that Nigel is.
9. I don't give a shit what Nigel thinks.
10. Rickman worked as a dresser to Nigel Hawthorne.
11. Nigel coaches a cricket team in his spare time.
12. Nigel says for the moment he is very happy to stay put in Lyon.
13. Nigel Deering, the publisher,[Sentencedict] is quietly confident about the magazine's chances.
14. A neat move between Black and Keane left Nigel Clough in the clear, but his shot skimmed wide of the far post.
15. The business, founded by Dawn and Nigel, suffered financial setbacks.
16. They are both called Nigel, but there the resemblance ends .
17. Chess player Nigel Short faces Anatoly Karpov in the toughest test of his career so far.
18. Nigel sometimes felt he didn't deserve such imitative admiration.
19. Nigel viewed the scheme with gloomy foreboding.
20. Nigel Hillier, 31 year-old freelance photographer did just that.
21. Nigel scrounged a drink off us before we left.
22. Nigel smiled and took the criticism in his stride.
23. Figures like that don't come on oldies, Nigel thought.
24. Nigel Burke is a lay legal adviser.
25. Gavin drove Nigel back one snowy January day.
26. And Nigel has also simplified his life.
27. I didn't go to university, Nigel did.
28. The monetarism which Nigel Lawson abandoned was not perfect.
29. You had a lucky escape, my Nigel.
30. Nigel, you're a very lucky man.
1. Nigel is carrying out research on early Christian art.
2. Nigel has searched for work in a ten-mile radius around his home.
3. Nigel raised his glass in a toast to his son.
31. She could not be unkind to Nigel.
32. This is cold blood, Nigel.
33. I ran to the door, and Nigel joined me.
34. Nigel changed tack and his tone became more accommodating.
35. Nigel hadn't heard from Eleanor for several weeks.
36. Nigel Lawson showed what could be done with it.
37. Hospital was more comfortable than home, Nigel decided.
38. Nigel also resented the expense of entertaining.
39. Nigel: We have to make nuclear power seem green.
40. Elsewhere,[/Nigel.html] Nigel Lythgoe got a haircut.
41. Nigel Dennis helps her out after the photographic session.
42. Nigel had had a brain haemorrhage.
43. They were encouraging Nigel and Henry with cheerful cries.
44. Chancellor Nigel Lawson's Tory conference speech had little impact.
45. Nigel Barnes, the drama teacher, also joined the project.
46. Financial policy, which deviated increasingly from monetarist orthodoxy, also pursued a more distinct course with Nigel Lawson as Chancellor.
47. Nigel Tranter writes his novels on small cards while out walking.
48. The first thing though was to get Nigel into some clean, dry clothes.
49. At a photo-session violinist Nigel Kennedy would initially only pose with a one-stringed acoustic guitar.
50. Labour consumer affairs spokesman Nigel Griffiths warned Sega and Nintendo they had three weeks to act.
51. Nigel was glad as it saved him breaking his own rules about using the phone.
52. I seem to have mislaid all the friends who once called me Nigel.
53. Nigel was given a sleeping pill and some cocoa before he went to bed.
54. If a document was issued or received it would be filed in the appropriate place in Nigel Couville's kingdom.
55. Nigel was left with just one woman in his life to torment, which was only half the fun.
56. Shadow consumer affairs minister Nigel Griffiths said last night the scandal looked like Trade Department negligence.
57. If this is the way they want to treat Nigel, they can suffer the consequences.
58. They are also quite keen on marijuana, feel most masculine during sport and are least inclined to admire Nigel Mansell.
59. And the whole idea of remarriage and disowning Nigel was the sort of novelette situation that would appeal to Jacqui.
60. Nigel was installed in the office with a blank sheet of paper in front of him when Eleanor arrived.
61. He was the kind of man Nigel would have liked to have gone on the pick-up with.
62. Nigel sent her a nice little note inviting her for a drink.
63. He wants a world beater in his side so how about Nigel Mansell as a driving force in his next squad.
64. For almost 18 months Margaret Thatcher and Nigel Lawson have been at loggerheads over sterling.
65. There were all sorts of practical problems which Nigel Barnes, the drama teacher faced.
66. Nigel began selling review copies - his own and any others he could cadge - to give a little boost to his income.
67. Nigel Beale and Peter Dewhurst second and third in the new open solo class.
68. Nigel was really unwell at the last minute with a bad bout of flu[/Nigel.html], but decided not to cancel.
69. Nigel Cope Monthly summer holiday bookings compared with bookings for same month last year.
70. Nigel Day pictured with the latest creation, a seven-note steam whistle.
71. A rematch with Nigel Benn is no closer to being written into this year's domestic calendar.
72. About eleven I noticed that Nigel had dozed off with a smile still on his face.
73. When they met at parties Nigel continued to keep up a surface friendship.
74. She was as tall as Nigel, and now folded herself gracefully into a low chair by the hearth.
75. It earned an angry response from a teachers' union leader, Nigel de Gruchy.
76. One of his final acts was to take Britain's Nigel Mansell from Williams.
77. Nigel Downing polled 163 votes in last November's Langbaurgh byelection, but can not afford to stand again.
78. Gina and Nigel had a big scene after the feminist publication came out.
79. Nigel caught up with me and I was glad to have company as it can get spooky in the half-light.
80. Labour consumer affairs spokesman Nigel Griffiths has given Sega and Nintendo a three-week deadline to act.
81. Nigel Hawthorne's performance is wonderful: he is becoming a finer and finer actor.
82. Priddle's division inside the department last year wrote a draft report on conservation for energy secretary, Nigel Lawson.
83. Nigel tried to confront her with her little secret that evening.
84. Nigel Jones, who won Cheltenham for the Liberal Democrats has been named front bench spokesman on housing and local government.
85. One thing I had in common with Nigel was our National Health hearing aid.
86. Nigel Gooch was hit with a fire extinguisher during the attack while he was on duty, just a few hours into 1992.
87. Nigel Lawson's most expensive change, to national insurance contributions, comes into effect today.
88. Nigel decided to leave things a few weeks then issue an invitation to dinner.
89. They crossed the line with an average lap time of 30 minutes. 28.5 minutes slower than Nigel Mansell.
90. Unfortunately Anthony usually chose college friends and Nigel didn't really take to bluestocking women.
91. I slowly started to realize I had met my match in Nigel.
92. A big grin appeared at the door, followed by the rest of Nigel, his trousers sodden to the waistband.
93. Nigel Henderson is a consultant who's involved in the management of rugby union and deals with worst of these cases.
94. Then she saw Nigel dancing with a well-rounded girl with yellow hair and pouting lips.
95. He intones: Nigel: Suppose there was a power that caused birth defects in sheep and people.
96. Nigel Lamb won all three individual programmes, to record his sixth consecutive championship victory.
97. He looked at Nigel Steen and saw the glint of tears in his eyes as the young man rushed out of the door.
98. Nigel of the clammy hands and Peter of the bow legs and disappearing chin?
98. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
99. He blames the policies of his predecessor, Nigel Lawson, for slow economic recovery.
100. Nigel couldn't really review the stories himself - that would look too obvious.
101. Nigel wondered if any film star would be discerning enough to employ him if he applied for a chauffeur's job.
102. It seems that personal equity plans are here to stay - even if not in the form that Nigel Lawson intended.
103. The keeper fumbled and defender Nigel Quigley leapt in to head home the equaliser.
104. Nigel in his best jeans and sneakers padded along like a puma.
105. Nigel Clough was instructed to link in attack with Shearer.
106. Since I haven't, I must intend to convey that Nigel only has fourteen.
107. But Marsh needed no second invitation and sent keeper Nigel Martyn the wrong way to level the score.
108. She told Nigel proudly that Alison could have been anything she wanted, even an air hostess.
109. The reputation of the chancellor of the exchequer, Nigel Lawson, was at its zenith.
110. Waiting to pounce was Nigel Quigley with a header into the net.
111. So I swapped Nigel for Oliver, which was always my second name.
112. Nigel was a little deaf, but in any case that was the way he liked it.
113. A few months on in their friendship Nigel began to be sick of the hints of affection dropped by Eleanor.
114. The branch was closed down, and then Nigel and Simon were encouraged to restart.
115. Nigel knew that he would be the choice of any thinking woman, in spite of Jo's remarks.
116. When I got home, Nigel was sitting up in bed.
117. Nigel Lawson, it seemed, was neither holding the pound steady abroad nor keeping down prices at home.
118. Knowing Anthony's appetite that was probably a very fair deal, Nigel thought.
119. Nigel did not seem to mind that his autonomous political activity had been abruptly curtailed.
120. After a weekend of brooding silence and no service, Nigel began to think it had all been worth it.
121. Nigel, by opting out of the computer course, had already made his compromise with ambitious dreams.
122. Nigel Lawson rightly wanted to join the exchange rate mechanism two years ago - as did Sir Geoffrey Howe.
123. Nigel Armstrong, Leeds, Yorkshire I keep reading that plutonium is the most toxic substance in the world.
124. Later Nigel popped out to get some food, throwing a few clothes over his pyjamas.
125. Hollis, Mark, Nigel and Clare at the office, maybe even Cam.
126. As the mysterious man following Blackeyes, Nigel Planer speaks at last, though he has damn all to say.
127. The coxswain and the quartermaster were killed at the wheel, and Nigel Tibbets took the helm.
128. Nigel Chaffrey, London How do scientists verify that former volcanoes really are extinct? How often have they been wrong?
128. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
129. Nigel was ostentatiously smoking a big cigar to give an illusion of poise.
130. Nigel told Eleanor that he despised her for making a pass at him.
131. Nigel also took up aerobics at his local sports centre.
132. The Ballynahinch keeper made a fine save from a Nigel Taggart flick on the right.
133. Nigel and Elinor practised the tango to work up some more passion.
134. Nigel Humphreys, before joining Tyzack, was engaged in international consultancy, advising governments.
135. Nigel sported pink sunglasses, pink-striped T-shirt, leather trousers and winkle pickers.
136. Nigel tarted himself up for the two days before her visit.
137. Nigel Clough did more than anyone to avert a crisis for his old man.
138. Nigel Short has realistic prospects of an individual world title match.
139. Elinor and Nigel were soon into their stride, two kinds of molten metal poured into the same mould.
140. But Nigel took the cloak home with him and it's been another string to his bow ever since.
141. For a day, Nigel resented this, but then the photograph looked so beautiful and vulnerable that his heart melted.
142. That Nigel was on an even keel again was a double comfort.
143. Nigel Davis reports on an industry whose products protect both an ocean liner and a girl's dress.
144. Nigel and Gina were left to each other's tender mercies.
145. She was relieved when Nigel had to slow down as they reached the outskirts of Cheltenham.
146. It was intercepted by Nigel Davies, who raced 65 metres to score under the post.
147. The hopes of Nigel Lawson, Chancellor of the Exchequer, for financing the trade deficit are partly pinned on this ability.
148. Nigel and Shirley handed over the cheque to matron Ann Teaney.
149. Mabs and Tashie's contribution seemed to consist of amiably teasing Nigel and Henry.
150. Anyway, you can't go through the whole of your life being called Nigel, can you?
151. Apart from the undisciplined piles in front of Nigel, the books were in orderly rows arranged according to subject.
152. Nigel Mansell will defy critics who lament his departure from Formula One and make a success of Indy 500.
153. Nigel went on for years basking in the glory of his first book.
154. Each was a hi-tech header from Nigel Mottashed, moving through the central corridor.
155. The amazing prediction came yesterday by controversial agent Ambrose Mendy, the man behind Nigel Benn's rise to fame.
156. One name conspicuous by its absence was that of Nigel Kneale, whom Whitaker contacted very early on.
157. It needed no great powers of prophecy to realize that Nigel and I were on a collision course.
158. Nigel leafed through a few large-print Agatha Christies but was put off by the noxious inexplicable stains on the pages.
158. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
159. Nigel gave her a little useful advice on publishers too.
160. Naturally she took up residence, and by the time Nigel came back she was well established.
161. These were just some of the questions poised by quiz master Nigel Harvey at a recent Rentokil quiz night.
162. The room was empty except for Nigel, standing irresolute by the drinks tray.
163. And she hoped Nigel wouldn't take it as a slur on his driving.
164. Nigel Lawson took a very courageous decision in the war against inflation.
165. Nigel and I were, above all, struck by the sympathetic treatment of an area which could so easily be spoiled.
166. Nigel Lawson's achievements on exchange and interest rates could be the deciding factor.
167. He had just heard the full story from Nigel Cramer in his office atop the Home Office building.
168. Nigel Cramer got a first telephone report from Bedford in the mid-morning, long before the written record arrived.
169. It is very funny - a dig at over-pompous officialdom in true Nigel style.
170. Sugar and Spice by Nigel Williams Carol is one of a party of young punk girls.
171. Then Nigel Carew drew his sabre and thrust it into the hand of his youthful son and pushed him forward.
172. Why is Nigel a lucky man?
173. Nigel is our new next-door neighbour. He's a pilot.
174. Nigel is a British subject.
175. Nigel is interested in aeroplanes.
176. Nigel: Correct. Margaret Thatcher said it.
177. Nigel is doing a law course at university.
178. I never enjoy meeting Nigel Dykes.
179. Nigel is a very lucky man.
180. Nigel is our new next - door neighbour.
181. Nigel helped me of his own free will.
182. Celia hired an administrator whose name was Nigel Bentley.
183. "A new 11-year-long cycle period of solar activity started 1 or 2 years ago, and so far, the sun has been very quiet, " said Nigel Weiss at Cambridge University.
184. Welbeck scored United's fourth goal in their comfortable 4-1 win over Nigel Clough's Championship side but it was the manner of his celebration which is said to have met with Ferguson's disproval.
185. This really could be a major limitation in Shanghai's plan to be a global financial hub and attract key business people, " said business consultant Nigel Shroff.
186. Nigel is temperamental but he's very highly strung, you know.
187. In the second part of his Christmas cooking series, Nigel Slater serves up roast fillet of beef, pumpkin ragout and a chocolate and walnut tart.
188. "Inventories of petroleum products have been running high, so cutting oil imports helps bring them down," said Nigel Gault, chief economist at IHS Global Insight.
189. Professor Nigel Gilbert, chairman of the report group, said: "In most cases, supermarket loyalty cards will have your name on."
190. If you see that Nigel, you tell him I want him, right ?
190. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
191. "We're in freefall at the moment and you can't see any sign of improvement here, " said Nigel Gault, senior US economist at IHS Global Insight.
192. Aston Villa and Tottenham target Nigel de Jong is set to stay with Hamburg.
193. Ferrari believe Coughlan received the documents from their former performance director Nigel Stepney.
194. NIGEL VINSON , Institute of Economic Affairs: She relied on him to give her deep intellectual support.
195. Nigel Bissoon, marketing manager of the Angostura Group of Companies, the makers of rum, said the players were already heroes in their Caribbean country after their 0-0 draw against Sweden last week.
196. His father Nigel Simpson, 38, was commissioned to paint the Queen Mother 25 years ago and his grandfather Leslie is a portrait artist and illustrator of the children's book Ollie the Whimsey Collie.
197. When I listen to her play I can hear a new Nigel Kennedy.
198. Hunt added his congratulations, saying "Nigel has made a cracking job of it".
199. Sir Nigel Rodley, a panellist who is a former rapporteur to the UN on torture, likened the situation to Northern Ireland.
200. Nigel: Well, it was the German astrologer, Johannes Stoeftler .




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