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单词 Convinced
1. People are more convinced by words than by blows. 
2. We convinced Anne to go by plane.
3. He was convinced of her innocence.
4. Molly agreed, but she did not sound very convinced.
5. The buyer was convinced of the salesman's integrity.
6. The driver grunted, convinced that Michael was crazy.
7. She became convinced that something was wrong.
8. He convinced me that I should study law.
9. They convinced the teacher by what they have done.
10. French police are convinced that she was tortured and killed.
11. She was convinced that sooner or later she would fulfil her destiny.
12. He was convinced that I was part of the problem.
13. She was convinced he was possessed by the devil .
14. Although I soon convinced him of my innocence, I think he still has serious doubts about my sanity.
15. I am never convinced by his word.
16. Sam nodded but he didn't look convinced.
17. He was convinced of the rightness of his cause.
18. I am not altogether convinced by this argument.
19. I'm not convinced he's on the level.
20. She was still only half convinced.
21. I am convinced of her innocence.
22. They're convinced the picture is genuine.
23. No one was convinced by his glib answers/explanations.
24. You weren't convinced of Mr Matthews' guilt.
25. He convinced us of his fitness for the task.
26. What she said convinced me that I was mistaken.
27. I am convinced that she is innocent.
27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
28. He was convinced that doctors and dentists knew best.
29. I was convinced that he was brighter than average.
30. Every time we have this argument you wheel out the same old statistics, and I'm still not convinced!
1. We convinced Anne to go by plane.
2. Molly agreed, but she did not sound very convinced.
3. The buyer was convinced of the salesman's integrity.
4. The driver grunted, convinced that Michael was crazy.
5. She became convinced that something was wrong.
6. He convinced me that I should study law.
7. French police are convinced that she was tortured and killed.
8. Every time we have this argument you wheel out the same old statistics, and I'm still not convinced!
9. He was convinced that I was part of the problem.
10. She was convinced he was possessed by the devil .
11. Although I soon convinced him of my innocence, I think he still has serious doubts about my sanity.
31. I'm convinced she is absolutely genuine.
32. I'm convinced there's a jinx on this car.
33. He was convinced that his theories were correct.
34. What convinced you to vote for them?
35. The strength of his argument convinced the waverers.
36. I wasn't wholly convinced by her explanation.
37. He was convinced his phone was being tapped.
38. He is convinced of the rightness of his actions.
39. She wasn't yet convinced of his sincerity.
40. He convinced me of the difficulty of the work.
41. She was convinced of the correctness of the decision.
42. I'm not wholly convinced by your argument.
43. I was convinced he was out to cheat me.
44. I'd convinced myself I was right.
45. Sara's convinced she has a weight problem .
46. He was convinced of the impermanence of his work.
47. Women suffering from anorexia are still convinced that their thin, frail bodies are fat and unsightly. Conversely, some people who are a great deal heavier than they should be can persuade themselves that they are 'just right'.
48. He became convinced of the need for cheap editions of good quality writing.
49. Many asylum seekers appear to be economic migrants, convinced that the streets of Europe are paved with gold.
50. Convinced the plane was about to crash, many people were sobbing and in hysterics.
51. She was a hopeless romantic, always convinced that one day she would meet the man of her dreams.
52. I found the idea attractive from the first, and now I'm convinced its the only solution.
53. Both sides are convinced that they are in the right.
54. Her determination, teamwork skills and leadership capabilities convinced us that she was perfect for the job.
55. I am convinced that he has learned from his mistakes.
56. We were half convinced.
57. Buoyed by their recent victory, the team are convinced they can win the final.
57. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
58. It is unlikely that the Duke was convinced by such specious arguments.
59. The experience convinced him that Europe was on the brink of a revolution.
60. As she reached the age of thirty she became convinced she would remain single all her life.
61. Her opposition to abortion and feminism mark her as a convinced traditionalist.
62. Antwerpers are so convinced that their city is best that other Belgians think them chauvinists.
63. Researchers are convinced of a genetic cause for the disease.
64. He started feeling paranoid and was convinced his boss was going to fire him.
65. I wasn't convinced by any of the arguments that he put forward.
66. Journalists are convinced that she was only telling them half the story.
67. The government is convinced that the bombers want to frighten away foreign investors.
68. McAvoy was convinced he could control things from the inside but he lost control.
69. Senior managers are convinced that the strike will have a negligible impact.
70. That weekend in Plattsburgh, he convinced her to go ahead and marry Bud.
71. I'm not convinced your idea will work, but I'll keep an open mind for the moment.
72. My wife convinced me to finally start counting calories .
73. My boyfriend says I'd enjoy a walking holiday, but I'm not convinced.
74. Marx and his followers were convinced that capitalism would destroy itself.
75. He became convinced that his illness was purely imaginary: that made it none the better.
76. He seemed convinced that the US would prosecute the war to its end.
77. No one was convinced by his insistence that he was not to blame.
78. But I am very much convinced,however,you'll get him to come.
79. I was convinced that we were doing the right thing.
80. He's one of those people with a very vivid imagination - every time he hears a noise he's convinced it's someone breaking in.
81. Some dentists are convinced that the addition of fluoride in water is ineffective as a prophylactic treatment.
82. When I had to go away to university, I was convinced that other men would be sniffing round her.
83. My parents were dubious about it at first but we soon convinced them.
84. Jennifer wasn't yet totally convinced that she'd profit from a more relaxed lifestyle.
85. The solicitors were convinced of his innocence and urged him to appeal the conviction.
86. In conclusion, I hope the preceding arguments have convinced you of the need for action.
87. The jury were convinced by the weight of the evidence against her.
88. The settlers remained convinced of their superiority to the native population.
89. Herschel was firmly convinced of the possibility of life on other planets.
90. I wasn't convinced by the minister's nice distinction between a lie and an untruth.
91. He convinced us that he would carry through with/on his promise.
92. Her mother was convinced that London was a den of iniquity.
93. He is firmly convinced that it is vital to do this.
94. After the fourth attack on her car she was convinced that the vandalism was more than just coincidence.
95. Are you positively convinced that he is not coming back?
96. The strength of his argument convinced the last few waverers.
97. I tried to persuade her to see a doctor. The main meaning of convince is to make someone believe that something is true:He convinced me he was right.
98. I'm convinced he only does that charity work so that he can feel virtuous.
99. I have been convinced that the print media are more accurate and more reliable than television.
100. I was never convinced by the image of the whiter than white princess depicted in the press.
101. Diana was a young mission school teacher convinced of her vocation to provide support for her schoolgirl pupils.
102. Persuading her it's a good idea is half the battle; once she's convinced, she'll do a good job.
103. I'm still not totally convinced that he knows what he's doing.
104. She's a convinced monetarist.
105. She has convinced herself that she is possessed by the devil.
106. Do you think the voters will be convinced by the President's fireside address to the nation?
107. Are you convinced by my argument?
108. The doctrine convinced its adherents that natural selection worked.
109. That burst finally convinced somebody in airfield defence.
110. Oh Christmas, let the old baggage be convinced!
111. There are people who are convinced that the problem is so acute that lasting damage has already been done.
112. Convinced that the general public had an unsatisfied thirst for knowledge, he took an active part in several educational activities.
113. I mentioned the review to a friend of mine who was convinced it was an April fool joke.
114. Until recently, I was convinced that the most annoying musical instrument on earth was the accordion.
115. Moreover, Hewlett-Packard is not yet convinced that the market is ready for such advanced technologies on the desktop.
116. She was convinced of her own artistic genius and perpetually dissatisfied with the quality of recognition she received.
117. From the beginning Nizan was quite clearly convinced of the necessity to adopt a strictly orthodox party line.
118. The Labour movement was not, however,() convinced by these arguments: rather it continued to oppose family allowances.
119. Common sense is the most widely shared commodity in the world, for every man is convinced that he is well supplied with it. Rene Descartes 
120. Many general practitioners still need to be convinced that their views will be listened to and where appropriate acted on.
121. Now, ten years and three children later, he is finally convinced that another mouth to feed would be bad news.
122. Life's great happiness is to be convinced we are loved. Victor Hugo 
123. He convinced local landholders to give the monkeys safe haven by setting aside land as a preserve.
124. The first time Stepmother Edna hit me I was convinced it was a mistake and waited dumbly for an apology.
125. He is not convinced that having read them aspiring managers can go away and teach themselves to be good leaders.
126. Sometimes life's going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. Steve Jobs 
127. We were not convinced by the arguments to the contrary.
128. Rangers, meanwhile, are convinced they possess enough heavy artillery to win the war tonight.
129. This morning he had felt her attraction and just now, as they danced, he had been convinced it was mutual.
130. I am convinced it is this freedom that is at the heart of the abortion debate.
131. Because I was experiencing shooting sensations around my hips, the doctor was convinced I had a back problem.
132. My friend and his wife have always been convinced that they were in the company of guardian angels.
133. Many were convinced of Thornton's guilt and he was assailed in local and London newspapers.
134. As for Auster, I am convinced that he behaved badly throughout.
135. Nor were all convinced that leprosy warranted being singled out for special attention.
136. His senior aides are convinced they can speed up the Maastricht ratification process to meet the new deadline.
137. Atheism is against God-based religion which is illusive, mysterious and dogmatic, and which has convinced people to believe in something that is imaginative, incomprehensive and inconceivable. Dr T.P.Chia 
138. But this idea is not available to anybody convinced by the regress argument.
139. By now he was convinced that it had merely acquiesced in the frame-up after his arrest.
140. His narrow escape at Petit-Clamart finally convinced the General that it was time to take action to meet both dangers at once.
141. Frank was convinced of his arguments and fought bitterly with Tom, another academic, when he mocked the whole system.
142. Whether that will arouse great controversy among any but the most convinced monarchists is doubtful.
143. They were convinced of the rightness of their position.
144. A few wavering Republicans may be convinced by the tough talk.
145. Roebling convinced his son, Washington , an up - and - coming engineer, that the bridge could be built.
146. In a splIt'second, I was convinced beyond doubt that Meher Baba is Zoroaster.
147. The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma.
148. Roeder is convinced that Shearer will one day makeas manager.
149. The professor convinced me through the sprightliness of her conversation.
150. Wollaston is convinced that residence near the sea affects the colours of insects.
151. My wife convinced me to be more careful about spending money.
152. Shannon was convinced that Dennis was the reason his problems away.
153. I'm convinced that people complain as a hobby these days, instead of quilting or bird watching!
154. The doctor had spoken with so much plainness that she was convinced to modify her treatment.
155. When I found out what Robbins was doing, I convinced him to take the trance away.
156. Einstein's colleagues convinced him to write to President Franklin D . Roosevelt about building a nuclear weapon.
157. So the frog was convinced and allowed the scorpion on his back.




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