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单词 It appears that
1 It appears that all the files have been deleted.
2 It appears that some missiles have been moved.
3 It appears that the two leaders are holding secret talks.
4 It appears that what I said was untrue, but I did not knowingly lie to you.
5 You appear to have made/It appears that you have made a mistake.
6 Nowadays, it appears that too many films are being produced, and a tax on films will help to redress the balance.
7 It appears that the new legislation doesn't have any teeth, since there has been no improvement in working conditions.
8 There appears to have been/It appears that there has been a mistake.
9 It appears that we are confronted by premeditated aggression....
10 It appears that literacy causes myopia.
11 It appears that the in-cockpit antenna is the problem.
12 It appears that in this case, at least, the avoidance of the deadly prey is inborn.
13 It appears that he was spared the normal procedure of having his fingerprints and photograph taken.
14 On the basis of a crude comparison it appears that the prevalence of known opioid use has decreased by up to 400 cases.
15 It appears that there has been some misunderstanding with regard to the sand pit cover. 3.
16 However, it appears that in Essex at least, individual college principals have agreed to negotiate their introduction and avert strikes.
17 So far it appears that other monuments in care have not been affected, although Mousa Broch has yet to be visited.
18 But here again it appears that poor Michael was, shall we say, not fully briefed.
19 In particular, it appears that deletion of the verb to be is a property of all dialects in informal style.
20 It appears that Mrs Thatcher's main objection was the amount of public money involved.
21 Indeed(), in many cases it appears that the ellipsis is interpreted with reference to a content-based representation.
22 It appears that no one wants to own the most glamorous, star-studded, spooky cemetery in all of Los Angeles.
23 And it appears that the aggregate number of partners in heterosexual adultery is quite low.
24 It appears that the conserved basic residues, and not the zinc fingers, are important for complex formation.
25 Secondly, it appears that one of our largest companies has regard for the individual.
26 It appears that someone has copied your essay word for word.
27 It appears that even now we are witnessing the establishment of a new and uppermost tier in the hierarchy of precious metals.
28 It appears that the Leonids contain a dense cloud of dust released during recent stressful passages of comet Tempel-Tuttle by the Sun.
29 It appears that there is an effective limit of one on the number of postnominal adjectives permitted.
30 When the housing market collapsed, it appears that this property was affected because it became the subject of a forced sale.
31 It appears that a few extra hours of uninterrupted sleep can remedy the situation.
32 It appears that he had some rudimentary feelings of responsibility toward the girl, and attempted to pay for her support.
33 It appears that thyroid hormone is also required for full suppression of antidiuretic hormone release.
34 It appears that about 250, 000 holders of 800 numbers will want to reserve 888 numbers, Way said.
35 It appears that the judge must consider the fairness of the proceedings overall, not simply the proceedings in court.
36 It appears that Olympic didn't invoice customers for kit shipped.
37 In effect it appears that the pension has been assessed both as income and capital.
38 He soon remarried and it appears that his second wife had no qualms about sharing the bedchamber with her predecessor.
39 It appears that this phenomenon requires the encapsulation by a head of a gradable modifying notion.
40 It appears that chronic caffeine use may cause up-regulation or down-regulation of other neurotransmitter systems as well.
41 It appears that he appointed as his prime minister(http://), Mr. Omer Arteh Qalib.
42 The Parish Council are of the opinion the satellite dish requires planning approval and it appears that no application has been made.
43 It appears that deciduous trees do not acidify in this way.
44 Once again, it appears that the nature of the available remedies is having some effect on the character of the diagnosis.
45 Therefore it appears that hypertension has an additive deleterious effect on overall prognosis in the diabetic.
46 Otherwise, with the possible exception of isolated pixels, it appears that these routines function correctly.
47 But it appears that pricing is not the only problem affecting investors in the Dumenil group.
48 It appears that the regulatory authorities are extremely slow at detecting fraud.
49 It appears that he did search for 3-dimensional examples but could find none without divisors of zero.
50 Similarly[], it appears that managers for the most part do not make strategic decisions.
51 It appears that the United States needs to have some one to blame, people to hate, a group to rally against.
52 Called Meluha by the ancient Sumerians, it appears that the civilization arrived intact from across the sea.
53 Again, it appears that contexts of a particular kind must be avoided if the test is to succeed.
54 This was a disreputable subterfuge, yet it appears that the same sort of procedure is enjoined by the new Act.
55 Although only using watercolour it appears that Green imitates the technique of painting boulders.
56 It appears that for acute health problems older people are little different, in terms of prevalence, from younger age groups.
57 Consequently, it appears that in principle at least, both corporations and their officials could be deterred, unlike their conventional counterparts.
58 Now it appears that could be all for naught.
59 It appears that he has pseudomyopia.
60 Doctor:It appears that he has pseudomyopia.
61 The early studies with minoxidil were on balding men, but it appears that minoxidil may actually be more effective in women.
62 In the short run, it appears that [ stimulus lending ] is risk - free.
63 "It appears that the sky is the limit for this tax-spend-and-borrow Democratic majority," said Senator Judd Gregg, the top Republican on the Budget Committee.
64 Despite the slow growth, it appears that m-commerce could be successful if only there were enough mobile apps and shopping opportunities out there.
65 Well, it appears that he has given you satisfactory reasons for his landing at Porto - Ferrajo?
66 It appears that the " German" German Shepherd Dog is going to follow the "American" German Shepherd Dog in its downhill slide toward total uselessness as a working breed.
67 In hindsight, it appears that her birth was an uneventful one.
68 Ventriloquism is an act of stagecraft in which a person (a ventriloquist) manipulates his or her voice so that it appears that the voice is coming from elsewhere.
69 It appears that Ms Hutchinson is being punished for her religious views and her associations.
69 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
70 Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was called as atypical pneumonia at its initial epidemic in China. It appears that we are at the edge of finding the pathogen(s).
71 It appears that in patients with moderate to severe alcoholic hepatitis, Etanercept was associated with a significantly higher mortality rate after 6 months.
72 From this it appears that bisulfite concentration and PH have opposite effects on oxidation.
73 It appears that he does not like fixed working hour.
74 It appears that like cervical cancer, ano-rectal cancers have an infectious component and may be sexually transmitted.
75 Walter Willet, at the Harvard School of Public Health, says it appears that earlier investigations were more likely to use health-conscious people as their controls.
76 American eating is funny, they eat almost everything with a fork, and it appears that holding a knife in one's right hand longer than a few seconds is considered to be against good table manners.
77 Thus, it appears that hypermedia programs reflect a mode of knowledge organization that could be isomorphous with, or correspond to the cognitive webs of meaning described earlier.
78 Unfortunately, it appears that Diller's own investments in the search space have had vision but not marketplace success.
79 It appears that both rate and displacement controls are acceptable to pilots.
80 The fish is preserved uncleaned and it appears that the nitrosamines are produced by the action of salt-tolerant bacteria.
81 Similarly, it appears that first-time voters, such as Lewis, are scared by the Coalition's industrial relations policy and angered by the lack of housing affordability for their generation.
82 It appears that, like the golden zebrafish , light-skinned Europeans also have a mutation in the gene for melanosome production. This results in less pigmented skin.
83 It appears that a short-covering rally may now be overtaken by real investor buying.
84 It appears that spot market Granger - causes futures market in the pre - QFII period.
85 It appears that the plant is called abutilon, or Chinese Lantern. It is a twiggy and lanky plant but the flowers are prolific.
86 For chocolate lovers, it appears that methylxanthines provide psychostimulant effects, arouse emotions, and may even evoke guilt feelings .
87 It appears that Pepsi is partnering with some folks who have some experience so this may not be a popularity contest.
88 From the above evidence it appears that milk thistle is very helpful in cases of acute mushroom poisoning.
89 Rogaine Use in Women The early studies with minoxidil were on balding men, but it appears that minoxidil may actually be more effective in women.
90 It appears that the responsibility should rest with the shipping company.
91 In short, it appears that galaxies are not born with a given shape, barred or unbarred.
92 It appears that AD-67 can protect corn against chlorsulfuron injury.
93 It appears that a Viennese pathologist has finally solved the case.
94 Increasingly, it appears that the answer to this question may be incompatible with what should be Europe's central goal in this exercise, namely putting Greece on a sustainable debt path.
95 The exec's first duty was to determine a strategy for store location, and it appears that goal has now been met.
96 It appears that this universally promoted idea was based largely on a misinterpretation.
97 It appears that an increasing of the compartment pressure may induce reperfusion injury of the ischemic muscle by prolonged compression of the gluteal and flank muscles against the operation table.
98 However, while in the long term it appears that JTI still has room to grow in the VFM segment, and in the short term, its special dividend remains the catalyst.
99 It appears that in the face of chemical or biological warfare,() a woman's primary job is to doff her clothes.
100 It appears that some of the stronger currencies are already beginning a recovery, while weak currencies like the euro are likely to fall to new lows before bottoming.
101 Furthermore, it appears that change in surface oxygen content is primarily through the relative quantity of surface carboxylic groups.
102 It appears that the quinoxaline fluorescent derivative on N ternimal of a protein or a peptide be used to study structures and functions of the molecules.
103 "It appears that this base wiring of the brain is a determinant of one's vulnerability to develop obesity, " said Professor Tamas Horvath, a neurobiologist at Yale University.
104 It... it appears that I change the topic, but you will see in a few weeks that it's really related not even a few weeks you will see that it's really related to the conservation of momentum.
105 Wang and Yankees left fielder Hideki Matsui have also experienced similar injuries this year, and it appears that players are wondering what the problem is.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:15:28