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单词 body
释义  Related topics: Motor vehicles, Hair & beauty, Clothesbod·y /ˈbɒdi $ ˈbɑːdi/ ●●● S1 W1 noun (plural bodies)  1  people/animals 人/动物 [countable]BODY the physical structure of a person or animal 身体,躯体 the human body 人体 My fingers were numb and my whole body ached. 我手指麻木,浑身疼痛。body weight/temperature/size Your body temperature is higher in the daytime than at night. 人的体温白天高于夜晚。 For their body size, these birds lay very small eggs. 相对于这些鸟的体形来说,它们下的蛋非常小。 He needs to overcome a negative body image (=what you think about your own body). 他需要克服对自己身体的负面印象。2  dead person 尸体DEAD BODY [countable]BODY the dead body of a person 尸体 A dog found the body of a girl in the woods. 一条狗在树林里发现了一具女孩的尸体。3  group 团体GROUP OF PEOPLE [countable] a group of people who work together to do a particular job or who are together for a particular purpose 团体,机构,群体 The British Medical Association is the doctors’ professional body. 英国医学会是医生的专业团体。body of There were reports of a large body of armed men near the border. 有报道称边境附近有大批武装人员。 Kaplan served on the governing body of the museum (=the group who control the museum). 卡普兰在博物馆的主管部门供职。 The student body (=all the students in a school or college) numbers 5,000. 学生总数为5,000 人。 The research will be used by government departments and other public bodies (=groups whose work is connected to the government). 这项研究将用于政府部门以及其他公共机构。in a body (=as a group, together) 一起 The women moved towards the building in a body. 这群妇女一起朝着大楼走去。► see thesaurus at organization4  body of something a) AMOUNTa large amount or mass of something, especially something that has been collected 大量的某物body of knowledge/evidence/opinion etc There is now a considerable body of knowledge of the different stages of childhood. 现在对儿童成长的不同阶段有了相当多的了解。 There is a growing body of evidence that charges are too high. 有越来越多的证据表明收费太高。 b) MAINthe main, central, or most important part of something 主要部分,主体 The arguments are explained in the body of the text. 这些论点在正文里有解释。 Leave three blank lines between the date and the body of the letter. 信的日期和正文之间空三行。5  body of water DNa large area of water such as a lake 水域 The city was built near a large body of water. 这个城市建在一大片水域的旁边。6  middle part 中间部分CENTRAL PART [countable]BODY the central part of a person or animal’s body, not including the head, arms, legs, or wings 〔人或动物的〕躯干,躯体 Nick had bruises on his face and body. 尼克脸上和身上都有瘀伤。 The bird has a small body and long wings. 这种鸟身体小,翅膀长。7  vehicle 交通工具VEHICLE [countable]TTC the main structure of a vehicle not including the engine, wheels etc 主体部分 Workers at the factory are making steel bodies for cars. 工厂里的工人正在打造钢铁车身。8  object 物体SEPARATE OBJECT [countable]SEPARATE technical an object that is separate from other objects 物体 Keep the caps on the bottles to prevent foreign bodies entering them (=objects that should not be there). 瓶子要盖好,以免异物进入。 → heavenly body at heavenly(3)9  hair 毛发HAIR [uncountable]DCB if your hair has body, it is thick and healthy 浓密 This shampoo will give more body to your hair. 这种洗发剂会使你的头发更加浓密。10  taste 味道 [uncountable] if food or an alcoholic drink has body, it has a strong flavour (=taste) 〔食物或酒的〕浓香,香醇 A small amount of tomato paste will give extra colour and body to the sauce. 加少许番茄酱可以增加调味汁的色泽,并让它的味道格外浓郁。11 5long/thick etc -bodied having a long, thick etc body 身材修长的/粗壮的等 a slim bodied orange-gold fish一条体型小巧的金橙色的鱼 →able-bodied12 5full/medium/light-bodied used to describe how much taste an alcoholic drink has, with a full bodied drink having the strongest taste 酒味醇厚的/中度的/清淡的 a full bodied wine醇厚的葡萄酒13  keep body and soul together SURVIVEto continue to exist with only just enough food, money etc 勉强维持生活,挣钱糊口 He’s working at the shop to keep body and soul together. 他在这家商店里工作以维持生计。14  body and soul a) COMPLETELYcompletely 全身心地,完全地 She threw herself body and soul into her work. 她全心全意地投入工作。 b) the whole of a person 全身 They think they own the employees, body and soul. 他们认为雇员从头到脚都是他们的财产。15  instrument 乐器 [countable] the wide part of a musical instrument such as a violin or guitar, or of a sports racket (=bat) 〔小提琴、吉他等乐器的〕琴体,器身;〔球拍的〕拍身 The guitar is 16 inches wide across the body. 这把吉他的琴身宽16英寸。16. clothing 衣服CLOTHES [countable] British EnglishDCC a type of tight-fitting shirt worn by women that fastens between their legs 女式紧身衣,女式连身内衣 SYN American English body suit →4  See picture of 见图 UNDERWEAR →5 see picture at 见图 underwear → over my dead body at dead1(11)n COLLOCATIONSadjectivesthe human bodyThere are billions of cells in an adult human body.the female/male bodyhis drawings of the female bodythe upper/lower bodySlowly raise your upper body into a sitting position.somebody’s whole bodyHer whole body froze with fear.body + NOUNbody weightYou have exactly the right body weight for your height.body temperatureExercise will raise your body temperature.body size/shapedifferences in body size and shapebody fluidsReplace your body fluids by drinking lots of water.body fatMales have less body fat than females.body language (=the movements and expressions that show what you feel)Nervousness is usually clearly expressed in body language.body image (=what you think you look like)People tend to have their own body image fixed in their minds.n THESAURUSbody the shape, size, and appearance of someone’s bodyMany women are not happy with their bodies.His clothes emphasized his strong body.figure a woman’s figure is the shape of her body – used especially when it is attractiveShe has a really nice figure.Freya had an enviably slim the size and shape of someone’s body – used in the following phrasesPolice described the man as tall and of medium build.He was of heavy build.She has a very slight build.physique the size and appearance of someone’s body – used especially about men who look attractiveHe was over 1.8 m tall with a muscular physique.Ben has a very athletic physique.a dead bodybody noun [countable] the dead body of a personHer body was discovered at the bottom of a cliff.Firefighters found the body of a woman in the house.corpse noun [countable] the dead body of a person. Corpse is is used when you are thinking about the body as an object rather than a personPathologists examined the corpse.carcass noun [countable] the dead body of an animala whale carcassThe carcasses of the infected animals were burned.remains noun [plural] parts of a dead person or animal, especially when they died a long time agoPolice found human remains under the floorboards of the house.Examples from the Corpusbody• These too contain that interior form like a body with the arms and legs out.• Belfast City Airport Forum is a new advisory body set up to discuss environmental issues affecting the airport and the surrounding area.• Jane Fonda has an amazing body for a woman of her age.• The first time I ever saw a dead body was at my grandfather's funeral.• The matrix enables links to the awards of other examining bodies to be established.• UEFA is the governing body for European football.• a strong, healthy body• Calvin was not happy with his body, no matter how much he exercised.• His body and amused gaze point at the camera, and he holds a cigarette in his free hand.• His body was flown home to be buried.• There are over 1000 muscles in the human body.• The black widow spider has red-orange markings on its body.• Mr Price's long body and short arms and legs gave him a rather strange appearance.• Baby monkeys cling to their mothers' bodies until they are old enough to start climbing by themselves.• By the time I got home my body ached all over and I knew I was getting the flu.• From that time on, it seemed as though I loathed myself and looked for ways to punish my body.• The village paths soon became covered with a mass of bodies, brains, blood and intestines.• The woman fell to her knees beside her son's body and began crying and wailing.• Physical activities need to be monitored as sudden body contact or jarring of the head can bring about further dislocation.• Police found the body of a young boy in Epping Forest last night.• Push the body, it meets its limit.• The bodies of the two soldiers were buried with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery.• The body of the plane broke in two.• Many teenagers are self-conscious about their bodies.• A given rocket booster could actually land more mass on these bodies than it could land on the Moon!• If you don't start taking care of your body, you're going to have a heart attack one of these days.body weight/temperature/size• Thus, it is essential to monitor urine flow, serum tonicity, and body weight during the deprivation.• Controlling body temperature: problems of the elderly and the very young. 8.• The student sits on the floor and opens his legs in front of him, pushing his body weight forward as far as it will go.• Extrapolating this knowledge to a 10-ton dinosaur, they calculated that a one-degree rise in body temperature would take some 86 hours.• Readings were only normal when I was walking, perhaps because of the tendency of exertion to increase body temperature.• The gene is also associated with increased body weight.• Relative to its body size, the parrot has the biggest brain of all.• Scrambling nets need more awareness and control of body weight than fixed frames.body of• the body of believers in the churchforeign bodies• Foreign bodies A small proportion of vaginal discharges are due to foreign bodies.• Eyes inflamed from trauma or after foreign bodies have been removed.• A group of prisoners was carefully picking foreign bodies from a mound of rice before cooking.Origin body Old English bodigbod·y noun →10-16 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  a physical structure Corpus or the of person




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