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单词 Stuffy
1. We need some fresh air in this stuffy room!
2. Centrally heated offices tend to be stuffy.
3. It's really hot and stuffy in here.
4. I have a stuffy nose.
5. It's stuffy in this room.
6. Why were grown-ups always so stuffy and slow to recognize good ideas?
7. It gets very hot and stuffy in here in summer.
8. It's getting stuffy in here - do you mind if I open the window?
9. The atmosphere is very stuffy in here can we open a window?
10. This room seems stuffy - open a window.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. Leave the windows open. It's so stuffy here.
12. He is learned, but neither stuffy nor pedantic.
13. Their wedding was stuffy and formal.
14. It was hot and stuffy in the classroom.
15. There was a stuffy atmosphere.
16. The house felt hot and stuffy.
17. The stuffy "50s gave way to the swinging "60s.
18. It was so stuffy in the tent that we could sense the air was heavy with moisture.
19. Don't be so stuffy—of cause they can use the same bedroom.
20. He is trying to promote a less stuffy image of the Conservatives.
21. It's really hot and stuffy in here - let's open the window.
22. It's so stuffy here. Open the door and let in some fresh air.
23. The atmosphere in the room was so stuffy I could hardly breathe.
24. Museums have been trying hard to shed their stuffy image.
25. The room was hot and stuffy.
26. They stood around her in the stuffy room, aghast.
27. Come on Dad. Don't be so stuffy!
28. The restaurant is stuffy, pretentious, and ridiculously expensive.
29. Sir William had the ability to conduct proceedings in a dignified manner without ever becoming stuffy.
30. Her tiny attic room had poor ventilation and in summer it became unbearably stuffy.
1. We need some fresh air in this stuffy room!
2. Centrally heated offices tend to be stuffy.
3. It's really hot and stuffy in here.
4. I have a stuffy nose.
5. It's stuffy in this room.
6. Why were grown-ups always so stuffy and slow to recognize good ideas?
7. Sir William had the ability to conduct proceedings in a dignified manner without ever becoming stuffy.
8. It gets very hot and stuffy in here in summer.
9. It's getting stuffy in here - do you mind if I open the window?
10. It was so stuffy in the tent that we could sense the air was heavy with moisture.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
31. You will not find a stuffy bureaucrat in him.
32. The room is stuffy with dry heat.
33. He was far from being a stuffy bureaucrat.
34. I hope the stuffy Royals who snubbed her now appreciate her honesty.
35. She thought of Miguel, stern, slightly stuffy at times, yet so kind and so intelligent.
36. His first collection took the fashion world by storm, breathing new life into the stuffy world of Parisian hautecouture.
37. It's getting stuffy in here -- shall I open the window?
38. There was no point in being stuffy; it would attract new readers, show that the paper was iconoclastic, broadminded.
39. Not for the stuffy - white collars and ties are irrelevant and the atmosphere could be described as flamboyantly casual.
40. I wish I could escape from this stuffy little office.
41. What could work better with a free spirit than a stuffy,[http:///stuffy.html] disapproving straight man?
42. A coal fire made the room stuffy, the way he liked it.
43. After a hard week locked inside a stuffy building, a serious lung-opener was called for.
44. Georges is a stuffy individual who dresses in black tie just to watch Don Giovanni on television.
45. A stuffy atmosphere, or one which is artificially heated, air-conditioned and lit, produces lethargy and depression.
46. You can find ways of taking advantage of good weather while others are shut in stuffy offices.
47. I took a couple of pills for my stuffy nose.
48. The room was stuffy, the hot August sunshine beating against the drawn curtains.
49. Victor was as old-fashioned as his father, and equally stuffy.
50. Their lead actor-director transforms the stuffy original into a modern telling of the Passion.
51. Old opinions were shed, stuffy woolly shabby old liberal vests and comforters were left piled on the shore.
52. The hotel room was hot and stuffy, and I woke up with a terrible headache.
53. The stuffy people finally listen to this genius, then they stand and applaud.
54. Perhaps it had just been the rather stuffy air in that crowded room.
55. The swamp cooler beats a steady rhythm, trying its best to tame the stuffy air.
56. The stuffy room made her lethargic.
57. I'm smothering in this stuffy room.
58. We are smothering in this stuffy room.
59. This stuffy atmosphere makes me feel dopey.
60. The Tanglin was spacious , sprawling, and stuffy.
61. She thought of her humid, stuffy darkroom.
62. Relieve inflammation, hypersensitivity and stuffy nose.
63. It's so stuffy in here that I feel sleepy.
64. The convention was being held inside a stuffy warehouse filled with boxes of 8-by-10, pamphlet-style, home-brewed manga and swarmed with thousands of anime fetishists, mostly men.
65. At the same time, Churchill expressed the most attractive values of the English ruling class---honor, loyalty, and fair play---without the stuffy traditionalism of many of his peers.
65. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
66. But academic leaders assume headship and deplete energy. "Academic authority" makes young researchers stuffy. It causes researchers fault.
67. Researchers petitioned the government, however, saying there was no evidence phenylephrine worked for relieving a stuffy nose.
68. Brad and Angelina may have been too untamed once for anything as stuffy as a marriage license. But then they had children have already done their domesticating damage.
69. It has the main treatment effects on the following as: inappetence, poor appetite, stuffy feeling in chest, stool constipate , sputum stasis, fat body, ebriety, naupathia and others.
70. And as the city is surrounded by hills, in windless days the air becomes really stuffy.
71. First, mine sounded stuffy father - in - law of the drum of a winter, rain down quietly and quietly.
72. This time I'm in Ravenna, a stuffy, exhausting place, like all tourist destinations where crowds fill narrow streets.
73. It's stuffy in this room. An electric fan would be just the ticket for me.
74. My nosy is stuffy so I sound all nasally today.
75. The small fox is stuffy to stuffily ask a way, seem maximum of human to all like a boy.
76. I've got acold consequently nose is stuffy and can smell nothing.
77. Aromatic capsules are great for easing the discomfort of a stuffy nose.
78. The results showed that the GVHD was induced successfully in 13 case, accounting for 61 8%. Their main clinic signs included arthralgia, diarrhea, dermatic maculpapule and stuffy nose.
79. The puffy staff's stuffy chests are stuffed with sufficient suffering.
80. The atmosphere is very stuffy in this poorly ventilated room.
81. The place, by the by, was very stuffy and oppressive, and the faint halitus of freshly shed blood was in the air.
82. If you’re about to go to bed, you don’t want to treat a stuffy nose with a decongestant containing pseudoephedrine (Sudafed and generic) because it can cause nervousness and sleeplessness.
83. Aprimary extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma is area, A22-year-old man sought medical advice due to repeated nasal hemorrhage and stuffy nose.
84. Decongestants can help unclog a stuffy nose, and expectorants help loosen mucus.
85. Fred and Volodia sweltered at night in the stuffy, crowded cabins.
86. The MOH said Bao developed symptoms of fever on the flight from Beijing to Chengdu accompanied by sore throats, coughing, stuffy nose and sneezing.
87. Pours gastric juice stimulation esophagus which overflows, initiates the chest stuffy pain.




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