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单词 Tsar
1. He ruled his business empire like a latter-day Tsar.
2. He assumed full authority as tsar in 1689.
3. In 1896 Nicholas was crowned as tsar.
4. He rode in triumph to the Tsar.
5. The tsar protected his personal prerogatives.
6. The government has appointed a drugs tsar to co-ordinate the fight against drug abuse.
7. Participates in the democratic revolution that overthrows the Tsar.
8. The tsar is dead; long live the tsar.
9. In reality, the tsar proceeded with extreme caution.
10. The picture shows Tsar Nicholas, circa 1914.
11. The tsar was trying to integrate his domains.
12. In the same year, the tsar involved himself personally in the foundation of the reformist journal Military Miscellany.
13. Sergei Solov'ev was wrong, however, to accuse the tsar of conducting the war with a lack of resolution.
14. William Bennett, a former drug tsar, was a vociferous foe, as is Louis Sullivan, the health secretary.
15. In 1859 the tsar intervened personally to prevent church leaders from consigning Belliustin to a monastery in the White Sea.
16. The Tsar proved wary of replacing Stolypin with a leader committed to any firm legislative programme.
17. Yermak concluded a deal with the then tsar which wiped out his past crimes for a surrender of his conquests.
18. The tsar responded immediately to Valuev's call for the acceleration of the reform of the courts.
19. Under a constitutional monarchy, the Tsar was Grand Duke, with a bicameral legislature.
20. They tried to ascertain news of the tsar and his family, but to no avail.
21. It also explains why the Tsar was able to secure the acquiescence of the nobility.
22. He was executed in 1887 for plotting to assassinate the tsar.
23. Not only the intelligentsia but also conservative officials and the tsar appear to have recognized the fact.
24. In 1906-14 successive foreign ministers were authorised by the tsar to report to it on only five occasions.
25. The real fear that this revolution might overthrow the Tsar forced him to make some political concessions to appease the masses.
26. Above all, the coercive force at the disposal of the Tsar fell far short of its imposing image.
27. Even at the end of 1857, however, depicting the tsar as a committed reformer is unwise.
28. It was to be many months before the new tsar accepted defeat in the Crimean War.
29. As their grievances were not met, or even acknowledged by the ultimate power in the state -; the Tsar.
30. The man they wanted was a New Zealand-born heroin tsar, sought in a dozen countries but slippery as an eel.
1. He ruled his business empire like a latter-day Tsar.
2. He assumed full authority as tsar in 1689.
3. The tsar protected his personal prerogatives.
4. He was executed in 1887 for plotting to assassinate the tsar.
31. When he asked the new tsar to give land to the peasants he made plain the other.
32. Relieved, perhaps, to have escaped the obstructionism of his officials in St Petersburg, the tsar responded favourably.
33. The Duma, packed by radicals, was dissolved by the Tsar in 1906.
34. Belliustin called upon the tsar to circumvent the ecclesiastical hierarchy and breathe life into the clerical estate.
35. Lanskoi presented the completed memorandum to the tsar in December 1856 and recommended the establishment of various bodies to act on it.
36. The tsar adopted these suggestions but reduced the number of specific requests.
37. So long as frontier zones of the empire remained insecure, the tsar had to eschew an ambitious foreign policy.
38. Thus the fact that the tsar possessed a large army did not mean that he could risk significant external commitments.
39. Press and provincial assemblies hastened to proclaim solidarity with the Tsar.
40. Little more persuasive is the argument that under another tsar the regime could have withstood revolutionary pressure indefinitely.
41. As winter approached, Napoleon was unable to advance further,() nor could he persuade the Tsar to negotiate.
42. Military organization, too, owed much to the whim of the Tsar.
43. The Tsar, the landowner, Denikin's troops, and your Comrades all fleeced him.
44. A haemophilia tsar cannot be far away.
45. 1883 - Alexander III is crowned Tsar of Russia.
46. The Tsar visited his coIIection every morning.
47. The tsar was just a paper tiger.
48. Peter II becomes Tsar of Russia.
49. Kutuzov wrote to that effect to the Tsar.
50. 1896 - Nicholas II becomes Tsar of Russia.
51. The primary development of the breed took place at the military stud farm in Rostov in the years following the fall of the Tsar.
52. House's acting cyber - security tsar has resigned from her post, according to the Wall Street Journal.
53. He proposes an import tsar to oversee the scrutiny of Chinese goods.
54. Tsar Alexander III was on the train into Nice shortly after the line opened in the 1860s. Napoleon III of France followed.
55. Her nephews assumed the surname Romanov, and the dynasty began with the election of Michael Romanov as tsar in 1613.
56. Warsaw Citadel - old cannons used by the Russian Tsar army in 1834 - 1914 .
57. As she tried on the new coat and hat, the tsar looked on admiringly.
58. The victory of the October Revolution to the Russian Red flag over and over, but for the last Tsar Nicholas II and his family, it means the end of life.
59. Ivan IV of Russia, also know as Ivan the Terrible, was the Grand Duke of Muscovy from 1533 to 1547 and was the first ruler of Russia to assume the title of Tsar.
60. The tsar, it is stated, has proclaimed Russia's "inflexible resolve to support the interests of her Slav brothers".
61. In those years, photographer Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii (1863-1944) undertook a photographic survey of the Russian Empire with the support of Tsar Nicholas II.
62. The White House has appointed its cyber tsar, following a seven month search.
63. 1905 - Tsar Nicholas II of Russia grants Russia's first constitution, creating a legislative assembly.
64. October 30, 1905, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia grants Russia's first constitution, creating a legislative assembly.
65. He forded frozen Russian rivers, the ice giving way beneath him, to become the first Jew to meet Tsar Nicholas I.
66. There were others who dreamed for Poland and plotted to throw bombs at the Tsar.
67. The tsar Peter I the Great was interested in medicine, and liked to personally extract teeth.
68. Rasputin exercised some strong hypnotic power over the Tsar and his wife.
69. The gem was named "Alexandrite" after the young Tsarevitch, who was crowned Tsar Alexander II in 1855.
70. Krakatoa, rated 6 on the VEI, was equivalent to about 200 megatons of TNT – at least three times as much as Tsar Bomba.
71. At six o'clock in the evening Kutuzov visited the headquarters of the Emperors, and after a brief interview with the Tsar, went in to see the Ober-Hofmarschall Count Tolstoy .
72. The tsar used to separate and occupy a vast territory of northeast and northwest China.
73. The hall, covering the monarchic court and state governing in the 16-17th centuries, displays a great variety of things belonging to the first Russian tsar, Ivan IV the Terrible.
74. Household troops of the Tsar, these are formidable , well armoured elite Eastern European heavy cavalry.
75. A tsar was a living icon, invested with deep historical and religious significance.
76. Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia, was born the third son of Tsar Paul I.
77. The Tsar contemplated with complete sang-froid the sacrifice of unnumbered thousands of his countrymen in the pursuit of ultimate victory.
78. Medvedev will be the youngest Russian leader since Tsar Nicholas II when he is sworn in on May 7, and the country's third president since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.
79. The biggest fusion bomb ever detonated — the Soviet Union's Tsar Bomba, tested in 1961 — released energy equivalent to an estimated 50,000,000 tons of TNT.
80. Grot was married to Iakov Karlovich, a tutor to the future Tsar Nicholas II.
81. The Last Tsar: The Life and Death of Nicholas II.
82. The tsar turned to Josef and said, "What fine gifts you have made for my tsarina."
83. Women don't wanna see need. They want a take - charge guy - a colonel, a kaiser, a tsar.
84. "His Majesty Alexander II, Tsar of All the Russias, "she said. But her voice was trembling.
85. The 1860s came to be known as the Age of the Great Reforms, after tsar Alexander II (r. 1855-1881) introduced a large number of liberal reform measures into Russian society.




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