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单词 Revelation
(1) He claimed to know these things by divine revelation.
(2) There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children. Nelson Mandela 
(3) Each successive revelation of incompetence is another nail in the chairman's coffin.
(4) Degas's work had been a revelation to her.
(5) My trip to Texas was a revelation.
(6) His acting ability was a revelation to us all.
(7) Alice Walker's novel was a real revelation to me.
(8) He claimed to have had a revelation from God.
(9) This book came as a complete revelation to me.
(10) These events were seen as a divine revelation.
(11) A sudden flash of revelation came to him.
(12) His performance in the race today was a revelation to everyone.
(13) Marriages were broken and lives ruined by the revelation of double-dealing.
(14) The company's financial problems followed the revelation of a major fraud scandal.
(15) The revelation of his scandalous past led to his resignation.
(16) The demonstration proves something of a revelation for our teachers.
(17) This revelation enables us to show kindness to others.
(18) The revelation almost destroyed the O'Dell family.
(19) They were thunderstruck by this revelation.
(20) I mentioned the word revelation just then.
(21) Also of widebody design is Dunlop's highly acclaimed Revelation.
(22) Understanding across such barriers comes like revelation.
(23) In Revelation 13 the link between the cosmic powers and the deep is quite explicit.
(24) The revelation of Niagara Falls as a place of horror dovetailed neatly with the appearance of the Gothic romance in literature.
(25) The senator has been in the spotlight recently since the revelation of his tax frauds.
(26) To many younger members of her audience,[] these performances must have come as a revelation.
(27) Excuse me while I pour a cup, just to get over the revelation.
(28) To those like me whose education concentrated on the physical rather than the biological sciences, the Nilsson film was a revelation.
(29) To us poorly equipped and half-starved rebels it was a revelation.
(30) Theology must somehow be playing on a different pitch, with revelation determining the rules and faith the outcome.
(1) He claimed to know these things by divine revelation.
(2) The senator has been in the spotlight recently since the revelation of his tax frauds.
(3) Each successive revelation of incompetence is another nail in the chairman's coffin.
(4) The revelation of his scandalous past led to his resignation.
(31) He began an exploration of her body, a constant revelation of tormenting pleasure.
(32) Each new revelation was greeted with raucous shouts of impatience.
(33) For those of us who fret about ways in which modern technology distances us from understanding this programme was a revelation.
(34) Carry over the assumptions of philosophical positivism and the basic notions of revelation will become nonsense.
(35) As a young man he had a prophetic revelation that led him to preach a new faith in place of the prevailing polytheism.
(36) It represents a direct divine revelation that delivers a capacity for understanding beyond the parameters of normal discourse.
(37) It was the single greatest revelation of his religious life.
(38) Virginia closed her eyes for a second,[] fighting this odious revelation.
(39) But that was the sort of outlandish revelation Louis seemed to want.
(40) Revelation is a continuous process, confined to no one group and to no one age.
(41) The effusions of Vaneigem have an air of mystical revelation which is even more intense in recent publications.
(42) Painting on wall or canvas as dream of plenitude, painting on glass as revelation of potential in poverty.
(43) Above all, it imposed norms of order and limitation to conceal the Dionysiac revelation of contradiction and excess as ultimate realities.
(44) Moreover, that history and that revelation to which Christians necessarily make reference are in some sense normative for the religion.
(45) He was the author of the Fourth Gospel, three biblical epistles, and the book of the Revelation.
(46) It was a revelation, political or not, that came too late.
(47) This was the revelation that brought reversal pathways to center stage.
(48) On the one side the appeal was to reason; on the other, to faith and special divine revelation.
(49) The Doctor struggled hard to retain his composure after this revelation.
(50) The revelation came in the form of internal documents of the Aleyeska Pipeline Service company, which were leaked to a congressman.
(51) But we see what we want to see, and for Lewis this performance by Williams was a revelation.
(52) He placed the envelope in Revelation and returned the Bible to the shelf.
(53) The revelation was discussed at closed sessions of the Senate select committee on intelligence, chaired by Democrat David Boren.
(54) In this extremity he sought no miraculous escape, no sudden revelation of a known lake.
(55) Morris presents it all as a revelation, a historic breakthrough in political history.
(56) The books fictionalize a fundamentalist reading of the New Testament's contentious Book of Revelation.
(57) He then directs him to the message to the angel of the church at Laodicea in the third chapter of Revelation.
(58) It had come to him as a blinding revelation when he was but a small child.
(59) The agonizing dispute between revelation and explanation required mutual concessions by both reason and faith.
(60) Neon was a revelation, those gay lights in windows and over movie marquees.
(61) The excitement of Cynthia's revelation had been too much for her and Cynthia now anxiously rang the bell for the nurse.
(62) However, this revelation did not bring about the destruction of Euclidean geometry, it simply added to it.
(63) Will it burst with love again, like colours, speech that catches fire, tears of revelation from infinity?
(64) It was a revelation in its heyday, but Viz is now starting to look rather tired.
(65) To do this he did not need to make any apparently arbitrary appeal to particular revelation or received authority.
(66) An attractive face, with dark eyes and dark eyebrows, but no revelation.Sentence dictionary
(67) The revelation comes as the Social Security Consortium prepares to issue a campaigning leaflet calling for reform of the fund.
(68) Such thinking may have a particular appeal to Catholic Christians, who tend to think in terms of an evolving revelation.
(69) If Richter's Brahms is a revelation, then his playing of Liszt is without equal.
(70) For Lisa the experience was a revelation - and a chance to shake off her earlier strange feelings.
(71) The declaration exposed him to accusations of hypocrisy after each revelation of arms sales to dubious regimes.
(72) Another revelation: enthusiastic volunteers were not necessarily best-suited to be foster parents, either by temperament or circumstances.
(73) He pulled out drawer after drawer(), his frenzy building with each new revelation of supposedly missing clothes.
(74) Within a few months after his celestial revelation, Atkinson had a mock-up of the program.
(75) Excuse me while I pour a cup, just to get over the revelation. Organic farming frequently encounters such philosophical problems.
(76) Every new revelation about those times makes me think I've fallen down on the job.
(77) Ideally your final revelation should combine both the elements of this double-harnessed form, detection and novel writing.
(78) But, in addition, they implied that O'Keeffe's work was a revelation of female sexuality.
(79) Our emphasis on the culture-conditioning of revelation poses some problems which must be squarely faced.
(80) For Locke the separate compartments for faith and reason, or reason and revelation, did not exist.
(81) The revelation comes as an oil industry survey claims 84 percent of forecourts were hit by crime last year.
(82) The official excuse for a sudden wave sweeping every column inch of coverage is that a genuine revelation has occurred.
(83) They are chiefly associated with his distinctive emphases on historical revelation and on the ethical rather than mystical nature of religion.
(84) This precious new phial of innocence, his new self after the revelation, had to be offered to Mary.
(85) They are heading off to bed early when conscience-stricken Jackie comes out with the devastating revelation.
(86) All this was awful enough, but a yet more disturbing revelation was to come.
(87) With pierced nose, wild red hair and an enormous collection of tattoos, Joolz is a revelation.
(88) Dawn, despite its revelation of an ominous pall hanging over the mountains, found us hitching towards Cairngorm.
(89) To say that the Church was the sole conduit of divine revelation was to dictate terms to the Almighty.
(90) The revelation had devastated him, eroding his confidence and his desire for her.
(91) But if it had always existed, how could it have been created at a certain time, as revelation maintained?
(92) She wondered how Beatrix had reacted to its revelation of the double life Maurice was leading.
(93) He was the author of the fourth Gospel, three biblical epistles, and the book of the Revelation.
(94) Pay about £45 a case for a wine from the Classico hillsides and it can be a revelation.
(95) It offers a type of verifiability that revelation cannot.
(96) The book of Revelation is lousy Greek.Yes sir.
(96) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(97) It's revelation, soul castigation, Fire will burn us away.
(98) Remember the "lake of fire" in the Book of Revelation? Remember that those who live by the sword will die by the sword?
(99) That's kind of what the Book of Revelation seems to try to do.
(100) Now this allusion here in this verse epistle to his father is to a passage from the book of Revelation.
(101) The biological metaphor has a significance of revelation for the development of evolutional economics.
(102) A rational decision mechanism can inspire information revelation and control deflection of policy from public interests.
(103) At last, this paper points out the contributions made by land-grant colleges to American higher education and the revelation to the development of Chinese higher educ...
(104) Except that the Revelation of John is still not part of the lectionary or canon in some Eastern and Middle Eastern churches.
(105) And does not all of this disregard gnosis as inner spiritual revelation and union with the divine?
(106) But when an Ohio fertility clinic broke the news to her that an IVF treatment had been successful it came with the devastating revelation of the mix-up.
(107) Confessional literature is widely read as revelation of authentic experience of life and as mimesis of external reality.
(108) Oprah Winfrey's recent revelation about a half-sister she never knew she had, sparked widespread online discussion about family secrets, shrouded in shame.
(109) Authority in Christianity belongs to God in His revelation, which means, on the one hand, Jesus Christ, the living Word, and, on the other hand, Holy Scripture, the written Word.
(110) John the Divine had written in Revelation 14 -- you know this: and no man could learn that song but the one hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.
(111) It's said that in September of the Islamic calendar, the apostle of God Mohammed accepted the revelation from God for the first time.
(112) Because it cannot be known apart from divine revelation in Holy Scripture, no one may bind our conscience with any law other than that revealed by God.
(113) This is from chapter 14 of the book of Revelation.
(114) The Bible is the inerrant written Word of God, the complete revelation to mankind and absolute authority for the live of Christians and ministry of the Church.
(115) Bereshit, passim ), and it was God's first revelation, in which He Himself took part.
(116) Marcel Proust might have said that her work is an astonishing revelation of the 'mysterious phenomenon of scintillation'.
(117) In The Age of Reason, Paine had arguedagainst both atheism and Christianity in favour of a deism which rejects anyappeal to divine revelation.
(118) This is why, Majrouh wrote, landays are "a cry of separation" from the idea of love and a revelation of the misery of misalliance.
(119) As a more largo eyeshot, the multiple intelligences explains human multi-aptitude and human studies afresh, giving us a new revelation on the cognition of senior high school history teaching.
(120) Only a teenage girl could turn that revelation into a source of shame and embarrassment. Anna sauntered up to my lunch table where I sat, witless and surrounded by friends.
(121) Divine law is God's direct revelation to humankind through the Scriptures.
(122) Since human free will, on the Arminian understanding, is independent of God's plan, it cannot be a divine revelation, the image of God.
(123) It has the Letter of Barnabus,the Shepherd of Hermas, the Acts of Paul,along with the Acts of the Apostles, and the Revelation of Peter.
(124) The ill-timed revelation not only stalled his own bid for freedom, but also stunted his identity.
(125) In the Book of Revelation, 666 is given as the number of the "beast," and is often interpreted as the mark of Satan and a sign of the end times.
(126) But,[http:///revelation.html] this does not destroy the perspicuity of God's revelation.
(127) My holy, My divinely ordained Revelation may be likened unto an ocean in whose depths are concealed innumerable pearls of great price, of surpassing luster.
(128) Oh, they read that scripture the way those holy rollers on TV read the Book of Revelation.
(129) 1992 "Revelation of Bronze B20. B21. B22" shown at the UNESCO United Nations-sponsored 24th International Arts Festival in Garnier, France; won the exhibition award.
(130) More importantly, the teaching of non-Self without promulgating the counterbalancing revelation of the Tathagatagarbha is an act which will generate the most severe suffering.
(131) We've looked already at some of these documents that seem clearly to be anti-Rome such as the Book of Revelation.
(132) Gets some revelation on prevention and control of Legionnaires' Disease from the point of engineering and administration by analyzing the process of infection of Legionella.
(133) As a Law-breaker, you cannot be of the true bride of Christ Jesus as written in Revelation 12:14 to 17, or a real saint, Revelation 14:1 to 12.
(134) The thesis analyzes word stress, sentence stress and rhythm to obtain revelation to English read-aloud.
(135) The Book of Revelation was also traditionally assigned to him.
(136) Convictions concerning the uniqueness or sanctity of human life, whether based on intuition, logic, or divine revelation, proscribe war.
(137) Revelation has always been communicated in poetry and symbol and never in scientific or philosophical terms.
(138) In addition to God's revelation through nature (the creation) and in the human heart (mind), that is, general revelation, God has revealed to man the way to eternal life, in word and in deed.
(139) Then we analyzed the facts that cause the differences and find some revelation which is helpful to perfect our agricultural accounting system.
(140) "The whole thing has been a revelation for me, too, " Ashery says.
(141) The diaphanous light casting on the sculptures and the dramatic installations of them form a special revelation of Canova's great works.
(142) The five months in Revelation 9:5 and 9:10 may be the five winter months between The Feast of Tabernacles and The Feast of Passover.
(143) What we found was a far bigger revelation than we were expecting: it was a new form of cellular self-control based on one of the oldest types of molecule around— ribonucleic acid, or RNA.
(144) The rush to fix the latest glitches followed Comelec's revelation that it had evidence of a plot to disenfranchise voters by exploiting their unfamiliarity with the machine-countable ballot forms.
(145) Meanwhile, the revelation led to the end of diplomatic relations between Moscow and the London-based Polish government-in-exile.
(146) He realized he was standing at a dead stop on the stairs, paralyzed by sudden revelation 10.
(147) It took three years and a chance tip-off from a colleague about Chua's work before the revelation came.
(148) These discuss maybe offer some revelation and reference for the development of the morning paper market.
(149) The covenantal arrangement of the history of redemption and the covenantal progressive revelation of Scripture is not a mere convention, but rather a reflection of the intra-Trinitarian relations.
(150) Buffett follows-up a recap of 2008 successes with the following revelation: "During 2008 I did some dumb things in investments.
(151) And if a revelation comes to someone who is sitting down, the first speaker should stop.
(152) Veidt and his mate Sarna were from Haydon IV, a revelation that made Cabell and Rem exchange significant glances that Lang and the others didn't have time to question them about.
(153) Revelation 3 : 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
(154) The volatile frontman, who has also attracted interest from Everton in the past, has been a revelation since returning to Brazil, netting 19 goals in as many appearances for Cruzeiro .
(155) The revelation to search my cowry :Yesterday, My cowry is lost, because of my negligence and his naughty .
(156) Gnostic writings repeatedly stress divine revelation and the need for both human effort toward realizing gnosis, as well as the need for corresponding divine grace or angelic help.
(157) Revelation: We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, inerrant and eternal. It is the criterion for our words, deeds, thoughts, life and work.
(158) The fifth department reflect the revelation of commission system in China local governance and summarize the full text.
(159) In the Book of Revelation it's the number of the beast; it's the number of the devil.
(160) Terming such revelation the "inward light, " the "Christ within, " or the "inner light, " the first Friends identified this spirit with the Christ of history.
(161) We reaffirm the inerrant Scripture to be the sole source of written divine revelation, which alone can bind the conscience.
(162) St. Anselm founded Scholasticism, integrated Aristotelian logic into theology, and believed that reason and revelation are compatible.
(163) At the same time, we can also find some helpful revelation for implementing the reorganization system of the new law of bankruptcy from Zheng Baiwen s realignment.
(164) At last, this paper points out the contributions made by land-grant colleges to American higher education and the revelation to the development of Chinese higher education.
(165) Revelation 17 speaks prophetically of earthly kings who will fight to establish their authority at the end of the ages.
(165) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(166) By looking at the Hebraic numbers, we can perceive the revelation we need to decree a new thing.
(167) The revelation not only shocked Mary, but made her wonder how many of her hitherto respected elders might be whited sepulchers.
(168) Barack Obama's first budget is a revelation. The US president's plans will not come to pass in the form he suggests. Congress writes the laws and will make a hash of it.
(169) The perspicuity of God's revelation: After the Fall, general revelation is (still) authoritative, sufficient (so that man is without excuse), and clear.
(170) He took his title from the Book of Revelation, via the triumphalist 1861 Battle Hymn of the Republic, reprinting it in full at the beginning of the novel.
(171) Thus can Diana reveal herself to Actaeon and enjoy the roguery of that revelation, opening herself to her chastity's shame.
(172) Forsooth , each one of them wants to be given scrolls (of revelation) spread out!
(173) But be glad that you are given a part in the pains of Christ; so that at the revelation of his glory you may have great joy.
(174) The "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" is a term used to describe a concept from the New Testament of the Christian Bible, in chapter six of the Book of Revelation.
(175) In order to study the optimal incentive schemes when both manager's ability type and effort are unobservable, this paper sets up an information revelation model of manager.
(176) Picasso reduces the horror of the opening of the Fifth Seal in the Book of Revelation to a display of female flesh in a whorehouse.
(177) Then one last thing that is interesting to talk about, keep your finger there in 2 Peter but we're going to look at Jude so flip over to Jude which is right before Revelation.




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