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单词 lousy
释义  lou·sy /ˈlaʊzi/ adjective (comparative lousier, superlative lousiest)  1  especially spokenBAD of very bad quality 非常糟糕的 SYN awful, terrible What lousy weather! 多么糟糕的天气! The food was lousy. 食物糟透了。 a lousy film 一部烂片► see thesaurus at bad2. feel lousy spoken if you feel lousy, you feel ill 感觉不适3  spoken not very good at doing something 不擅长的 SYN hopeless, terriblelousy at/with I’m lousy at tennis. 我网球打得很差。 Brenda’s lousy with kids. 布伦达对付孩子不行。 a lousy teacher 一个差劲的老师4  spokenLITTLE/NOT MUCH small, useless, or unimportant 不起眼的;不起作用的;微不足道的 He left me a lousy fifty cent tip. 他给了我区区50美分的小费。5  be lousy with something American English old-fashioned a) FULLa place that is lousy with people of a particular kind is too full of them 〔某处〕满是〔某种人〕 The town was lousy with tourists. 镇上挤满了游客。 b) LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTsomeone who is lousy with money has a lot more of it than they need 〔某人〕有太多的钱Examples from the Corpuslousy• I feel lousy.• The donuts turned out to be lousy.• I was lousy at biology in school.• I'm such a lousy cook that I usually eat out.• Hopewell got a lousy credit rating, which meant investors wanted a higher interest rate.• It was a cold lousy day and drizzling by evening.• As luck would have it, I was a lousy engineer.• You know, back then, I worked every lousy job in town, you name it.• Feeling small and lousy, not knowing what to do; fit for nothing, not even to stick out your hand.• This country is lousy with them.lousy at/with• You're no business-woman, Mrs Sutherland, you're lousy at it.• Brenda's lousy with kids.• I'm lousy at tennis.• The place used to be lousy with them.• This country is lousy with them.• Gera and Postema are but footnotes in a sport that is lousy with trivia.lou·sy adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus quality bad very of




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