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单词 Subsidy
1 The company received a substantial government subsidy.
2 The Arts Council granted them a small subsidy.
3 This would be a radical departure from the subsidy system.
4 The level of subsidy given to farmers is to be reduced.
5 The subsidy for company cars is to be phased out next year.
6 The EU should have the power to suspend subsidy payments to farmers who pollute the environment.
7 This is the state subsidy theory of strikes.
8 The third major cause of patchiness is energy subsidy.
9 It received a subsidy of 6,[]000 acres per mile.
10 And they did it without a public subsidy.
11 The banks receive a government subsidy to cover the differential between market interest rates and the loan's fixed interest rate.
12 No wonder the muster takers and subsidy collectors sometimes experienced difficulty in classifying them.
13 A price subsidy causes the budget line to change to 13.
14 On the other hand, no funds and no subsidy schemes at all would mean an end to cultural policies.
15 For the subsidy has encouraged amateurish management and an uncommercial approach.
16 Nevertheless, the balance between central and local government subsidy for sport changed markedly in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
17 The help that the government gives the industry amounts to an indirect subsidy.
18 The British government is expected to reject the idea of state subsidy for a new high speed railway.
19 European farmers are planning a massive demonstration against farm subsidy cuts.
20 There were also pledges to soften the impact of the subsidy cuts on the poorer regions.
21 They built and financed a whole new suburb, and they did it without a public subsidy.
22 This literature is very substantial and far more sophisticated than the state subsidy theory of strikes.
23 Cost-based prices would prevent such entry, but would probably require a subsidy.
24 This may be the only way of escaping from the temptation of continuing perpetual agricultural subsidy in one guise or another.
25 Florida has successfully used private capital in prison construction and operation, with a minimal state subsidy for each inmate.
26 The school gets a $ 10. 3 million state subsidy, a third of its yearly budget.
27 The result - heavy industry and low value added production kept going long past its time, ineffectually, by subsidy.
28 The crunch has come, however, when the period of subsidy ends, or when the economy has moved into recession.
29 The channel thus had financial security without either public subsidy or the need to bow to the ratings.
30 The cost transfer necessary would be far greater than the cost of the price subsidy.
1 The company received a substantial government subsidy.
2 The help that the government gives the industry amounts to an indirect subsidy.
3 The British government is expected to reject the idea of state subsidy for a new high speed railway.
31 No doubt when the subsidy commissioners came on the scene they were prevailed on to restore assessments to approximately the levels of 1515.
32 Also of concern is not only the cost but the amount of fossil energy subsidy required for intensive agriculture.
33 The most important instrument of dirigisme is subsidy, even though subsidy in a free market in a contradiction in terms.
34 Eleven ministries run 18 different subsidy schemes for everything from school lunches to milk.
35 Elbing s shipyards were kept going after the war only as a result of massive subsidy from the Reich.
36 The farmers are also helped by a Government subsidy for the number of livestock they keep on the uplands.
36 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
37 The taskforce has recommended some kind of subsidy to help businesses get their Internet start-ups off the ground.
38 Anderson's proposal is for the tax subsidy to be limited to a five-year duration.
39 The Minister refused a direct subsidy, but brought pressure on the Central Authority to do something.
40 Other activities, like job training, produce both private and collective benefits; hence governments often provide them a partial subsidy.
41 About half the homeowner subsidy goes to taxpayers with incomes higher than $ 100, 000.
42 And with the theatre running into difficulties about subsidy it's not getting any more hopeful.
43 If so, it would make more sense and cost less in subsidy to build that new winner within Airbus.
44 We will therefore be unable to pay our contribution to the marioc subsidy.
45 Paradoxically, the tax subsidy cushions the borrower from the full effects of a restrictive monetary policy.
46 Such business must carry a subsidy of some sort and the research seeks to evaluate it.
47 Reich subsidy to the city had now reached its limits and Schacht was in favour of cutting off all further aid.
48 Any advantage that a tax break can achieve, a subsidy can accomplish just as easily.
49 Proposed changes would phase out that support system, but guarantee farmers a gradually dwindling subsidy payment over the next seven years.
50 Its role in backing arms sales is particularly controversial because government insurance is a form of subsidy.
51 In addition, until April 1993, a further 2 percent subsidy based on earnings will be paid.
52 In the past, of course, no public subsidy was needed for the poor to purchase television sets.
53 Even in the prosperous South-East there are demands for direct subsidy and state assistance.
54 Traffic has grown by 50 percent in a decade in which it has operated without a subsidy.
55 A similar disregard for the potential for renewable energy was evident if the expenditure on subsidy was analysed.
56 In 1922 it received a shot in the arm through a large subsidy from the Central Committee.
57 Rather than do anything about it, the Council pay the farmers a subsidy to filter the water.
58 Still, it amounted to a massive subsidy to Wall Street from Congress. Long live motherhood and home ownership!
59 Workstart is an experimental programme to help us assess what forms of wage subsidy work best.
60 And for two days officials from the General Council discussed with the Government the possibility of extending the subsidy.
61 The whole post-war attempt to democratise culture through State subsidy has failed.
62 In addition, some subsidy programs help to raise interest rates and thus increase borrowing costs for traditional public activities.
63 Growers who then choose to cultivate tobacco would do so without any subsidy or protection, he said.
64 Still, it amounted to a massive subsidy to Wall Street from Congress.
65 The second approach to verifying the state subsidy theory is through interviews with strikers.
66 It relied on government subsidy and was closed at the end of 1958.
67 State subsidy has shrunk, but little private finance has taken its place.
68 In the end, only some form of income subsidy will fill that bill.
69 Funding and subsidy schemes in the member states are not harmonised, and will not be, according to the new cultural paragraph.
70 The community is not bound to provide what is in effect a subsidy for unconscionable employers.
71 The policy implications of this review of the health justification for public subsidy of sport are complex.
72 Ten thousand marks were sought from King John as a subsidy for the Holy Land.
73 The Commission official insisted these loans were repayable with interest, and did not constitute a subsidy.
74 For that, he receives a mouth-watering 70 percent of his subsidy from the city.
75 The level of rent to qualify for full Housing Benefit subsidy will be determined according to locally operating market forces.
76 This would be a radical departure from the subsidy system that has dominated the agricultural economy for more than 50 years.
77 The Good Parliament had refused to grant a subsidy, and accordingly another parliament was summoned for January 1377.
78 This proves expensive for the police, who receive no subsidy from soccer sources for officers on duty outside the stadium.
79 A growing number of clubs and societies such as the movie-makers, art appreciation and folk club, all receive Union subsidy.
80 Taken together these are a significant help and in effect constitute an indirect government subsidy.
81 Together they fought to keep the tax subsidy for churches in Connecticut and Massachusetts.
82 Auntie Muriel buys the cheapest gauze and spends the rest of the subsidy on red wine.
83 What is not required is the traditional form of arts subsidy: the direct grant to an individual or a group.
84 The third subsidy to owner occupation comes from the abolition of the Schedule A tax.
85 Since this encouragement was not accompanied by subsidy from central government, the outcome was locally various.
86 Local detention is considerably cheaper, although the state might still chip in with a subsidy.
87 But donations to help elect or defeat political candidates have been denied such a subsidy since 1954.
88 Funding and subsidy schemes were only to be allowed provided they were open to all artists in the Community.
89 Insulation, incredibly enough in our climate, did not get housing subsidy and so is primitive or non-existent.
90 Secondly, marginal cost pricing in natural monopoly does not necessarily require a subsidy.
91 Perhaps a government subsidy, sourced from entertainment tax, should have been applied in the interests of mass circulation.
92 The 1275 lay subsidy of a fifteenth fell also upon their temporalities.
93 It's because Middlesbrough Council can not afford to increase the subsidy for concessionary fares from £1.35m.
94 That cross-party committee urged a multi-million pound subsidy and other measures to save half of the pits earmarked for closure last October.
95 Because Parliament expected an uproar, it voted a $ 42 million subsidy to keep them operating.
96 Such was the good doctor's ire that he insisted that S4C's subsidy should be stopped.
97 Here efficiency is increased if a per-unit output subsidy is paid to suppliers,[ ] rather than a grant towards input costs.
98 Academics estimate the subsidy is worth at least $ 415m-$ 498m a year to the arms industry.
99 The Republicans' budget proposal for 1995 would have eliminated the subsidy students can get while in college.
100 The two-year subsidy is intended to stave off colliery closures until after the general election.
101 A more simple option would be a cash subsidy to employers who hired the long-term unemployed.
102 Arable farmers who applied last year for oilseed rape subsidy will already be familiar with the way the map should be completed.
103 The government offered a 5-year subsidy to people moving from the state earnings-related pension scheme to take out a private pension.
104 The interest rate subsidy sometimes involved deferral of repayment for 15 years.
105 Bidders would be guaranteed a public subsidy, but would have to compete on price and quality.
106 The government remains committed to continuing to subsidise the industry, though not to increasing the subsidy.
107 In either case, subsidy will create more long-term problems than it can solve.
108 In this way the price subsidy scheme is a less efficient instrument for redistribution.
109 The Ruhr gets a different kind of subsidy.
110 A central government special fund provides a subsidy(), however.
111 Implements the storage quantity room transaction tax revenue subsidy.
112 Food subsidy programs have other costs.
113 Next, kind of subsidy harmfully in market fair principle.
114 The government subsidy to the NHI was allocated to each household based on two sets of tax incidence assumptions.
115 The company consented to Jason's application for a housing subsidy.
116 A comparative study on the effects of crop insurance and direct grain-growing subsidy on farmers' welfare was made through a questionnaire.
117 This can produce a negative U.S. corporate income tax—that is, a net government subsidy—for overseas operations.
118 The government's transport subsidy scheme is designed to help people in the lower income bracket to meet their transport expenses.
119 Concept of subsidy volunteer is congruous with the concept of volunteer with regard to the spirit of volunteering service.
120 Subject . Category and Technology in General; Foundations, Subsidy Institutions; Politics; Society; Economy.
121 "We think film subsidy programmes should be harmonised with public health goals by making films with tobacco imagery ineligible for public subsidies," Millett said.
122 Empirical studies were dealing with an actual tax, while modelling studies predicted outcomes based on a hypothetical tax or subsidy.
123 Today, most governments employ three policies to provide universal service, e. g. setting conditions, universal service fund and hidden subsidy.
124 The level of subsidy will also determine how long CWM will remain in its current form.
125 Because indirect subsidy policies such as market price support are inefficient, many countries changed their way of subsidy to direct subsidy.
126 The nonprofit sector has traditionally been driven by a reliance on philanthropy, voluntarism ,[http:///subsidy.html] and government subsidy. Earned income has been viewed as something extra.
127 Pareto improvement is processing when education subsidy enters the utility function as a variable.
128 Interest rates will be non-concessional, i.e. not contain any subsidy element.
129 Unlike many grand aid initiatives, AMFm does not try to reshape reality beyond the narrow subsidy.
130 Because preventive services are quasi-public goods or of positive externality, the government should provide these services through subsidy or directly public supply.
131 That demobbed soldiers shall enjoy a just-for-once job assignment from the government and those who wish to find jobs on their own be given subsidy in one lump sum.
132 The U. S. is permitted to respond to subsidized imports where the elements of a subsidy are met under the countervailing duty law.
133 On the audit of expenditure(), it changes from center expenditure audit into center expenditure and subsidy local expenditure.
134 Grant a variable subsidy in a lump sum to any enterprise that settles down and develops or intends to purchase and rent houses in Yinzhou, and offer a annual reward based on its yearly sales value.
135 The economic treatment of teacher refers to material rewards sa the payment, welfare, subvention, subsidy and bounty etc, legally given for teachers labour.
136 Or a full - time teaching post in a government , Caput, Direct Subsidy Scheme or private school.
137 Xerox Subsidy - Euphemism for swiping free photocopies from one's workplace.
138 Electric cars now coming to market are also expensive, costing more than $20, 000 even with the subsidy, a stiff price in a country where the annual average income is less than $10, 000.
139 So far, 3 350 households have bought homes with this subsidy.
140 Spain's fixed - price subsidy system for solar energy has been a disaster.
141 The USDA has established its own subsidy through June 30 th 2010.
142 If the basic old age insurance benefits are lower than the disability subsidy, the difference shall be made up from the work-related injury insurance funds.
143 If a one-time housing subsidy is also used, the economic environment of employees buying houses will be eased even more.
144 Special funds and extra-budgetary funds to support the interest subsidy from Anhui Province and Jiang Nan Industrial Centralization Area will reduce, to some extent, financial costs of enterprises.
145 Loss distribution was introduced to decompose extrapolation model to determine subsidy proportion.
146 The total payment includes salary, housing subsidy, rent subsidy, and personal income tax that employer deducts from employee's salary, public housing fund and a variety of social security insurance.
147 It is supported by the policyholder's premium, central and local government finance subsidy, and the part payment that policyholder once use the serve.
148 The purchase tax cut was partially reinstated to 7.5%-still lower than the normal 10% level-and the subsidy amount for trade-ins was raised.
149 In WTO Uruguay Conference, subsidy is classified as Prohibited subsidies, Auctionable subsidies and Non - actionable subsidies.
150 As stated in the provisions of Special Import Measures Act, if Canada wants to take countervailing measures against another country's subsidy, the first step is determining the existence of subsidy.
151 This new program can be combined with the Ministry of Interior's housing subsidy loans and is expected to continue until the end of next year.
152 Funding is the industry's secret subsidy: without explicit or implicit guarantees many banks would teeter.
153 That would have amounted to a sizeable subsidy to badly managed institutions.
154 As to key state bond projects already approved by the state, the discount interest, subsidy and capital in cash are not changed and it can be transferred to shares of Chinese SOEs after approval.
155 In the present grain direct subsidy policy of our country there are problems such as not conforming to the rules of WTO, single standard, inappropriate implementation of policy, etc.
156 Otherwise the mismatch of risk provides an unjustifiable public subsidy to the banking sector.
157 The second link, based on the first, is schemed to offer gradient housing subsidy supply.
158 When subsidy is greater than the long-term debt, subsidy and derating can create an offsetting under-investment.
159 The currency regime is a tax on consumption, which accounts for a mere 36 per cent of gross domestic product and represents a considerable subsidy to exports.
160 In the course of the anti-subsidy investigations, the definition of "government" and "public body" is a precondition for determining the existence of subsidy.
161 Needy students who pass means test will receive a subsidy for home - school travel during term time.
162 Under the trade liberalization constraint, direct export subsidy in strategic trade policy is prohibited by the rules of WTO.
163 A bail - out of Detroit's carmakers, whatever its final extent, will be a discriminatory subsidy.
164 A subsidy is a government payment to a domestic producer. Subsidies take many forms including cash grants, low-interest loans, tax breaks, and government equity participation in domestic firms.
165 The earned income tax credit ( EITC ) provides a subsidy to the wages of qualified low - income individuals.
166 Eligible households are offered an interest-free loan of up to $660,000, or a monthly subsidy of up to $4,200 for 48 months, to purchase their own homes.
167 Housing supply should be taken as the main tactic while housing reserve funds and housing subsidy should adopted as supplementary measures.
168 The district has also established low -cost housing subsidies account numbers and quarterly financial statements system, and strengthen supervision of low -cost housing subsidy funds.
169 The announcement emphasizes, attack to area kill, get minatory area compulsive immunity offers finance subsidy.
170 Putting $300 million of concessional financing into the mix overall is quite a significant subsidy for investments that have a substantial impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
171 Other measures discussed, such as introducing a car-scrapping subsidy, supporting workers on short time and improving car companies' access to finance, have reached no conclusion.
172 The solar sector has been racing to reduce costs amid a surge in the supply of low-priced solar panels from China and negative shifts in government subsidy policies in some key markets in Europe.
173 Next, this kind of subsidy harmfully in market fair principle.
174 Although this was supposed to be financed by taxes on petrol and diesel, railmen saw it as a form of subsidy to a new competitor, the nationwide trucking industry.
175 A subsidy which is limited to certain enterprises located within a designated geographical region within the jurisdiction of the granting authority shall be specific.
176 Eligible applicants are offered an interest - free loan or a monthly subsidy to acquire their own homes.
177 Michelle Mitchell, charity director at Age UK, said it was astonishing that help for poorer households through the Warm Front subsidy scheme was being phased out despite "scandalous" power bills.
178 But also at the small family scale, the housing subsidy received from the State will be, by far, the biggest aid ever.
179 LB subsidy includes all revenue and vehicle costs but excludes capital investment.
180 Generally the State budget does not provide interest rate subsidy to the State Policy Banks.
181 The introduction of talent, first of all require employers through the monetization of housing subsidy to provide housing conditions.
182 Agricultural subsidy is an extension to government's abolishment of agricultural taxes in 2005.
183 Donative institutions deserve a tax subsidy because the public's support signals their worth, and the free-rider tendency that affects all giving assures the need for an additional, shadow subsidy.
184 It also ignores the earned-income tax credit, a wage subsidy for the working poor that is reckoned to be one of America's most effective anti-poverty measures.
185 Strict adherents of free-market ideology hear in that the cry of failed business over the ages; special pleading by industries that prefer state subsidy to competition.
186 The higher revenues from caring for such patients may indeed compensate nursing-home operators for the cuts in government subsidy and the push towards home care.
187 Shen Jinjun, Deputy Director of China Auto Dealers Association said "I am sure this new subsidy policy will speed-up trade-ins of old cars and help China reach its target for cutting emissions."
188 The legislation includes a federal subsidy to help consumers buy digital-to - analog converters.
189 A hike in India's massive and wasteful fertiliser subsidy would add another splash of electoral gravy.
190 Athlete's training subsidy middle-distance race is not high, to meet the great physiological load of exercise training athletes after fitness supplies.
191 Then work out the real exchange rate of Renminbi by adjusted purchasing power parity and analyze the nominal exchange rate, subsidy and wage policy's effects on real exchange rate respectively.
192 At present, system flaws of green trade barrier are green technical standards, green subsidy, green environment symbols, green authentication, green health quarantine and so on.
193 Sub-Saharan Africa and other places in Asia and a few in Latin America are GAVI eligible countries, all of which are eligible to receive the pentavalent subsidy.
194 But the subsidy of pastoral area and herdsman is passive and back-off.
194 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
195 The standards for monetary housing subsidy will be established, and the mechanism for dynamically adjusting such standards according to house prices and income levels of residents will be established.
196 Subsidy and counter - veiling have always been one of the buzzwords in the global economic field.
197 One has to revise the subsidy program along with revising the income policy, particularly wages in the government sector.
198 Anyway, the townsfolk can't understand why the Royal Shakespeare Company needs a subsidy.
199 Article 42 The countervailing duty shall be separately determined on the basis of the amount of subsidy of different export operators.
200 The living subsidy for senior expert's family is included in the remuneration.
201 In term of occurrence time, government subsidy is divided into committed regime and non-committed regime.
202 Fourthly, opaque trades ( imperfectly marketizing ) is the sponsor of the industry anti - subsidy investigation.




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