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单词 Pinup
1. He was football's first pin-up boy.
2. Every wall in her bedroom was covered with pin-ups of her favourite pop star.
3. Pin-ups have been banned from the factory.
4. He's becoming the thinking woman's pinup .
5. The walls of his room were covered in pin-ups.
6. With his perfect college-boy looks, he's the latest teenage pin-up.
7. The shop's youngest fixture is a nearly-clothed pin-up.
8. The pin-up, Mark, got torn down.
9. Radios, phonographs and pinups were forbidden.
10. The picture was as flat and uncommunicative as all his pictures and seemed to be an asexual kind of pin-up.
11. He caught a glimpse of a pinup calendar above a dressing table, some bars of Lifebuoy soap.
12. A pin-up was tacked to the wall with drawing pins, whereas a reproduction print was carefully framed and positioned.
13. That was until I saw the pin-ups on his bedroom wall.
14. He kept no pin-up on his locker, he was never seen writing a letter of any sort, let alone a love-missive.
15. Starting in the 1940s pinup era, there were liquid silicone oil injections for breast enlargement (bad idea: leakage, inflammation, granulomas) followed, in 1962, by silicone-filled implants.
16. He was fifty-four, and any trace of the pinup handsomeness of his youth was gone.
17. Solve the puzzle the pinup girl. After solving the puzzle you get another sexy girl puzzle to solve.
18. The former pinup girl felt she was getting old by Hollywood standards, and was dealing with increasing pressures.
19. Your mission to see more and more sexy pinup girls is to solve the code sex!
20. Patton says everyone from Playboy pinup fave Dean Yeagle and downtown street sensation Robert Vargas to one of the South Park guys pops in periodically.
21. Others who joined in sponsoring the law said it could help curb pinups and other visual imagery that demeans women.
22. Now 30 years old, according to her official biography, Croft is becoming a pinup.
23. With feathered blonde hair, natural lips and precisely shaped eyebrows, Paris Hilton (right) wound back the clock 30 years, to the pinup days of Charlie's Angels' Farrah Fawcett.
24. As the skirt was too 1ong, she had to pinup the hem.
25. You may find your partner isn't quite so comfortable if they think you are imagining them as your childhood pinup or ex-partner, though.
26. Patrick agreed, although she had not thought of herself as the pinup type.
27. That takes most of us back to childhood when our Mother was yelling at us and threatening to take away TV privileges if we didn't clean up our room or it is a classic 1950′s pinup pose.
28. There is not much evidence that this edict reached those responsible for the creative pinup artwork on the A-2 jackets in many bomber and fighter units.
29. The more quests you answer correct, the more you will see of the lovely pinup girl pictures.




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