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单词 Body armour
1. The police should be protected by body armour.
2. Police put on body armour before confronting the rioters.
3. The police were issued with body armour for extra protection.
4. His successors now carry body armour in their patrol cars.
5. Another mystery surrounds the only example of body armour to be found among the primates.
6. The Taliban like it because it pierces body armour.
7. It also distorts less than conventional body armour when it is hit.
8. Thick - set guards with walkie talkies and body armour blocked the way to the front gate.
9. Armed police in body armour have taken up positions at major road junctions in the capital, with snipers spotted on buildings along the parade route on Chang'an Avenue.
10. Is there penultimate whole body armour in East ( especially in China )?
11. Staff sounded the alarm and he fled empty handed ... straight into an ambush by armed police wearing helmets and body armour.
12. This special protection is lost if the Orc wears body armour.
13. A relatively well-equipped rebel fighter since he looks to have some kind of body armour, helmet and that staple of conflicts the world over, an RPG or rocket-propelled grenade launcher.
14. We're helping with non-lethal equipment, such as telecommunications and body armour.
15. People stretched out on the floor of the hallway near our safe room, often wearing their body armour, dozing when they could.
16. The idea that anyone would open fire on a dozen or so highly trained armed officers, wearing full body armour capable of stopping anything fired from a handgun, always lacked credibility.
17. The code that says: no synthetic blue jackets with body armour (they are for sissies like me), no full-face helmets (also for girly-men) and gloves are only to be worn in snowstorms.
18. Another three bystanders also died during a massive manhunt involving hundreds of armed police commandos and snipers in black body armour, assisted by helicopters and dogs.
19. Stretch Kevlar under arms and 5 pieces of approved removable body armour.
20. Pangolins are covered in overlapping keratin scales which act as body armour, indeed an unusual gift of a coat of armour made from Pangolin scales was once presented to King George III.
21. These properties ensure our carbon-based products can meet specific and specialist requirements in thousands of demanding applications, from trains to body armour and from electronics to aerospace.
22. The Combat Shirt had a form fitting torso for comfort under body armour and vests , and the Combat Pants were heavily reinforced and loaded with features./body armour.html
23. Britain has now announced that it will be supplying the rebels with 1,000 sets of body armour.
24. It takes eight minutes to drive to the airstrip, start the Chinook helicopter's two engines, put on body armour and weapons and make a final equipment check.
25. Around a dozen rebels at the western gate could be seen wearing new, black body armour supplied by Qatar and made by well-known Colombian manufacturer Miguel Caballero.
1. The police should be protected by body armour.
2. Police put on body armour before confronting the rioters.




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