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单词 Vertex
1, the vertex of a mountain.
2, Now we need a vertex buffer.
3, Draw a perpendicular from the vertex of the triangle to its base.
4, A is the vertex and F is the focus.
5, Each vertex may have a number of edges emanating from it.
6, Burning in vertex of head with coldness in the forehead.
7, Each vertex in the coverage was perturbed by selecting random numbers from a uniform distribution, with ranges defined in Table 6.2.
8, Just like the cube standing on a vertex, discussed in Chapter 7.
9, The feet, eyes, ears, nose, throat, vertex of head, stomach, chest all burn.
10, This locates the vertex of both tractrix and catenary and their vertical axis of symmetry can be erected.
11, A vertex with zero outdegree is called a sink.
12, Set vertex streams and index buffer to the primitive.
13, Does S/W vertex processing support 64 bit?
14, First, the model is transformed into a vertex design by means of a transformation(), and a simple variable matrix and a variable function are given.
15, What's a good usage pattern for vertex buffers if I'm generating dynamic data?
16, The half vertex angle was determined by particulate solid and hopper materials.
17, Using vertex shader instructions the polynomial coefficients and spherical harmonics functions can be fast calculated, and then the corresponding irradiance environment maps are also generated.
18, A concave vertex method for solving rectangle feasible region problem is presented F.
19, The COUNT field contains the in-degree of that vertex and LINK is a pointer to the first node on the adjacency list.
20, In the sixth part,[http:///vertex.html] the probability estimates of vertex-adjacent vertex distinguishing total chromatic number of some graphs are discussed.
21, Methods:Explain the difference between power and vertex power from basic definitions of optics, and analyze the measuring principle and error of focimeter .
22, That portion of the epicranium which lies immediately behind the frons and between the compound eyes is termed the vertex.
23, Object positioning is based on local normal of a polygon or vertex in destination object and world up axis.
24, In this paper, the Bond Energy (BE) model is generalized to account for the cohesive energy of metallic clusters by considering the contributions of interior, surface, edge and vertex atoms.
25, While creating a point shapefile, when you are prompted to add a polyline shape, add each vertex as an individual point.
26, A new re-triangulation method based on normalized minimum-vertex-distance was presented to avoid long and thin triangles, and it considered the vertex distance and the interior angle of triangle.
27, The article discussed the structural model of function and advanced the concept of the designing function, then established the vertex index function by analysis of weighted graph.
28, By fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is presented, the teachers' teaching knowledge dissemination of vertex weight of complex network size, the vertex weight computing added.
29, A strongly connected digraph D is one in which any vertex can be reached from any other vertex by a directed path.
30, But surface generation requests through a series of curves, and it finally produces control vertex and node vector satisfied with surface request.
1, the vertex of a mountain.
2, Now we need a vertex buffer.
31, The triangle mesh of the isosurface would be obtained by making triangle of the space polygons in each cube; The triangle mesh would be registered by a vertex table and a triangle table.
32, In the algorithm of mesh simplification based on vertex clustering, a vertex tree is built to represent the data structure of the models by octonary subdivision.
33, Each vertex in average distance of each radian located in circumference.
34, Objective:To confirm that the lensometer adjusted by the special lenses group for contact lenses can't express the back vertex power of contact lenses.
35, In init(), I use Texture2D.FUNC_DECAL, which blends the texture with the underlying vertex color depending on an alpha value.
36, The results show that under the vertex electromagnetic field in channel, there exist the flow along the channel axes and the secondary circulation flow in the inlet and outlets of the channel.
37, An inequation about vertex degree and connected branches of a simple graph from which a vertex is erased is proofed in this paper.
38, And the algorithm of control vertex is give to solve inverse problem of quadric NURBS surface.
39, There is a very powerful and useful variant of the resize handle: a vertex handle.
40, The adjacent vertex distinguishing total chromatic number is obtained for the flower graph.
41, VC algorithm to obtain the vertex covering of a graph is presented. The VC representative and full closed chain of the graph are defined.
42, Two graphs are isomorphic if there is a correspondence between their vertex sets that preserves adjacency.
43, Vertex a is the initial vertex and b is the terminal vertext.
44, The way of crack elimination is by setting the vertex of higher resolution node to the edge of conterminous lower resolution node.
45, Also, try to minimize changes of vertex or index buffer.
46, The loop direction is judged through the vector product of the adjacent two edges on the vertex with maximum coordinate value.
47, At the same time convert the angle of the polygon at that vertex a straight angle.
48, An exact algorithm to improve the upper bound of vertex cover and independent set problem for low degree graphs is presented.
49, Method 98 pregnant women with single pregnant, vertex present were randomized into mifepristone combined with oxytoxin group (A group) and oxytoxin group (B group).
50, Then on the basis of the primitive relation, the technology of feature vertex based on region is put up to recognize the reality of an entity and the hidden primitive relations.
50, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
51, Recently, many kinds of coloring problems are presented, such as the vertex distinguishing edge coloring and adjacent vertex distinguishing coloring are all the extension of coloring theory.
52, Then it is substituted in Burnside formula, all vertex - coloring formulas of the regular polyhedron are determined.
53, The vertex and gas gathering place shall adopt automatic exhaust (steam) valve, the bottom shall adopt water escape valve.
54, The sequential VCC(Vertex Chain Code) orders of the regions' contour points can be obtained by appending some codes when we counted the regio...
55, The algebraic sum of the through variables associated with the edges to any vertex is zero.
56, Finally, by the definition of non-inferior vertex of multi-surface convex cone, the geometry meaning of strong DEA-efficient is illustrated, and an (example) is given.
57, The algorithm works because if a vertex has no successors, it must be the last one in the topological ordering.
58, The procedural programming model used by vertex shaders is very scalable.
59, Stylist turns over convention, on vertex angle line and the processing of the line that play a base, bluestone is used over platform ferruginous board.
60, An undirected connected graph with no cycles is called a tree. A vertex with degree equal to one in a tree is called a leaf.
61, The computational complexity of the improved algorithm approaches polynomial complexity, much less than 2 N ( N is the vertex number of a graph).
62, At the same time convert the angle of the polygon at that vertex into a straight angle.
63, A digital diopter measuring instrument is described for lens spherical vertex power and cylindrical axis measurement.
64, The final parameter is the address of the vertex buffer to create.
65, An application programmer must supply a tangent, binormal, and normal at each vertex.
66, In the first feasible region above, the optimal solution is the right vertex of the solution space, which is a triangle made by all the constraints.
67, This paper presents an improved (infeasible) simplex method for linear programming, in which some of vertex points, corresponding to the iterative process, can be out of the feasible domain of (LP).
68, A homogeneous factorisation of a graph is a partition of its arc set such that there exist vertex transitive subgroups (Mtransitively permuting the parts.
69, The algorithm use a binary digit to divide the vertex set of a non-direction graph, and employ the incident sets of the vertices in the subgraph to produce opposite cut sets.
70, In this paper, the algorithm in which normal vector of vertex is used to control simplifying error obtains good result on briefness, simplifying velocity and quality.
71, The algebraic sum of the through variables associated with the edges incident to any vertex is zero.
72, Proposed half edge graph theory, half edge belongs to vertex, a couple of half edges could assemble one edge.
73, In STL document, The three-dimensional graphic data is saved as vertex coordinate.
74, Up to 128 instructions can be encoded in a single vertex shader.
75, A star is defined as the set of edges incident to a vertex.
76, The'standard' massive flow silos designed with certain half vertex angle was only suitable for a little part of particulate solid.
77, The design of a rectangular - type, data members are diagonal vertex.
78, Points on the vertex of infants should not be needled when the fontanel is not closed. In addition, retention of needles is forbidden since the infants are unable to cooperate with the practitioner.
79, This paper presents the modeling process of the key covering problem(KCP) in the group rekeying and the transformations between the KCP and the vertex covering problem(VCP) in the graph theory.
80, By making vertex lists and adjacent edge lists in advance[/vertex.html], real-time slicing is realized.
81, Vertex coloring model and decomposing algorithm of gate assignment problem is offered.
82, Feasible solution corresponding to the vertex is called a basic feasible solution.
83, Every edge connects a vetex labeled 3 with a vertex labeled 4.
84, This paper presents a new polygon filling algorithm based on vertex storage types.
85, Using vertex and fragment programs, it is possible to replace the traditional vertex projection and lighting equation used by real-time computer graphics hardware.
86, A pebbling move on a graph G consists of taking two pebbles off from a vertex and placing one pebble on an adjacent vertex.
87, Whenever the count of a vertex drops to zero, that vertex can be placed onto a list of vertices with a zero count.
88, Simultaneously developed symptoms of left vocal cord paralysis and a scalp lesion over the right upper vertex were initially noted by an otolaryngologist.
89, The procedural model used with vertex shaders enables a more general syntax for specifying common operations.
90, This algorithm considers the polygon vertex normal predigesting rule as a basic gist. On the precondition of assuring terrain effect, it can predigest models in large extent.
91, We shall present some of the basic properties of the vertex and edge chromatic numbers.
92, Smooth - Smooths out a mesh by moving each vertex towards the barycenter of the linked vertices.
93, The so - called topological sorting refers to the vertex order in accordance with the topology.
94, Stick string manipulation is applied to vertex, shoulder , lumbodorsal potion, and limbs region.
95, Vertex boundary layer phenomena of solution of singularly perturbed boundary value problem for a kind of fourth order elliptic equation is studied in this paper.
96, The adjacent vertex distinguishing total chromatic number is obtained for the middle graphs of path, cycle, star and fan graph.
97, An edge corresponds to a corridor and a vertex to the conjunction of several corridors.
98, A circle-like criterion will be given)it says that some frequency-domain conditions of all vertex or edge systems guarantee the absolute stability of the whole uncertain system.
99, This paper proposes a new DNA algorithm of minimal vertex covering problem based surface by using the method of fluorescence labeling.
100, The weights respectively equal the ratios of barycentric coordinates elements of the corresponding points of the curves in the four control vertex base before transformation and after.
101, The reasonable ranges of the geometrical parameters are given by analyzing the influences of the vertex angle and cutting angle on impact force and penetration displacement.
102, The model simplification algorithms can be divided into four main categories: vertex clustering, incremental simplification, the sampling algorithm and adaptive subdivision.
103, A directed rooted tree refers to a directed tree which has one vertex with out-degree 0 and all the other vertices with out-degree 1.
104, The algorithm transforms the subgraph isomorphism problem into a matching problem between vertexes through the introduction of similarity features for every vertex.
105, Isosceles triangle: move the yellow dot on one vertex to modify the triangle type.
106, Any of these can be the next vertex in the topological order.
107, Using multiple vertex buffers in round - robin fashion can help with concurrency.
108, The following flags control vertex processing behavior for the hardware abstraction layer ( HAL ) and reference devices.
109, Let us label each vertex with a 4 or 3 accordingly.
110, As in art, design a user spends lines, the design of a vertex angle spends Kok decorated it with the entire room trying, the revitalization of the indoor atmosphere.
110, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
111, The adjacent vertex - distinguishing total chromatic number of Subdivision of Fn , Wn, Km, n was got paper.
112, Palm - hitting , the anterior fontanelle of the vertex and Baihui.
113, This algorithm referred three factors of geometric error metrics, including the length and dihedral angle of the collapse edge, the distance between vertex and adjacent plane.
114, A graph is regular if every vertex has the same degree.
115, Vertex scan line number is the core concept of this algorithm.
116, An inequality about degree of vertex of a connected graph can be given, and the upper bounds of the largest eigenvalue of the quasi-Laplacian matrix of a connected graph can be obtained.
117, The adjacent vertex distinguishing proper edge coloring of is discussed and the result illustrated that the adjacent vertex distinguishing proper edge coloring conjecture is ture for.
118, The results show that, as fluid passes through each rib, a trumpet-shaped vortex is generated from the upstream vertex of the rib, shaping a region with high value of heat transfer coefficient (HTC).
119, Utilizing related algorithms of computational geometry to triangulate TIN partly to make node and line as vertex and side of triangles.
120, Like a vertex of a polyline, it expresses a point on the object, but it also expresses the shape of the curve at the point .
121, The DNA molecules of the solution space are fixed on the solid carrier, and then get the all solutions of minimal vertex covering problem by the biochemical actions.
122, The paper gives a vertex chromatic graph for any infinite group , each of whose subgroup is automorphic subgroup conducted by the chromatic graph.
123, In plane cutting and stereo clipping methods, the 3D model is cut by plane or polyhedron. Lists of edge and vertex in every cut plane are established.
124, In EditMode each vertex is drawn in purple, each edge is drawn in black and each face is drawn in translucent dark-blue .
125, It is given that general principles, in a sense of minimally counting directed trees, are proposed to select a root vertex of the directed tree.
126, Because the integer solution may lie only on a boundary or within the polyhedron, the best-case scenario is to have an integer solution on a vertex.
127, Each face is an equilateral triangle and three faces meet at each vertex.




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