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单词 Theological
1. The sixties were a time of theological ferment.
2. Priests are trained at theological colleges.
3. He was the ultimate arbiter on both theological and political matters.
4. Requests for funding theological reflection need to be stimulated.
5. But religion does not reside in theological abstracts.
6. Theological difficulties were emerging as well.
7. It was almost a theological hall of fame.
8. The remainder train for three years at theological college.
9. It was a devotional rather than a theological work.
10. Theological or procedural matters too deep for such as Lucy and themselves.
11. The most systematic theological reflection on these problems was offered in this period by Ernst Troeltsch.
12. The theological implications of such a recognition were profound, and required far more than a change in regulations.
13. It reveals as mythical much of the past theological rationale for disunity.
14. The theological certainties he found in others intrigued, but never convinced Eyre.
15. Even the rather unwieldy theological statement quoted by Ayer could be interpreted in this way.
16. Short of the beatific vision, to what can theological exploration point?
17. Her professors at the Washington Theological Union said she was progressing rapidly, and had a firm understanding of the liturgy.
18. I had been four years at an evangelical theological college but no one had ever put it like that to me.
19. Theological answers, even though correct, can be unhelpful to both of these types, though in different ways.
19. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
20. Nestorius himself had studied at the theological school of Antioch, where his mentor was a man known as Theodore of Mopsuestia.
21. In so doing he triggered a theological storm that led to his resignation.
22. His separation of science and religion was more accurately a differentiation in which theological arguments played a prominent role.
23. Disquiet that the apology was a beautiful gesture but a theological mistake bubbled to the surface last week.
24. But it does mean that the particular conceptions of science held by its pioneers were often informed by theological and metaphysical beliefs.
25. We need to set the standards now, and prepare for the theological and sociological turbulence this discovery portends.
26. He seems to have little sense of the broader issues involved, political or theological.
27. The seminar is open to people involved in mass communication and theological training from around the world.
28. Several influences combined in this period to help him in the search for an alternative theological approach.
29. Regional variations - Gallican or otherwise - were disapproved, whether liturgical, theological or pastoral.
30. His argument may have turned out indecisively, but Halley evidently believed that scientific data were relevant to theological questions.
1. The sixties were a time of theological ferment.
2. Priests are trained at theological colleges.
31. The theological debates occasioned by this crisis of identity occupied the generation of Jerome and Augustine.
32. Theological references to them are scant, though St Bernard took the blackness as a symbol of humility.
33. The Council's message to those engaged in biblical and theological research was encouraging and trustful.
34. The destruction of the human face is a highly emotive topic for reasons that are theological as well as psychological.
35. He entered Chichester Theological College and later became a curate in Lincolnshire.
36. A properly theological response can not treat suspicion merely as a positive or a negative impulse from outside the source of theology.
37. Over 3, 000 responses from congregations, inter-church study groups, denominational theological commissions and executive councils were received.
38. Many of these thinkers saw their role as one of declaring the independence of their discipline from theological domination.
39. The theological concepts contained in these phrases are weighty ones indeed and have been the subject of fervent discussion for centuries.
40. Such a concept does itself have roots in theological tradition.
41. Thus, beyond the specifically theological reasons for unionism(), there is a broader penumbra of social concerns.
42. Bishop's change in theological position and his abandonment of monastic life both caused sorrow to his community.
43. The good creation still includes the deep with its sea monsters, theological representations of the original monster of chaos.
44. Although the Taipings have been much studied, Mr Spence breaks new ground with his work on the theological texts.
45. It has generally been much more effective in forming the musical sensibilities of clergy than hit-and-run visits to theological colleges.
46. Over 300 articles on the Plan and the issues it raised were published in theological journals.
47. Theological answers are necessary and entirely appropriate to this doubt.
48. By the late 1620s, it was impossible to obtain a licence to publish any theological books containing predestinarian opinions.
49. What is the good of having Rod Hull's Emu in the pulpit if he buries his head in the theological sands.
50. Because the whole critical exercise was subordinate to a theological objective.
51. This theological argument for differentiation was to assume the greatest importance in spreading the Copernican theory.
52. It is indeed dangerous to try to interpret the facts of history in the light of a modern theological problem.
53. Unfortunately(), theological colleges give little specialist training in the area of new church planting or moribund church rejuvenation.
54. Whereas the scientific enterprise is legitimated by agreed testing procedures, the theological enterprise has been characterized by dogmatism.
55. Second, it was the theological uses of mathematics on which Bacon waxed eloquent.
56. These and similar questions have been forced on to the theological agenda by the way in which the modern western world has grown.
57. He was considered an original thinker, linking the old twelfth-century theological ideas with the new interests of the thirteenth.
58. One morning she was working at home on an assignment for her class in theological reflection.
59. In 1960 he was appointed principal of Cuddesdon theological college, near Oxford.
60. The unnatural but popular division between righteous and unrighteous anger can get many people in a theological and practical muddle.
61. Durham had undercut the entire theological rationale for the revival.
62. But what Peter saw as fuzzy thinking, others saw as a frank difference in theological points of view.
63. Likewise, important theological issues can and should be studied by communication scholars, such as how faith is communicated.
64. The hermeneutics of the cross ought to lead us to quite different theological conclusions about living faithfully in the twilight of modernity.
65. Even some of the century's most notable achievements were presented in theological terms.
66. A theological college is a narrow world, frequently compared to a greenhouse.
67. Robert Hibbert had died in 1849 leaving money for religious purposes, which was at first applied to theological education.
68. Some theological and historical background is necessary before examining the present acclamations of the Roman mass.
69. The worst of the teaching offered in theological colleges occurs because the staff are few and the ground to be covered enormous.
70. New College Library boasts the largest theological collection of books and papers under one roof in the United Kingdom.
71. In Kepler's defense of Copernicus, mathematical, physical, and theological considerations all carried weight.
72. The Corinthians are not in the privileged position of judges between theological niceties.
73. In only one manuscript is the form of living related to the wider but familiar theological framework of the gift virtues.
74. Karl Barth's theology can thus be accurately described as a semiology, a theological semiotics.
75. The theological stage he associated with militarism, the metaphysical with juristic thought, and the positive stage with industrialism.
76. A pillar of orthodoxy, he challenged the theological liberalism fashionable at the time.
77. While we fight the Devil on the theological front, he sneaks up on us from behind.
78. This was soon followed by a further defeat for the conservative faction in the Theological Commission.
79. Licentiate in Theology A three-year course allowing a choice of options within the theological field.
80. But what is particularly noteworthy about his remarks is their explicitly theological tenor.
81. What we may recognize as a scientific principle was enunciated via the theological concept of divine immutability.
82. Training for ministry was only possible through an underground network of theological seminars with few Bibles(), or other books.
83. Most of these are paraphrases of biblical texts, and like hymns they vary in theological emphasis and musical appropriateness.
84. By the twentieth century, it was still active, maintaining a theological school at Nisibis in northern Mesopotamia.
85. Theological arguments can justify and indeed increasingly require the ordination of women to the priesthood.
86. Two invited speakers address topics of current theological interest, leading to discussion and debate.
87. Any theological reflection on human work and social praxis ought to be rooted in this fundamental affirmation.
88. At theological college, near Oxford, the docility of most of the wives of other students irritated Anna.
89. The proper theological term for that is Baloney.
90. The Fuller Theological Seminary opened in 1947.
91. The theological collection was kept in a sacred place.
92. Meet Sir Cecil Thistlethwaite, the celebrated theological statistician.
93. Recent theological hypothesis was suspect.
94. This book is not a theological book.
95. It endows transcendence which aesthetic activities own with ultimate pursuit by eliminating theological notions in Paul Tillich's philosophy.
96. According to the results from indoor subsidence tests of Hubei paddy-field soil under partial loading[], the Theological properties of soil and factors which affect the.
97. We're in the same world,the same linguistic,the same discursive the same theological world as the Gospel of John.
98. He divided the Pauline epistles (in which he included the Epistle to the Hebrews) into a series of texts on the theological points and wrote an introduction to each.
99. Some said that his words were commonplace, others complained of his want of theological doctrine.
100. Goodness answers to the theological virtue charity , and admits no excess, but error.
101. She had previously taught at Ecclesia Bible College, as well as Theological Centre for Asia, Singapore.
102. Objective To study the Theological behavior of PAA - Pluronic ~? F 127 graft copolymers.
103. In order for a candidate to be beatified, one miracle after death must be proved through the scrutiny of medical and theological experts.
104. pneuma And is this Greek word,pneuma, is it supposed to represent the spirit as a theological term or is it supposed to represent breath or wind?
105. Both Greek Christian and Latin Christian theological paradigms in Late Antiquity are related closely with Plotinus' Neo- Platonism , their theologies are based on Plotinus' philosophy.
106. Cappadocian Fathers review the theological debates between Nicene Fathers and Arianism since 325, and established Greek Christian theological paradigm in Late Antiquity.
107. Theological students should perish any thought about submitting a paper late with the excuse that a Lenten "prayer discipline" demanded too much time!
108. Presently, she is writing a commentary on the Books of Chronicles for Asia Theological Association.
109. In fact,(http:///theological.html)Paul's letters are kind of problematic from a good orthodox theological point of view because Paul seems to assume what we would later call a subordinationist Christology.
110. While it's not for a journalist to nitpick a minister's theological credentials, that implication of belated seismic revenge on Haitian children seems defamatory of God.
111. Since such an important aspect of everyday living must have theological implications, Loyola college decided that the inextricable link between God and eating was to be explored.
112. The focus of the Nativity Ode isn't even really on the Incarnation that's the theological doctrine of divinity's descent into humanity, how God becomes a mortal.
113. He graduated from Columbia Theological Seminary in 1996 with the Master of Divinity, was ordained in 1997 and received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Texas Christian University in 2006.
114. The Jewish Theological Seminary first began admitting openly LGBT students to its rabbinical and cantorial programs in 2007.
115. The constructing of the theological system of four direction Gods, five heavenly Gods, five humanly Gods and five functional Gods is a gradually evolving process.
116. By the Theological analysis, copolyamide can decrease the flow activation energies and improve the flow behavior of the blends.
117. This system of belief was further formulated into the theological system of Yin-yang and the human world.
118. The most significant theological use in the Bible is found in Hebrews 3:7 - 4:11.
119. MATS comprise seven full member theological institutions plus three other training centers as associate members.
120. Theological formation is the gradual and often painful discovery of God's incomprehensibility.
121. They copied not only Bibles, Psalter, scriptures, theological works, lives of the saints, church history and local annals, but also classical literature and scientific works.
122. Drawing upon primarily Western theological sources, Augustine and Aquinas each offer a doctrine of deification that is distinct from Eastern conceptions.
123. Scholars in theological vision discussed messianic criticism based both on Kabbalistic and Messianic complex by means of an analysis of Benjamin's metaphysics of language and philosophy of history.
124. It attempts to explain away potential theological problems like dinosaurs, carbon dating, and the fossil record in general.
125. The task of doctrinal definition continued, however, and theological debate on Christological and other matters is clearly of great interest and concern among Christians in the twentieth century.
126. Methodism , however, developed its own theological system as expressed in two principal standards of orthodoxy.
127. Protestantism saw many theological developments, particularly after the 18 th cent.
128. Our seminarian intern, Luke Xie graduated from Christian Witness Theological Seminary in May with a Master of Divinity.
129. The patricide plot in The Brothers Karamazov carries complicated philosophical and theological connotations.
130. The theological speculations of Gnosticism and the Cabala gave ideas for many of his plots.
131. Neither it nor his other theological versetreatises rise far above doggerel.
132. John Howard Goddard, "The Contribution of John Nelson Darby to Soteriology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology, " (Th. D. Dissertation from Dallas Theological Seminary, 1948), p. 85.
133. Taoism, like any other religions in the world, has its own theological system, which is structured with abundant theological ideas.
134. An institution that trains candidates for ministry or the priesthood; a theological seminary.
135. As a cross of philosophy and divine Platosophy, Plato s doctrine of reminiscence has theological form.
136. Allthese theological metaphors make the movie a potential magnet forEvangelical Christians — the first violent, R-rated Passion play sinceMel Gibson's in 2004.
137. She also has taught at Fuller Theological Seminary and United Theological Seminary.
138. However, only the educated believers knew anything of the complex theological system of the priest.
139. Scholasticism; philosophy on the Christian doctrine taught in college in medi Europe, which is actually a theological system; also know as eclectic philosophy for its adoption of abstract syllogisms.
140. This is the name given to the philosophical and theological system or school named after John Duns Scotus.
141. One further type of argument, pervasive in much Protestant theological literature, deserves brief mention.
142. The temperature is factor to affect the theological properties to a certainty.
143. Given economists' almost theological commitment to the notion that markets clear, the presence of unemployment in the world requires a theodicy[7] to explain it.
144. Secondly, evangelicalism is not a denomination in itself, but is a major trend or theological movement within the mainstream denominations.
145. In the Romans and both Galatian commentaries he spells out the theological reason for viewing man in his entire being as either flesh or spirit, trusting in self or trusting in God.
146. A largely Protestant nation that can trace its theological taproot to Martin Luther ought to know better.
147. The philosophical and theological system developed by St. Thomas Aquinas in the thirteenth century.
148. If theology is that church is thinking, I'd like to say reconciliation theology is a kind of theological thinking from Chinese Post-denominational Protestant Church.
149. Calvinism---Strict theological doctrine of the French Protestant church reformer John Calvin (1509-1564) and the basis of Puritan society.
150. Wise self limitation is not the same thing as text-book philosophy, and an ejaculatory prayer in a moment of mortal danger is not a theological treatise either.
151. The plots of William Gaddis's novels allow ample opportunity for philosophical, theological, and society digression.
152. This paper surveys the interplay between political theories and theological doctrine in Leviathan.
153. His name was Martin Luther King Jr., and the same inimitable public speaking style that catapulted King to the top at the Crozer Theological Seminary would also steer the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
154. He teaches the Bible in theological schools and is a pious Christian.
155. Rev. John Kao received Senior Churchman Award from Centre for Mentorship and Theological Reflection.
156. In his discourse upon the task of the translator, Benjamin interweaves a scientific view with a theological perception.
157. Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, is one of the largest in North America.
158. But theological differences certainly exist, and have to be managed.
159. The originality of her psychological insight, the passion and subtlety of her theological imagination , the fecundity of her exegetical talents are unevenly displayed here.
160. A long theological title has been attached to this experience by the scholars - sanctification.
161. EIN Library Union Catalog is the largest theological library catalog in Hong Kong.
162. Our preparations for SALT II suddenly took on a theological cast.
163. Therefore, dormitory management has its place in the theological education in colleges.
164. As a devout Anglican, Thomas Hobbes supplements and clarifies his political theory by the Bible and theological doctrine.
165. Building one's own theological foundation is a life time task.
166. Traditional theological usage: a style of worship and its associated rituals.
167. Albert Mohler Jr. , president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, says Bell's book is "theologically disastrous."
168. As there is nothing mystical or theological about confucianism, such a view is, indeed, quite tenable.
169. Christian and Latin Christian theological paradigms in Late Antiquity are related closely with Plotinus' Neo- Platonism, their theologies are based on Plotinus' philosophy.
170. In this way, we point out the transition of Platonism theological concept during the Hellenistic and early Christian period.
171. Germany romance poems, which had characteristic theological trend, was the result of the new capitalistic chain.
172. This entails an interesting theological development, given that Boethius is revered as a Christian scholar.
173. He has been doing clerical work since his graduation from theological college.
174. Mr Lerner has no theological objection to industrial policy and believes that bureaucrats can help entrepreneurs.
175. The Reformation in Geneva led by John Calvin obviously had its social functions while it reconstructed the theological system and religious life.
176. Pastor Chang graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary with the degree of Master of Divinity.
177. John's Gospel, unlike the other three, presents a well-developed theological point of view, on a level with the letters of St. Paul.
178. An examination of the art of the Middle Ages tells us something about the medieval preoccupation with theological doctrine.
179. Subsequently, he pursued his study at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and received a degree in Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages.




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