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单词 Extend to
1 We are very happy to extend to you our utmost congratulations on your finishing your college course so successfully.May you enter a more successful life and the future years bring you continued happiness.
2 The offer does not extend to employees' partners.
3 The regulations do not extend to pupils.
4 Does your interest in nuclear physics extend to nuclear weaponry?
5 His admiration for the athlete did not extend to the point where he would follow his example in taking drugs.
6 The main stem will extend to around 12ft, if left to develop naturally.
7 I extend to them our grateful thanks.
8 Or does it extend to an unregistered company?
9 And we extend to them our deepest sympathy.
10 Esso's links extend to teacher placements and pupil visits.
11 Earlier this week,[] the college announced plans to extend to a second campus either in the Grassmarket or near Leith.
12 Not that socially imposed monogamy need extend to captive slaves.
13 But the policy did not extend to auxiliary components like the Orion chipset.
14 The personal decision horizon is likely to extend to around two years.
15 Regrettably, this attitude does not extend to our educational activities.
16 Such distrust may extend to the suspicion that our decisions may be influenced by personal financial self interest.
17 That obviously does not extend to the levels of awareness which human consciousness exhibits, but where do you draw the line?
18 To avoid this, credit rationing would have to extend to all institutions.
19 In Britain, closed shop arrangements currently extend to just 20% of all employees, under half of all union members.
20 In other words, should copyright extend to non-literal elements which are not directly perceivable?
21 This policy of constant education must inevitably extend to the continuation of the educational process beyond normal school-leaving age.
22 Therapy will extend to families of victims who often suffer their own trauma because of the abuse.
23 May an old friend express his pride in your accomplishment and extend to you a wish for your continued success and happiness.
24 Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.
25 On the occasion of the New Year, may my wife and I extend to you and yours our warmest greetings, wishing you a happy New Year, your career greater success and your family happiness.
26 It is unfortunate that Mrs Gardner's thoroughness did not extend to laying down the law about insurance.
27 Accordingly, contractual obligations are not limited to agreements, but extend to cases of mutual reliance and financial dependence.
28 Roberts's evidence suggests that there has been considerable variation historically in how far support structures extend to more distant kin.
29 The Engineering Geology and Geophysics Group's responsibilities for borehole geophysics extend to boreholes drilled for mineral exploration.
30 However, the image of modern families as isolated and inward-looking does not only extend to relationships with kin.
31 My analysis of the particular qualities of the institution shows that it may well extend to cover a homosexual union.
32 That under-standing and insight extend to all the attendant process issues, refinements, and subtleties.
33 This means made without good cause or excuse and could extend to a reckless statement.
34 The diffraction patterns of fresh crystals extend to 2.6 resolution, but radiation damage rapidly reduces their quality.
35 It does not extend to the delivery of goods or the performance of work or any other duty.
36 If he is that different from the present denizens, perhaps his influence may extend to more tolerance toward detector users?
37 This problem did not extend to the roof timbers as this construction was very well ventilated.
38 The understanding that Faklirti had reached with Mel and Bert did not extend to anyone else on the embassy staff.
38 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
39 Miss Sargent seems more than careful not to let a suggestion of the relationship extend to her art.
40 If world insect species totals are as high as 50 million, this would extend to 28,345 species per insect specialist.
41 I extend to the hon. Gentleman an open invitation to join me on any subsequent occasion.
42 The brisket should extend to the elbow.
43 Boundaries of the polygon may extend to infinity.
44 The gouge of the fault zone may extend to depths of some kilometers.
45 The less-sheared regions caused by friction resistance are observed at lower and top parts, which are symmetric and gradually extend to the inner part along the sample longness .
46 Practice the labour intensive self-cultivating vegetable plant, and extend to self-cultivating farms.
47 The consequences of this act will extend to our unbegotten children.
48 Does this extend to the edge of our eyepiece or camera field of view?
49 Moreover, our method can be extend to get higher order numerical differentiation.
50 We can extend to you a special first order discount of 2 %.
51 Limited spread may only block sympathetic fibers in the lower thoracic dermatomes, but rostral spread can easily extend to include the cardiac accelerator fibers (T1-T4).
52 In 1960 Bernal pointed to the fact that some Benioff zones extend to nearly 700 km depth.
53 But the APA waiver does not extend to claims for " money damages ".
54 As for the receiving system, as long as the receiving frequency search will extend to the upstream channel frequency range of it.
55 Traditionally, pure XML validation techniques only extend to syntactic validation -- that is, the presence or absence of elements and attributes, and their ordering.
56 This would be an intelligent bumper that would extend to touch the car in front, should the main communication system break down.
57 First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the Chinese delegation, to extend to you our sincere congratulations on your assumption of the Presidency of the Intergovernmental Preparatory Committee.
58 The Court also held that the CZMA does not extend to activities on the OCS.
59 We wish to extend to you our hearty congratulations on the impending effectuation of the above contract.
60 It is important to recognize that (the)... prohibition against sexual harassment does not extend to legitimate nonsexual touching or other nonsexual conduct.
61 Thirdly, interrelated extension, it carries out brand extension by technical intercommunity. For example, optical brand can extend to copier industry, such as Canon, Agfa, Kodak, etc.
62 Alas, that grown - up attitude doesn't extend to another of Aniston's former flames.
63 The platforms extend to a depth of over 100 feet under the sea.
64 Furthermore, the widening scope of activities of Somali pirates, attacks extend to the waters near the Mozambique Channel, and has penetrated the eastern Indian Ocean waters.
65 Both countries have also agreed to extend to each other most-favored-nation treatment for investment purposes.
66 The Company's lien on a share shall extend to all dividends payable thereon .
67 The company's lien , if any , on a share shall extend to all dividends payable thereon .
68 Strangely,[/extend to.html] it's as if the normal courtesies which one would extend to another in face to face conversation do not apply in telephonic conversation.
69 Cytotoxic edema and blood brain barrier breakdown may be seen as decreased diffusion and enhancement, respectively, in thalami , and these manifestations may less commonly extend to basal ganglia.
70 Assuming these findings extend to neurons, they provide a plausible mechanism for herpes simplex encephalitis.
71 The limitlessness, mobility, and irregularity of time series data stream make the traditional frequent-pattern mining algorithms difficult to extend to the mining problem of time series data stream.
72 Since last year, widening the scope of Somali piracy, attacks extend to the waters near the Mozambique Channel, and has penetrated the eastern Indian Ocean waters.
73 The tension tends to extend to a more extensive extent.
74 And the government safety net doesn't extend to smaller and regional banks, critical economic cogs.
75 Late systolic murmurs begin in midsystole and extend to or through S 2.
76 The cherry tomato is so big and extend to my neighbour.
77 Grooves extend to the finished edge, but rear perforations are not visible.
78 Thin, long wear sheets are formed and removed when cracks extend to the surface.
79 Until now, the range of the grey wolf was known to extend to the Sinai Peninsula but not into mainland Africa.
80 The index line can extend to column 80, but the other lines should not go beyond column 78.
81 Where contractually specified, this protection shall extend to include delivery to destination.
82 Cloth-made decorations include curtains, cloth ornaments , sofa sets, furniture sets, can also extend to louvre, door frames, telephone sets, such as the packet format margin.
83 If the mortgagee fails to notify the person who has the obligation to pay legal fruits of the fact that the mortgaged property is seized, the mortgagee's right shall not extend to such fruits.
84 Furthermore, there seems to be a problem that this type of argument could extend to private behaviour too.
85 Such right to import would not extend to the quantity of goods specifically reserved for importation by state trading enterprises.
86 The condition is an irritation of the sesamoid bones that extend to the big toe and generally heals without surgery.
87 "company" can also run enterprises, the tentacles extend to the outside market.
88 The Supreme Court ruled the Americans with Disabilities Act does not extend to people with poor eyesight or other correctable conditions.
89 The talks will extend to the church, human rights groups and other social organizations.
90 Controversy over the crowds will not extend to the pitch.
91 Several combinatorial identities related to the classical combinatorial sequence are given and extend to other special combination number.
92 Excess skin wrinkles on the body as puppies normally extend to a tight, healthy body covering.
93 Pits very small craters that extend to the metallic substrate.
94 The judicial function does not extend to substantive revision of regulatory policy.




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