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单词 Denial
1. Better a frank denial than unwillig compliance. 
2. Death when it comes will have no denial
3. Delay is the deadliest form of denial.
4. The government issued an official denial of the rumour.
5. The newspaper printed a denial of the untrue story.
6. The terrorists issued a denial of responsibility for the attack.
7. Lent is a time of self - denial.
8. Dictatorship stands for the denial of individual freedom.
9. His denial of responsibility for the accident was unconvincing.
10. Nor did his denial carry conviction.
11. The patient is still in denial.
12. Denial of the Mafia's existence is nothing new.
13. Her denial of my advice hurts me.
14. Jefferson made no denial of his actions on that night.
15. Both men were vehement in their denial of the charges against them.
16. The chairman of the company issued a denial of the allegations.
17. The document contains an explicit denial that the company ever sold arms.
18. The minister has issued a flat denial of the accusations against her.
19. The prime minister issued a denial of the report that she is about to resign.
20. The advertising ban is a denial of freedom of speech.
21. The Foreign Ministry has issued a flat denial of any involvement.
22. His girlfriend is in denial, and refuses to admit that he will soon die.
23. When accused of embezzlement, Sharon made a forceful denial.
24. This denial is deeply embedded in politics.
25. As the disease progressed, the denial became easier.
26. So their public indifference only came across as denial.
27. She had passed through six weeks of denial.
28. Denial can obscure obstacles and stiffen resolve.
29. This contempt for others is a denial of humanity.
30. When I asked if she had cheated in the exam, she answered with a vehement denial.
1. The government issued an official denial of the rumour.
2. The newspaper printed a denial of the untrue story.
3. The terrorists issued a denial of responsibility for the attack.
4. When I asked if she had cheated in the exam, she answered with a vehement denial.
5. Lent is a time of self - denial.
6. Dictatorship stands for the denial of individual freedom.
31. This is the unhealthy kind of denial.
32. Ancient parody was free of any nihilistic denial.
33. Diaz issued a firm denial of the rumor.
34. Denial, anger, depression, something and acceptance.
35. My husband is still in denial about my rape.
36. Denial is not my strong suit.
37. Doctrinaire denial of a generational injustice does no justice either to the truth or to the victims.
38. Maria's entire body was rigid with the force of the wild denial.
38. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
39. My hon. Friend will be glad to know that the denial of information will shortly come to an end.
40. The denial of nature and reality is best exemplified by the convent sequence.
41. Bombay: An official denial of moves to end price controls on steel triggered nervous long liquidation across the board.
42. One is happy as a result of one's own efforts once one knows the necessary ingredients of happiness: simple tastes, a certain degree of courage, self denial to a point, love of work, and above all, a clear conscience. George Sand 
43. Segregation on the basis of race is a denial of equal protection in violation of the Constitution. 38a.
44. The denial mechanisms will distort relationships and dealings with the client, and warp our perceptions of the whole situation.
45. Their denial was unconvincing in view of the physical evidence linking them to the bombing.
46. Or, more handy still, you can use it for denial purposes.
47. Denial does have its limits, though, whiteout being one of them.
48. He would fight the enemy in a good cause: denial of justice.
49. The death, loss or denial by a pseudoally can contain a sorrow charge.
50. Yet some union leadership engaged in a kind of reality denial.
51. Weber's agent issued a categorical denial that the incident had ever happened.
52. Autonomy was seen in the occupied territories as a denial of the demand for self-determination, not a step towards it.
53. His denial of the regular Clinton temper tantrums described in the book, though, was rather more tepid.
54. The denial of the Holocaust is the latest twist in this tale of conspiracy and deception.
55. Rather, it was a way of rejecting unctuous, masochistic denial - which might narrow his perspectives.
56. I was in a place where I did not want to be in denial of anything.
57. An example of the former is an orientation towards death denial.
58. Ultimately, only the strength of the denial system enables the sufferer to function at all.
59. One or other of them drafted a statement which was a flat denial that he had misbehaved either sexually or politically.
60. Too late for art and too late for the denial of art.
61. Yet even now there is a sense of denial that could prove costly.
62. A third response to the problem of induction involves the denial that science is based on induction.
63. Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi, leader of Inkatha, on June 9 issued a denial of the allegations.
64. It is a denial of democracy to keep smears secret.
65. To undertake a critical reading which is unconcerned with how it is intervening in the present is a denial of intellectual responsibility.
66. About their own camps, by contrast, the Soviet Union was able to exercise a sustained Orwellian denial.
67. In either case a denial is accepted and not moved against unless there is a good reason.
68. It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept. Bill Watterson 
69. His reply was inpart denial of the criticisms[], and inpart an attempt to change the issue or confuse the matter.
70. Labour's stunning victory in 1997 left the Tory party in denial about the seriousness of its situation.
71. Denial is a safe place to rest while waiting for grace.
72. In any case, self denial was a habit with them.
73. His silence about the authorship of the more famous epigram thus amounts almost to a denial that Simonides wrote it.
74. They are caught in this place of denial and unrealized emotion and desire.
75. Joanna's denial rang true.
76. Confidence turns into pride only when you are in denial of your mistakes. Criss Jami 
77. For that very denial had, in fact, given me far more.
78. The tragedy of the poor is that they can afford nothing but self denial. Oscar Wilde 
79. For at the heart of that dominant form, the quest-story, there lies very often a denial of fulfilment.
80. The denial of tenderness cuts them off from communication with wives and children.
81. All is euphemistic denial of the one fact of both.
82. He tried to slow her down with gestures which she interpreted as signs of denial, and so she poured it on.
83. My rejection of death was less a denial than a postponement of the recognition of its ultimate reality.
84. At the medical products firm we mentioned earlier, symptoms of denial were rife.
85. That is not to say, however, that we should collude in a denial of the phenomenon.
86. Major stumbling blocks on the path to self-knowledge are denial and blame.
87. If this is the post-Clinton era, then the media, at least, are in deep-throated denial.
88. If the War Crimes Act, denial law and Holocaust day were unarguably just, calculations about malign side-effects would be irrelevant.
89. I would very much like to know if you are contemplating marrying Giles, in spite of your apparent denial.
90. Denial, too, seemed to be an effort to cling to hope.
91. The causal connection between mood-altering substance or behaviour and the damaging consequences continues to be denied and the denial is intensified.
92. Last night Buckingham Palace sources were forced to make an unprecedented denial that this trip would be the couple's last together.
93. It may seem too much like confinement, a denial of individual enterprise and the constraining of intuition into patterns of conformity.
94. He nods his assent and then, realizing he's made a mistake, vigorously shakes his head in denial.
95. Whether in denial or putting on a brave face, the delegates professed to be unperturbed by those numbers.
96. Haigh's denial of the existence of anti-clericalism on the eve of the Reformation is a case in point.
97. The introduction to his book contains a strong denial that he is an atheist, revolutionary or opponent of sovereign rulers.
98. However, it is foolish to live with the denial of death, as modern culture tends to do.
99. The denial rate is high among people with severe mental illnesses.
100. This is not a new version of the Austinian denial that international law is law properly so called.
101. It is just this denial of anything beyond what is directly given in experience that marks Berkeley out as an empiricist.
102. For instance, it has been suggested that the prejudiced themes exist at a psychologically deeper level than the denial of prejudice.
103. Denial by the physically abused person is another barrier to obtaining accurate figures.
104. To what extent does its dependence on charitable donations make it an involuntary party in the game of denial?
105. Of course, I was only displaying the ultimately cliched boomer trait, a tortured denial of my own advancing years.
106. It also taught me not to be in denial when my employer runs into trouble.
107. This latter rage comes as a reflex out of denial of what the oppressors have done.
108. His slow swoop across the floor to the fireplace was meticulous in its denial of grace.
109. By itself, this denial of Filmer's view could entail a theory of communal property.
110. To help Dern, Redgrave has to tear away some serious layers of denial.
111. He was an ebullient, larger than life denial of all that was Right: he chain-smoked and drank too much.
112. This denial of pain extends to all aspects of life within the work place.
113. When an organization as a whole is engaged in the process of denial, its individual members often follow suit.
114. His denial of sedition was a denial of violence.
115. Science is self-correcting whereas religion lives in constant denial.
116. They protest against the continue denial of civil liberty.
117. He gave us an emphatic denial.
118. The accusation brought a speedy denial.
119. YES. Denial of Holocaust has been outlawed by legislation.
120. This does not justify the denial of constitutional protection.
121. Walter Gropius didn't like the functional design of Han Fei as bad as the evaluation of product design, and he is the only standard product design without moderation in denial of performance art.
122. At the end of the trip, they read a statement that they wrote and signed together condemning without reservation Holocaust denial and all other forms of anti-Semitism.
123. V.S. RAMACHANDRAN: Offhand, I can't tell you when they started using the term "anosognosia" for other types of denial.
124. Click here for Posner's opinion, which came in the form of a dissent from the court's denial of a request to hear the case en banc.
125. Even the conservative Atlanta Center for Disease Control has now published its assessment - and after years of denial, it is now guardedly pro-circumcision, in Aids-prone countries at least.
126. In the process of response and denial, Rorty developed his view of and hope.
127. The protagonist Gabriel changes from his primary complacence, to the later denial, and to the final real evaluation of himself.
128. Twitter's site crashed on Thursday at about 3pm BST due to a "denial of service" attack – thousands of remote-controlled virus-infected PCs trying to contact the site.
129. Let us bow in deep humility to adore God for this wonderful love, and ask for grace in very deed to yield ourselves to the denial and the death of self.
130. And development of China represents that of a constructive force at no denial of anyone's fundamental interests, which constitutes another diametric difference with the other powers in history.
131. To resolve the problem of detecting Distributed Denial of Service(DDoS) attacks, a dynamic threshold detection method based on fuzzy logic was proposed.
132. Under a circumstance I would a flat denial, and ride off as fast as I could.
133. It can be effectively against denial of service attacks and achieve resynchronization of authentication in the event of non-synchronous circumstances.
134. Nullification of dualistic antithesis and denial of the determinacy of meaning are the core of deconstruction.
135. Between defense and rightdefensedefense and counteraccusation, and denial and contradiction, all of them have obvious difference.
136. "Denial is dangerous when it comes to your health. It exacts a heavy toll down the road," Alan Muney, executive vice president of Oxford, said in a statement.
137. This example shows a U. S. Supreme Court case citation to a denial of certiorari .
138. The experience during grow-up is correlated with the parental rearing styles of strict punishment, denial, excessive interference and overprotection.
139. The selfish person must grow in self - denial before God will say " Go " .
140. Jesus showed them from the Old Testament how the crucifixion was not in fact a denial of the Messiahship of Jesus.
141. Between defense and right to defense, defense and counteraccusation, and denial and contradiction, all of them have obvious difference.
142. Zwingli's denial of the "real presence" did not result in the neglecting of the sacrament that would characterize many of his followers in centuries to come.
143. She persisted in her denial [ in her refusal to own up ].
144. During this period, the US policy on the regional cooperation of East Asia is suspiciousness or even denial.
145. The denial of a recognized nationality, just as the denial of a recognized citizenship, constitutes a legally cognizable injury-in-fact for the purpose of standing.
146. There are some problems in our present administration of law of tax , such as denial of justice, enforcing the law in excess of authority, unjustified levies and fines and so on.
147. Their actions leave open the further question: when does out-and-out prevarication shade off into self-deception and denial?
148. Tests of the Active Denial System, a ray gun that shoots painful millimeter waves, have ranged from terrifying to laughable.
149. I understand that any misrepresentation may be cause for denial or cancellation of admission or enrollment.
150. At present there are two kinds of theories on main contents of counterplea for joint dangerous act: affirmance theory and denial theory, which are both not distributive.
151. I'll arbitrarily divide them into four areas: failures, network issues not within the direct control of service provider, denial of service, and scheduled maintenance.
152. Poor messaging isn't the only possible cause for the increase in denial: politicians — mostly on the right — have aggressively pushed the climate-change-is-a-hoax trope.
153. The denial was limited to rejecting the construction put on his remarks.
154. Farley and Geison's case-study in the Pasteur-Pouchet debate over Spontaneous Generation illustrates that the denial of rational explanation is the precondition to sociological explanation.
155. The catastrophe and the governments denial that a state-owned gas plant was the source of the leak became major political issues in the mayoral and gubernatorial elections.
156. Naturally is an all latent Nue Yin first crazy, this be the undisputable fact, you denial also useless.
157. His denial that he had witnessed the accident dumbfounded me.
158. He also blasted the defense's star witness and says Prop. 8 "fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license."
158. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
159. Lawrence Solomon may well be a great communicator, but the author of The Deniers also is a frontline voice for a disturbingly large and influential denial industry, writes George Marshall .
160. The problem of positivism in pedagogy study lies in its technicalization and the anti- positivism of academy, and methodological inadequacy of its denial of value relationship.
161. I wanted to explore long - lasting love and its possible steep price tag , homophobic antipathy and denial.
162. He embraces the heterodox idea of monism, sometimes called animist materialism or vitalism, which is essentially a denial of any distinction between the body and the soul.
163. You may think you're just a casual user, but denial is a hallmark of any form of addiction.
164. Attacks on a company or organization's computer systems take many different forms, such as spoofing, smurfing, and other types of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.
165. Or it can be unplanned, after a further period of denial in which the problem worsens.
166. She perhaps agrees, but prefers denial and resumption of her re - election campaign.
167. Sometimes, it's really necessary fro us to give up something, and learn to denial ourselves, then abandon things of life and mind resolvedly .
168. Prior work on secret sharing update protocol based on synchronous system and is vulnerable for denial of service attacks.
169. Still curious about the nature of self-deception, denial and neglect, I called V.S. Ramachandran,() a legendary neuroscientist at the University of California – San Diego and an expert on anosognosia.
170. The approval or denial travels back to the ATM via the same series of computers.
171. "Nations are in denial," Indian cyber law expert Pavan Duggal told Reuters, saying national legislation was of limited use in protecting users of a borderless communications tool.
172. Better a bank that is acting conservatively than one that is in denial.
173. As a round-the-clock working telecom product, it is more important to filter spams and discover the denial of service by recerving a mass of junk mails than common mail system.
174. If he can guess (or sniff) the sequence identifier, then he can start a Denial of Service attack, by for example, terminating the sequence.
175. When critics say he is in denial, he agrees. But it is healthy self-denial, he says, which he likens to a recovering alcoholic resisting a drink.
176. In his complaint, Richards said denial of his request for erotic materials is cruel and unusual punishment.
177. Parkinson's Law of Delay: Delay is the deadliest form of denial.
178. With major life traumas, like losing a loved one, for instance, the mind's first reaction is denial.
179. In spite of vehement denial, the rumour spread like wildfire.
180. A younger son, you know, must be inured to self - denial and dependence.
181. Denial of this is considered heretical by Catholics and Eastern Orthodox ( and Evangelicals ) alike.
182. Denial of illness, or anosognosia, literally lack of knowledge of disease, is a common sequel of the type of brain injury received by Wilson.
183. In today's business environment, denial of service is typically not just an inconvenience; it is a business crisis.
184. OUTCOME: Judgment affirming the denial of appellant corporation's motion to dismiss an order and notice of assessment of delinquent contributions entered by appellee state was affirmed.
185. I accused you of denial before; this looks more like disavowal.
186. He would not break off negotiations by a sharp denial.
187. Launch denial - of - service attacks, rendering the machine temporarily unusable.
188. The minister issued a prompt denial of the allegation against him.
188. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
189. "Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license," Judge Walker wrote in his opinion, issued Aug. 4.
190. China Unicom later published a denial oof the report on its official website.
191. To tell such a thingmost 25 - year - olds will call forth howls of denial.
192. Elaborated our country law of corporation personality denial judicial confirmation present situation and the limitation.
193. Comparing the different understanding towards the verism of art between post-modernistic art from four aspects so that we can find we can not denial it simply by traditional way.
194. How soon marriage counseling sessions would end if husbands and wives were competing in thoughtful self - denial!
195. I understand any misrepresentation may cause denial of admission or expulsion from the university.
196. Each time European policymakers reacted similarly: with denial and dithering, followed at the eleventh hour with a half-baked rescue plan to buy time.
197. This article carries out official duties the judicial personality to deny the system to embark, subsequently introduced the law of corporation personality denial judicial confirmation.
198. Denial, displacement, intellectualization, fantasy, compensation, projection, rationalization, reaction formation, regression, repression and sublimation were the defense mechanisms Freud identified.
199. The second soft goal specifies exceptions, such as planned failures, denial of service, scheduled maintenance, network outages(), and network issues within the control of a service provider.
200. XKMS server adopts synchronous processing mode, using SSL protocol to insure the security of message transmission, employs two-phase request protocol to protect against denial of service attack.
201. Non-participation of the subject, along with the complete denial of the subject and his involvement, is the main characteristic of the zero-degree curriculum.
202. This self - denial will never be easy, but it is possible by the grace of God.
203. European leaders have moved from an initial stance of denial about the seriousness of the region's debt problems through a series of sticking-plaster solutions as the rot spread.
204. Denial of a public-service job may blackball a person from future private employment as well.
205. In no way; to no degree. Used to express negation , denial, refusal, or prohibition.
206. According to ITAR - TASS, Eduard Shevardnadze made the denial in a press conference held in Tbilisi.
207. Another call for a mistrial, another denial, but Judge Costello chastised the prosecutor, calling his conduct "astonishing" and promising to address the matter later.
208. By reviewing his "inherent worth" conception and the denial of "the idea of the superiority of humans" , point out the defect of his basic conception and logical argument.
209. We need a self-denying process, for without denial, the load of cultural development would be heavy.
210. Calvinism was spread through the denial of the inerrancy of Scripture by theolohical liberals as God raised up men to stand against them.
211. A kind of soft defense system model to distribute denial service attack is proposed.
212. Provide three integrated care services, including perinatal care-free three minus three Services, HIV testing and denial of service and hepatitis B testing and denial of service.
213. The law of corporation personality denial system is the company legal regime's important component, starts late in our country.
214. Aristolochia L herbs encounters the denial as a result of the kidney toxicity, so it is impatient duty to explore the substitution materials for medicine.
215. The most common is to use an agreement ICMP denial of service attacks.
216. The denial of company itself all leads to the denial of the Stockholder's Limited Liability System.
217. The Active Denial System fires a beam of millimeter-wave radiation. It make people feel like their skin is burning without causing any permanent damage.
218. Such segregation is a denial of the equal protection of the laws.




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