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单词 relentless
释义  re·lent·less /rɪˈlentləs/ ●○○ adjective  1  STRICTstrict, cruel, or determined, without ever stopping 严格的;无情的;坚决的 her relentless determination to succeed 她要成功的坚定决心 a regime that was relentless in its persecution of dissidents 无情迫害持不同政见者的政权2  CONTINUOUSsomething bad that is relentless continues without ever stopping or getting less severe 〔不愉快的事〕不间断的,没完没了的 SYN endless the relentless crying of a small baby 一个小婴儿没完没了的哭声 a family facing relentless financial problems 经济问题层出不穷的一个家庭 —relentlessly adverb He questioned her relentlessly. 他不停地追问她。Examples from the Corpusrelentless• Her critiques were relentless but revealing.• Each keiretsu has representative companies in all these areas and pursues new growth sectors with relentless enthusiasm.• Its history has a message for evolution: that the existence of any creature is a constant struggle against relentless forces.• The few communications which do receive full attention normally achieve this through a combination of chance, inside information and relentless harrassment.• Uncle Khan was a landlord with a relentless passion for raw, hard numbers.• relentless population growth• A culture of isolation and relentless profit pressure had taken its toll.• Ridge's success is due to a relentless pursuit of perfection.• All around me, the bare walls expanded and converged into a relentless stretch of white.• Hugh felt the relentless sun on his·lent·less adjectiveChineseSyllable  strict, cruel, determined, ever or Corpus without stopping




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