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单词 Fragment
1 She read everything, digesting every fragment of news.
2 I heard only a fragment of their conversation.
3 A fragment of the Cross is enshrined in the cathedral.
4 These bullets fragment on impact.
5 I overheard a fragment of their conversation.
6 The government is planning to fragment the industry before privatizing it.
7 Do not let the discussion fragment into a desultory conversation with no clear direction.
8 The satellite will fragment and burn up as it falls through the Earth's atmosphere.
9 This was only a fragment of a long conversation with John.
10 Comets, being weak, fragment at high altitudes.
11 There are two points worth noting about this fragment of conversational discourse.
12 Typically the biggest fragment produced by breakup is 10 to 50 percent of the total mass.
13 Nurture that dream, or even the tiny fragment of a dream that excites you and gives you hope for the future.
14 Renin and atrial natriuretic peptide restriction fragment length polymorphisms: association with ethnicity and blood pressure.
15 This cDNA fragment was used to screen several murine cDNA libraries.
16 I shall talk about a breakaway fragment in order to emphasize my point.
17 A separately organised night-nursing service tends to fragment patient care.
18 He lifted Tallis in his hand, the small fragment of coal that she had become.
19 The text which has come down to us is only a fragment of the original.
20 fragments of conversation. It can also be used with countable nouns to mean a small part of something:a fragment of the story.
21 Just imagine the hippocampus playing back a partial spatiotemporal pattern to the cortex-maybe a fragment of something from the previous week.
22 One day as I arrived at the palace my horse shied at the sight of a white fragment on the ground.
23 Once one looks away from the north, Gloucester's connection appears to fragment.
24 After larger doses, chromosomes are seen to break and cell nuclei to fragment.
25 In 1910, the Hon Charles Rothschild purchased 138 hectares of this fenland fragment and declared it a nature reserve.
26 At the end of the barn he saw a fragment of raincoat material between two bales.
27 The topic framework consists of elements derivable from the physical context and from the discourse domain of any discourse fragment.
28 At times, the book jumps from place to place in a jarring way, only to fragment at crucial moments.
29 So much of history is mystery. We don't know what is lost forever, what will surface again. All objects exist in a moment of time. And that fragment of time is preserved or lost or found in mysterious ways. Mystery is a wonderful part of life. Amy Tan 
30 This method provides a means of obtaining DNA markers distributed along the length of a specific restriction fragment.
1 She read everything, digesting every fragment of news.
2 Do not let the discussion fragment into a desultory conversation with no clear direction.
3 This was only a fragment of a long conversation with John.
31 One fragment of her mind reeled in shock but a rational response formed even as the connection spun its thread: Of course.
32 More and more countries compete, as nations fragment: the bands at Atlanta need the music for 197 national anthems.
33 He could see his reflection, turned gaunt and ashen, in the fragment of mirror propped against the lavatory window.
34 Now only a tiny fragment of the plate and its ridge remain off the shores of Washington.
35 Immediately preceding this extracted fragment,(http:///fragment.html) the narrator has been describing an incident relevant to the main story.
36 The only force generally believed to be sufficiently powerful is the high-energy impact of a large asteroidal fragment on the Moon.
37 The opening lines of Fragment A are a call to worship and a declaration of praise.
38 In that brief fragment of time he smiled down at me.
39 Every tiny fragment of fibre, denim and leather was picked up and dropped in the bags.
40 Microscopical details are not so well-preserved, and the fossil is, of course, only a fragment of a larger plant.
41 This means a catastrophic engine failure could send a fragment into the wing and ignite the fuel vapour.
42 In Fig. 2 we show at the upper right a typical fragment of foveal retina from one of our preparations.
43 When excited by heat or light, the stable part splits off leaving the desired fragment.
44 She flung the fragment of saucer as far as she could, watching it spinning against the sky.
45 The Fragment is then inserted in a subsequent pass to make up the complete published data. 4.
46 The universe that we know, of course, is a tiny fragment of the actual universe.
47 Robbie gave her a funny look, as though she were a little peculiar for jumping into his illogical fragment of thought.
48 We have introduced some basic components which would be required in a characterisation of the topic framework for any discourse fragment.
49 Here we report the crystal structure of a complex between a protein G domain and an immunoglobulin Fab fragment.
50 The cut through Nussbaum Gang isolates a notional fragment of it.
51 Quite apart from the dubious legitimacy of generalising from one such fragment, it is uncertain how the data itself should be interpreted.
52 Each of these was built along the Babylonian model, as a self-governing fragment of the fallen Judean kingdom.
53 One almost complete skeleton of Crassigyrinus had previously been known from only one skull fragment.
54 Antisera R526 was raised in rabbit to synthetic human gastrin fragment 1-17 of G34, coupled to chicken egg albumen using glutaraldehyde.
55 A fragment was rubbed into the eyes, causing them to water copiously.
56 Thinking to save money, I laid the claim that we already possessed a Trojan Horse fragment of our own.
57 She popped a fragment of biscuit into her mouth and crunched it primly with her front teeth.
58 Finally, the fragment from Pindar indicates that Persephone accepts recompense or payment of penalty from some souls.
59 I think it's about to fragment into different groups for english football, internationals etc ... which would be better.
60 Comminuted intertrochanteric fractures:Should the lesser trochanteric fragment be fixated?
61 Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism(RFLP)is a new genetic marker.
62 Genotyping was performed using restriction fragment length polymorphisms.
63 A cDNA fragment was isolated and cloned from the total RNA of calli of Onobrychis tanaitica containing condensed tannin using RT-PCR technique.
64 The experiments show that the fragment audit model could improve the discernment precision of security audit systems efficiently and eliminate the fragment semantic ambiguity.
65 The second fragment is a recursive method to actually walk through the document representation and perform the modifications.
65 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
66 Among them, 2 cases received conservative management, 9 underwent splenorrhaphy, 10 underwent hemisplenectomy, and 5 underwent splenectomy and spleen fragment transplantation.
67 Behind a talus congenital triangular bone might not have existed which is possible free bone fragment of the fracture of astragalar tail.
68 Telomerase is RNA dependent DNA polymerase, acts to synthesize DNA repeat fragment of telomeres , which is associated with immortalization of cells.
69 Baoyintu Group is recognized as an ancient fragment from crystalline basement in stage of continental margin disjoined.
70 Objective Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism(PCR-RFLP) assay was applied to molecular typing of resistance-associated esterase genes of Culex pipiens complex.
71 Ten years ago, Tyrion had read a fragment of Unnatural History that had eluded the Blessed Baelor, but he doubted that any of Barth's work had found its way across the narrow sea.
72 At the same time, coumarininduces the abnormal mitotic of root tip cell, including chromosome bridge, fragment, binucleate cell, lagging chromosome and so on.
73 A new method of the calculation of nature - fragment mass distribution for small diameter howitzer projectile.
74 An MDL version of the model ensures the model does not bloat or fragment over time when categories are deleted.
75 In addition, without the right tools it is easy to leave a fragment of the nail that will turn into an ingrown toenail and make the problem worse.
76 Objective Discussing the clinical effect of fractures in the Condylus humeri and Suprachondy in children using the Fragment fixation pin.
77 The endonuclease digestion map of pWTA was consistent with the fragment length in anticipation.
78 Besides fragment size, plant species diversity is also affected by edge effects, instantaneous sampling effects, relaxation effect, rescue effect by long -distance dispersal, and matrix etc.
79 Of the pterosaur —a flying reptile—the researchers found a large fragment of beak.
80 The results showed it had high autoploidy with mouse Ig variable fragment.
81 A subordinate clause can not stand alone as a sentence– that is a sentence fragment.
82 When microcomputers are being applied to broadcasting stations, a key problem to be solved is to find automatically the positions of the two ends of an audio tape fragment in program broadcasting.
83 In order to ensure the ingress to be benign, the gateway audit system deals with the malformed packets and eliminates the fragment semantic ambiguity of the fragments.
84 The sailor grinned and passed him a fragment of sea biscuit. He clutched it avariciously , looked at it as a miser looks at gold, and thrust it into his shirt bosom.
85 Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism is a new microbioecology technique.
86 Scripts in the parent page and embedded iframe can set each other's fragment identifiers despite coming from different origins.
87 To serve these dimensions of Christ's single salvific agency is to fragment the saving action which emanates from that agency.
88 MS/MS was proved to be an effective way to obtain additional structural information because fragment ions were observed for all QMIs and OAMIs in MS/MS.
89 Objective To establish an expression system of human II CD74 extracellular fragment by insect baculovirus vector expression system in insect cells.
90 A cDNA library could contain all cDNAs from a single tissue, for example, and could be screened for the ability to hybridize to a fragment of known DNA.
91 In some chronic cases, the lesser tuberosity fragment may be a small cortical shell.
92 AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) is a new DNA molecular marker technique with high efficiency, promptitude, stability and accuracy.
93 The monoclonal against HER2 receptor is ineffective in prostate cancer which may be explained by the presence and the potential effect of HER2 C-terminal fragment.
94 For example, urbanization and intensive agriculture can fragment and replace complex networks of habitats needed by the birds.
95 Results Human motilin receptor was successfully cloned with correct open reading fragment.
96 Synthesis of lentinan core fragment trisaccharide, tetrasaccharide, hexasaccharide and heptasaccharide.
97 Objective To express the N-terminal fragment of human mannan-binding lectin(MBL) associated serine proteases-2(MASP2-N) in E.
98 The part of the src URL following the fragment identifier (hash mark) can be retrieved using the window.location.hash element, as shown in the function defined for the onLoad event.
99 The cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism approach was used to identify genes expressed differentially during early and late flower bud development in tea plant(Camellia sinensis).
100 However, the union of the fragment C1-C8 and C9-C14 failed and further study was needed.
101 For each target, the tracing compound name or fragment the measurement should be traced to, and the data type that it should be traced as.
102 The packet header itself is never fragmented, and its size does not count towards the data in the packet's first fragment.
103 The fracture fragment is often retracted inferomedially because of the action of the subscapularis muscle.
104 There is also a fragment of a letter by Priscillian which is quoted by Orosius, a decidedly hostile witness.
105 Results The location, shape and displacement of fragment of zygomatic bone and zygomatic arch fractures were demonstrated stereoscopically through 3D images reconstructed from helical CT.
106 This is the hair endocentric the emotion from him expressed, you had already engraved in his in the mind under a branding, regardless later how, have you forever in his life of a memory fragment.
107 When be destroyed, fragment still conglutinate is on sub, avoided a fragment to splatter the harm to human body.
108 Conclusion The SNP fluorescent-multiplex system based on the fragment length discrepant allele specific PCR strategy is simple and economical, and is of a high application value in forensic medicine.
109 Objective To study the influence of length of polysaccharide(PS)fragment on the immunogenicity of Streptococcus pneumoniae type 18C polysaccharide(Pn18C)-tetanus toxoid(TT)conjugate.
110 AIM: To study the binding sites of ZNC (C ) PR, a C-terminal pentapeptide fragment of argipressin, in rat brain.
111 And, the fragment of IP is an in common use method in inside in attack in network, therefore, the chippy reorganization in IP can also examine the chippy attack in IP in exploitation.
112 The study of the influence of neutron scattering by the surrounding medium and fragment detector on fission neutron spectrum measurement with time-of-flight (TOP) method has been carried out.
113 METHODS:Polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism(PCR RFLP) was used to analyze NQO1 gene polymorphism in Parkinson disease group and healthy adult control group.
114 The quantitative relation between dynamic nominal fragment size and porosity is developed by employing the energy description of dynamic fragmentation.
115 FIGURE 8. A valgus deformity of the distal tibia (A) with a tension failure necessitating a medial implant with screw fixation into the distal fragment (B).
116 The ruptured interosseous ligament is obvious in this case from the diastasis of the tibia and fibula, and the small avulsion fragment from the lateral aspect of the tibia.
117 C5 fragment induced MPO and lactoferrin release was produced in an incremental manner with elastase, however a biphasic response with cathepsin G.
118 The interfacial adhesion of unsized and sized carbon fiber with different sizing agents and matrix can be characterized by single fiber fragment test.
119 Both marginal cost curve and marginal income curve determine the degree of fragment and spatial reorganization of global value chain.
120 Therefore, CD14 gene fragment from THP 1 cells was successfully cloned and identified by sequencing and then subcloned into eucaryotic expression carrier.
121 The interior devolatilization of coal particle can increase the interior pressure which can produce expansion and fine crack leading to fragment.
122 Huge bite cell gobbles up fragment of deliquescent red blood cell, block Yu Xiaoliang, make Xiaoliang metamorphic, the likelihood causes cytolysis sex glaucoma.
123 With porcine myoglobin genomic DNA fragment cloned in a cosmid as probe, the chromosome location of this gene was determined by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH).
124 Conventionally, drivers assign their device objects a name by concatenating a string naming their device type ("Simple" in this code fragment) with a 0-based integer denoting an instance of that type.
125 With the cubic fragment as the impact body, a lot of ballistic impact tests are conducted in the UHMWPE composites.
126 The DNA fragment of K88 fimbrial subunit gene without signal peptide sequence was amplified by PCR from the DNA of enterotoxigenic E.
127 Mineralogical studies reveal the shard to be a fragment of a wine jar exported from the Nile valley to Israel.
128 Apparently, a team of scientists were able to salvage a fragment of Ymir's Heart, and use it to lauch part of Juperos into the sky.
129 Phylogenesis of 48 tobacco germplasms from different countries or regions was analyzed with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP).
130 OBJECTIVE : To clone murine anti cTnI Fab fragment and analyse the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences.
131 Recovered File Fragment - pieces of files found when your disk was scanned.
132 If you wanted the query to return an HTML fragment representing the result as a numbered list, you can apply the XQuery from Listing 6.
133 The ultimate goal of fragmentation is to reduce the retrieval time by directly accessing the fragment that contains the data that satisfies the SQL query.
134 For example, using the Create Fragment command to split your logical model into fragments, and using the Absorb Fragment command to re-introduce the fragment back into your model.
135 Researchers have used the interaction between a polysaccharide called heparin and a peptide fragment of a protein called antithrombin III, which is contained in the bloodstream to control clotting.
136 DNA vaccines containing GAD65 fragment and Insulin B Chain gene are successfully constructed, which provide a foundation for further development of immunotherapy against autoimmune diabetes.
137 Methods We used the polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) to examine 40 oral squamous cell carcinomas for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at APC.
138 The method is to use glutamate with certain concentration to induce DNA injury of PC12 cell line and observe the effect of agmatine on DNA fragment and mitochondrial function simultaneously.
139 Using vertex and fragment programs, it is possible to replace the traditional vertex projection and lighting equation used by real-time computer graphics hardware.
140 The TPH gene A218C polymorphism and the MAOA gene T1460C polymorphism were determined by the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique.
141 Multithreaded learning, in a program, these stand-alone program fragment called " thread" (Thread), use it to programming concepts is called " multithreading.
142 The original image is the fragment roentgenogram obtained with flash X-ray cineradiography.
143 Here is an example of a fragment of aerogel sitting on the surface of the aerogel.
144 Methods Single round Touchdown PCR (TD PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method were used for genotyping in 110 people from the Han population in Chongqing.
145 Aim To synthesize deuterium labelled iptakalim hydrochloride and confirm the MS fragment pathways of iptakalim hydrochloride.
146 Therefore it is inferred that the fragment was from the W chromosome of Bombyx.
147 But a fragment of skull, complete with bullet hole, which was taken from the bunker by the Russians and displayed in Moscow in 2000, appeared to settle the argument.
148 An asteroid or comet fragment around 60 meters across is believed to have been behind the Tunguska Event, a powerful explosion that took place over Russia in 1908.
149 The applications of karyotyping and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses, specific DNA probes and PCR method to the diagnosis of Candida albicans infections are reviewed.
150 A representative set of 42 leucaena genetic resources from Thailand, USA(Hawaii), Mexico, Philippines, Clolmbia and China, were analyzed by amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP) methodology.
151 Methods The 104 patients with CVD and 98 healthy individuals were detected the AT1R genotypes polymorphisms by restriction fragment length polymorphism in order to analysis.
152 An approach to contour extraction and feature point detection in the 3-D fragment reassembly is proposed.
153 Each text fragment is stored in a translation unit element () in an XLIFF file.
154 Objective: To discuss the clinical effect of the treatment of metaphyseal cancellous bone fracture with fragment fixation system implants(FFS).
155 Objective Unstable intertrochanteric hip fractures are characterized by comminution of the posteromedial cortex and a fragment of variable size containing the lesser trochanter.
156 They sequenced a 368 base pair fragment from the mitochrondrial genome and then compared it to sequences from ancient dogs, as well as to sequences from modern dogs, wolves,(/fragment.html) and coyotes.
157 Especially, one fragment of P195, M6, had the ability to inhibit the invasion of P. falciparum merozoite into human erythrocytes.
158 One bone was a piece of rib from a cow-sized mammal; the other, a leg bone fragment from a mammal the size of a goat.
159 This makes classical logic a special fragment of computability logic.
160 This fragment included the entire ORF of the Neijiang pig IL-2, and encoded the 155 amino acids of the IL-2 protein.
161 Fragment structure is one of the important features of modern western novels, which fully manifests in Marcel Proust's La Recherche du Temps Perdu.
162 Figure 6 shows an example that puts all the previous concepts together; it refers to a real case depicting a fragment of a business model partially covered by the TWS product.
163 Method 32 cases of hydatidiform mole were analyzed by DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP, hybridized with the probe 33.15).
164 Full-page and fragment versions of HTML files can usually be served up from the same server-side templating engine.
165 It argues the demarcations of the liquid property, and then judge the oiliness levels from geochemistry data. These explanation models of gasometry, geochemistry, rock fragment and etc are set up.
166 To accomplish this, add a script block to the bottom of each HTML fragment file to rewire that fragment's form submission.
167 The markings on the tablet fragment—which is roughly 1 inch ( 2.5 centimeters) tall by 1.5 inches (4 centimeters) wide—are early examples of a writing system known as Linear B.
168 The phptemplate engine uses the node.tpl.php as a generic template for a theme designer to mold any generated node data into a content fragment.
169 The XMP packet is a XML document fragment embedded into other files. Generally it is a description about the metadata of the host file.
170 The digital image processing technique has been developed for measuring of fragment mass and the coordinates of its centre of mass.
171 The automatic growth of file space increased to manage a gender automatically, but the likelihood brings about dimensional fragment.
172 The following code fragment shows an executable source code file that imports the DLL's exported symbols and references those symbols in the code.
173 Through homology analysis, it is proved that the product is the gene fragment encoding Orotidine-5'-monphosphate Decarboxylase.
174 A gene fragment encoding three copies of proinsulin C peptide was synthesized and expressed in E.
175 Marks on a clay tablet fragment found in Greece are the oldest known decipherable text in Europe, a new study says.
176 This fragment is composed of two statements: the expression statement and the null statement.
177 Judging by operative and pathological findings to discuss the Gd-DTPA enhancement of the fragment herniation and the signs of disrupted anulus fibrosis.
178 A VUV soft ionization source was adopted in the mass spectrometer, which can avoid the formation of fragment ions and analyze volatile organic compounds in ambient air without pre-separation.
179 Method Polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism were used to examine 40 oral malignant tumors for loss of heterozygosity at chromosome 3p.
180 Some clumpy structures will exceed their Jeans mass and become gravitationally unstable, and may again fragment to form a single or multiple star system.
181 The code fragment in Figure 1 shows the exact path the application took when executing the switch statement on line 111.
182 Insert and ligate any DNA fragment into a vector such as plasmid or viral vector, to form a recombinant DNA.
183 This paper is researching the synthesize way of methyl salicylate, IR Spectrum and formative process of fragment peaks on MS.
184 Listing 1 shows the markup fragment used to create this stock ticker form in HTML.
185 The terminal fragment hybridization method reported here could overcome this difficulty, and the restriction map can be elucidated easily by using labe...
185 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
186 Detailed descriptions of the fission neutron sources, the ionization chamber for fission fragment detection, the neutron detectors and the experimental arrangement are given.
187 Although the administration officials say bin Laden's death will put al-Qaida on "a path of decline that will be difficult to reverse" they say the terrorist organization may not fragment immediately.
188 Conclusion After the firearm fragment injury was made on the ureter of Beagle dogs, hydronephrosis and hydroureter occurred at the wounded side and got worse as time went on.
189 Therefore, when the user enables the subunit conversion, the Subunit list table gets enabled and all the subunits in the Subunits list table have Convert to/Share column set to fragment.
190 the other, a leg bone fragment from a mammal the size of a goat.
191 The author analysis and discusses induction quenching process used in the process of the thermal treatment for the prefabricate fragment projectile body.
192 On the base of protocol analysis, the system uses the technology of the fragment reassembly of IP packet, TCP data flow reverting, etc. It reduces leak and mistake alert of the intrusion.
193 There was fragment of E. coli that was not digested in some of the amoebae.
194 The avirulence gene fragment is homologous in all races of the pathogen of Xoo.
195 This witch's brew serves to annoy the immune system, reviving it up enough to attack cancer cells that are carrying the same sugars and protein fragment.
196 Decay curves metastable fragment ions is also obtained by means of ion energy loss scans spectroscopy.
197 After that, based on researching traditional LMS algorithm deeply, this give an improved algorithm, which through adaptive fragment WLAN packet length, to improve WLAN AP's anti-jamming performance.
198 The grind that the encampment has occupied is covered with remnant and fragment of all kinds.
199 The formulas to achieve initial projection velocity of the fragment are deducted by combining the polytropic process state equations and the work done by explosive gases pressure.
200 The results showed that the fragment walnut kernel's peroxide value and acid value are increasing in the time of accelerated oxidation.
201 The major peptide fragment of AVT was AVT 1 _ 8 ( Cys - Tyr - IleGln - Asn - Cys - Pro - Arg ).
202 Infrequently, medial extension and comminution of coronal shear fractures may result in a separate trochlear fragment that is not accessible from the lateral approach.




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