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单词 syrupy
释义  Related topics: Foodsyr·up·y /ˈsɪrəpi $ ˈsɜː-, ˈsɪ-/ adjective  1  DFthick and sticky like syrup, or containing syrup 糖浆状的;含有糖浆的 a syrupy liquid 糖浆般黏稠的液体2  NICEtoo nice or kind in a way that seems insincere – used to show disapproval 太甜蜜的;过于多情的〔含贬义〕 a syrupy speech 一番煽情的话Examples from the Corpussyrupy• She could even hear background music, syrupy and soothing, in her head.• It was syrupy but it worked, though Davis feared that releasing the song as a single would kill his career.• syrupy canned fruits• The sauce should have a syrupy consistency.• Now I was about to meet him again, it was as if I had suddenly woken up from a syrupy dream.• One bite of coffee cake that tasted like a syrupy old sponge and they knew better the next time.• As for sugary desserts, avoid syrupy puddings, mousses, gateaux and most pastries.• a syrupy speech about world peace• This Suffolk version is more subtle: a creamy lemon custard with syrupy undertones.syr·up·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  thick and sticky Corpus syrup or like containing syrup,




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