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单词 Calory
1. An ounce of sugar has about 100 calories.
2. There are about fifty calories in an apple.
3. What is your daily intake of calories?
4. An average potato has about 90 calories.
5. One can eat only 1500 calories a day on this diet.
6. Sweets and biscuits have a lot of empty calories in them.
7. Walking briskly can burn off a lot of calories.
8. The diet is based on counting calories.
9. Her diet restricts her to 1500 calories a day.
10. This will improve your performance and help you burn off calories.
11. This particular type of fish has less than 200 calories per portion.
12. You need to exercise more to burn off the calories.
13. My wife convinced me to finally start counting calories .
14. We can measure the energy that food provides in calories.
15. I'm trying to lose weight,( ) so I'm keeping count of the number of calories I eat every day.
16. The number of calories in different brands of drinks varies enormously.
17. As we get older, our body becomes less efficient at burning up calories.
18. It is said that only one thin piece of bread their factory produces has more that 100 calories.
19. I decided to go for a run to try and burn off a few calories.
20. The average adult man burns 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day.
21. So if we reduce the calory intake we take and we increase the exercise, then many of these problems can be prevented or be treated.
22. Bananas are known as high fiber fruits and also high in calory , hence providing energy in daily activities.
23. To keep yourself healthy, you shouldn't eat something that have too much oil, calory or salt. For that can cause a lot of diseases.
24. This paper takes use of the features of ultrasonic grinding which can make the macroscopic force, stress and calory in grinding lower, and then utilizes relevant abrasive in the ultrasonic grinding.
25. Eating too much fast food is physically damaging, for fast food contains too much fat, sugar and calory.




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