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单词 Naval
1. He is a retired naval officer.
2. The United States is sending a naval task force to the area to evacuate American citizens.
3. He is a naval officer.
4. They retook a fortress in the naval port.
5. He was the senior serving naval officer.
6. He took part in a great naval battle.
7. He accepted a com-mission as a naval officer.
8. I put him down as a retired naval officer.
9. He had been a naval ensign stationed off Cuba.
10. They sent naval forces to protect merchant shipping.
11. 90 naval aircraft were lost and 31 damaged.
12. I was a naval officer, lieutenant junior grade.
13. One boat of refugees was caught in naval crossfire and sunk.
14. Naval gunfire and ground-based artillery are generally less accurate than many aircraft-borne weapons.
15. The chief of naval operations wants to open opportunities for women in the Navy.
16. Sailors at a naval base had mutinied against their officers.
17. In a naval battle your aim is to sink the enemy's ship.
18. Many diplomats attended a naval review to mark the anniversary of the end of the war.
19. The naval high command's response to these developments is rather curious.
20. An American naval force is showing the flag in various Mediterranean ports.
21. The new officers passed out from Britannia Royal Naval College on Thursday 1 August.
22. The Americans established a naval base on the island in the 1960s.
23. The harbor of the naval base seethed with activity.
24. Ford had been blackmailing a gay naval officer.
25. Jeremy Boorda, who was chief of naval operations.
26. Another naval aviator seen as a contender is Adm.
27. Scarborough had even suffered a naval bombardment!
27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
28. Allegations of sexual harassment have led to disciplinary proceedings being taken against three naval officers.
29. New recruits undergo six weeks' basic training at this naval base.
30. The American and Japanese navies took the lead in the development of naval aviation.
1. He is a retired naval officer.
2. Allegations of sexual harassment have led to disciplinary proceedings being taken against three naval officers.
3. The United States is sending a naval task force to the area to evacuate American citizens.
4. New recruits undergo six weeks' basic training at this naval base.
5. He is a naval officer.
6. He took part in a great naval battle.
7. An American naval force is showing the flag in various Mediterranean ports.
31. Many ships dock at Kure Naval Base for repairs.
32. For example, why were no naval battles included?
33. OP-20-G secretly handled naval traffic.
34. Eric Hodges, a Miramar spokesman and naval flight officer.
35. Stedman spent nine months recovering in a naval hospital.
36. The ideal naval officer was a man.
37. The age of modern naval warfare was at hand.
38. There the shipyards made mainly naval ships and submarines.
39. The Naval and General Staffs did not demur.
40. After demanding the weapons be removed, President John F.. Kennedy ordered a naval blockade of the island.
41. More than 80 women were harassed at the Las Vegas convention of naval aviators, an annual anything-goes party.
42. He got a permit from the city Planning Department and leased 30 acres at Alameda Point, the former naval base.
43. Proponents for moving Lindbergh to Miramar contend that the 24, 000-acre Naval base contains a much better safety zone.
44. As spy chief, Mr Montesinos visited Guzman at the naval base on several occasions to question him.
45. The picket line was supplemented by daily long-range air patrols by naval aircraft.
46. Naval investigators have concluded that two of the crashes were caused by pilot error.
47. Ferranti's naval and avionics businesses are thought to have a turnover of about £500m.
48. At the time Portugal was the dominant naval power in the Mediterranean.
49. Forthcoming events include outdoor activities in the park, a barbecue and a trip to the Open Naval Day at Rosyth.
50. It is the hope and dream of every naval officer some day to fly his own flag.
51. The action caused 441 military casualties and 197 naval casualties.
52. I signed up for Naval service when I was a high school junior in 1974 and was put on delayed enlistment.
53. After making a three-month voyage to the East Indies in 1738, naval architect William Hutchinson could write from experience.
54. Three of the sons followed military or naval careers, two attaining the rank of admiral.
55. But some sources said it would be hard for him to turn down the job of chief of naval operations.
56. A doctor's son, John Chisholm Winchester was born into a naval family on Jan 3, 1912.
57. John Vassall, a sad homosexual who gave away naval secrets while working at the Admiralty.
57. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
58. Others attempted to storm a naval base, but were turned back by police.
59. Such appeals were virtually impossible before an order in April 1996 by now-Chief of Naval Operations Adm.
60. Major naval, military and railway construction programmes scheduled to come to fruition in 1917-18 argued strongly for delay.
61. But the then naval chief suspended the prison sentences; the men returned the money and were dismissed from the navy.
62. The geography of Boiotia might to a shallow observer seem to suit her for naval hegemony.
63. After witnessing scurvy's dire effects, naval surgeon James Lind decided to do something about it.
64. The buy was set up by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, whose agents were investigating possible drug use at the academy.
65. Finally the naval commander realized that the Shah was not going to approve his plan.
66. He organized a sales ledger which offered a credit account to naval customers, and even encouraged payment by instalment.
67. Several naval aviators have been mentioned for the post, including Adm.
68. For obvious reasons sites for naval bases were not chosen for their land communications.
69. She wore a naval greatcoat with brass buttons and some sort of goggles on her head.
70. Van Huygens began his naval career as a fighter pilot.
71. They realised the strategic importance of the site and used it as a naval base and trading post.
72. Kistiakowsky worked well with Deke Parsons, the naval officer in charge of the Ordnance Division.
73. Shipbuilding had always been important to Saltash, which was chosen as the site for a Royal Naval base and dockyard.
74. The case started late last week after a routine upgrade of Naval Academy computer equipment in the security office.
75. But Joe soon discovered that naval officials in Rangoon had no record of his Kunming telegram.
76. Imports from the continent valued £3.9 million, with linen, wine, timber, naval stores and bar iron prominent.
77. While a naval officer, he invented and designed the first-ever aircraft carrier, the Angus.
78. Admiral Yamamoto, as supreme commander of the Fleet, was particularly conscious of this naval responsibility.
79. The 550-acre naval station at Treasure Island is one of 29 California military bases closed in 1993 by Congress.
80. Neither had vision good enough to qualify as a pilot, so they plan instead to be Naval Flight Officers.
81. A naval ship was also anchored off the hotel's beach.
82. Many of these boats had been supplied to foreign naval powers and had been proved able and fast in all sea conditions.
83. This question is complicated by the reluctance of host countries to acknowledge Soviet military and naval support arrangements of any kind.
84. Like the services themselves, the Naval Academy has a strong culture which in some respects is overtly hostile to women.
85. One of those friends was Fred Cooper, a quiet, polite sailor stationed at the naval base at Oxnard.
86. These include a naval base, a composite air unit, a growing communications, intelligence collection, and logistics support infrastructure.
87. Frank B.. Kelso, then chief of naval operations and the ranking officer at the infamous Tailhook convention.
88. Refugees streamed into nearby provinces with their belongings in baskets and on bicycles, and the naval guns shelled them as well.
89. The best naval guns can fire a shell at about one kilometer per 148 second.
90. Eventually, of course, you will want to go for the upper reaches of naval accomplishment: world domination.
91. Both mills were under the authority of naval officers on leave.
92. The ship will be moved to the Philadelphia Naval Yard next year.
93. Perhaps we should even contemplate some naval action to alleviate the blockade and bring help to the 50,000 civilians still trapped there.
94. Another source of inspiration was the naval reefer jacket of the late nineteenth century.
95. Then I went to work at the Alameda naval air base, as a machinist's helper.
96. Save for a few naval battles, the war had never reached the Old World.
97. The two-day affair at Hampton Roads attracted worldwide attention and was destined for inclusion among the great naval battles history.
98. When a naval base or arms factory is closed down, people move away to find jobs.
99. Those reported to have been arrested included a naval officer and Daniel Narcisse.
100. Sinclair's first major involvement in intelligence came as director of naval intelligence from 1919 to 1921.
101. And still there was not a scrap of information about enemy naval forces.
102. I arrived perplexed, cold and totally ill-prepared as a young naval officer at Wilhelmshaven that winter.
103. Passing an oil rig and numerous naval vessels, we moored alongside a jetty on the estuary leading up to the town.
104. The multinational naval force policing sea trade to Aqaba would then be dismantled.
105. Behind each of the two was a two-inch naval gun, and a pair of Schwarlose model 07 machine guns.
106. Congress repealed the ban on women flying Naval combat missions.
107. The load was covered in tarpaulins, but was recognizable as a gigantic naval gun.
108. At first I thought it was the naval guns out in the Channel.
109. Her husband's naval uniform hung neatly in his mock-mahogany wardrobe, retained with pride.
110. Naval husbands, she said, were loyal to their shipmates ahead of kith, kin or country.
111. Jay L.. Johnson as the new chief of naval operations, succeeding Adm.
112. In Aischines' time, and precisely in 357, Euboulos' government had overhauled the system of naval finance and administration.
113. However, Burns was successfully transferred to a federal revenue cutter and returned to Virginia under the escort of several naval vessels.
114. The question whether one had a naval involvement or access to the intervention fund was very critical indeed.
115. Naval officers received no help from the Treasury for their outfits, though they were given a small tax allowance.
116. They were taken to a mobile forensic science unit at Severomorsk naval base, but so far only Kolesnikov has been named.
117. It was picked up on a £300 scanner near Andrew's naval base at Portland, Dorset.
117. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
118. This made him the ideal choice to fly this naval fighter.
119. His brilliant plan did not meet with the approval of the Imperial Naval Staff.
120. More officers were created, such as the surveyor and rigger, the vice-admiral, and the master of naval ordnance.
121. Jay Johnson, a naval aviator, that all negative findings by evaluation boards must be reviewed at the Pentagon.
122. When he reached twelve his father cut short his education and procured him a naval cadetship in March 1800.
123. He purchased a ceremonial naval uniform, complete with sword belt, sword, and Colt. 45 pistol.
124. The buildings, playing fields, 75 monuments, benches, even trees honor Naval heroes and distinguished classes of midshipmen.
125. I can not think of any United States naval officer whom I would sooner have in his place in those near-impossible circumstances.
126. Prueher, 53, is vice chief of naval operations, the second highest post in the Navy.
127. The President ordered his carriage and went to the Navy Yard to see what might be the views of the naval officers.
128. There is no longer a naval tradition among yachtsmen, nor any hankering after playing naval sailors.
129. This was extended to officers who were allowed to authorize payments from source direct to naval tailors for their uniforms.
130. I shall address the second point: whether we could deploy naval units in that form of action.
131. In support of the build-up of beachheads, naval ships, directed by observers ashore with assault forces, fired on shore targets.
132. His orders were to protect the port from naval attack.
133. The harbor of the naval base seethed with tremendous activity.
134. The research will examine the extent to which reductions in naval strengths can become part of the wider negotiated arms control process.
135. The Sea Cadets had a summer camp in the naval base at Aultbea with good facilities.
136. The deadlock was broken by the New Zealand government which offered the use of two of its naval vessels.
137. At Bremen; he wanted to be a naval architect in those days.
138. Some oil rigs, as well as supertankers and naval ships, are constructed and much ship-repair work is done.
139. Then I went over to the vice-president's mansion and played tennis at the naval observatory in Washington a bunch of times.
140. It was their claim to simple humanity. Aboard a ship naval ranking was the status system which over-rode all others.
141. Alarm bells have begun ringing in ship wardrooms and naval headquarters on both coasts.
142. It was 6.15 a.m. in Washington, and he was still at his residence at the Naval Observatory.
143. Reductions would affect especially artillery and anti-tank weapons, while procurement of naval vessels would be slowed.
144. On arrival at Sheerness naval barracks Binding was told to train them himself.
145. These were marshalled into their landing sequence before the run inshore while a bombardment by naval and air forces covered the approach.
146. Treasure Island Naval Station is set to convert to civilian use when the Navy pulls out in 1997.
147. He was wearing a pyjama jacket and a white naval jersey.
147. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
148. She is pursued by Mr Lillyvick, whom she marries, but soon deserts him for a retired naval captain.
149. The prince was resplendent in his white naval uniform with braid on the visor of his cap.
150. The manoeuvres would involve several hundred soldiers, plus helicopters and naval support ships.
151. Frank Kelso, then Chief of Naval Operations, were at the convention.
152. Veronica Froman, who oversees all the naval installations in the two states, including the five naval bases in San Diego.
153. Instead, the Navy would man and run the ships, and the Naval Security Group would conduct the intercept operations.
154. And, recently, Aberdeen drill sergeants and Naval Academy midshipmen have been among its most celebrated inmates.
155. Parliament drew Nehemiah into naval service in 1650 and John soon followed.
156. The local primary school nearest the naval base, Barne Barton, has an annual nuclear emergency drill.
157. Earl, a classmate of North's from the Naval Academy, was privy to quite a lot, including the diversion.
158. Chauvin, a widow with three children, worked 30 years as a shipping clerk at the Oakland Naval Supply Center.
159. One successful bidder was Midvale Steel; soon naval inspectors, extended every courtesy, had the run of the Midvale shops.
160. In 1920, embarrassingly soon after becoming naval aide-de-camp to George V, Sinclair was divorced.
161. A prime example is Duval, a north Florida county that hosts thousands of naval aviators.
162. Approval will be given for spare parts for ships, naval helicopters and naval planes.
163. The recreations of naval battles are unsentimental, thrilling and scrupulous in their reality.
164. A number of engraved portraits of Norfolk-born naval heros are included in the exhibition.
165. In thirty minutes he substantially re-established his parliamentary position and announced a 200-mile naval exclusion zone around the Falklands.
166. They were beaten by the vastly superior naval power of the enemy.
167. Peter the Great decreed it should be a naval base.
168. This was disturbing news to the South, whose naval capabilities were modest.
169. The only way to end piracy is to set up a system of coordinated action by naval police.
170. It might have been naval guns, or mines, or bombs, or even thunder.
171. Syncronys' board will vote Feb. 29 on selling the naval ship computer design program maker for $ 440, 000.
172. Mr. Michael J. Martin Naval construction work of this type will obviously lead to work for subcontractors.
173. The Naval Air Corps was then in its infancy and sorely needed a strong leader and champion.
174. Until last summer, each naval station was a separate facility reporting to one of three admirals.
175. Additional soldiers were sent to bolster the defenses at two naval bases.
176. They'd piled him in with the dead, and it was only later a naval ensign noticed him twitching.
177. The Flydaway was invented by Commander Francis Perrott, a retired naval engineer.
177. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
178. What I take exception to is the manner in which we are presently carrying out our naval preparations.
179. Conventional naval armament based on surface strength has become largely ornamental.
180. They would, of course, be modified from normal naval requirements to suit our purposes.
181. They planned a surprise, early-morning raid on the naval base.
182. Tell that to Huseyin Ertan, a retired naval officer who is the Bosporus's chief traffic cop.
183. McCain graduated from the US Naval Academy in 1958.
184. The senior captain of a naval merchant fleet.
185. The naval gun equilibrator is of new type, which is deferent from the others. The equilibrator has many functions so that a new way is seeked to improve gun's overall performances.
186. The US success in Indonesia was a more important foreign policy victory, with control of the strategic naval chokepoint the Straits of Malacca at stake, than its subsequent failure in Indochina.
187. In March, the U.S. complained of the harassment of an unarmed naval vessel that was in international waters, but within China's exclusive economic zone.
188. The problem to forecast integrated sonar self-noise of sailing naval vessels was researched.
189. On promotion to the Flag Rank on September1, 2009, he took over as Chief of Staff of the Southern Naval Command.
190. Naval equipment? There must be many naval vessels here, right?
191. During the Second World War Turing worked at Bletchley Park, Britain’s code-breaking centre, and was for a time head of Hut 8, the section responsible for German naval cryptanalysis.
192. The main economic staples grown in the vicinity of New Orleans were tobacco and indigo for export and rice and vegetables for local consumption. Naval stores were also exported.
193. Puget Sound Naval Shipyard was originally established in 1891 as a Naval Station and was designated Navy Yard Puget Sound in 1901.
194. The United States Naval Academy and United States Military Academy had the highest yields: 85.5 percent and 77.0 percent, respectively.
195. Base on this model, the influence of coupling of gun and bomb to the muzzle velocity and the bombs action to guns recoil were researched on a certain naval gun firing.
196. Prediction and depression of vibration and noise radiation of submarine is a key problem in naval engineering.
197. To the south there lies a great arc of air and naval bases, one sector of which is threatened at the Solomons.
198. The trick, of course, was to build a boat far tougher than the Jeannette, and in 1891 Nansen hired a brilliant Norwegian naval architect of Scottish descent named Colin Archer to do just that.
199. The footage has now been posted on the U.S. military's Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Space Science Division.
200. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, Dahlgren, Va., is the contracting activity.
201. Saab is upgrading the vessels' combat and fire control systems to 9LV Mk4, the fourth generation naval command and control system.
202. Matthew Collins is a graduate of the US Naval Academy and spent 10 years as a Marine officer. He never received a bonus, of any sort.
203. In the naval sector Oto Melara hopes to win a contract for the supply of its naval guns, while Wass is a finalist for a contract concerning the delivery of 100 heavy torpedoes.
204. The 78-foot NISI from Tricon Marine, based in Zhuhai, China, was designed by the U.S. naval architect Ward Setzer.
205. In the official Scientology literature, it is claimed that Hubbard was assigned by naval intelligence to infiltrate Parsons's occult group.
206. On Friday, I traveled to Annapolis, where I spoke at the Commencement of the United States Naval Academy.
207. The unnamed author says al-Qaida will use the information to target American vessels, including aircraft carriers, submarines, and all naval equipment deployed in the region.
207. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
208. A new software for multibody system simulation aiming at some naval gun tests is introduced in this thesis.
209. Originally an architect, he is an outstanding draughtsman and in only a few years' time became the first specialist in 17th and 18th century naval architecture.
210. The spectacle of the former naval officers washing their dirty linen in public was distinctly embarrassing.
211. Second, by means of wavelet multi-resolution analysis, separating modulating signal from radiated noise of naval ships has been simulated and realized with moderate and low signal-to-noise rate.
212. Naval Aeronautical Engineering Academy, the Navy is why training missiles, aeronautical engineering and technical cadres based integrated engineering and technical institutions.
213. Vietnam is also buying six Kilo-class submarines from Russia to help expand its reach in the South China Sea and also help counteract China's growing naval power.
214. In a few short months, and the rapid reconstruction of the naval first Punic defeat.
215. Born in east London, Henry Allingham joined the armed forces in 1915 and served on the western front and at the great naval battle with Germany at Jutland in 1916. Nicolas Walton reports.
216. The Queen and Prince Charles led tributes to the founder member of the Royal Air Force, who was also involved in the greatest naval clash of the first world war, the Battle of Jutland.
217. The Naval Research Laboratory's telescope is known as Dark Ages Lunar Interferometer, or DALI.
218. Naval Surface Warfare Center Dam Neck, a field activity of Naval Sea Systems Command, arms warfighters with capabilities by delivering force-level integrated and interoperable engineering solutions.
219. In the early fall Admire Ramsay was relieved by the British Chief of Staff as the naval commander of the expedition.
220. Deer-skins and naval stores were exported from the Carolinas, and iron in quantity was shipped from the Chesapeake region.
221. The last part was purposely left blank because we do not share the top notch naval engineering firms and talent know how as trade confidentiality.
222. Three structure tests on bulbous bow of naval ships were conducted:static compressive test, heavy drop test and explosion test.
223. Objective To explore the nursing procedure and responsibilities suitable to the operating room on ship in naval hospital ship.
224. Lapan says the planning is focused mainly on naval and air forces, and that so far no orders have been received to launch any type of military mission in or around Libya.
225. French involvement proved decisive, with a French naval victory in the Chesapeake leading at Yorktown in 1781 to the surrender of a second British army.
226. Moreover, the frustration of naval limitation did not bring with it an immediate turn to unlimited rearmament.
227. Each plebe candidate is given a copy of the Reef Points, a small blue book with the rules, regulations, and mores of the Navy and the Naval Academy.
228. The most imaginative autonomous Unmanned Undersea Vehicles known as MANTA are developed by the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC).
229. As be known, it is the base work for sonar designer to study beam pattern, and also make very important actions in naval tactics.
230. Unfortunately for the U-boat force, as with all other naval officers at that time, the German Naval High Command believed vehemently in the unsinkable battleship.
231. The interdiction of a nation's lines of communication at sea by the use of naval power.
232. The Naval Sea Systems Command's Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) made the award under the SeaPort Enhanced contract vehicle.
233. We are an Italian company of naval Engineering, we do design the structure of big ships (like cruise ships).
234. Tuesday's negotiations are scheduled at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis , Maryland.
235. Some examples of application of bus system in naval ships and offshore projects are illustrated.
236. Like Britain, Japan has a military posture with a strong maritime balance, one in which naval forces provide the operational flexibility to deter, defend and intervene in the region and beyond.
237. Somali pirates hijacked the St Vincent and Grenadines-flagged sugar cargo vessel and its crew of 24 Thursday in the Gulf of Aden, the European Union naval force said.
238. Several naval vessels including those from the United States and Britain are in the Andaman Sea with emergency assistance on board.
239. In another naval development, fenestrated rudders were common on Chinese ships by the 13th century which were not introduced to the west until 1901.
240. IDA assigns sailors in the US navy to new jobs when they finish a tour of duty and has to juggle naval policies, job requirements, changing costs and sailors' needs.
241. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, Dahlgren, Va. is the contracting authority (Contract Number N00178-08-D-5394).
242. The naval battle new doctrine ", "the battle of nuclear submarine torpedo doctrine, make the navy regulations preliminary supporting.
243. Gone was the era of gunboat diplomacy, gone the treaty port concessions, gone the specially conceded naval bases, the military missions, the ill-disguised interference in Chinese affairs.
244. According to the plan, this Europe Naval force is composed of an aircraft carrier combat team, is hanging the European Union flag.
245. The future naval battle will be turned to "Network Centric Warfare" from "Platform Centric Warfare", the change calls for the new requirements of Combat Command System of Naval ship's fleets.
246. At the Pentagon, however, senior naval officials appear smugly confident that the Chinese would turn tail once the U. S. carriers show up like the cavalry.
247. Imagine if a Chinese naval battle group sailed off New York's Long Island, into the Florida Strait off Cuba, or in the Gulf of Mexico?
248. Lockheed Martin was selected by the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center in Charleston, S.C., to perform network security engineering, certification, and test and evaluation support.
249. And then the percentage of the esculent part of naval orange is estimated with Neural Network whose input variables are two surface areas and weight of navel orange.
250. This course is an introduction to principles of naval architecture, ship geometry, hydrostatics, calculation and drawing of curves of form.
251. The fatigue life and cumulative damage of ammunition feeding spring in automatic naval gun of medium calibre have been analysed.
252. Three weeks later, on 17 August, a Russian naval frigate found and intercepted the boat some 300 miles off the Cape Verde Islands.
253. Hugh White, a former Australian security and defence official, foresees the western Pacific becoming a "naval no-go zone".
254. In 1988, China and Vietnam fought a brief naval battle in the Spratlys.
255. The people who work at the Naval Observatory must also find time for another responsibility. They keep the Master Clock for the United States.
256. Somali pirates operating 700 nautical miles from shore captured a Chinese bulk carrier today in a raid highlighting their determination to outfox foreign naval patrols in the Indian Ocean.
257. Allingham joined the Royal Naval Air Service — precursor to the Royal Air Force — in 1915, and a year later took part in the Battle of Jutland, the war's largest naval battle.
258. Other states in the region were just as dependent on the trade with Pontus and were therefore prepared to contribute to the costs of Athenian naval operations.
259. The Israeli leader admitted that Pollard, a former U.S. naval intelligence analyst serving a life sentence for espionage, "was acting as an agent of the Israeli government."
260. The Griffon was originally developed for naval aircraft like this Fairey Firefly, the torque being intended to take the aircraft away from the superstructure on takeoff, rather than towards it.
261. Chinese naval honor guard. China's navy has grown more assertive in recent years, rattling the nerves of maritime neighbors.
262. Mine countermcasure ship is one of major naval ship types in every navy. Even in modern sea fight conditions, it still plays an important role.
263. The officials said the Chinese ships appeared to be a naval intelligence vessel, two smaller trawlers , a fisheries patrol boat and an official oceanographic ship.
264. Shown here Sea King MK 2B assigned to the Indian naval destroyer INS Mysore.
265. Mister Bursch is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy .
265. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
266. So the conclusion of quantity analysis is drawn :when target at sea is sinuously moved against gun fire of medium caliber naval gun with director, the deflection of shell impact point shou...
267. Anti-shock behavior of equipments on board the naval ship is a critical characteristic of the survivability.




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