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单词 Six
1. Six feet of earth makes all men equal. 
2. Six yards is commensurate with eighteen feet.
3. At six feet, he towers over his mother.
4. The meeting lasted from two o'clock to six.
5. I've set my alarm clock for six tomorrow.
6. We only had six days of rehearsal.
7. Please give me six pennies for this sixpence.
8. Doctors kept the baby alive for six weeks.
9. We waited till half past six for you.
10. She has six convictions for theft.
11. The department deferred the decision for six months.
12. The heating comes on at six in the morning.
13. We met at six, as arranged.
14. There are six people in all in my family.
14. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
15. The clock in the hall chimed six.
16. Six of us crammed into Rob's Mini.
17. I don't knock off until six.
18. I woke up at six this morning.
19. Six bodies were recovered from the wreck.
20. The magazine has just published its six thousandth edition.
21. The team consisted of six investigators and two secretaries.
22. Draw a circle six centimetres in diameter.
23. Four subtracted from ten equals six.
24. He's ridden six winners so far this year .
25. You've been absent six times according to our records.
26. With practice, you should become proficient within six months.
27. It was ten past six by the kitchen clock.
28. The committee is made up of six women.
29. We've got a German au pair for six months.
30. The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill a man six feet high. 
1. I've set my alarm clock for six tomorrow.
2. We only had six days of rehearsal.
3. Doctors kept the baby alive for six weeks.
4. The heating comes on at six in the morning.
5. We met at six, as arranged.
6. There are six people in all in my family.
7. I woke up at six this morning.
8. Draw a circle six centimetres in diameter.
9. He's ridden six winners so far this year .
10. You've been absent six times according to our records.
11. With practice, you should become proficient within six months.
12. It was ten past six by the kitchen clock.
13. The baby was six weeks premature.
14. The next six months will be the hardest.
14. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
15. All six men admitted conspiring to steal cars.
16. We won't reach Miami till five or six o'clock.
17. The first six months of marriage were sheer bliss.
18. The bullet missed her by about six inches.
19. It was almost six o'clock when he left.
20. He is six feet in height.
21. The trains run six times an hour.
22. He ploughed an acre in six hours.
23. I moved to this city six years ago.
24. She has six previous convictions for theft.
25. She only sees her parents once every six months.
26. The exam consists of six equally weighted questions.
27. France won by six goals to two against Denmark.
28. We'll start at six on Friday morning.
29. I looked towards the plane. Six passengers had already disembarked.
30. She studied eight foreign languages but is fluent in only six of them.
31. The baby was six weeks premature.
32. The next six months will be the hardest.
33. All six men admitted conspiring to steal cars.
34. We won't reach Miami till five or six o'clock.
35. The museum is just six blocks away.
36. The Edinburgh train will depart from platform six.
37. Ten take away four leaves six .
38. The first six months of marriage were sheer bliss.
39. Six passengers can be berthed on the lower deck.
40. I'm taking six subjects for GCSE.
41. The bullet missed her by about six inches.
42. It was almost six o'clock when he left.
43. He is six feet in height.
44. I usually rouse at six in the morning.
45. The trains run six times an hour.
46. He ploughed an acre in six hours.
47. I moved to this city six years ago.
48. Six whiskies made him unsteady on his feet.
49. She has six previous convictions for theft.
50. The room is six metres square.
51. The roof rests on six columns.
52. She only sees her parents once every six months.
53. Six ounces of cheese[sentencedict .com], please.
54. The varnish comes in six natural wood shades.
55. In Mid-Wales six inches of snow blocked roads.
56. It's ten minutes to/past six.
57. Angela studied ballet for six years.
58. The exam consists of six equally weighted questions.
59. Six months after Bud died, the house burned down.
60. France won by six goals to two against Denmark.
31. Families of six or seven are the norm in Borough Park.
32. They finished the year six places above their local rivals.
33. More than six million youngsters tune in to Blockbusters every day.
34. I began the book six months ago, but I can't seem to finish it.
35. I can't look after six children at my age - it's too much.
36. The voyage from England to India used to take six months.
37. He's been out of a job for six months now.
38. There are six glasses of wine in one bottle, which averages out to 50p a glass.
39. The patient has been in remission for the past six months.
40. I don't want to boast, but I can actually speak six languages.
41. Their album has occupied the Number One slot for the past six weeks.
42. The report is based on figures from six different European cities.
43. In some countries children don't start learning to read and write until they are six.
44. The turtle hibernates in a shallow burrow for six months of the year.
45. The interviewers have to draw up a shortlist of five or six people.
46. Five of the six provinces are to become autonomous regions in a new federal system of government.
47. Six theatre companies have been selected to take part in this year's festival.
48. The court heard that the six defendants had been coerced into making a confession.
49. It is six of one and half-a-dozen of the other.
50. Mr Lowe has just celebrated six months of wedded bliss to his sweetheart Ellen.
51. His mother's death when he was aged six had a very profound effect on him.
52. The company's sales figures for the first six months augur well for the rest of the year.
53. I'd like to make a reservation for eight people at six o'clock tonight.
54. Kids from six years old play mini rugby at the club.
55. The charity will be taking food and essential supplies to six refugee camps.
56. She's returning to Australia tomorrow after six months in Europe.
57. I worked with him over a span of six years.
58. Martin broke his leg playing football and has been on crutches for the past six weeks.
59. She's been trying to pass her driving test for six years and she's finally succeeded.
60. We did six or eight hours in the saddle every day.
61. We'll start at six on Friday morning.
62. Six months after he left, she was still pining.
63. He won his first race by six lengths at evens.
64. I looked towards the plane. Six passengers had already disembarked.
65. If the opposition party can hang together over the next six months, they might just stand a chance of being elected.
66. She studied eight foreign languages but is fluent in only six of them.
67. I will ensure that the car arrives by six o'clock.
68. There were six of us to begin with, then two people left.
69. The survivors were adrift on a raft for six days.
70. I asked my father to knock me up at six o'clock.
71. Families of six or seven are the norm in Borough Park.
72. We bought these six chairs, and they gave us the other one for nothing.
73. They finished the year six places above their local rivals.
74. She's been promising to pay back the money for six months,[http:///six.html] but I reckon she's just stringing me along.
75. More than six million youngsters tune in to Blockbusters every day.
76. The President-elect followed in an open carriage drawn by six beautiful gray horses.
77. I began the book six months ago, but I can't seem to finish it.
78. The motion was adopted/carried by a majority of six votes.
79. I can't look after six children at my age - it's too much.
80. The voyage from England to India used to take six months.
81. The average turnaround for a passport application is six working days.
82. A carpet six metres square has an area of 36 square metres.
83. It's been number one in the charts for six weeks.
84. They need an assistant who is willing to stay for six months.
85. He's been out of a job for six months now.
86. There are six glasses of wine in one bottle, which averages out to 50p a glass.
87. Cheney is everyone's image of a typical cop: a big white guy, six foot, 220 pounds.
88. Sure, she's only six, but she's old enough to know better than to run off without us.
89. The patient has been in remission for the past six months.
90. Six countries voted for the change, five voted against, and two abstained.
61. Look for a bus with a number six on the front of it.
62. Within an hour of the ship transmitting an SOS , six boats had arrived and started a rescue operation.
63. When I finished college I went travelling for six months .
64. Businessmen are trying to shake off habits learned under six decades of a protected economy.
65. Of the six people injured in the crash, only two survived.
66. McKinnon estimated the lateral movement of the bridge to be between four and six inches.
91. I spent six months as a visiting professor at Brown University.
92. I don't want to boast, but I can actually speak six languages.
93. Their album has occupied the Number One slot for the past six weeks.
94. The report is based on figures from six different European cities.
95. Of the six people in the plane that crashed, only one survived.
96. In some countries children don't start learning to read and write until they are six.
97. The turtle hibernates in a shallow burrow for six months of the year.
98. The new management team turned the ailing company around in under six months.
99. He first entered Britain on a six-month visa, and was given a further extension of six months.
100. We once got stuck in a blizzard for six hours.
101. The interviewers have to draw up a shortlist of five or six people.
102. Six prisoners are still at large along with four dangerous recidivists.
103. After several delays we finally took off at six o'clock.
104. My parents divorced when I was six, and I hardly knew my father.
104. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
105. It was six hours before the seamen were discovered missing.
106. After six years of fighting public opinion has turned against the war.
107. Five of the six provinces are to become autonomous regions in a new federal system of government.
108. Business flourished and within six months they were earning 18,000 roubles a day.
109. Six theatre companies have been selected to take part in this year's festival.
110. My phone number is six o four double two .
111. I was sent to boarding school, where I spent six years of unremitting misery.
112. The court heard that the six defendants had been coerced into making a confession.
113. If you've been asked for an interview you are probably on a short list of no more than six.
114. George worried along six months trying to support a large family.
115. The tree that was due to be cut down has been reprieved for six months.
116. It is six of one and half-a-dozen of the other.
117. Fred had been her constant companion for the last six years of her life.
118. Six years of total war had left no citizen untouched.
119. Within six weeks the bruising had gone, but it was six months before it all healed.
120. Mr Lowe has just celebrated six months of wedded bliss to his sweetheart Ellen.
121. Six journalists sought to challenge in court the legality of the ban on broadcasting.
122. His mother's death when he was aged six had a very profound effect on him.
123. He faces six charges of bringing the game into disrepute .
124. Six new members have been inducted into the Provincial Cabinet.
125. Current estimates suggest that supplies will run out within six months.
126. The company's sales figures for the first six months augur well for the rest of the year.
127. He was ill for six weeks and fell behind with his schoolwork.
128. I'd like to make a reservation for eight people at six o'clock tonight.
129. Kids from six years old play mini rugby at the club.
130. The charity will be taking food and essential supplies to six refugee camps.
131. It six of one and half a dozen of the other.
132. She's returning to Australia tomorrow after six months in Europe.
133. They had been together for five or six turbulent years of rows and reconciliations.
134. The team's woeful record consists of six defeats in seven matches.
135. I worked with him over a span of six years.
136. How am I expected to conjure up a meal for six of his friends with almost nothing in the fridge?
137. The new race track is nearly six miles in extent.
138. Martin broke his leg playing football and has been on crutches for the past six weeks.
139. Whenever two people meet, there are really six people present. There is each man as he sees himself, each man as the other person sees him[], and each man as he real.
140. The six principal roles in this opera have an average vocal range of two octaves.
141. She's been trying to pass her driving test for six years and she's finally succeeded.
142. Six candidates are currently vying for the Democratic presidential nomination.
143. The general issued a command that all of them should come at six o'clock.
144. The minister was obliged to report at least once every six months.
145. I learned to ride a bike when I was six.
146. You can't put a red five on a red six.
147. One Peking factory has had to scale down its workforce from six hundred to only six.
148. He's been in a coma for the past six weeks.
149. It'll be ready at six, give or take a few minutes.
150. We did six or eight hours in the saddle every day.
151. Mozart showed genius even at the age of six, when he began to compose minuets.
152. I hate to/I'm sorry to disillusion you, but pregnancy is not always wonderful - I was sick every day for six months.
153. Look for a bus with a number six on the front of it.
154. Within an hour of the ship transmitting an SOS , six boats had arrived and started a rescue operation.
155. We must be there by six, or else we'll miss the beginning.
156. It often takes five or six years of hard work to compile a good dictionary.
157. When Ted was six we decided that he needed to know how to fasten and unfasten his seat belt.
158. Each family is being given a cash handout of six thousand rupees.
159. When I finished college I went travelling for six months .
160. Businessmen are trying to shake off habits learned under six decades of a protected economy.
161. He diddled me! He said that there were six in a bag, but there were only five.
162. The meeting ended with a pledge to step up cooperation between the six states of the region.
163. Of the six people injured in the crash, only two survived.
164. The meeting lasted from two o'clock till six o' clock.
164. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
165. McKinnon estimated the lateral movement of the bridge to be between four and six inches.
166. New recruits undergo six weeks' basic training at this naval base.
167. It's a good six kilometres away from our university.
168. We've been separated for six months.
169. The dog was kept in quarantine for six months.
170. They have two children aged six and nine.
171. Six people were drowned; five died from electrocution.
172. He learned to speak English within six months!
173. The puppies grow quickly during the first six months.
174. Our caravan sleeps six in comfort.
175. He knocked back six pints of beer.
176. The medicine has a shelf life of six months.
177. You can take out six books at a time.
178. The railway line , due for closure, has been granted a six - month reprieve.
179. In 90 per cent of cases the patient will relapse within six months.
180. I'd jumped seventeen feet six in the long jump, which was a school record.
181. I sent my application about six weeks ago and they've just been sitting on it.
182. She has slogged her way through ballet classes since the age of six.
183. Well, I've seen six apartments so far. That's six down and four to go!
184. Clare is now a full-time author with six books, including four novels, under her belt.
185. I said I'd be home by six and it's already gone seven.
186. We've despair of him; he can't keep a job for more than six months.
187. The team had six professionals and made the number up with five amateurs.
188. Harrison had a glorious career spanning more than six decades.
189. The period between the decree nisi and the decree absolute was six weeks.
190. I was lumbered with carrying the books from the ground floor to the six floor.
191. I've been in this job for, oh, about six years.
192. By about six, they're cranking the music up loud again.
193. He undertook to pay the money back in six months.




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