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单词 Gallium
1. The increase in world demand for refined gallium, which has no naturally occurring ore, is reflected in the market.
2. The device is fabricated in Gallium Arsenide using electron beam lithography to define special side-gated channels.
3. The material is a semiconductor called gallium manganese arsenide.
4. Phosphonium salts of sulfonated gallium naphthalocyanines exemplify such dyes.
5. Gallium arsenide switches ten times faster than silicon All of a sudden,I've got a clock speed ten times faster with no change in design.
6. Gallium alloy, a new dental alloy for restoration will be used to replace dental amalgam.
7. Gallium triple point as a new fixed point has been researched widely in recent years.
8. Isoamyl butyrate was synthesized by using gallium sulfate supported on silica gel as the catalyst.
9. Gallium can alleviate the damage of osteocyte ultrastructure elicited by osteoporosis.
10. Conclusion Gallium can alleviate the damage of osteocyte ultrastructure elicited by osteoporosis.
11. Objective To investigate the influence of Gallium on osteocyte ultrastructure in osteoporosis.
12. Objective To study the catalytic activity of gallium sulfate in the synthesis of n-butyl propionate.
13. The coordination chemistry of gallium is a rapidly developing area of research in recent years.
14. As to metal halide torch with gallium iodide is special rise 403nm and 417nm wave crest, and the highest wave crest 417nm has conspicuousness and good effect to exposal Diazo material.
15. The density of optical interconnections can be much greater than even the most advanced silicon and gallium arsenide processes.
16. Examples of semiconducting materials include silicon, germanium, selenium and gallium arsenide.
17. On January 28, 2008 Global Solar Energy Inc. (CSE) claims to have achieved 10 percent efficiency for copper indium gallium diselenide on a flexible, lightweight substrate over several production runs.
17. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
18. The foundry's capabilities include monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) and other devices based on two compound semiconductor materials — gallium arsenide and gallium nitride.
19. They wanted to build a waveguide, a structure designed to send light in a particular direction, by drilling carefully spaced holes in a gallium arsenide crystal.
20. Many optical components are typically constructed using materials such as gallium arsenide and indium phosphide.
21. Global Solar uses a technology known as copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) to make its thin-film solar cells.
22. Hexanoic acid and n - pentanol reacted to form amyl hexanoate by using gallium sulphate as the catalyst.
23. Discovery Semiconductors Inc. in Ewing. N.J., is introducing four-element quad indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) photodiode arrays for 40- and 100-gigabit-per-second optical communications.
24. We studied the effects of different solvent, different temperature and different dosage of gallium triiodide.
25. This case demonstrated that the FDG-PET could detect more lesions of metastatic Ewing's sarcoma than bone and gallium scans, especially for those with bone marrow involvement.
26. Other companies, notably Heliovolt and Nanosolar, are in a race to make thin-film panels using copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) cells.
27. The materials used in today s lasers, such as gallium arsenide, are all tough fits, says Tremont Miao, a marketing director at Massachusetts-based Analog Devices Semiconductor.
28. In recent experiments*, the NIST-Stanford-Northwestern team made microdisk lasers by layering indium arsenide on top of gallium arsenide.
29. New base materials for integrated circuits, such as composite layers of gallium arsenide and gallium aluminum arsenide, may contribute to faster chips.
30. Current developments project that thin films made of cadmium telluride or copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGN) will be the least expensive materials for solar modules.
31. Moreover, gallium arsenide is much more expensive than silicon in the first place.
32. Gallium arsenide cells of laboratory efficiency up to 21 %, 18 % up to mass production.
33. The crystal layer on early LEDs was gallium arsenide or gallium phosphide, which lent that reddish color.
34. However, increasing operating frequencies and bandwidths will open the doors for compound semiconductor technologies such as gallium arsenide and gallium nitride.
35. The modified meerschaum was first used to recover gallium from acid lixivium of zinc residues and the experimental results were satisfactory.
36. Jelenski, A . " Gallium Nitride - New Material for Microwave and Optoelectronics . "
37. Gallium and arsenic can be removed as halide by volatilization.
38. Objective To study the sealing ability of Gallium Alloy as a root end filling material.
39. This was really exciting because the low - loss region is right at the gallium - arsenide laser emission band.
40. Investigation on the growth and laser properties of gadolinium gallium garnet crystal doped with Nd and Cr is reported.
41. Abdominal adenopathy is usually rated by computerized abdominal tomography, gallium scanning, ultrasonography, or lymphangiography.
42. Results Gallium chloride could increase the bone density of mandibula, widen the average width of the bone trabecular, and decrease the ration of the bone trabecular contents.
43. Gallium is solid at room temperature but will melt if held in your hand, caesium (Cs), and francium (Fr) ?the second rarest naturally occurring element, can also be liquid at or near room temperature.
44. Computer simulations on the so called indium gallium mystery show a new way for increasing the efficiency of CIGS thin-film solar cells.
45. Arsenic containing wastewater from gallium arsenide production was treated by coagulation process using self made polyferric metasilicate .
46. The subject of the invention is to raise the two-dimensional electron density and electron mobility of high electron mobility transistor of gallium nitride without generating short channelling effect.
47. Gallium can alleviate the damage of lamellar structure elicited by osteoporosis.
47. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
48. Indium, boron and gallium are used in making solar cells.
49. Under mild ambient conditions gallium phosphide nanoparticles were employed to carry out the reduction of nitrogen.
50. Exceptionally high temperatures, up to 1050 ℃ can be measured with gallium thermometers.
51. The development of research on gallium labeled cyclic polyamines polycarboxylic acids complexes as potential radiopharmaceuticals are introduced in the review.
52. Gallium arsenide, silicon, and germanium are all examples of semiconductors, the type of material used in virtually all modern electronics.
53. Construction is a combination of workmanship and choice of materials. Take this computer, if I pull the silicon out, I replace it with gallium arsenide, leave everything else the same.
54. Some common intrinsic semiconductors are single crystals of silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenide.
55. To investigate the effect of gallium on the bone lamellar structure of osteoporosis.
56. A great deal of wastewater was produced in the manufacturing of gallium arsenide wafers, and the main contamination was gallium arsenide particles in suspension.
57. Acceptor - An element, such as boron, indium, and gallium used to create a free hole in a semiconductor.
58. Watson Research Center, where he researched bubble memory, which records data by magnetizing small circles on gadolinium gallium garnet.
59. The Yellow source color devices are made with Gallium Arsenide Phosphide on Gallium Phosphide Yellow Light Emitting Diode.
60. In the isolated state gallium salt and organic compounds are non-conductive but Hla and his colleagues have evidence that these two substances formed by the metal lines are superconducting properties.
61. Extraction of Gallium from high concentration HCl solution using organic phases which composes of TBP and butyl acetic ester, xylene, petroleum ether and kerosene, respectively, are investigated.
62. Objective To evaluate Gallium - 67 scanning in differentiation of malignant and benign tumor in oral maxillofacial region.
63. It is concluded that evaporated gallium chloride can be easily enriched in the water of trap.
64. The absorption edge value from the transmittance spectrum is estimated at 1.242eV, and the band gap of bulk gallium antimonide is about 0.72eV.
65. Using more efficient semiconductors, such as gallium arsenide, which is currently too expensive for anyone except NASA, is another.
66. In the experiments we for the first time used gallium triiodide as a catalyzer in organic reaction and obtained a good effect.
67. Results Gallium chloride could increase the bone density of mandibula , widen the average width of the bone trabecular, and decrease the ration of the bone trabecular ...
68. A new method, three stage carbonization process, to reclaim gallium from alumna production is introduced.
69. Scientists have also developed a promising hybrid approach to producing a silicon-based laser that relies on adding a piece of gallium arsenide or indium phosphide to the top of a silicon substrate.
70. Two Ga - substituted saponites with different amount of gallium were synthesized by hydrothermal method.
71. Gallium in hot metal is removed by chlorination treatment using iron chloride as chlorination agents.
72. Thus gallium triiodide will has a preferable development and application. The application of trimethylchlorosilane in protecting amido was also discussed.
73. The sedimentary water medium with higher salinity, alkalinity and deoxidizing degree could be propitious to the relative accumulation of the gallium.
74. Acceptor - An element, such as boron, indium, and gallium used to create free hole in a semiconductor.
75. The upper bands (or buckets) in good lasing materials such as gallium arsenide are narrow and have steep sides, so they tend to hold relatively few electrons.
76. Each panel contains small lenses that concentrate sunlight by 400 times onto strips containing gallium arsenide photovoltaic cells.
77. The minerogenetic series of the Benxi Formation mainly includes G-bed bauxite, followed by Shanxi -type iron ores, stiff fireclay, soft fireclay, and associated gallium elements.
78. Scientists at the University of Michigan and the Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the University of Maryland employed a gallium arsenide semiconductor structure for their quantum chip.sentence dictionary
79. October 6, 2008...Strategy Analytics has released its latest predictions about the gallium arsenide bulk substrate market.
80. Each panel contains small lenses that concentrate sunlight by 400 times onto strips containing gallium arsenide photovoltaic cells. Dual-axis trackers follow the sun's trajectory.
81. The elemental form is used to form alloys of metals (especially lead), and certain semiconductors are made from crystals of gallium arsenide (GaAs).
82. The adhesion of plaque on dental restorative between gallium alloy and amalgarn alloy were compared.
83. Methods The effects of amount of gallium sulfate, molar ratio of alcohol to acid, reaction time and repeated times of catalyst on the yield of n-butyl propionate were investigated.
84. The average composition for our sample is different in some ways from the CI chondrite meteorites: namely we found more zinc, gallium, and copper, and less sulfur.
85. Zinc kiln slag contained some valuable and recoverable metals, such as silver, gold, gallium, germanium, etc.
86. Production of such nanoscale wires need to be a kind of organic molecules and gallium salt mixture placed in a super-clean silver foil.
87. It was discovered that the gallium is more than marginal grade in content and enriched in lower coal seam and floor, and occurs mainly in diaspore.




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