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单词 European nation
1 Most western European nations are signatories to/of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
2 European nations can live together in a spirit of mutual trust.
3 This happened in the European nation of Hungary.
4 Spain was truly a European nation.
5 Not a single major European nation is immune.
6 France is a European nation.
7 The European nation was not expecting to lose the war[], let alone anticipate being burdened with payments that would reach into the next century.
8 Only China exports more than the European nation, and the latest monthly figure for German exports was much higher than market expectations.
9 The tiny European nation of San Marino boasts the longest average life span for men, with 81 years.
10 Iceland becomes the second European nation -- after Belgium -- to lose its government in the global economic crisis.
11 His model for comparison is Latvia, an Eastern European nation struggling mightily to reduce its fiscal deficit and keep its currency pegged to the euro in the hope of soon joining the currency union.
12 Spaniards were the fifth European nation to throw out their leaders because of the spreading euro zone crisis, following Greece, Portugal,[] Ireland and Italy.
13 As the closest European nation to Libya, as well as to Tunisia and Egypt, Italy's economic well-being depends heavily on having a good relationship with North Africa.
14 Communists took control of one eastern European nation after another.
15 Since the competition began in Lugano, Switzerland, in 1956, each participating European nation has put forward a singer or group to perform a specially written song.
16 The public has continually rejected austerity measures, making leaving the euro more likely than ever for the southern European nation.
17 The ship was towed in open waters for several days because no European nation would permit it in their port.
18 After World War Two, Americans watched as one eastern European nation after another became an ally of the Soviet Union.
19 LONDON, Nov. 11 (UPI) -- A consulting group concludes Britain has the worst shoplifting problem of any European nation.
20 Strauss-Kahn said he agreed with Poland that the eastern European nation isn't in need of assistance from the fund now, but may require financial aid in the future.
21 But that's a much harder thing to do now than it was when each European nation had its own currency.




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