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单词 Segregation
1. Many school boards found segregation a hot potato in the early 1960 s.
2. We oppose segregation on religious grounds.
3. Partitions provided a segregation between the smoking and non - smoking areas of the canteen.
4. The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that racial segregation in schools was unconstitutional.
5. The system of racial segregation that used to exist in South Africa was called apartheid.
6. The courts struck down local segregation laws because they violated the federal constitution.
7. In a unanimous decision, it outlawed segregation altogether.
8. Hooliganism and segregation were mutually reinforcing.
9. In effect, it officially condoned segregation.
10. Segregation of white and colored children in public schools has a detrimental effect upon the colored children.
11. Horizontal segregation: This is the separation of women into different occupations from men.
12. The segregation of departments according to media, rather than along historical periods, has always been a hallmark of the Louvre.
13. The segregation of school pupils who have disabilities or learning difficulties poses this question immediately.
14. Segregation on the basis of race is a denial of equal protection in violation of the Constitution. 38a.
15. Further gravitational segregation of the iron core means that denser material moves inwards displacing less dense material outwards.
16. Legal racial segregation has been outlawed; blacks have the vote; votes are pretty much equal in value.
17. Segregation and control units have been used for difficult prisoners, especially in women's prisons.
18. Racial segregation was outlawed by the Supreme Court in 1954.
19. They have lobbied hard for complete segregation on tunnel trains, similar to the operation of cross-Channel ferries.
20. The segregation becomes more marked, the more detailed the level of investigation.
21. This is because segregation within any given workplace is more severe than that shown by national statistics covering all workplaces.
22. Cara recognized it as typical West Riding segregation, the men together, the women likewise.
23. Federal law on segregation had been changed in 1960; the news had yet to penetrate below the Mason-Dixon line.
24. In the 1960s(/segregation.html), King and others used civil disobedience to fight institutional segregation in the South.
25. Peres now has endorsed a plan favored by his assassinated predecessor, Yitzhak Rabin, that calls for strict segregation.
26. In 1961, the New Abolitionists focused their attention on segregation in interstate transportation, particularly on passenger buses.
27. They also concluded that genetic factors alone, without environmental interactions, could account for this segregation.
28. Warders in riot gear stormed the room after four hours and marched the 12 protesters to a segregation block.
29. He deftly explains how many seemingly pleasant private decisions lead to distinctly unpleasant public results, such as increased economic segregation.
30. As gangs of home supporters confronted rival travelling groups, the internal segregation of the ground by age was intensified.
1. Many school boards found segregation a hot potato in the early 1960 s.
2. Partitions provided a segregation between the smoking and non - smoking areas of the canteen.
31. A Negro dies of heart failure, they blame it on racial segregation.
32. In fact, many public schools are funded by property taxes, making direct the connection between residential and education segregation.
33. Legal segregation may be gone, but the idea of segregation survives, as middle class black families shun white areas, preferring to live in suburbs of their own.
34. Financial segregation: Items of account must be kept strictly identifiable with the user department.
35. Across the country, parents and civil rights groups have unearthed varying degrees of segregation within integrated districts.
36. Assuming genetic influences, the mode of inheritance can be investigated by segregation analysis of pedigree data.
37. The need for a policy of segregation was questionable even at the time that the legislation was enacted.
38. This was not an inaccurate perception as the walls of segregation began to crumble after the war.
39. One important cause of residential segregation is competition for access to preferred forms of housing.
40. The school gave Daley his first glimpse of institutional segregation.
41. None the less other work has confirmed Pahl's view that inmigration would lead to social segregation.
42. Proposals to scatter public housing, thus breaking the segregation pattern, were killed by City Hall.
43. In the South, the de jure segregation of the past has been readily admitted, and even lauded, by segregationists.
44. The success of the system depends essentially on the segregation of waste paper for separate collection.
45. It is the segregation of employment by gender which gives the best clues as to why women generally earn less than men.
46. Civil rights protestors called for an end to all segregation.
47. The US Supreme Court ruled in 1954 that segregation in schools was unconstitutional.
48. Racial segregation in schools still exists in some southern states.
49. When a segregation distorter arises by mutation, it will spread inexorably through the population at the expense of its allele.
50. This pattern of segregation is sometimes characterized as that of a dual labour market.
51. To explore the mode of inheritance further we performed a complex segregation analysis.
52. A child can not comprehend the subtle difference between illegal segregation in the South and racial imbalance in the North.
53. Even more important,(http:///segregation.html) the pace of disengagement among whites has been uncorrelated with racial intolerance or support for segregation.
54. As we have said, there is little evidence for this, as professional families manifest considerable segregation of domestic tasks.
55. Mrs Nkabule has lived her 32 years on the front line of brutal racial and economic segregation.
56. Ending legal segregation has not been enough to end segregation itself.
57. There is a process of segregation which can rebound on the marriage.
58. The civilian crew of the Kora Sea observed strict social segregation, so Hicks and Gaylord played in nearly total silence.
59. Is there a cut-off point beyond which some segregation is necessary?
60. The school desegregation crisis persisted after Little Rock, as southern states searched for ways to maintain de jure segregation.
61. It remains to this day one of the most potent monuments to racial segregation.
62. Specialist, separate services for dementia sufferers v Negative segregation, that is, the refusal to accept dementing people into a service.
63. We believe that we do not have segregation in Chicago.
64. Even in federal jobs and office buildings in Washington where black employees had once worked freely with whites, segregation was reestablished.
65. The alternative is a reinforcement of existing job segregation and a poor quality of future employment for both women and men.
66. The very phrase implies exclusion, segregation, a particular approach to learning and teaching.
67. As segregation and violence became commonplace, the national government expressed no willingness to enforce a new racial order.
68. Someday we shall overcome racial segregation .
69. Required for normal segregation in mitosis and meiosis.
70. Fasciated soybean of China was a segregation population.
71. Segregation was most evident in the south.
72. One, segregation nurses patient ingoing single room, decline visit.
73. Must open original trash hole and country rock segregation.
74. The criminal faced segregation for unfixed periods.
75. He began to dismantle segregation within the armed forces.
76. A segregation in India was, and often remains, extreme.
77. Segregation has always blocked equal access to education.
78. They refused to sanction segregation.
79. There is growing recognition that we should abolish segregation.
80. These contaminant basically come from at the candle, sizy , fuel, segregation board, plastic wait for material with insecticide.
81. Our model explains why segregation mainly occurs at particular levels and produces distinctive magmas.
82. The grain boundary segregation becomes more severe when the cooling speed is increased.
83. Methods The families of 87 probands with schizophreniform psychosis were studied by segregation analysis and polygenic threshold theory. Results The segregative rate was 0 2024.
84. In this paper, the mechanism of coke size segregation in the radial direction of pre-chamber in CDQ shaft was investigated by experiment and numerical analysis.
85. A superstrong segregation regime theory model for core - corona micelles and core - shell - corona micelles is developed.
86. Central shrinkage porosity and segregation are main defects of high - carbon steel billets.
87. For example, the average black person lives in a neighborhood that is 45 percent black. Without segregation, his neighborhood would be only 13 percent black.
88. In the days of racial segregation, or apartheid, black school children were not allowed to study music or creative subjects.
89. The processes include biodegradation and water washing, bacterial sulfate reduction, deasphalting by gas influx, thermochemical sulfate reduction, gravity segregation, and thermal maturation.
90. The necessity of setting the bias current and segregation resistances in every element of bipolar silicon photo-negative resistance phototransistor array is studied and analysed.
91. The results indicate that diffusion annealing can eliminate banded structure, but not remove phosphoric segregation.
92. The use of the four wire method and the photoelectric segregation technology raises the test precision and disturbance resistibility .
93. In addition, the paper also measured occupational sex segregation of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region through the data that comes from the Inner Mongolia Statistical Yearbooks and surveys.
94. In the present paper, the first experiments that restrained segregation of the casting of high leaded bronze by means of modificator consisted of lithium chloride or strontium chloride is reported.
95. Urban Spatiality, (fear of ) Crime, and Segregation in Cape Town, South Africa." London School of Economics and Political Science, (2001): 3 - 32.
96. As the lead author, Diane Halpern, told reporters, "Advocates for single-sex education don't like the parallel with racial segregation, but the parallels are there."
97. Well within living memory racial segregation was a brutal fact of life in the South.
98. Mapping for bentazon susceptible lethality(BSL)gene in rice cultivar Nonglin 8m was carried out with simple sequence repeat(SSR)markers by bulked segregation analysis(BSA).
99. Practice proves that it can largely decrease re-grading occurrence during rolled ship plate rupture tensile test by improving central segregation of slab.
100. There is evidence, however, that sex segregation increases gender divisions among children.
101. In the days of the racial segregation, or a partyapartheid, black school children were not allowed to study music or creative subjects.
102. Peasant workers are vulnerable groups for the segregation from occupation and the policy and system mismatching .
103. The reason causing bottom-shrinkage is that gravitational segregation results in unusual composition undercooling, the method to eliminate or ease bottom-shrinkage is given.
104. Comparing with the reported segregation index of other mixing devices, a Higee system is a promising alternative as far as micromixing efficiency is concerned.
105. The historic nature of Mr. Obama's rise to the nation's highest elective office is not lost on African-American Melba Clarke of Mississippi, who experienced racial segregation in her youth.
106. King, a minister from Atlanta, Georgia, led hundreds of thousands of African Americans in a cause to end legalized racial segregation in the southern United States.
107. This new cell has lots of advantage-high segregation precision, fast flotation speed, small air bubble diameter(), foolproof structure and easy operation.
108. Therefore, pollen morphology has taxonomic significance for the generic segregation of Piperaceae.
109. Hospital pens are not recommended for routine segregation of sick birds.
110. Slavery was abolished at the price of a great national trauma, only to be replaced by a system of segregation called Jim Crow.
111. While the queue manager can fulfill multiple roles, the segregation of responsibility should occur at the queue level, preferably with a function identifier in the queue name.
112. The danger with liberals, he says, is that they would likely choose to set the Authority, Ingroup, and Purity levels to zero, because they associate these values with racism and segregation.
113. There are no "heterosexuals only" Woolworth counters where gays and lesbians can protest segregation; even Woolworth itself is long gone from the U.S.
114. The common step and announcements of segregation analysis biosystem compound were introduced.
115. The effects of foundry variables and refiners on dendrite structures, micro segregation,() inclusion and microporosity of cast superalloy K4169 have been studied.
116. On a long flight, his doodles with noughts and crosses convinced him that the extreme racial segregation often seen in modern cities could arise without extreme racial prejudice.
117. Effect of cerium on solidification segregation of RE in Hastelloy C 4 alloy has been investigated.
118. In the meantime, want to do good precaution work, be like strict bedside aseptic manipulation and segregation, notice the cleanness of oral cavity, skin, pudenda , help patient turns over more.
119. Such changes influence the dendrite structure of matrix, precipitation, solute segregation, interface reactivity, solidification defects etc.
120. The injustice in the city led Dr King to organize non-violent demonstrations aimed at ending segregation.
121. And having a few base oil still is dog-cheap , but oil of essence of life cannot be used with days, unless you are used sufficient prevent bask in segregation product.
122. In hybrids the two chimpanzee chromosomes can be expected to undergo independent segregation.
123. In the former case, the solute segregation in dendritical austenite more severe, and there were lumps of distortion inclusion.
124. The center segregation and porosity and the shrinkage cavity are obviously improved, when the stirring electric current rises from 100 A to 300 A.
125. The civil rights legislation in the 1960s ended legalized racial segregation.
126. The results show that main cause of conchoidal fracture forming is that composition segregation in solidification grain boundary of casting steel reduces the resistance of crack propagation.
127. This kind of hierarchical directory structure enhances mutual monitoring, segregation of duties can effectively and efficiently contribute ample benefits to the project management.
128. are, by reason of the segregation complained of, deprived of the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment.
129. The classification of segregation level due to the effect of aggregate segregation brings to the quality of the pavement was researched, proposed the classification level of gradational segregation.
130. To raise the silicon content makes the dendritic segregation very clear and promotes the uphill diffusion of phosphorous at elevated temperature.
131. The loss of one species'chromosomes from a hybrid in this way results in chromosomes segregation.
132. Soon the Interstate Commerce Commission announced rules banning racial segregation at all public transportation centers.
133. Think of the civil-rights heroes and foot soldiers who marched, protested and risked their lives to bring about the end to segregation and Jim Crow.
134. Microporosity has no apparent change and extent of elements segregation slightly decreases.
135. Segregation variable method is a routine procedure applied to boundary value in electrostatic field.
136. It won decisions in the Supreme Court saying that the practice of public-interest law is a constitutional right and brought an end to racial segregation.
137. The third variation type is called saltatory variation type, which is formed from the liquid segregation mainly with immiscibility.
138. Based on the brief description of the principle and phenomenon of CO 2 breakthrough and gravity segregation, this paper investigates the technology abroad.
139. The results show that the main reason of grinding crack is band segregation of carbide.
140. To use the words of Martin Buber, the great Jewish philosopher, segregation substitutes an "I-it" relationship for the "I-thou" relationship, and ends up relegating persons to the status of things.
141. A group of centrifugal pouring process parameters has also been provided, by which we can greatly abate the specific gravity segregation.
142. It can be fit on empty bracket, as a lift of heavy equipment, it can be installed in the aerogenerator segregation.
143. The inheritance of the halothane gene was shown to be in agreement with Mendel's law of segregation.
143. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
144. Method:75 genealogy with panic disorder were studied by segregation analysis and polygene threshold theory.
145. As in Jim Crow, the series of laws that mandated segregation for blacks prior to the civil rights movement.
146. The positive segregation in the upper center and the negative segregation in the exterior region of the ingot are found at the same time.
147. We need to make workplaces more family-friendly, reduce sex segregation in education and in the workplace, and combat discrimination in the workplace.
148. The second variation type is called reversion evolution type, which represents the liquid segregation mainly with vapour-liquid fractional distillation.
149. The results showed that the major cause of reducing diameter was more non-metallic inclusion in the steel than standard value, billet segregation and shrinkage void.
150. As that of other alloys, the segregation of the cast iron is also divided into macro-segregation and micro-segregation.
151. Segregation phenomenon of some Al element in liquation cracking has been taken to analyze by EDS.
152. John Logan and Brian Stults created a dissimilarity index, which identifies the percentage of one group that would have to move to a different neighborhood to eliminate segregation -- think busing.
153. Ultrasonic can greatly refine solidification structure of metals and eliminate gravity segregation.
154. Aurora kinases play important roles in many events during cell mitosis, such as centrosome maturation and separation, spindle assembly and maintenance, chromosome segregation, cytokinesis and so on.
155. The fomiation of lamellar eutectic was attributed to the compositional segregation in master alloy.
156. Squeeze casting can not only improve the gravity segregation and distribution of the chemical constitution of the cast but also the microsegregation of bar-shaped ZA27 alloy.
157. Results show that the primary cause to the laminar defect of the umbrella bone steel in the process of cold bending to U-shape is the severe carbon segregation in the steel band.
158. Methods: The genetic epidemiology methods are used to make segregation analysis and polygenic threshold model.
159. Centrosome duplication is a key requirement for bipolar spindle formation and correct segregation of chromosomes during cell division.
160. The measurement of DMTA and SEM was used to study the morphology and structure of the cured epoxy, identifying the degree of phase segregation and the effect of toughening in the cured epoxy.
161. The equiaxed grains move with the fluid and accumulate at the bottom center of the ingot during solidification. The cone-shape negative segregation forms after solidification.
162. This segregation was alleged to deprive the plaintiffs of the equal protection of the laws under the Fourteenth Amendment.
163. Philanthropists like Rockefeller, Phelps-Stokes, and others encouraged the education of Afro-Americans, but the South and part of the North continued the practice of racial segregation in education.
164. Connecticut agreed to end its segregation of prison inmates suffering from AIDS.
165. It is found that the' delamination always takes place along the centerline segregation band in pipe-line steel produced by continuous casting and then controlled rolling.
166. The intersolubility of Cu-Pb alloy is weak, there is serious component segregation in it.
167. Indeed, there was much racial segregation in the North as well, and schools for racial minorities across the nation generally had poorer resources.
168. Secondly, in the bank insolvency , the assets are assets belonging to the insolvency assets tanks, the German model can complete bankruptcy segregation.
169. De facto segregation is as real as segregation imposed by law.
170. In a simple'salt pan " the segregation is expressed by the zonation of saline minerals.
171. So segregation is not only politically, economically, and sociologically unsound, but it is morally wrong and sinful. Paul Tillich has said that sin is separation.
172. Less than one year later, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, ending segregation practices.
173. The use of a thickening agent admixture reduces the problem of pressure segregation.sentencedict .com
174. Segregation of fatty material is a serious problem in anaerobic sludge digestion units.
175. By adopting some preventive measures, F2 plants can prevent from cotton bollworm although F2 is the generation segregation of resistances in transgenic bollworm-resistant hybrid cotton.
176. Here, the prisoners of South Africa's Apartheid regime, including Nelson Mandela, broke rocks in a quarry as punishment for opposing racial segregation.
177. Factors of quality such as carbon segregation, shrinkage cavity and surface transverse cracks are analyzed, and the relevant measures for improving the process are put forward.
178. Another problem is the continued effect of racial segregation under apartheid.
179. His activist parents, an interracial couple who married in 1944, trained their children in nonviolent resistance and brought them to demonstrations against segregation in Chicago's parks.
180. The test has been demonstrated that the boron segregation at austenite grain boundaries in quenched steel is a non-equilibrium grain boundary segregation phenomena occurred during cooling.
181. Maintain gaggle not to move what have many system namely, do not mix, should strengthen segregation.
182. The planetary-type mixer has superb features such as fast mixing speed, short mixing cycle, high mixing uniformity and none gravity segregation.
183. Also provided a group of dynamic pouring process parameters, by which we can greatly abate the specific gravity segregation.
184. It is quite visible that there is quite a bit of segregation," Spearman notes, "not so much intentionally now, but it occurs.
185. In 1948 Thurmond, then still a Democrat, ran for president on an independent ticket to protest Democratic support for the first moves to end official racial segregation in the US.
186. The control gene(S) for chromosome segregation existed in the P genome of Agropyron, thus causing formation of functional gamete and self-fertility of the hybrids involving Agropyron.
187. In examples from the practice of dermatopathology, those unconscious mechanisms of figure-ground segregation will be shown to be relevant to diagnosis of sections of tissue.
188. Adding properly sand ratio can prevent gravity segregation and weeping of concrete mixture and keep the water content constant.
189. The structure is closely related with homologous chromosomes synapsis, recombination and segregation.
190. Origins of Cr segregation in the high Cr composite roll and effect of the segregation on the roll peeling off are analysed.
191. Segregation happened on F2 generation, the combination which wild beet used as female and sugarbeet used as male represented non Mendelian separation law till F4 generation.
192. Only in this way can it be determined if segregation in public schools deprives these plaintiffs of the equal protection of the laws.
193. The result was the peculiar segregation of xenon isotopes we uncovered.
194. The Valley Club was founded in 1954, the year the supreme court ruled on Brown v Board of Education making racial segregation illegal.
195. In 1963, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of an NAACP legal program that was pressing aggressively to break down barriers of racial segregation and discrimination.
196. The induced electromagnetic field possesses the action of electromagnetic purification, and effectively removes formation of impurity grain, segregation, negative segregation and gas cavity.
197. It is emphasized that the amount of K_2O inthe batch composition not only has an effect on the growth of mica crystals but also isa determining factor to the segregation of humite in the melt.
198. The special band of TN1 population maybe link with avirulence, it was quality character confirmed by genetics experiment and tested by X2-test, followed 3:1 segregation ratio.
199. The effective measuresare presented bo avoid zonal segregation of carbide.
200. In order to control quality of the steel for cord better, must strictly control full oxygen, segregation, nocuous elements, gas contents.
201. Inform against a person for cogent protection, this net is informed against, inquiry executes physical segregation with tiring-room running a letter downstage , install rigid operating rules.
202. So segregation is not only politically, economically, and sociologically unsound, but it is morally wrong and sinful.
203. The research contents are included as follows: metallurgical effect of electromagnetic stirring; inclusion, macrograph,(http:///segregation.html) segregation of composition; properties of final rolled steel products.
204. In addition, we also made systematic analysis of sex segregation from social factors, organizational factors, family factors and personal factors etc, and then gave my views to change this situation.
205. The coarse compound in ingots is in fact the primary crystal segregation compound.
206. The high pressure improves solid solubility of solute into solid solution and reduces the dendritic segregation.
207. Some good results can be obtained while applying EMS to CC process, but the heavy negative segregation band ("white band") appears at the same time.
208. With the rapid increase of the mileage of asphalt road, segregation of the asphaltic concrete is therefore becoming increasingly prominent.
209. Segregation could not give rise to offspring with wild pig characteristic.
210. There is a trend of systematic unitization between contemporary social science and natural science, after the ancient primitive unity and modern mechanical segregation of them.
211. The penpoint fracture is main due to non-metallic inclusions and center segregation.
212. How, the Court's defenders asked, could the Court not rule in the increasingly tolerant and cosmopolitan mid-20th century, that state-enforced racial segregation violated the Constitution?
213. Therefore, we hold that the plaintiffs and others ... are, by reason of the segregation complained of, deprived of the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment.
214. We conclude that dopamine depletion in PD leads to a remapping of cerebral connectivity that reduces the spatial segregation between different cortico-striatal loops.
215. The main meiotic chromosomal aberration of PMC are multipolar division, loose pairing, inversion, tetravalent, interlocking chromosome, unequal segregation, straggling chromosome, bridge and laggards.
216. The result indicated that selection stress was the main reason resulting in the significant deviations of synthetic introgression loci from expected segregation ratios.
217. Acetate trihydrate has serious supercooling and phase segregation during solidification.
218. In this paper, we analyzed the effect of segregation distortion might cause by male gametic selection from three aspects, i. e reproductive isolation, cytoplasmic effects and environmental factors.
219. The inlungsbuffalo led Dr Saturdiscussion to organize non-violent demonstrations aimed at existing segregation.
220. I think most observers, whether they are black or white or European or whatever, would say that a lot of black progress has been due to the Civil Rights Act, because of changes in de jure segregation.
221. It was believed that segregation distortion usually arose with gametic selection genes or sterility genes.
222. Although PM has solved the problem of carbide segregation and crassitude fundamentally, it has complicated technics and extortionate cost, so restricts its application.
223. Natural gas in wellbore is a mixed gas consisting of various gas. Due to molecular weight of all kinds of gas is different, they will occur gravity segregation under the action of gravity field.
224. Markers deviated from Mendelian segregation ratios were observed to be 39.0 %.
225. Centerline shrinkage and segregation are the main defects of continuous casting billet.
226. On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give her seat on a public bus to a white man. It was a violation of the city's racial segregation laws.
227. The seventh part put forward the measures to meliorate sex segregation.
228. In the former case, the solute segregation in dendritical austenite more severe, and there were lumps ofd...
229. It was shown that with the M-EMS intensity increase, the central carbon segregation in billets decreased, but the negative segregation near the edge in billets became worse.
230. Racial segregation has been declining since the 1970s but it clearly exists.
231. Reduction, recycling and management of waste: collection systems, segregation and temporary storage of waste.
232. Segregation model of austenite boundary are established, mechanism of tempered—martensite embrittlement and bainite transformation are analysed thermodynamically.
233. But it has the problems of phase segregation and supercooling during the phase change process.
233. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
234. The calculating result showed that it fit for the experiment result, and would simulate weightiness proportion segregation phenomena truly.
235. The C-RE segregation lowers the transformation temperature of pearlite, which lessens the thickness of lamellas and lamellar spacing of pearlite and induces the granular pearlite.
236. If segregation of items did not accomplish, the process of inhibition would lead to all the items to be inhibited.
237. Wherever he went, he sowed the dragon's teeth by preaching racial segregation.
238. "It may sound odd to say, but in some ways rigid segregation was an ally, " says the NAACP chairman, Julian Bond, "because things were so clear.
239. They were tired to death of segregation and of being kicked around.
240. The effects of strain rate and engineering strain on liquid phase segregation in the process of semi-solid metal forming have been revealed in this paper.
241. Our results show a clear segregation between regions engaged during self-related introspective processes and cortical regions involved in sensorimotor processing.
242. After homogenizing treatment, the dendritic segregation dissolves into the matrix again.
243. More important is, use segregation frost can arise one day more smeary , when washing a face so best first discharge makeup washs a face again, no matter have, make up.
244. Centrosome is a kind of tiny cellular organ, and it plays an important role in the maintenance of cellular polarity and chromosomal segregation during mitosis.
245. It aims to resolve problems such as sound segregation, segmentation, sound event and source characterization, auditory scene analysis and music analysis, etc.
246. In this thesis, we design such a monaural speech segregation system based on an auditory perceptual model.
247. According to the law of segregation, the character of red rice is dominant inheritance under the control of a pair of main genes.
248. Sex segregation is not the answer to the problem. It's just avoiding the problem.
249. It has been demonstrated that the boron segregation at austenite grain boundaries in quenched steel is a non-equilibrium grain boundary segregation phenomena occurred during cooling.
250. Such segregation is a denial of the equal protection of the laws.




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