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单词 hill
释义  Related topics: Nature, Roadshill /hɪl/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countable]  1  DNan area of land that is higher than the land around it, like a mountain but smaller 小山,小丘,山冈 → uphill, downhill Their house is on a hill overlooking the sea. 他们的房子建在可以俯视大海的小山上。 A cart was making its way up the hill. 一辆马车正在爬上山丘。 →4  See picture on 见图 Page A4 Country 乡间2  DNTTRa slope on a road 〔路上的〕斜坡 There’s a steep hill ahead. 前面有个陡坡。 → downhill1, uphill13. the Hill American English Capitol Hill 国会山4  over the hill OLD/NOT NEWno longer young, and therefore no longer attractive or good at doing things 不再年轻;人老珠黄 Kathleen thinks she’s over the hill, but she’s only 32. 凯瑟琳觉得自己已经老了,可是她才32岁。5. it doesn’t amount to a hill of beans American English spokenUNIMPORTANT it is not important 这无关紧要 COLLOCATIONSadjectivessteep 陡峭的She pushed her bicycle up the steep hill. 她推着自行车登上陡峭的山坡。rolling/gentle hills (=hills with slopes that are not steep) 绵延起伏/平缓的山丘He loved the green rolling hills of Dorset. 他喜欢多塞特青翠起伏的山峦。a long hill 长长的山路The bus started going up the long hill into town. 公共汽车开始爬上长长的山路进城。verbsclimb a hill (=walk or drive up a hill) 爬山She climbed the hill out of the village. 她爬上了村外的那座山。go down a hill 下山It's best to use a low gear when you are going down steep hills. 下陡坡时最好用低速挡。phrasesthe top of a hill 山顶The view from the top of the hill was beautiful. 山顶景色旖旎。the brow/crest of a hill (=the top part of a hill) 山顶A tank appeared over the brow of the hill. 山顶出现了一辆坦克。the bottom/foot of a hill 山脚nThe house was at the bottom of a hill.hill + NOUNa hill town 山城the hill towns of Tuscany 托斯卡纳的山城hill country (=a rural area where there are a lot of hills) 丘陵地区nthe rough hill country on the Welsh borderExamples from the Corpushill• At Kaliro the hunters would build a small fire on a hill to show they were safe.• For a while it looks like the red earth, green vegetation and gentle hills of Sedona.• One should expect things like phosphorescent hills and midnight gunplay.• He ran down the hill, towards the small winding road.• The noise rumbled back uncertainly from the hills beyond the town.• The hotel is up on the hill, overlooking the town.• Roosters answered one another throughout the hills of upper Queenstown.steep hill• He was rolling away from her, rolling for ever down a steep hill.• Set into a steep hill green with trees, they look out upon the sea.• It stretches up a steep hill and overlooks the rivers Tay and Earn.• Replacing the bowls, they pedalled on down the steep hill and up the next.• Coal for the mill's steam engine was carried up the steep hill on donkeys.• After lunch, he and Barnabas walked up the steep hill to Fernbank.• Wearing a pair of tennis shoes, he walked up the steep hill with the energy of a young mountain climber.• But that's through high trees and up steep hills.Origin hill Old English hyllhill noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  higher an than area Corpus the is that of land




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