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单词 Driven
1, Devil must be driven out with devils. 
2, The tape was driven by a clockwork motor.
3, The driven part should be geared up.
4, The submarine is driven by nuclear power.
5, A wooden stake was driven firmly into the ground.
6, They were driven back by a police baton charge.
7, The machinery is driven by electricity.
8, They are driven by a craving for personal glory.
9, This heavy freighter is driven by two electric motors.
10, The motor was driven by a toothed belt.
11, Extreme stress had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown.
12, The pump is actuated by a belt driven by an electric motor.
13, The two fighters were driven off by a barrage of anti-aircraft fire.
14, He has not driven since his near fatal crash earlier this year.
15, Eventually, driven to despair, he threw himself under a train.
16, The novel tells the story of a teenager driven to despair by the hypocrisy of the adult world.
17, Have you driven far?
18, I've never driven a car before - I'm a complete novice.
19, We've driven a/one hundred miles in the last two hours.
20, He was nearly driven mad by his troubles.
21, She is driven by overweening ambition.
22, They were driven to the hut for shelter.
23, The engine is driven by steam.
24, The car was driven off at speed.
25, They were herded together into trucks and driven away.
26, The sheep were driven to the local abattoir.
27, The children have driven me demented today.
28, They were driven away in a police van.
29, He was driven by necessity to steal.
30, They had driven him to drink .
1, The tape was driven by a clockwork motor.
2, A wooden stake was driven firmly into the ground.
3, The machinery is driven by electricity.
4, They are driven by a craving for personal glory.
5, This heavy freighter is driven by two electric motors.
6, The motor was driven by a toothed belt.
7, Extreme stress had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown.
8, The pump is actuated by a belt driven by an electric motor.
9, The two fighters were driven off by a barrage of anti-aircraft fire.
10, He has not driven since his near fatal crash earlier this year.
11, Eventually, driven to despair, he threw himself under a train.
12, The novel tells the story of a teenager driven to despair by the hypocrisy of the adult world.
13, Have you driven far?
14, I've never driven a car before - I'm a complete novice.
15, We've driven a/one hundred miles in the last two hours.
16, The cows were driven into the barn.
17, The schooner was driven ashore.
18, In the end he was driven to confess and face a prison sentence, feeling that to clear his conscience would be cheap at the price.
31, The enemy was driven back with great loss.
32, The interviewer had driven her into a corner.
33, He was driven on by a primordial terror.
34, The pump is driven by steam.
35, The factory had been driven into bankruptcy.
36, She was driven by a lust for power.
37, The invaders were driven out of the town.
38, He was driven by greed for money and power.
39, The cows were driven into the barn.
40, He hasn't driven since his smash-up two years ago.
41, Parker was driven by a ferocious determination to succeed.
42, The ship is driven by large engines.
43, This point should be driven home to John.
44, The motorcycle was driven by a tiny bald man.
45, Driven by jealousy she killed her friend.
46, She admitted having driven the car without insurance.
47, Downtown stores are being driven out by crime.
48, He was driven to the brink of madness.
49, The accusations were driven by a desire for revenge.
50, He claims he is not a driven workaholic.
51, The enemies were driven off from the city.
52, Amy and her group had driven non-stop through Spain.
53, They were driven by poverty and hunger to steal.
54, The engines are driven by steam.
55, The schooner was driven ashore.
56, I was driven out of the club.
57, In Britain cars are driven on the left.
58, The enemy was driven back.
59, They have driven off a major force.
60, Driven to despair,[sentencedict .com] he threw himself under a train.
61, Their affair was driven by pure lust.
62, Phil, driven by jealousy, started spying on his wife.
63, The limousine was driven by a chauffeur in uniform.
64, She is driven by a devouring ambition/passion.
65, Rents in our city are driven by availability.
66, A man driven by jealousy is capable of anything.
67, She's driven your girlfriend off in a fast car.
68, The president was driven in state through the streets.
69, The occupiers were driven out after fierce street fighting.
70, At the inquest they heard that the car had driven off after the accident.
71, She was driven from pillar to post and each person she spoke to was more unhelpful than the last.
72, In the end he was driven to confess and face a prison sentence, feeling that to clear his conscience would be cheap at the price.
73, He was driven away to prison under armed escort .
74, The star was whipped into a fast car and driven off.
75, Someone had driven into the back of his brand new car.
76, He was driven from a position of power by his opponents.
76, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
77, The detective wondered what had driven Christine to phone her.
78, She was driven away from the court, her face screened by a magazine.
79, Cars are driven through the mess, splashing everyone in range.
80, The army was driven off by the fierce attacks of the rebels.
81, For the second time in ten years, the government has driven the economy into deep and damaging recession.
82, He seems to be driven by some kind of inner compulsion.
83, Firefighters were driven back by the overpowering heat of the flames.
84, He'd have driven straight into me if I hadn't seen him first - the dozy idiot!
85, I don't think you're really in a position to criticize her. You're hardly as pure as the driven snow yourself!
86, The noises in my head have nearly driven me to suicide.
87, Wheels are in a machine driven by an endless belt.
88, His temper and his violent behaviour have driven all his family away.
89, It is no use merely mentioning the fact in passing; it needs to be driven home by emphasis and repetition.
90, Even in the dirtiest weather, they were driven to go out to sea.
91, The ship was driven by a gale from its course.
92, He was bundled into a car and driven 50 miles to a police station.
93, Liz settled back in her seat, comfortably relaxed, enjoying being driven for a change.
94, He deplored the fact that the Foreign Secretary was driven into resignation.
95, Driven to desperation by our noisy neighbours, we called the police.
96, Their divorce has driven a wedge between the two families.
97, He was a pampered rich kid who was driven to school in a limousine.
98, A red car driven by a girl shot ahead of us.
99, I had been driven half out of my mind with worry.
100, He was driven on by a strong sense of destiny.
101, I have been driven back on cheaper cigarettes by the rises in prices.
102, She's tall, blonde, twenty-three and as pure as the driven snow.
103, Driven to distraction, he murdered the woman who jilted him.
104, She was driven by necessity to steal food for her starving children.
105, By his own admission he should never have driven so fast.
106, Before you could say Jack Robinson, she'd jumped into the car and driven away.
106, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
107, The farmers say recent inflation has driven them to the brink of ruin.
108, In the jungle they were driven to extremes in order to survive.
109, His family could not understand how this quiet, well-adjusted man could have been driven to this terrible deed.
110, He had driven home drunk once too often -- this time he got stopped by the police.
111, As we went forward, our fear was driven out by horror.
112, He went to the gym every day, driven purely by narcissism.
113, How dare he criticize me for having an affair? He's not exactly as pure as the driven snow himself.
114, They have driven the rhino to the edge of extinction.
115, They have studied out another type of car driven by electricity.
116, Thinking about the whole problem has driven me nearly bonkers.
117, The snowflakes were driven against the hut by a gale.
118, The mobs became driven by a crazed blood-lust to take the city.
119, I never feel safe when I'm being driven by Richard.
120, We were driven off the island by the new owner.
121, She has driven out.
122, They'd already driven along the wharf so that she could point out her father's boat.
123, We were driven across this wondrous vast land of lakes and forests.
124, Like most of the lawyers that I know, Rachel is driven.
125, By the end of the year, most of the occupying troops had been driven from the city.
126, He had been riding in Hyde Park, but felt unwell as he was being driven back to his office late this afternoon.
127, He was driven from a position of power by his political enemies.
128, During the storm a ship had been driven onto the rocks .
129, He was driven out of a side entrance with his hand covering his face.
130, In the course of history, love has driven men and women to strange extremes.
131, Extra officers and sharpshooters were driven to the property.
132, Driven there by some distant memory from his youth.
133, Lloyd George was driven from office.
134, Replace the front axle complete with a driven unit.
135, Perhaps he had been driven out by the Christians.
136, Teachers and parents, of course, are driven to distraction.sentencedict .com
137, Hence, concentration driven convection occurs in these layers.
138, His invention, Freenet, bypasses government-approved or commercially driven ISPs.
139, I had not yet driven the new Isuzu breadbox.
140, Each is driven by an electric fan belt.
141, Some believe that a childless woman had been driven away from her husband's home so that he could marry again.
142, Schuster -- is spinning out of control, driven by the mercurial ambitions of the 72-year-old Redstone.
143, Entire groups were driven from their homes to alien regions.
144, The court was driven to conclude that the jury would not necessarily have convicted had it been correctly directed.
145, Hunger and the bitter cold would have reduced bird numbers and driven species to flock in the open fields.
146, Quite suddenly we had driven into soft, damp sand, grey and treacherous.
147, Down below, fires are being lit and the cattle are being driven gently into the enclosures of thorn bushes.
148, The most extreme pessimists foretell a future of demographically driven privation, environmental overshoot, and economic collapse.
149, Marks appear weighty and assertive if driven on to the canvas with a painting knife.
150, Mr Anderson said he had driven to the allotment after the woman suggested going somewhere quiet.
151, That could not be said of the hectic, driven finale, marred by some rancid clarinet contributions.
152, It is no accident that people who are driven to climb corporate ladders have parents who believe ladder climbing is important.
153, Over it, water cascaded into a half-million-gallon pool, then was driven back to the top by steam-powered pumps.
154, The public anger is driven by more than just the graft scandals, however.
155, There were extremists who said that Britain could be driven from the land.
156, It is directory driven so users can customise their network, setting up separate directories for say AutoCAD files and Catia files.
157, They learn to work hard, and seek and get approval, but they also may learn to be self-critical and driven.
158, The recent advance has been driven by news at two companies, neither of which is Hologic.
159, Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout with some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand. George Orwell 
160, He was driven by an enormous ambition and unrelenting ego, making him a living symbol of black self-determination.
161, Bob had driven into the delivery yard after satisfying the man on the gate that he was on official business.
162, She had driven slowly forward to the yellow demarcation line and the frightening folds of barbed wire.
163, Richard Montacune had been driven from his first vantage post, where ambush had given him the edge of surprise.
164, There were chariots driven by demons, pulled by strange winged beasts.
165, The crowd began dispersing as soon as the ambulance had driven away.
166, But the demon which had driven him to drink that night, after months of abstinence, had him in its thrall.
167, But jitters about the deteriorating budget talks have driven yields steadily higher.
168, In the freezing cold and pitch dark, families were driven to clinging to the roof.
169, At least 20 others were run aground, driven into sand bars by huge waves and winds topping 100 miles per hour.
170, In that case, Mrs. Pepper alleged that Mrs. Healey had driven into her car causing damage amounting to £133.
171, Both sets of figures have been driven by the price of crude oil.
172, The hundreds of worker bees who were also driven out got the minimum.
173, That would drive me around the bend, just as it's driven Mrs Ledingham around the bend.
174, You could have driven an articulated lorry up the leg.
175, Several times they started to build a city, but they were always driven away by misfortunes or bad omens.
176, From the get-go, Ullman serves notice that her show will not be driven by convention.
177, The plaintiff was a pillion passenger on a motor bike driven by the defendant.
178, When he'd first been taken poorly, Baby had been driven in an ambulance from one hospital to another.
179, Her body was racked at times when the torment had almost driven her across the corridor into Andrew's bed.
180, Vulcan, agitated by dark shapes in the night and inflamed by the stench of blood, was driven to fury.
181, Why are they driven to buy up other advertising agencies?
182, Many of its best-educated residents have been driven to neighboring counties in search of better jobs.
183, He, poor fellow,() was being driven to distraction by the pain in his right shoulder.
184, Business leaders are driven by the profit motive; government leaders are driven by the desire to get reelected.
185, She was then subjected to a torrent of abuse, while being driven around busy streets.
186, Murrell, a grey blanket covering his head, was driven away in a green Rover to begin the motorway dash.
187, Brihtric pursued him with eighty vessels, which were driven ashore by a storm, and then burnt by Wulfnoth.
188, Soldiers initially alleged that they fired at the car after it had driven through an army checkpoint and hit a soldier.
189, Now this only leaves the mysterious problem of the advice that comes with nearly every NiCad driven appliance.
190, I had never seen any animal, human or otherwise, so wild - so determined, so excited, so driven.
191, Enterprise has been driven away by high business rates and high domestic rates.
192, He foresees truck-mounted accelerator X-ray units being driven to contaminated sites.
193, I am driven by love. Love should never be demanding; it must be unconditional. Love is an exquisite pain and in that pain lies intoxication. And if your lover shares that pain, the intoxication reaches another level altogether. Dharminder 
194, The ball over the top, the low firm crosses driven in so that he can pick up the pieces.
195, After the robbery, the men escaped in a stolen car driven by an accomplice.
196, She might just as well have been driven to the airport by taxi, Jenna mourned.
196, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
197, Mrs. Swanson was being driven to distraction by her mischievous son.
198, Communities driven from the countryside huddled behind heavily defended walls while outside the horde roamed and plundered at will.
199, Those who no longer wish to disregard the insidious pollution and degradation of the environment are driven to despair.
200, Gunmen have driven countless people from their villages and seized or burned their homes.
201, In the terrible battle that followed many Dark Elves were driven howling with hatred and fear off the cliff tops.
202, Mrs Mellor was chauffeur driven to the Rock and taken back by car after having lunch with the boat party.
203, The backlash to the anti-diet movement was driven by an epidemic of thinking disorders among obesity researchers.
204, It also is driven by ads for anti-HIV protease inhibitors.
205, They can not be driven from their burrows by conventional means.
206, In large leks the satellites have little chance of mating as they are driven away by the residents.
207, On the day, they were brought ashore on the Shirley and driven to the house.
208, The struggle to explore the inner space of their materials has driven sculptors to dig deep.
209, This is an uneven show, driven by a concept that puts too much value on the different for its own sake.
210, This was then driven to the site and put on display for all to see.
211, But most analysts agree that many health insurance companies would be driven out of business.
212, Extensive use of agricultural chemicals has driven out many animal and plant species.
213, Promoted lieutenant in the brig Grasshopper, he was driven ashore on the Helder in December 1811.
214, Previously she had come across as a driven, almost obsessed athlete, ever pushed by her father to strive for perfection.
215, A large part of the compensation package for our sales people is driven by a sliding commission scale.
216, What had finally driven him to do this dreadful thing?
217, A car has driven off the small bridge and is slowly sinking in the river.
218, Some people feel that as a result of these ethical problems, the speaker and the president will be driven to compromise.
219, Much of the cost-cutting is driven by patients and their employers, who were alarmed by rising insurance premiums, she said.
220, Trains were not running, or if they were, they were driven by undergraduates or other amateurs.
221, These are basic issues that have to be driven home to every individual citizen.
222, It must be important for her to have driven all the way up north and bluff her way into his house.
223, It's hard driven, but Tommy is unmistakeably a jazz drummer, very crisp and energetic and clearly leading the group.
224, Organizational structure was driven by the necessity of having skilled negotiators in close proximity.
225, In one bony hand he clutched an oak club driven through with rusty nails.
226, Attacked and driven out by men,[http:///driven.html] Giant Wolves have allied with Goblin tribes.
227, It would have driven every other landlady to distraction but Wilson was determined not to be bested.
228, This onslaught was driven back by a police baton charge in the course of which four youths were slightly hurt.
229, In each case the idea was generated internally and driven by a dynamic chief executive.
230, Get driven into your ambition, pursue your goals passionately and you will see your dreams come alive. Dr Roopleen 
231, They had been driven by brute necessity to defend one country.
232, Political campaigns, to the consternation of many, are often driven by polls.
233, Another nail was driven into the coffin of free expression at this demo.
234, Both are really unfriendly, as they're driven by command line switches.
235, By the end of last year, when they had three of the children, he had been almost driven to distraction.
236, Being driven to desperation, it occurred to him to seek a strong ally.
237, But I was never as unpredictable as Clarisa, and eventually that had driven me and Paquita into the same camp.
238, The next development was the use of limited motorised vehicles powered by the international combustion engine or electrically driven.
239, Had she driven over a bump in the road too violently?
240, Their commerce departments, welfare departments, housing authorities-all are driven by service delivery.
241, Another consequence is that the parties will feel driven to compensate by buying up more television advertising time.
242, Without much outright horsepower-a distinct lack of brawn-the Porsche should be driven with brains.
243, This interest is undoubtedly driven by the search for plastic materials derived from sustainable carbon sources and which biodegrade naturally upon disposal.
244, It was nine o'clock and they had been driven in by the mosquitoes before he broached the subject of the night before.
245, The menu driven screen allows you to setup a copy session in seconds.
246, He saw people driven by their passions, but self-regulated by their ability to reason and their uniquely human capacity for compassion.
247, I am driven to seek the man who sired that dear child.
248, Last year small river craft were brought in by air or overland to Kalewa and driven down the Chindwin to the Irrawaddy.
249, His brother has never driven a cab before either; this was going to be his first day.
250, This bus driver has driven us to the promised land.
251, By criminalizing physician-assisted suicide, the Supreme Court has driven a criminal wedge between the dying and their doctors.
252, Innovation has, however, been largely driven by hospital consultants and scientists with specialist interests in diseases and treatment.
253, Driven to distraction by Rampo, I finally decided to abandon him.
254, Some, like the Body Shop or Ben and Jerry's are obviously driven by socially conscious entrepreneurs.
255, This detail in the story shows that the son was driven to the depths of despair.
256, But even they had been known to take direct action when driven to desperation./driven.html
257, A new breed of zealous, ideologically driven young political activists captured the Republican Party.
258, The culture adapts itself to change and is driven by the need to provide goods and services for the customer.
259, Dempster breaks a leg in a fall from his gig, having driven drunkenly, and is brought home delirious.
260, All were passed fit after medical checks and were driven home to rest.
261, A town is being driven to distraction by emergency stops and three point turns.
262, Expect no complaints about suspension float or over sensitive steering: this will be a car to be driven.
263, He understood what had driven the cavemen, and the barbarian, because the same passion was driving him.
264, These findings tell us we are not driven to distraction by our appearance or made emotional cripples by our mothers or society.
265, These are the remains of unfortunate wretches driven to kill themselves in a futile attempt to escape the torments of the Castle.
266, The Act was hurriedly drawn up in response to quickening deforestation which included new roads being driven into virgin wilderness.
267, These hairs have been driven into the wound but not cut through - you see?
268, The switch between etching bath and washing bath is driven by SEW of import.
269, The tower type belt driven long stroke pumping unit is composed of the crank-linkage-slide mechanism, movable pulley-narrow belt-fixed pulley mechanism and compound drum stroke-increment mechanism.
270, A pin rack driven device for sinter circulate cooler was presented in this paper.




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