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单词 high-risk
释义  ˌhigh-ˈrisk adjective [only before noun]  RISKinvolving a risk of death, injury, failure etc 高风险的 OPP low-risk high-risk investments 高风险投资high-risk patients/groups etc cancer screening for women over 55 and other high-risk groups 针对55岁以上的妇女及其他高危人群的癌症筛查► see thesaurus at dangerousExamples from the Corpushigh-risk• So, for the right person, corporate finance is both a high-risk and high-reward career option.• A polio vaccine is recommended before travelling to high-risk areas.• We are getting the message across to drug users that sharing needles is a high-risk behaviour.• Should your management bet the company on a high-risk business strategy?• It will be a high-risk enterprise with many more ways of getting it badly wrong than even a bit right.• Yeltsin, as he is inclined to do when backed into a corner, has taken a high-risk gamble.• The third high-risk group comprises manual workers without hobbies and interests, whose entire social contact has been based on their workplace.• The AIDS awareness campaign was targeted mainly at high-risk groups, especially drug users and prostitutes.• Merely asking for a genetic test moved her into a high-risk insurance category.• a high-risk investment• Buying a restaurant is a high-risk investment.• high-risk occupations such as construction work• Of course, high-risk patients should get flu shots.• Ornish has demonstrated reversal of artery clogging in high-risk patients.• The drug may help to reduce strokes in high-risk patients.• It was a high-risk strategy to attack with such a small number of planes, but it was brilliantly successful.high-risk patients/groups etc• Beta blockade should also be considered in the high-risk patients.• Bronchoscopy is a time-consuming, hospital-bound procedure; ideally the technique should be limited to high-risk patients.• Ornish has demonstrated reversal of artery clogging in high-risk patients.• Our policy is not to give beta blockers to everybody, only those in high-risk groups.• Other high-risk patients are those undergoing therapy with immunosuppressive agents, anti-cancer drugs and steroids.• Of course, high-risk patients should get flu shots.• Tests are currently confined to high-risk groups such as drug users and homosexuals.• This study shows the value of clinical follow-up of high-risk patients to detect early thin melanomas.ˌhigh-ˈrisk adjectiveChineseSyllable  injury, risk etc of Corpus a involving failure death,




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